Chapter Twenty

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The next afternoon, Taehyung stared at his wardrobe trying to decide what to wear. He wanted to look perfect for his first date with Jungkook.

He was surrounded by piles of clothes before he finally decided on a loose plaid shirt (so Jungkook could see his collar bones) with his favorite pair of black skinny jeans and a black cardigan tied around his waist. He checked his hair in the mirror before smiling. He winced as he straightened his shirt, his body full of bruises and cuts.

Taehyung arrived at the diner they chose fifteen minutes early, just because he was so excited. This was his first official date of his life. And it was with a guy he never would've picked to like.

He pulled out his phone and played a game while he waited for Jungkook. The waiter came by a couple of times to see if Taehyung wanted to order, but Taehyung would say no every time. He wanted to wait for Jungkook to arrive.

Taehyung checked the time. 5:20 PM. He sighed. Jungkook was twenty minutes late. He figured there must just be traffic, causing him to be late. He decided to give it some more time and went back to his phone.

The waiter came back around once more. "Sir, are you sure you don't at least want something to drink?"

Taehyung sighed. "No, but could I just get the chicken and waffles to go please?" He avoided eye contact. He felt embarrassed and ashamed. This is probably more of his stupid games. He probably has a hidden camera on how sad I look right now.

The waiter nodded. "I'll go put your order in."

A few minutes later, the waiter brought Taehyung's order in a paper bag. After paying, Taehyung waited for one more minute before getting up and checking his watch. 6:10 PM. Jungkook definitely wasn't stuck in traffic. The older took a shaky breath, keeping his head down before headed back home, trying to fight back the tears that threatened to fall.


Jungkook checked his watch. 5:10 PM. "Fuck," he mumbled as he stared at his closet. "I don't have anything to wear and I'm already late." He decided to go with a pair of blue pants, a slightly see-through white button up, and some brown timberlands. (A/N: if you have seen the Baepsae dance practice, y'all know the outfit ;) )

He went into his bathroom to straighten his hair, which had become a mess from him running his hands through it in frustration. He brushed his teeth and checked himself one more time.

Jungkook took a deep breath before leaving his apartment. He decided to stop and get flowers for Taehyung, as an apology for being so late. He went to go pull out his phone to send him a text when he realized he had forgotten it in the piles of clothes. "Shit. I'm a mess." He chose to leave his phone in his apartment so he wasn't anymore late than he already was.

Jungkook thought that picking flowers would be easy. Boy, was he wrong. He stared at all of the various colors and cuts and styles. He finally decided on some small white ones. Nice and simple. They show that he was sorry without being too over the top. He paid the lady before rushing to the diner. He checked the time on his watch. 6:15 PM. "Shit," he mumbled.

Jungkook walked into the diner and took a look at all of the customers. A man walked up and eyed the boy. "If you are looking for a brown-haired male, he already left."

"Dammit." Jungkook wanted to punch something or someone in frustration. He knew he had messed up. He said "thank you" to the man before rushing back out and headed towards Taehyung's apartment. He found himself running, his heart racing in his chest.

He stood outside the door for a minute, collecting his nerves before knocking. After ten or so seconds, he heard the door being opened, and a red eyed Taehyung appeared. He could see the scratches the older's father had caused on his face, neck, and hands.

"Taehyung," Jungkook breathed out. "Oh my God I am so sorry. I couldn't decide what to wear and I lost my phone and-"

Taehyung stopped him by putting a hand in the air. "Save it, Jungkook." Jungkook closed his mouth before looking down at the floor. "I waited for over an hour. Do you know how many looks of pity and sympathy I received? It was embarrassing."

Jungkook gulped. "I am so sorry, Tae. I fucked up, I know."

"You sure did. I was so excited to go on my very first date of my life," Taehyung began. Jungkook sucked in a breath. Oh my God I ruined his first date ever. I'm awful. "And you didn't even bother showing up."

Jungkook felt tears stinging his eyes. The guilt was eating him alive. "I can't even begin to tell you how sorry I really am, Taehyungie. I tried texting, but I couldn't find my phone. I stopped to get flowers as an apology, but of course that just made me even more late. I'm a dick, I'm so sorry. I'm sorry I hurt you."

Taehyung stood in silence, chewing on his bottom lip before he opened the door wider, motioning for Jungkook to enter. Jungkook felt his heart start beating again. He didn't realize he had been holding his breath. "Thank you."

The boys sat in Taehyung's small kitchen without saying anything for a few minutes. Jungkook finally cleared his throat, unable to stand the awkwardness. "You look very nice, Taehyung."

"You too," the older mumbled.

More silence. This time, Taehyung spoke up.

"Jungkook, listen. We obviously won't work out, so I don't think we should even go down this road."

Jungkook's heart stopped again. "W-What?"

Taehyung turned away from the younger, eyeing the ground. "We couldn't even make the first date work, what makes you think we could make an actual relationship work?"

"It was a mistake, Taehyung! I just wanted it to be perfect and I fucked up." Tears spilled down Jungkook's cheeks.

"I- I am so sorry, but I think we need to go back to how things were before." Taehyung still wouldn't look at the younger. "Now, you can see yourself out."

Jungkook watched as Taehyung turned and walked into his bedroom, slamming the door. He could hear faint muffles from behind the door. "Bye Taehyungie-" Jungkook whispered softly, trying to make his voice steady. He placed the flower bouquet on the kitchen counter before he left the apartment.

A/N: Part Two is in the works! Sorry for the angst! It shouldn't last too long lol


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