Chapter Twenty-Two

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Taehyung and Jungkook both searched frantically for their second first date outfits. They knew they had to look better this time around. They fixed their hair, checked their teeth, and did all of the necessary things before both taking a deep breath. The boys were incredibly nervous. Neither one wanted to screw this date up. Again.

Jungkook was the first one to arrive, making sure to be extra early to avoid what happened the last time. He asked the host for a private table toward the back of the diner, away from the windows. He didn't want the pressure of seeing anyone they knew walking by.

Jungkook sat there on his phone, playing Candy Crush when he felt a hand brush on his shoulder. He looked up to see Taehyung smiling. Taehyung sat down in the seat across from Jungkook. They didn't say anything at first, they were both too nervous to start the conversation, so they sat there smiling at each other.

The waitress walked up with a pen and a pad of paper. "Can I get you two something to drink?"

Jungkook motioned for Taehyung to go first. Taehyung giggled a little, making Jungkook's stomach flip upside down at the adorable sound. "I will have a strawberry milkshake," Taehyung smiled up at the waitress.

"I'll have the same thing," Jungkook said. The waitress bowed before walking off, and Jungkook focused his attention back on his date. "Taehyungie, you look fantastic."

Taehyung's cheeks got red, and he looked towards the floor, hoping to hide the blush, but failing. "You do too, Kookie."

There are the butterflies again. Dammit. Jungkook thought.

The waitress brought their milkshakes and Jungkook laughed as the older drank half of it in one sip. "Why don't we go ahead and start working on another milkshake for him?" Jungkook looked at the waitress.

"Alright. Do you know what you would like to eat?"

"Hmm... I will have the chicken and waffles," Jungkook said, handing the menu to the waitress. Jungkook had seen the chicken and waffles on Taehyung's counter last week when he went over to apologize. He wasn't able to stop thinking about them. They looked delicious. (I dream of food way too much whoops)

"I will also have the chicken and waffles, but could I have chocolate chips in my waffles?" Taehyung asked.

"Of course. I will go put your orders in."

Jungkook laughed. "You must love sugar and sweet things, huh?"

Taehyung took another sip of his milkshake, almost finishing it off. "I'm honestly shocked I'm not 500 pounds by now with how much sugar I consume."

"You would still look hot though." Jungkook winked, causing Taehyung to laugh. "I mean don't think I didn't catch your ass in those pants you're wearing. Wow!" Jungkook exclaimed, causing the older to smack him on the arm.

"Stop it, Kookie! You're making me blush!" Taehyung tried to hide his face with his hands, but Jungkook grabbed a hold of both of the older's hands, interlacing their fingers. Jungkook caught a glimpse of a smile across Taehyung's lips.

"I have to say, Taehyung. I am so glad that you decided to give me another chance. I'm really having a great time."

"I'm glad I did, too, Jungkookie." This time Taehyung flashed his full smile. I would never get tired of seeing that smile, Jungkook thought.

They broke apart their hands when the waitress delivered their food, accidently switching the plates, giving Jungkook the chocolate chip waffles instead of Taehyung. Jungkook smirked when he noticed, and watched as Taehyung's lips formed into a pout.

"Give me my plate, Jungkook!" Taehyung crossed his arms, trying to look tough, which of course just made him look adorable to the younger's eyes.

Jungkook shook his head before taking a bite. "Oh my God, Taehyung this is delicious! Why didn't you order yours with chocolate chips?"

"I DID! Give them here!" The older tried reaching across the table to grab the plate, causing Jungkook to smack his hands away.

"No touchy my food. Jungkook does not share food." He took another forkful and scooped it into his mouth. Finally, he took his fork and put a healthy amount of waffle on it before offering it to the other. "Here you go, TaeTae."

Taehyung smiled like a kid in a candy store before taking a bite. "Holy crap. That is freaking delicious. Best waffle ever."

"Right? Here, I will be nice and give you your waffle." Jungkook swapped plates, watching the child-like adult in front of him squeal in excitement.

"Oh thank God! I love regular waffles but I needed my chocolate chips."

The rest of the date consisted of the boys laughing and smiling, teasing each other from time to time. They sat and talked for another hour or two, just enjoying each other's company. The waitress finally brought over the check. "I am sorry gentlemen, but we need to get ready to close."

Jungkook looked around realizing they were the last ones in the small diner. "Oh, we're sorry! I didn't realize how late it was. Here!" Jungkook pulled out enough money to cover both meals, all four milkshakes (three being Taehyung's), and enough for a healthy tip. "Keep the change."

"Thank you so much! You two have a great rest of your night!"

"You too!" The boys said in unison before grabbing their coats and exiting the diner.

"You didn't have to pay for me you know," Taehyung stated.

Jungkook chuckled lightly. "I don't mind, Tae. We can take turns paying if you want? Whatever makes you comfortable."

"So, there will be a next time?" Taehyung stopped walking and faced the younger.

Jungkook grabbed a hold of Taehyung's hand, looking right into the other's eyes. "I was going to do this once I finished walking you home, but I guess I can do it now."

"Do what?" Taehyung asked with a questionable look on his face.

"Kim Taehyung, will you do me the honor of being my boyfriend?" Jungkook was expecting to feel weird after asking someone to be his boyfriend, but he didn't. In fact, he hadn't felt this good in a long time.

"I would love to." Taehyung squeezed Jungkook's hand. The younger leaned forward, kissing Taehyung's cheek.

"If you don't mind," Jungkook began as they started walking again, this time hand in hand. "Could we take this relationship slow? This is my first time with a guy, as you know, and I really don't want to mess anything up."

Taehyung nodded excitedly. "Oh thank God! See, this is my first relationship ever so I was going to ask you the same thing."


They swung hands as they walked, engaging in back-and-forth conversations. "And then Yoongi was told to never come back and they put his picture on a wall so they know not to allow him back to that golf course." Jungkook said as they reached the front door to Taehyung's apartment building. "Well, I guess this is goodnight."

"I guess it is. I really had a great time tonight, Kookie."

"I did too." Jungkook placed a small peck on Taehyung's lips, just enough so that they could both feel how much they cared for each other, but not any longer. "I will see you at school tomorrow."

"Goodnight," Taehyung called as he unlocked the door.

"Goodnight, TaeTae."

A/N: Is this story moving too slowly? I feel like it is. Their whole relationship won't be as in-depth as it has been, I just really wanted to set up their relationship before anything. The good stuff is here!


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