Chapter Ten

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A/N: I don't know why the second half of this chapter was deleted but I rewrote it and hopefully that makes the next few chapters make more sense lol

"Why do I even keep you around, Taehyung?" His father shouted before slapping his son on the cheek, leaving a red handprint.

Taehyung looked at his father in shock. "Father, please. I didn't do it!" 

"Bullshit!" His father spat. Taehyung took a step back, he could feel his whole body quaking. He had never seen his father so angry. "You are the reason she's dead!"

Taehyung could smell the alcohol on his father's tongue. Tears threatened to spill from his eyes, but he tried to hold it all in, trying to not show weakness. "I wasn't even there, how could I have led to her death?"

Another slap.

Taehyung felt his sore cheek. He couldn't figure out why his father blamed him. He took another step back, only to find himself at the top of the staircase. His heart was racing.

"If you hadn't been throwing a fit about how much you wanted a birthday cake, she wouldn't have had to run out and get one. Her going out for you is the reason why that train hit her. All because you wanted a fucking birthday cake." His father was pointing a finger at Taehyung's chest, digging into his skin with his sharp nails.

"I'm sorry, father, I'm so sorr-" Taehyung cried as he felt another slap, this one with enough force to knock him off balance. Taehyung felt the effects of gravity as he rolled down the steps, feeling his body hit every single step on the way down. He hit the tile floor at the bottom, feeling it's cold breath on his skin.

He heard his father's familiar footsteps walking down the stairs, approaching him. He wanted to crawl away, but he couldn't find any more strength within him. The tears he had been trying so hard to hold in had finally started to fall.

"Was it worth it, Taehyung? Huh?" He heard the muffled sounds of his father's voice, before feeling a strong pain in his stomach.

"I miss mom too." Taehyung managed to whisper before he felt another blow to the stomach, sending him into a black abyss.

Taehyung bolted up straight in bed. He was dripping in sweat, and his heart was racing. He took his hand to his face to wipe the sweat off when he felt wetness on his cheeks. He had been crying again. He jumped in his bed again at a sharp jolt of thunder and lightning outside of his window.

Taehyung sighed deeply before he looked at his alarm clock. 2:24 AM. He knew he wouldn't be getting anymore sleep tonight. His nightmares would keep him awake. Plus, the brewing storm outside only brought more nightmares along. Bad memories. Taehyung grabbed his phone off of his nightstand before unlocking it, seeing a text from an unknown number.

Unknown: When are you available to work on this stupid ass project?

Taehyung groaned. He had completely forgotten about the project. That just made his heart race even more at the thought of being alone in a room with Jungkook.

    Taehyung: I can meet whenever you want. Just let me know when and where.

Taehyung set his phone back on the nightstand before tucking his knees close to his chest. He was still shaking a little, from his nightmare and the storm. He wish he could pull out a magic wand and just make it all disappear.

He found himself wondering how somebody can measure another person's worth. Clearly, his father didn't consider Taehyung to be of much value, given the damage he has caused his own son over the years.

Taehyung was thinking deeply about this idea, and he was surprised to hear his phone buzz.

Jungkook: Tomorrow after school? Pink Pony Cafè?

                          Taehyung: Sure.


Well someone isn't very exciting to talk to, Jungkook thought after texting with Taehyung. No wonder why he hardly has any friends. Plus, who the hell wants to be friends with a gay guy?

He put his phone on his bedside table before curling up under the covers and falling asleep.

That night, Jungkook dreamt of strawberries.

(The next day- after school)

Taehyung walked into the cafè to see that all of the tables were empty. Jungkook must still be on his way.

"Taehyung! How are you? Wow, what happened to your face? Did Jungkook do this to you?" Jin walked closer to Taehyung and took his chin gently in his hand, looking closer at his face.

Taehyung swatted his hands away. "It's fine, Jin- hyung. It wasn't Jungkook's fault."

Jin nodded. "Okay, but if you ever need anything, I'm here for you." He walked off, knowing that Taehyung didn't want to talk about it. Jin didn't know about his father, but he definitely had suspicions.

Taehyung walked over to his usual corner in the table and sat down. He took out his phone and started playing a game. After a few minutes, he heard the front door chimes ring, and Jungkook walked in, looking at Taehyung. He smirked and walked over, sitting down across from the older.

"Let's get this over with, huh? I have a date tonight with Tiffany."

"Tiffany? The new girl?"

Jungkook laughed. "Yep. The one who said you were a shitty kisser. I figured I could show her what a real man looks like."

Taehyung turned his head away, looking at the floor. He swallowed, hard, before he spoke. "All we have to do is get through this project and then we never have to interact again, okay?"

Jungkook sighed, leaning back in his chair and crossing his arms. "We're not done until I say we're done, baby boy. Now, Russia."

(Two hours later)

Jungkook had been checking his watch every few minutes since he had arrived. Taehyung acted like he didn't notice, but he did. After watching the younger check his watch again, Taehyung slammed his hand on the table, causing Jungkook to yank his head up.

"Look, Jungkook. If you don't want to be here, then just fucking leave. I can do the damn project myself."

Jungkook took a minute to respond. "Since when do you fight back, Taehyung? Does this have something to do with why your face is all beaten up?" He reached a finger and stroked Taehyung's cheek, right where the scratch was. The older slapped his hand away before jumping out of his chair and walking out of the cafè.

Jungkook sat in his chair for a minute, caught completely off guard. What the hell, he thought. He gathered up his stuff and exited the cafè. As he was walking home, he heard a muffled sound coming from a nearby alleyway. He shrugged it off, until he saw Taehyung sitting against the wall of a store, gripping his chest, his knees tucked close to him. The older was crying so hard he could hardly breathe. Jungkook paused for a minute, trying to decide whether he should keep walking or not. Before he could make a decision, Taehyung lifted his head and looked directly at Jungkook. His eyes were red and puffy, tears still spilling out of them. Taehyung stared at Jungkook for a few seconds before he put his head back down on his knees and continued crying.

Jungkook honestly didn't know what to do. Why was he so conflicted? He has never given a shit about whether people are crying or not, but for some reason Taehyung crying made him feel bad. He walked over to the older and sat down next to him.

"Taehyung." He said softly. He didn't know what else to do.

Taehyung didn't acknowledge him, he just kept clutching onto his chest. Jungkook didn't move or speak. After a few minutes Taehyung's breathing slowed down.

"Why are you here, Jungkook? It's not like you care. It's not like anyone fucking cares. I have nobody. I'm all alone." His voice came out deeper than usual, and broken.

"Honestly? I don't know why I'm here." Jungkook couldn't stop thinking about what he had said. It's not like anyone cares. "Do you want me to leave?"

Taehyung didn't respond. After a minute, Jungkook sighed and started to stand up, until he felt a strong grip on his wrist. "Please stay with me for a minute?"

Jungkook groaned before sitting back down. "Why the hell would you want me here, Taehyung? I beat the shit out of you almost every week. You should be terrified of me."

"You terrify me, yes. But you're not the one I'm most terrified of." He spoke softly. Almost inaudibly. "You're one of the only people who ever actually talk to me, even if it's to make fun of me for being gay. At least you talk to me. I don't have very many people to talk to. I have Jimin and Jin, of course. And Namjoon, but it's still not the same. I feel like they only talk to me because they feel the need to protect me because I'm so weak and useless."

Jungkook didn't know how he should feel. Normally he would make some rude comment and feel no shame or remorse, but right now was different. He felt bad for the older, and he didn't know why. He was about to open his mouth to respond when his phone started ringing. He sighed, taking it out of his pocket and answered it. "Hello?"

"Jungkook, where the hell are you?"

"Wait, who is this?"

"God, Jungkook. It's Tiffany. We were supposed to meet at 5:30 and it's almost 6:00."

"Fuck, I'm sorry, Tiffany." Jungkook saw Taehyung glance over after that. "I'm on my way, I promise. I hope you're wearing that skirt I told you to wear." He smirked into the phone.

"You bet I am baby. Now hurry up."

After the call ended, Jungkook sat there for a minute in silence. "You can leave. I'll be fine." Jungkook stood up and started walking away. "Thank you," Taehyung said, causing Jungkook to stop in his tracks.

"Don't get used to it. And, if you tell anyone about this, I'll put you in the fucking hospital." He turned back towards the street and started walking to where he was meeting Tiffany.

(Later that night)

After dinner, Jungkook was saying goodbye to Tiffany. She leaned close to Jungkook, her hands on his chest. "I had a great time tonight," she whispered seductively.

"Me too, Tiffany. We should do it again some time." He smirked, wrapping his arms around her small waist.

"We should. But before I go, there is one more thing I want."

"And what would that be?" Jungkook raised an eyebrow.

Tiffany stood on her heels and leaned forward, pressing her lips against Jungkook's. He was taken slightly by surprised but started to kiss her back almost immediately. She tried to put her tongue in his mouth and he granted her access. They made out like that for a minute or two, until they both had to stop for air.

"Wow," Tiffany said, blushing. "You have an amazing tongue."

Jungkook smiled. "I'll see you later, Tiffany." He started back towards his house. His mind was racing. Yes, she was an amazing kisser, but he found himself wanting more. She didn't do it for him. Jungkook realized that the thing he was craving: the taste of strawberries.



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