iv. where did the nerds come from

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𑁍︎༆︎𝑰𝒕'𝒔 𝒀𝒐𝒖...!
ᶠᵗ ᵃˡᵉˣ ᵃˡᵛᵃʳᵉᶻ
004. 𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘧𝘰𝘶𝘳
🛸🌌☁️✧∘* ೃ ⋆。˚.~ "I can't help falling in love with you."

𝓒𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘧𝘰𝘶𝘳➪︎🔮'°•*⁀➷

"If I tell you all my feelings. Would you believe me, yeah?"



I was in Alex's room working on our project for school but he wasn't cooperating. "Alex, you need to focus!" I yell at him. He was laying in front of me on his phone.

I snatch it from him and run around the room with it. I stood up on his chair and went on my tippy toes, trying to make myself as tall as possible so he couldn't reach. Alex tried to grab me but I ran out of the room giggling.

I run out to the living room seeing a few people sitting on the couch and chairs. "Where did all the nerds come from?" I asked. "They're Elena's friends." Penelope replied. "She has friends?" I asked surprised. Elena gives me a death stare.

I heard footsteps coming from the hallway. "Hide me!" I exclaim running into the kitchen crouching down behind the island.

"Sup." I heard Alex say. I can practically feel the smirk on his face. "Papito, you are racking up so many wrong trees." Lydia said to him. I covered my mouth because I was breathing heavily and I didn't want him to hear me. Penelope, Elena and her friends started to leave.

"Where's Val?" Alex asked. My heart stared to racing. "Umm..." Lydia trails off. I suddenly see Alex standing in front of me. I scream and try to run away but he picks me up throwing me over his shoulder.

I squirm in his arms, kicking my feet. "Put me down!" I scream. "Nah, I'm good." Alex said. "You two remind me of Berto and I." Lydia said and I rolled my eyes.

I reached down and slapped Alex's butt. He groaned in pain and I giggled. He slapped mine and put me down and grabbed his phone. "That hurt." I pouted crossing my arms. "That's what you get for stealing my phone." He smiles and I push him lightly.

"Can we take a break, please?" He asked. "Finee." I agreed and walked over to the couch. Alex sat down next to me and I put my legs on his lap and texted Sofia. She was hanging out with some of her friends and I wanted to check up on her and make sure that she's okay.

I had a worried look on my face but she told me she was fine and I sighed in relief. Alex noticed and said "You need to stop worrying so much, she's fine, Val."

"I'm just scared that something will happen to her. I lost my mom and my stepdad, and my own father didn't even want me. She's all I have left and I don't want to lose her too." I said tearing up. I got really sensitive talking about my past.

Alex hugged me tightly, rocking me from side to side. He rubbed my back trying to calm me down. I melted in his touch. "You have nothing to worry about. Sofia will be okay." He whispered. He pulled away wiping my tears away with his thumb, then pulling me into another hug.


Dr. B came over with some weird thing that Lydia could use to grab things from the top shelves. "Here you go, Lydia. A little gift to grab those hard-to-reach items." Dr. B said handing it to her. "Magnificent!" Lydia said in shock.

"When I get older, will I be easily amazed, too?" Alex asked in a disgusted tone. "Shush, papito. Leslie has been very helpful." Lydia said smiling at Dr. B before leaving the kitchen.

"She's right. But, now, Lydia won't need you to come over and get jars down from the top shelf." I mentioned picking up the unusual gadget. Dr. B takes it from me, breaking it in half. I laugh at his reaction and give him a high five.

Elena and her friends come back. I still can't process it though, it's weird to think about. "How did it go?" Lydia asked walking towards the group. "Amazing!" Elena exclaimed. "We delivered a powerful message and we were heard." The girl next to her said.

I could tell Elena had a crush on the girl, I mean it was obvious. Elena was practically drooling on her. Lydia offered to have them stay over for dinner. They ended up leaving since Elena's little crush couldn't stay. I was kinda relieved, there were too many nerds in the house.

"What a nice group of... human people friends. I heard about the pronoun thing now I'm terrified to speak." Dr. B said turning to me. I rub his shoulder and say "Just don't say anything at all."

"Why are you smiling?" Elena asked Lydia, walking away from the front door. "I think somebody has a crush on 'her'." Lydia smiled. "Dani? Now, I don't! I don't even know her! You have a crush on her!" Elena rambled.

"When it comes to detecting romance, I am like cousin Aurensio at the beach with his metal detector. I predict that papito and Valeria will be together by next year." Lydia said.

I turn my head to look at Alex. He was looking down at his feet, turning a light shade of pink. I smile and turn my attention back to Lydia. "I think it is fantastic to be young and in love and to flirt. And I can teach you things because your flirting is de madre." Lydia said.

"I wasn't flirting. And we're not talking about this. Besides, Mom says I'm too young to date." Elena said sitting down on a chair next to the couch. "But never too young to flirt. When I came out of my mothers womb, I winked at the doctor." Lydia said as I sat down on the couch next to Alex.

"I guess you've always had a thing for doctors, huh?" Dr. B asked sitting next to Lydia. "Eh, I got over it." Lydia said, earning a frown from Dr. B. "I will teach you to flirt. If they say something clever, laugh loudly, throw your head, back and reveal your perfect neck." Lydia added before demonstrating.

"I'm a fan of the simple compliment." Alex said as he put his arm around me. "I really like your shirt. It's a great color on you, and it really brings out your eyes." He said looking me up and down, slightly biting his lip. I smile at him and feel my cheeks heat up.

"Thank you, Alex." I said before turning to Elena. "I'm a fan of complementing people on things they're very passionate about." I said before turning my attention back to Alex. "Your hair looks really good today. It's so soft." I said in a seductive tone, running my hand through his hair.

He smirks at me, blushing a little bit and says "Thanks, Val." "Your welcome, papito." I said caressing his cheek as he giggled. "I don't want to keep watching this!" Elena blurted out.

Penelope comes through the front door. "Oh, welcome home! We are flirting que fun!" Lydia said in an excited tone. Penelope walked towards the table before she said "Mami, when are you not flirting? Are you doing your famous..." Penelope laughs imitating Lydia's signature move.

"Classic. That's how I get pork loin at half price." Lydia said laughing. "What's going on?" Penelope asked. "Elena has a crush." Lydia answered. Elena tries to leave put Penelope pulls her back.

"I don't have to remind you that while you're in school, there is no time for dating." Penelope said. "Ay, Lupe, don't crush her crush." Lydia said in a sympathetic tone. "You're the one who taught me this! You and papi constantly made me focus on school. And I hated it, too, but it ended up being a good thing. And now I pass the annoyance onto you. Elena, I'm sorry but you can't date." Penelope said.

"Okay, are you done now?" Elena asked, trying to leave until Penelope pulls her back and says "Look, people get crushes. Maybe you see this person and instantly your knees get weak, and your brain starts to melt and you think maybe I'm not dead inside. Why did I wear granny panties today? You can't think of anything else because you want them so much. Well too bad! We shit that crush down." Penelope rambled.

"You are so strict!" Lydia exclaims. "And very specific." I added. "I don't care. School comes first, dating comes never." Penelope said. "Okay, whatever!" Elena said before storming off. "Lupita, Elena can't help it if she has feelings. Besides, flirting can be fun and doesn't hurt anyone." Lydia said. She turned to Dr. B and stroked his arm with her fingers, as Dr. B purred as if he was a cat.

"Um this is weird and I'm leaving." I smiled and walked down the hallway as Alex followed behind. We finally finished our project and I said goodbye to him and went home.


I got to my apartment door and unlocked it. The apartment was silent. I walked passed Schneider's room seeing the door open with no one in it. I assumed he went out somewhere and continued to walk down the hallway. I opened me and Sofia's bedroom door, seeing her sitting on the couch we had in there watching something on the TV.

"Hey, chiquita." I said sitting down next to her. "Hey." She responded. I told her everything that happened while she was gone. I told her about the whole phone incident with Alex and I saw a huge grin, plastered on her face. "What?" I asked suspiciously. "My ship is sailing!" She said jumping up in down. I rolled my eyes at her comment and continued to talk to her.

We talked the whole night and stayed up together. I posted a picture we took on my Instagram story:

It was around 12am and Schneider wasn't home yet. I facetimed Alex before I went to bed and ended up falling asleep on facetime with him.


Me and Sofia were sitting at the table doing our homework with Elena and Alex. Alex walked out of the kitchen with water in his hand.

"So, are you gonna ask dani out?"Alex asked Elena, as he sat back down in his seat. "What? No. It's just complicated, okay." Elena responded.

"I get it. You don't have a crush on Dani and you don't wanna talk about it." Alex said. He stood up and tried to walk away until Elena pulled him back down.

"Okay! I do have a crush! I do, I do, I do!" Elena exclaimed, holding Alex's hand. "Woah. Act like you've been there." Sofia said.

"I haven't been there. The pool of local lesbians my age is not that big. We could all fit in one pool." Elena said. "That would be a pretty sweet pool." Alex said with a smirk plastered across his face.

"Sometimes, you just need to not say anything." I said in a soft tone as I rubbed Alex's arm. Elena stand up from her seat and said
"I assumed that coming out was going to be the hard part, but now that I like someone, I just... I don't even know if Dani's gay. I don't wanna be the gay girl who asks out a straight girl. That's such a trope."

"What's a trope?" Sofia asked in a whisper. "Just google it." I replied. "Gay dating sounds hard. I just pass out a couple of 'sups' and see who responds. Being a straight dude is the best." Alex said sitting down next to Elena.

"Wow, that totally makes the situation better." I said with a fake smile. "What I'm afraid of is that, I'll ask Dani out and she'll give me one of those... 'Oh...'"

"What does that mean?" Alex asked. "It means. 'I'm not gay and you think I am and now we have a situation'." "You got all that from 'Oh'?" Sofia asked. "First figure out if she's gay before you ask her out." I mentioned.

"How do I do that?" Elena asked. "Um... ask her." I said in a duh tone. "Or, just stalk her on Instagram." Sofia suggested. "I'm just scared. What if she runs away or something?"

All of a sudden the curtains leading to Lydia's room fly open. "So instead you are running away." Lydia said with her hand on her hips. "Abuelita! Can a girl have a moment of privacy?" Elena asked, a little shocked by Lydia's action.

"Not in this family." Sofia said typing up her essay. "She also lives in the dining room behind a curtain that is very thin." I reminded Elena.

"Elena love must be bold." Lydia said replacing Alex's spot next to Elena. "I'm not sure is I should be bold. I've been told, by more than a few people, that I'm 'a lot'." Elena said saying the last part making air quotes with her fingers.

"Who?" Lydia asked. "Mostly you, and Sofia." Alex said. Lydia and Sofia slowly turns their heads to look at Alex. "It's always been easy for all of you. What if no one ever likes me?" Elena asked looking down at her fingers.

"Elena, you're and amazing girl. Anyone would be lucky to have you. You just have to find them. And your not going to find them sitting here thinking 'What if?' You have to fight for what you want or else you'll never get it." I said with sympathy.

"She's right." Lydia said, before telling us a story about how she got rejected by a guy she liked and that dame night she met Berto. "So you're saying you you would have never met Abuelito if you hadn't but yourself out there and been rejected by flavio?" Elena asked.

"Exactly! Because in love, you have to make yourself vulnerable." As Lydia said that I started to get caught up in my thoughts.

Should I put myself out there with Alex?

Shouldn't I take my own advice and fight for what I want?

What if this is just a stupid crush I'll lose feelings sooner or later, right?

My thoughts were cut off by Alex saying "That was very nice of you to tell her that story Abuelita." "Mentiras. That was my sister Maruchi's story, and you know what? Frankly, I'm a little offended that you all thought that would happen to me." Lydia replied. "Yeah I wasn't buying it." I said.


That night me and Sofia were sitting on our couch talking. I notice her looking at her phone and smiling a lot. "Who are you texting?" I ask trying to look over her shoulder. She flinches. "Umm, it's no one. Don't worry about it." She replied.

I snatch her phone and run around the room looking at it. I stood on my bed and looked at the texts. "Who's matt? Oh my god! Do you have a boyfriend?" I asked excited, jumping up and down. "He's not my boyfriend, he's just a crush." She replied.

I gave her, her phone back. "Can I meet him, please?" I asked. "Fine I'll let you meet him sometime." "Yay! What does he look like?" She showed me a picture and I smiled. "He's adorable! Go get him!" We laugh and talked about her little boyfriend and watched movies.


It was the next day and we watched as Elena tried to make her move on Dani. It turns out that she has a girlfriend. Elena looked devastated. Another girl from the group came up to Elena. The girl hitted to Elena that she was gay. "Oh..." Elena trailed off when she got the hint.

"Forget I said anything, sorry." The girl tried to walk away until Elena said "No, no! Gay! Me, gay!" Elena exclaimed. She was talking as if she was a cave woman. "Me gay, too." The girl said with a smile. "Cookie?" Elena asked.

"She's terrible at this." Sofia said. "Thank goodness she has us." Alex said. "Cheers to that." Lydia said and we all tapped our cookies together before eating them.

Karissa's messages...!

Hi, I hope you guys like this chapter(: and sorry of any spelling errors.


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