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Six Years Later.

Han Solo, Leia Solo and Luke Skywalker stood before a dark cave on Endor. Leia grabbed Luke's arm before the young Jedi could enter.

"You don't have to go in there." Leia whispered. "We can try some other time, maybe in the morning." She suggested as the starlight became hidden by clouds above, darkening the forest around the trio.

Luke shook his head quickly. "Leia I must do this, right here, right now, please." Luke insisted softly, he couldn't back away now, not when he had finally summon at least an inkling of courage.

Leia glanced at Han who only nodded slowly, Han had faith in his friend, and had enough to give to his worried wife as Leia hesitantly let Luke's arm go.

"Be careful." Leia called as Luke walked into the cave slowly, but surely, hesitation gone from his steps as Luke disappeared into the darkness.

Luke used the Force to step over the uneven ground of the cave floor. It had been his idea to go into the cave, to concur his fears once and for all. The cave was perfect, it's confines mimicked that of the cell which plagued his dreams at night, the darkness was thick and the deeper Luke ventured the colder it grew.

But, after years of recovery, Luke felt no fear as he pushed on, regaining his courage with every step, leaving his dreaded fears behind, washing them away like rain cleaning the dust filled air.

And then, he came upon something truly beautiful. Coming out of the tight tunnel Luke found himself in a large natural chamber. Above light flooded in from openings in the rocky earth and reflected off of a great pool in the midst of the chamber.

Luke looked about himself in awe, letting out a small laugh of joy, when something stirred near by. Luke reacted, drawing his lightsaber, a green blade springing from the roughly made hilt.

"Away put your weapon, I mean you no harm." Said a familiar, joyful little voice that Luke had thought he'd never hear again.

"Master Yoda?" Luke exclaimed, lowering his lightsaber as Yoda appeared a few yards from the young Jedi.

Yoda smiled warmly upon seeing the young boy. "Missed you we have, young Skywalker."

Luke grinned, deactivating his lightsaber, at ease before frowning slightly. "Who's 'we'?" He asked curiously.

Yoda's smile only widened as another figure formed out of blue light, like Yoda this figure was translucent and glowed with a gentle blue aura. The figure took the clear form of an old man, but with laughing blue eyes and a gentle smile Luke could never, ever forget.

"Ben!" Luke exclaimed in surprise and bursting joy up recognizing the old Jedi who had been Luke's friend and mentor, even a father figure.

"Hello Luke." Obi-Wan Kenobi said with a fond smile as another figure formed beside Obi-Wan, the figure becoming a young man with brunette hair and a lively smile.

"Father?" Luke asked uncertainly.

Anakin Skywalker smiled and nodded. "I'm here, my son." He said softly as another figure appeared beside him, a woman, similar in appearance to Leia.

"Luke." The woman whispered softly, a gentle, loving smile on her lips as Luke looked at her in awe.

"My mother?" Luke asked softly after a moment of contemplation, earning a laughing nod from the woman, from his mother.

Anakin smiled. "Yes, I brought her with us to say hello." Anakin explained.

The woman smiled and stepped towards Luke as the young man watched her, still awe struck. "I'm Padme." Padme said softly. "You've grown up so handsome and strong." She then whispered, her glowing hand reaching out and touching Luke's face, almost as if she were in physical form.

Luke breathed in nervous excitement, his own hand tracing his mother's cheek as tears formed in his eyes. "I never had any memories of you." He whispered yearningly, causing Padme to smile sadly.

"I've always been with you, no matter what, in here." She said gently, placing her hand over her son's heart as Anakin joined Luke and Padme.

Luke looked between his parents. "Will you visit Leia?" He asked eagerly, smiling when Anakin laughed and nodded.

"We will, but we wanted to see you first." Anakin explained, Padme nodded in agreement with a sad sympathetic look in her eyes.

"Are you sure you're alright?" Padme asked worriedly, as any mother would be.

Luke nodded quickly. "I am, Mother, I've never felt better then now." He said reassuringly, feeling so happy, being with his mother and father.

Obi-Wan and Yoda smiled as Luke turned to his masters suddenly as if remembering something important. "Forgive me, please, for running away when I should have listened." Luke apologized mournfully.

Obi-Wan waved off the apology and shook his head. "What was done is not your fault Luke. You never truly allowed yourself to be erased and in the end, you stood up to the Emperor and showed us all who you truly are. We are proud of you."

Yoda nodded vigorously. "Now, to your friends you must go, rejoice in your freedom and life."

Luke nodded, taking one last look at his parents and masters he spoke softly, genuinely.

"Thank you for coming."

The Force Ghosts smiled and slowly disappeared, leaving Luke in the dimly lit cave, but he wasn't afraid, nor did he feel alone as Luke turned and made his way back to the cave's entrance.

Leia and Han were waiting for him as the sky began to brighten, the sun rising as Luke finally emerged from the cave, a smile growing over his face as Leia and Han quickly came forward, embracing him together.

"Luke! Are you ok?" Leia asked instantly but her fear was quickly driven away from Luke's joyful laughter.

"I'm just fine Leia." Luke answered as he squeezed his sister gently in his arms. "I'm not afraid anymore."

Han smiled as Luke released Leia and suddenly hugged the smuggler, smiling more than his friends had ever seen him smile before.

Han clapped Luke on his shoulder. "You all better Kid?" He asked hopefully.

Luke nodded slowly. "I'm happy."

Leia smiled, glancing at the horizon. "Look, the sun is rising." She said in awe as the forest was bathed in gold and rosey red rays of light. "Let's go home." She said softly, holding Luke's hand in her hand.

Luke smiled as Han put an arm around Luke's shoulders while the young Jedi held his sister close. Looking from Leia to Han, and then as the trio looked to the sunrise, Luke finally replied.

"We are home."

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