23. Or Else You Will Certainly Fail

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"Mom?!" Darrell blurted out, a little too loud.

Chandler's eyes widened as he quickly put his hands over Darrell's mouth. "Shh! Listen!" Chandler whispered. Aphrodite on the other hand frowned, looking towards the windows, and causing all the demigods to look down.

Please say she didn't see us, please say she didn't see us, Sybil thought, crossing her fingers. Lucky for them, a minute passed and nothing happened. Assuming the best, they crouched back up and looked through the window. Luckily, Aphrodite was focused on Piper again.

"Mom, I told you! I can't do it! They're my friends!" Piper protested angrily.

"So what? Us gods do stuff to each other all the time, but it's all in good fun!" Aphrodite said.

"Mom, you don't understand. I'm. Not. A. God. I won't do it! I refuse," Piper said, crossing her arms stubbornly.

"You know, your siblings would never hesitate to take up my offer and do as I say! But I chose you, not them. Drew would have been perfect for this, no doubt! But you're special, Piper! I want you to do this, out of all of your siblings! Stop being so stubborn!" Aphrodite whined like a little kid that wanted candy.

"You're the stubborn one! Why can't you understand that I want nothing to do with controlling my friends and your stupid shenanigans built on your need to have quote unquote 'fun,'" Piper said, her eyes flickering with utter anger.

"Because it makes no sense! You're my daughter, you should want to be a queen, you should have the same hilarious sense of humor and fun as me," Aphrodite said.

"Well I don't," Piper snapped. She turned around. "Not so good-bye, Aphrodite." She took a step forward about to walk away, when Aphrodite's voice cut through the air like a blade.

"Piper, stop," Aphrodite growled. Charmspeak. Out of everyone in the entire universe ever, Aphrodite was by far the most skilled at charmspeak. She could tell an entire country to kill themselves with a single command, and they'd do it without hesitation. "You really think I'd let you get away that easily?" Aphrodite laughed coldly. "You most definitely thought wrong."

"So what? You're going to charmspeak me? They'll find out right away, I know they will," Piper said.

"Oh no, that's far too easy. Didn't you hear me before? I want to have some fun!" Aphrodite said.

"Fun?" Piper said warily. "How will you do that?"

"Oh, by possessing you," Aphrodite smirked, "Simple stuff like that."

Piper's eyes widened in horror as she tried to run away, but she was still frozen in place. Meanwhile, Aphrodite closed her eyes, exploding into a large cloud of pink, glittery smoke. The cloud began to make it way towards Piper, slowly yet surely.

"We can't let Aphrodite possess Piper! Or else we've failed!" Sybil said. The other six demigods nodded in agreement, bursting up and storming into the Aphrodite cabin, shouting for Aphrodite to stop.

To their surprise, the pink cloud that was Aphrodite stopped in it's place. It morphed into Aphrodite's solid, human form, which was definitely a weird sight to see (a weird pink cloud turning into a beautiful woman). She wrinkled her nose when she saw all the demigods.

"Darrell? Dove? You other demigods? What are you doing?" Aphrodite said.

"We could ask the same thing!"  Marcel said.

"Trying to possess your daughter like a total creep. I mean, that's low, even for you," Dani said.

"At least I'm not hiding a huge fact about myself from my two siblings," Aphrodite said.

Dani's eyes widened, but she kept her voice low and even. "What do you know about my secrets?"

"I'm the goddess of love, honey. I'm going to know," Aphrodite smirked.

"What does she mean, Dani?" Marcel frowned, turning to Dani.

"Yeah, she's just making up lies," Adele said, then hesitantly added, "Right?"

"Go ahead and tell them, hun," Aphrodite said, her eyes flickering with malice, "Or else I will."

"I..." Dani said, looking down. "I... I like girls."

"Yeah, so do I. And guys. Your point?" Adele said causally, not understanding the situation.

"No, I mean like, like girls. I'm... um, I'm a... lesbian. I... think," Adele said, her face turning red. It was official. She hated Aphrodite with all her guts.

Marcel and Adele blinked. They looked at each other, then back at Dani. Then they did the thing Dani least expected. They grinned, springing out and wrapping Dani in a huge hug. "Well, duh!" Adele said. "We already knew that! It was kind of obvious. But I'm so proud of you!"

"Same here," Marcel said, his smile widening.

Sybil looked at Dani, Marcel, and Adele in their group hug. But she was also... angry. Not at them, no, no, no. At Aphrodite.

"What the hell?!" Sybil screamed at Aphrodite. "What is your effing problem you total bitch?! How dare you force anyone to come out! Out of every disgusting, horrible, thing you've ever done, this has got to be the worst!"

"Oh, you think so?" Aphrodite smirked, tilting her head to the side.

"Yes!" Sybil screamed, her face turning red as she balled her fists. "It's so messed up! I mean, forcing someone to come out of the closet has positively got to be one of the most horrible things for anyone to do! You being a bitch ass god isn't an excuse either!" Sybil screamed.

"Ooh, feisty," Aphrodite smirked. "You'll be a fun one to play with."

Dani walked over to Sybil, putting her hand on her shoulder. "Hey, it's okay. Just take a deep breath. We need a plan," The red head said.

Sybil took a deep breath, trying to calm down, but she was literally shaking with rage. Nevertheless, she turned to everyone else. "Okay, first of all, it is not okay. But we do need a plan. Guys, we were all chosen for the prophecy for a reason. I've already fulfilled all my parts, I've led us here, I've used my wisdom. Now you guys have to use your strengths," Sybil said.

"You know it's not really the wisest to say your plan in front of the 'enemy,' daughter of Athena," Aphrodite chided.

"I couldn't care less what you think," Sybil said bluntly, "My friends on the other hand..." Sybil turned to them.

They all put on determined expressions, adjusting their stance a bit. "Let's do this," Chandler said.

"I think you're forgetting something," Aphrodite said, "I'm a goddess. It's going to take more then a couple lame, teenage, hormonal, demigods to stop me."

"We're not just a 'couple lame, teenage, hormonal, demigod's' though. We're a family. And all all the shit you've put us through has just brought us closer. Nothing you can or will ever do can stop that," Sybil said defiantly. Everyone grinned at her. She really was a great leader.

They all looked at each other, nodded, and started attacking the love goddess. Chandler started by holding his hand in the air and using his light bending powers, causing a huge ray of light to shine in Aphrodite's eyes, stunning her. If she was a human, she would most likely be blinded from that.

While Aphrodite was temporarily stunned from the light, Adele, Dani, and Marcel rushes in, knocking Aphrodite to the ground (they were exceptionally fast, since they were children of Hermes). Aphrodite was still weak from being almost blinded, giving the triplets the chance to hold Aphrodite down on the ground and making her unable to move.

That's when the Heartlace twins swooped in. They used their Aphrodite powers to change Aphrodite's clothing into a dress that had thousands of sharp needles on the inside, so that whenever she moved, the needles would painfully stab into her. They were magic needles so they could hurt a god and make them bleed golden Ichor, and the dress was enchanted too, so Aphrodite couldn't take it off.

The dress was actually of the twins own design and they used it a lot for situations like this (they use it a lot whenever they fight). Usually the twins wouldn't be powerful enough to use their powers on a god, but with their combined power, they were able to easily accomplish it.

Now Aphrodite found herself unable to move in the uncomfortable dress. At least it was fashionable on the outside, where the needles weren't.

"You absolute, utter idiots!" Aphrodite cried from the ground. She blinked fiercely, then tried to sit up, but quickly found herself laying back down as the needles poked and cut her as she moved.

"What's wrong, mother? Find yourself unable to move?" Dove said.

"How dare you speak to me that way! I am your mother! I bore you from my womb!" Aphrodite said.

"Hey, you should be lucky your daughter is at least a great designer and the dress looks beautiful! She could've made it look like a garbage bag or something," Darrell said. Dove grinned at her brother.

"I suppose you're right... you're lucky it is or else I would totally disintegrate it!" Aphrodite said.

"But you can't do that, can you?" Dove smirked. "Since the dress dampens your powers and all." Aphrodite just roared in outrage.

"Ooh, who knew you were such a badass, Dove?" Adele grinned. "I stan, queen!"

"Let me go!" Aphrodite screamed.

"Why the Hades would we do that? You literally just tried to possess your own daughter!" Marcel said. They all turned to Piper who was still frozen in place, but wore a smug expression on her face.

"Wow, you guys are much more powerful then you look!" Aphrodite said, smiling. Why was she smiling? She was literally in a horrible position! There was no way she was winning. "Buuut I'm better."

"Excuse me?" Sybil raised her eyebrow.

"Yes, this dam dress dampens my powers, but it doesn't completely get rid of them! And I'm a god! I'm still perfectly capable of using my powers, it's just weakened a few of my more common aspects that all gods have, like shape shifting and turning into my true godly form!"

All the demigods looked at each other, realizing the same thing at the exact same time, but far too late. Aphrodite exploded into a cloud of pink glitter, breaking free from the captivity of the dress.

But instead of floating towards Piper, Aphrodite (the floating pink cloud) began to drift over to the seven demigods. They tried to run, but they found themselves frozen. But the cloud was definitely making its way towards someone in particular.


Sybil's eyes widened in utter horror. She wanted to run away so bad but she just couldn't. Tears welled up in her eyes. She knew she was about to loose control, and she could do nothing about it.

That's when Aphrodite flew towards Sybil at full speed, knocking into her. Sybil stumbled backwards screaming, but the scream was cut short. Her eyes temporarily flashed a bright pink before returning to their normal gray, her body stiffening into the perfect posture.

Sybil had been possessed by the love goddess herself.

"My, my!" Sybil said, an eerie smile creeping across her face. It was Sybil's voice, and Sybil's face and body, but the smile was not her own.  "That was far to easy. This body will definitely serve to my purposes. At least until I've completed my mission, then I'll dispose of this body."

Sybil (Or Aphrodite in Sybil's body) turned to the other demigods who were still frozen in fear, evil flashing in her eyes. "Now," Possessed Sybil said, "Let's let the fun begin."

The end!

OMG that was so fun to write! Are you guys confused? Like genuinely confused on what's happening? I am. But basically, they traveled back in time before Piper charmed anyone or gave anyone any potions, but they found out that Piper didn't do any of that on her own free will, but was possessed by Aphrodite.

They tried to stop it before it happened, but then Sybil got possessed and that's the end of this book! Don't worry, I'll definitely make a sequel! I really hope you liked it because it was so much fun to write.

Also, this chapter is soooo long. Legit, it's more then 2000 words. I wanted to give you a special finale chapter! What are your thoughts on the book?

PS, this chapter has not yet been proofread or edited since it's so long and I'm a lazy weirdo. But I hope the mistakes I didn't catch while writing aren't too bad,

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