Chapter Twenty-Four

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TRIGGER WARNING. This chapter contains scrnarios that may be triggering to some readers.

Taehyung lay on his bed, shaking. He was having an internal battle with himself. He had just woken up in a sweat from the usual nightmare, the one where he falls down the stairs and the dad abuses him after.

Why am I so worthless?
                                          You aren't.

But I am. Nobody cares about me.

                       Jungkook cares. Think  
of the kiss he gave you. He wouldn't have given you such a kiss if he didn't care.

He's the only one that cares then. I matter to only one person on this planet.

                        But you mean a lot to him. Think of how he would feel if you left him by himself after he just started to accept himself and his feelings for you.

You're right. He would, I think, be devastated. Or, I would hope.

Taehyung groaned as he got out of bed. He walked into his bathroom and opened the cabinet, taking out his box of fresh razor blades. He took a deep breath before taking a blade out. He ran his fingers along the sharp edge, not pressing hard enough to draw blood. He just wanted to feel the cold metal on his skin once more. It had become a sense of comfort for him, in a way. The blades were always there for him, even when nobody else was. They never left him. He found himself almost missing the smell of blood. It would flood into his brain and provide him with a sense of adrenaline and energy.

He put the blade in the box and carried the box to the kitchen, dropping it into the large trash can, before taking the bag out to the dumpster behind his apartment building. He embraced the cool air on his cheeks while walking back inside, finally starting to feel free from his inner demons that had eaten him from the inside out for so long.


Unknown number: is this taehyung?

                 Taehyung: who is asking?

Unknown: this is sehun.

                  Taehyung: oh, hi sehun. Yes it's me.

Sehun: cool. Um, we need to finish our project thingy so are you free tomorrow afternoon around 2 pm?

                  Taehyung: yep. Where are we going to meet?

Sehun: public library downtown?

                   Taehyung: sure. See you then.

Taehyung rolled his eyes. He had honestly forgotten about the stupid project. He decided to text Jungkook to see if he wanted to grab lunch before headed over to the library tomorrow.

Taehyung: hey babe💗

                     Jungkook: why hello❤️

Taehyung: I have to meet Sehun tomorrow at 2 at the public library to work on the project.

Taehyung: Did you want to grab lunch with me before I go?

                Jungkook: of course baby

                Jungkook: I can't wait to see you❤️😩

Taehyung: I can't wait to see you either💗

Jungkook and Taehyung walked hand-in-hand from the cafè they had eaten lunch at. Taehyung tried to walk to the library alone, but Jungkook insisted on spending more time with his boyfriend, so they walked to the library together.

They entered through the sliding glass doors, feeling the cool air conditioning on their skin. Taehyung shivered a little bit, causing Jungkook to fuss over him. "Tae, are you cold?"

Taehyung shook his head, but ended up shivering again, cursing himself for not being able to retain heat. Before he could object, Jungkook took his jacket off and draped it on Taehyung's shoulders.

"Thank you," Taehyung whispered. He caught sight of Sehun, sitting at the far end of the vast room. Taehyung headed in that direction. He set his backpack down on the table, startling Sehun, who had been looking at his phone.

"Oh, hello Taehyung." His eyes traveled to the youngest. "Jungkook." He nodded in acknowledgement.

"Sehun-hyung." Both boys said. Taehyung started to take off Jungkook's jacket so the younger could walk home, but was stopped with a hand.

"No, Tae. Keep it. It's a short walk home for me so I won't get cold."

"Are you sure, Kookie?" Taehyung bit at his bottom lip.

"Ye-" Jungkook started but was cut off by Sehun.

"Kookie? Aww, how cute!" He mocked.

"You, hyung, don't have permission to call me that." Jungkook retorted, causing Sehun to flinch slightly.

Taehyung wanted to break up the tension. "Well, Jungkook, we should probably get to work. Want me to stop by on my way home?"

"Not if you're too tired. You just have to text or call to let me know you made it home alright, okay?" Jungkook smiled and Taehyung nodded in response. "Okay, baby, I'll see you later." Jungkook instinctively said before leaning in and pecking Taehyung on the lips.

"Yikes. You two are dating now? What the hell is wrong with you Jungkook?" Sehun cringed.

"Oh fuck off, Sehun. So what if I have a boyfriend! As long as I am happy, which I am, by the way, that's all that matters to me." Jungkook turned on his heel after flashing a small wink in Taehyung's direction. Taehyung watched as Jungkook exited the library and walked across the street, headed to his apartment.

"So, Taehyung. Should we get to work?" Taehyung nodded, being pulled back to reality, and sat down.

(A few hours later)

The boys had been working hard for the last few hours, something Taehyung was surprised about. He could feel his neck and shoulders starting to stiffen, so he decided it would be a good time to take a break. "Hyung? We've been at this for hours. Want to take a ten or so minute break, just to refresh?"

"Sounds good, Taehyung."

Both boys then proceeded to pull out their phones. Taehyung saw that he had received some messages from Jungkook.

Jungkook: hello babe

Jungkook: how is the project coming along?

Jungkook: you must be working hard.

Jungkook: I hope Sehun is treating you okay.

              Taehyung: it's going okay so far! We're just taking a break before we get back to work

Jungkook: oh good. I didn't know how much longer I could go without talking to you

                Taehyung: you're such a flirt

Jungkook: only for you baby

Taehyung stood up to head to the bathroom. Putting his phone in his pocket. "I'm going to run to the restroom, Sehun. Could you keep an eye on my stuff please?" Sehun nodded, still looking at his phone.

Taehyung took care of his business and was washing his hands when he heard the door open. He didn't bother looking since there were a lot of people at the library today. He was turning the faucet off when he felt a hand grab his ass, causing him to freeze.

"Taehyung," he heard Sehun whisper in his ears. It sent awful shivers down the younger's spine.

"L-Let go of me, Sehun." The older did as he was asked. Taehyung tried to walk out, but Sehun pinned him against the door. "What the fuck are you doing?"

Sehun growled. "I want to know what it is about you that can make the most homophobic person I know decide that he's gay."

"Maybe I just have a great personality? I don't know. Let go of me now please." Taehyung tried to keep his breath steady, but inside he was freaking out. He could smell Sehun's nasty breath from his mouth, which was only a few inches away from the younger's mouth.

Sehun smirked. "I don't think that's it, Taehyung." He squeezed the younger's butt again, making Taehyung cringe. He tried to push the older away, but Sehun was much bigger and stronger than Taehyung. "Damn, Taehyung. I have to admit. Your ass is definitely better than Tiffany's. No wonder Jungkook chose you over her."

"Get off of me!" Taehyung yelled, only making Sehun more angry. He put a hand over Taehyung's mouth, forcefully, so nobody outside could hear Taehyung's cries for help. Tears stung his eyes.

Taehyung winced as he felt Sehun's wet lips kissing his neck. Taehyung tried to squirm out of his grasp, but that only caused the older to tighten the grip, moving Taehyung's hands above his head, holding them with his left hand, while his right hand was still over Taehyung's mouth.

Taehyung felt his phone vibrate in his back pocket. Jungkook. Oh my God. That is when a stupid idea popped up into his mind. He knew it could go one of two ways. "Sehun?" Taehyung managed to mumble with his mouth covered.

Sehun took his hand off of his mouth. "Yes, Taehyung?"

"What if I wanted you instead of Jungkook?" Taehyung tried his best to look at Sehun in a sexy way, but he probably just came off as constipated.

"What?" Sehun loosened his grip on Taehyung's hands slightly.

"It was always about you, Sehun. I never wanted Jungkook. I used him to make you jealous."

Sehun smiled a little. "Well, it worked."

"Kiss me, Sehun. But you have to let go of my hands. I like to use my hands when I kiss." Taehyung was praying that this worked. He felt disgusting, but he had to be able to reach his phone. He could call Jungkook and he would come save him and-

Sehun thought for a minute before leaning in, kissing Taehyung on the lips, rough. He let go of Taehyung's hands, instead grabbing onto his ass. Taehyung put one hand in Sehun's hair, making him think it was realistic. His other hand instantly went and grabbed his phone, dialing Jungkook, whom he had on speed dial.

Once the call said it was connected, meaning Jungkook answered the phone, Taehyung seperated his mouth, as if needing air. "Jungkook! Bathroom! Help me!" Taehyung shouted. He watched as Sehun's face turned red from anger.

Taehyung could hear Jungkook faintly on the phone. "Taehyung? What the hell is going on?"

Sehun slammed Taehyung against the wall, making the younger wince in pain. Then the older tossed him to the ground, grabbing the phone and slamming it into the ground, pounding his foot into the screen, making sure it was broken. "Oh, you thought you were being clever, didn't you? Too bad he won't make it in time." Sehun unzipped his pants, letting them fall down.

Taehyung tried to crawl away, but Sehun climbed on top of him, holding him in place by his legs on either side of the younger's waist. He put his lips on Taehyung's neck as he pulled the younger's shirt up some, and began running his hands along Taehyung's stomach. The feeling of his fingers on Taehyung's skin made Taehyung cringe. He was still crying, hating himself for actually starting to trust Sehun.

Sehun then reached down and pulled Taehyung's pants and boxers down, followed by his own boxers. "Sehun, please, stop!" Taehyung cried one more time. Sehun snickered. Sehun started sucking on Taehyung's throat, leaving a few marks before leaning back, spitting into his hand and lathering it on his member. He leaned over Taehyung once more inching his waist closer, but stopped when the door slammed open.

"What the hell?"


A/N: PSA that rape and sexual assault of any kind is a serious deal. It is emotionally scarring. It can forever change a person's life. I myself was almost sexually assaulted by a guy and it lead me to where I am today. I do not want to publicize rape, that is not the goal of this happening. I want to show how it affects Taehyung. I want to show the aftermath. I hope that makes sense.

I apologize for such a dark chapter. Fluff will be making an appearance again soon!


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