Chapter 25. Alliances & Loneliness

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Leia screamed desperately as rebels searched for Han, but he was gone without a trace, nothing to indicate where he might have gone.

But Leia knew better, she could feel the darkness that Luke left behind, like a shadow, the same darkness she had felt when they had faced eachother on Hoth, but far worse. Leia tried to calm herself, Luke hadn't harmed Han last time, but last time Luke's mind hadn't been fully influenced by Vader's master. And if Vader was not lying, then Han's future was unpredictable and filled with uncertain darkness.

They couldn't spend time looking for Han though, they had to move on and shut down the shield, otherwise the Rebel Fleet would be destroyed.

Vader must have taken care of the shield generator's trap by now.

Finally Leia made the hard decision, calling off the search for Han. If Luke had him, Han was out of their reach for now.


Han kept his hands in his lap, he had found a large spot that Luke's blood had not stained and stayed there. He couldn't even bare to look at the blood for more than a few seconds and instead focused on the wall where the door was.

The lights were turned on, giving Han a clear view of his prison, but it was no mercy. Seeing Luke's blood, the faded story of his time here, it made Han sick, but even more than that it made his blood boil with rage, not just directed towards himself for not being there for Luke, but also towards Sidious and Vader, for causing the story that Han could see so clearly, written on the floor and in the corner.

The door suddenly opened, startling Han out of his angry thoughts as he looked up to see Luke enter, his grayish face emotionless and dead, it haunted Han.

The cell door locked behind X-1 as he stood beside it, assuming the posture of a guard. Sidious had wanted to see how much control he had over X-1, having him with Han was one way to see if the smuggler could get through to the asset or not.

Han deepened his breathing, forcing himself to stay calm as he watched Luke. He was different from their time on Hoth. There seemed to be nothing in Luke's eyes, but this only made Han more eager to reach his friend and get them both out, together.

"Luke... Luke please, we're, I..." Han began, but pause and bowed his head, his eyes seeing a particularly large faded blood stain nearby before he enhaled and looked back to Luke who hadn't budged. Tears pricked Han's eyes as he spoke. "I'm sorry.... I should have.... no, I did this...." Han said mournfully, his voice choking up. "After everything we've been through, you'd think I'd know who to trust.... but I trusted wrongly, and you, you suffered so long because of me, it's my fault. I'm so sorry Luke...."

Luke remained silent, showing no outward appearance of acknowledging Han's words.

Han pressed his fingers against his eyes to dry unwanted tears, sobbing as he looked at Luke helplessly. "Luke please, say something, anything!" He demanded desperately, becoming further grieved and frustrated over Luke's imprisoned mind.

But still Luke was silent, not a muscle moved, nor did an eyelash flick. He might as well have been a statue, and Han an insane man.

"Kid, please listen to me." Han cried again, using his nickname for Luke. But still Luke did not budge, and Han felt his hope to save Luke slipping away, like sand sliding through his fingers.


Vader finished off the last of Sidious' men, it had been easy to kill them. They were incompetent and as stupid as any Imperial trooper in Vader's eyes.

Now the base was for the most part unprotected, all was well, only the men assigned to work in the facility were left and they were not a part of the trap.

Leia's attack would come swiftly, and then, they could go after Luke.


Leia walked with a mournful Chewbacca, trying to comfort him as the Wookiee mourned Han's situation for the small time he had before the attack.

They were well on their way to the base when Leia paused, sensing something off.

Suddenly Chewbacca roared, a calling happy roar. Leia frowned at Chewbacca's voice when his call was returned by a similar roar.

The rebels tensed but Chewbacca's excitement caused Leia to raise her hand. "Stay calm troops." She called, deciding they must have nothing to fear. "Chewie, are those what I think they are?"

Chewbacca roared even more excitedly, whining and barking as more calls answered the Wookiee's voice.

"Other Wookiees?" Threepio exclaimed in amazement as Chewbacca began to follow the calls, Leia and the rebels close behind the excited Wookiee.

After a few minutes Leia and the rebels couldn't help but stare in jaw dropping awe as multiple Wookiees, along with Ewoks emerged from the trees and overgrowth.

Chewbacca was becoming increasingly excited as he began to speak with the other Wookiees who roared excitement as well upon meeting one of their own.

Leia watched in amazement as Chewbacca began to converse with the other Wookiees enthusiastically.

Leia looked to Threepio. "What is Chewie saying?" She asked, Chewbacca's excited words going over her head.

Threepio listened for a second before speaking. "Oh how intelligent! Chewbacca is asking for the Wookiees and Ewoks to help us destroy the shield generator!" Threepio exclaimed excitedly.

The leader of the Wookiees was listening to Chewbacca intently, nodding in agreement. The Wookiees and Ewoks had been hiding from the Empire for too long, with the help Chewbacca promised they could once more be free to roam their forests.

After several minutes of discussion between Chewbacca and the Wookiee known as Treebur, it was decided that the Endor natives would indeed help the rebels.

Leia smiled, but felt something pulling her away from the mission, Vader was ready to go after Luke. And with the thought of Luke dying, Leia couldn't lose Luke when she was so close.

Once Chewbacca stepped away from Treebur Leia took hold of her friend's arm, garnering Chewbacca's attention.

"I have to go." Leia whispered to which Chewbacca whined in confusion.

"I need to go, Luke is in very real danger and so is Han." Leia explained. "I think Luke took Han, and I have to go find them."

Chewbacca whined some more, frightened at the prospect of Leia going off alone again.

Leia smiled. "I will return with Luke and Han. Just make sure you take care of the shield generator." With the help of the natives Leia was not as needed anymore, she could go after Luke now.

Chewbacca nodded and watched as Leia turned to the rebels. "Chewbacca is in charge, Threepio will translate. I must go onward to look for any traps set for us, just to make sure."

The lie was accepted by the rebels as Leia ran off into the trees before doubling back, looking to find Vader and save her friends.


A fist solidly connected to Han's face, causing the prisoner to fall on his side as X-1 stood over him, Sidious not too far behind X-1 with a smile on his face.

X-1 had not hesitated to hurt Han Solo, striking out like a viper and hitting Han right in the face, causing the prisoner to work his jaw and taste blood in his mouth.

"You do pack a wallop I'll give you that Kid." Han said casually, he didn't want to show Sidious that he feared X-1, in fact, Han only feared what Sidious would make X-1 do.

Punching Han was probably something Luke Skywalker always thought about doing but never did, Sidious had only to say the words and the deed was as good as done.

Sidious smirked. "So you think your friend is still there? Yes he may be, but if he's not dead he is surely dying, he will die." Sidious said with a haunting certainty.

Han bit his lip, clenching his fists as he looked up to Luke desperately, but there was no sign of Luke.

Han turned his gaze back on Sidious defiantly. "Luke is stronger than you think. Whatever it is you did to him, you're gonna regret it." Han spat.

Sidious only laughed. "X-1, strike him again."

X-1 reached down immediately, grabbing Han's shirt collar and pulling him up as he raised his other fist.

"You don't have to do this Luke. He's not your master." Han whispered, but anything he could have said next was replaced by small, pained cries as X-1 began to beat Han's face harshly with quick, decisive blows.

Author's Note.
Wookiees and Ewoks, I know, it's awesome XD. And Luke beating up Han, that's fun. Yeah it's not fun at all..... Anywho I hope you enjoyed this short chapter, comment your thoughts, vote and point out typos, and as always may the Force be with you.

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