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The last twenty minutes were a blur, he couldn't remember anything that had happened so when he woke up on the floor in a pool of his own blood he instantly freaked out and thought he's been either stabbed or that they had tried to kill him by cutting his throat, he was no longer tied up and the chair and ropes were nowhere to be seen and neither was the person that had removed his blindfold. What the hell had happened? Cautiously getting to his feet Yoongi staggered forward and shortly after collapsed to his knees holding his stomach, he guessed he'd been assaulted not long after getting the blindfold off and that he'd coughed most of the blood up.
The warehouse was empty of people which Yoongi was thankful for but the downside was he knew people were watching him, he just didn't know where they were or how to even get out and he had to admit that firstly he didn't have the strength to move far and that he's finally met his match.

The shelves in the building where stacked with hundreds upon hundreds of crates, slowly making his way over to one of the shelves he looked in the crate and unfortunately found it empty, moving over to the next one he too saw that it was empty, had his attackers cleaned the warehouse out so that he had no way of either protecting himself or even getting out? He bent down and looked at the bottom row of crates and was relieved to see electrical cables that were a fair few meters long, he planned to make a trap if possible using the shelves and cables. He moved along the shelves and found even more items that could come in useful including some clean clothes to change into because the ones he was currently wearing were blood soaked.

"Come on moron, he's planning something!" A voice whispered harshly as two figures rushed down the hall towards the main warehouse room that Yoongi was in, the other figure was one of the attackers friends that stepped in after the other was brutally hurt "I'm coming jeez." The duo walked into the warehouse but saw no sign of the man they'd taken, they saw his bloody clothes on the floor as well as bloodstained footprints leading towards the shelving units that held the crates, one went left and the other went right, Yoongi held the electric cord tightly as he waited for them to go into the shelves so that he could pull the cord, the tension grew as he held his breath and watched as one of them stepped in between two shelves but the one he recognised didn't, the sound of footsteps grew closer to him and he knew he wouldn't be able to get a second chance, taking in a deep breath he tugged violently on the chord and moved out of the way befor any shelves fell on him, he watched as one shelf fell into another and then that shelf falling into another one, it was like domino's.

"You bastard!" Yelled the man he recognised, his face was badly scarred to the point he couldn't properly open one eye, he raced through the crashing shelves ignoring his friends cry for help and chased the blond haired man through the building up a set of stairs, Yoongi tripped numerous times and cursed evertime knowing it would slow him down and risk him being caught "get your bitchass back here!" He yelled as he tried to reach out for Yoongi but instead was kicked in the face and sent backwards down the stairs. His breathing was heavy and sweat ran down his face and body as he hurried around the top floor and looked for anything that could save him time – he really hoped someone noticed he was missing.

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