Chapter Three

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Remember: each and every one of you are beautiful human beings.

(I'm typing this on my laptop instead of my phone cause my phone died so the formatting and stuff might be slightly different from previous chapters, I apologize.)

This chapter has a little bit of Vmin for you all. Hope you enjoy. :)



The smell of coffee beans and cake flooded Jimin's nostrils as they entered the small coffee shop around the corner from the park. (A/N lol Park Jimin.. anyway) "Welcome to Coffee and Cream!" A familiar voice called. "Oh! Jimin! Taehyung! What are you two doing here?"

"Oh hello Jin hyung!" Jimin smiled at the broad shouldered man in front of him. "When did you start working here?"

Jin shrugged. "I started working here last week. I needed some money, and since I love to bake, I figured this would be a good fit." He motioned for the boys to sit down at one of the steel tables. "Anyway, what can I get you both?"

"I will have a black coffee, no cream or sugar." Taehyung mumbled without looking up. Jimin felt his eyebrows furrow together. Taehyung looked up and must've seen their questionable faces. "What?"

"Straight black coffee? That's not like you, Taehyungie. You're not even getting a slice of chocolate cake or a cookie?" Jimin questioned.

Taehyung shrugged. "I'm not very hungry."

Jimin wanted to press the issue further, but he decided to leave it alone for now. "I will have a caramel frappuccino, a slice of the lemon pound cake, and a slice of the chocolate molten cake for Taehyungie." He saw Taehyung glare slightly, but he didn't say anything against it.

Jin nodded. "You got it boys! I will bring it over to you once it's ready! And don't worry, this will all be on the house." That made both of the younger boys smile, bowing slightly in thanks.

Jimin watched as Taehyung's smile faded, the frown forming on his lips again. "So, " Jimin began, crossing his arms on the table. "Is there anything you want to talk about?" Taehyung's frown deepened before he shook his head. "Are you sure? You can tell me anything."

The table was silent for a minute. Taehyung was looking at the table until he raised his head, making eye contact with Jimin. Jimin could see how red and puffy the younger's eyes were. He knew he had been crying. His heart hurt for his best friend. He hated seeing him in so much pain. Taehyung cleared his throat. "I was on my way to math today when Jungkook saw me."

Jimin nodded, not saying anything in return. Of course he knew about the issues between Taehyung and Jungkook. Jimin had been bullied a few times by Jungkook too, also for being gay, but Taehyung received much worse. "What exactly did he do to you, Tae?"

Taehyung opened his mouth slowly to respond but was interrupted by Jin. "Here you go!" He squealed, almost too enthusiastic about the mediocre job. He put the two drinks on the table, before placing the two plates of cake. "Anything else for you two?"

Taehyung took a sip of his coffee, and Jimin noticed him wince at how bitter it was. "Maybe one cream and one sugar?" He chuckled lightly, making Jin and Jimin chuckle some too. Jimin was happy to hear Taehyung at least trying to be a little humerous, despite his situation. "Actually, make it three sugars." (A/N: I am such BTS trash for that reference, I'm so sorry, but not really sorry).

Jin came back with the cream and sugar before bowing. "I will see you both at school tomorrow, yeah?" He gave an infectious smile, causing the two youngsters to smile in return.

"Now tell me what happened, Taehyung." Jimin demanded, trying to hide the anger in his voice. The idea of Jungkook bringing so much pain upon Taehyung made Jimin seethe with anger.

"H-He threw me into the locker, hyung. And th-then h-he-" Jimin could see the tears in the younger's eyes forming again. He reached his hand across the table, grabbing onto Taehyung's large hands.

"It's okay, Tae. You don't have to tell me what happened. I will never force you into anything." Jimin gave a weak smile, but inside he was still fuming.

"I need to tell someone." Taehyung swallowed, hard before taking a deep breath. "He threw me against the locker. He put his hands on my crotch and started whispering things in my ear." Taehyung took a sip of his coffee, and then took a bite of his cake. He quickly took another bite of his cake, followed by another.

Jimin couldn't help but smile to himself. Taehyung loves his cake, and Jimin knew he would need it. He felt his heart contract at the younger's words though. "Oh my God, Taehyung. That is horrible. I swear when I get my hands on him-"

"No." Taehyung cut him off, making Jimin flinch slightly in his chair. "He would beat you to a pulp, no offense. Besides, I need to learn how to take care of myself. You won't always be here to take care of me."

Jimin nodded, feeling the guilt creep up into his throat. Taehyung was right. Jimin had been accepted into a very selective dance program at a school in Busan for the following school year. Taehyung was going to be left here, alone. Jimin had considered passing up the school many times, but he knew Taehyung would let the guilt of keeping Jimin from achieving his dreams eat him alive.

"Anyway, he had his hand over my mouth so I couldn't scream or cry out for help. So, I bit down on his hand pretty hard. When he stepped back, I grabbed my stuff and got the hell out of there. I ran to the park, and that's where you found me.

Just then, the bell above the door chimed, indicating a new customer. Jimin glanced at the door and immediately made a face. "Shit," he whispered.


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