5. Drew Can Actually Think

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It was a few days later and Drew was miserable. She had to act totally different, pretending she had no fashion sense and hated love! Not to mention she had to act like a 'gross weirdo.' Drew would beg to differ that she is not a gross weirdo. Plus with the whole fashion thing, she was wearing denim on denim at the moment! You heard that right. Denim. On. Denim.

So yeah, Drew was miserable.

Across the room Lacy, Mitchell, and Valentina were trying to rub their booger's on each other. They hadn't taken a shower, done their makeup, brushed their hair, or even changed their mismatching outfits in days. On the other side of the room, Dove and Darrell Heartlace, two twins, were throwing all their designer clothing and makeup out the window.

Drew just sat on her bed, watching the horrible chaos unfold. Piper wasn't around so she didn't have to pretend. "Drew! Come play booger tag with us!" Lacy said, grinning and waving her finger in the air. Drew squinted and to her disgust, their was a booger on the tip of it. Drew gagged, looking away.

"I'm good, honey," Drew said.

"Your loss!" Lacy said, then smooshed the booger onto Mitchell's forehead. Mitchell just laughed, wiping the booger off and... eating it. Drew covered her mouth, running to the bathroom to puke. She really hoped this would all be over soon.

Meanwhile in the Athena cabin, the girls were giggling, comparing makeup colors and dressing themselves in girly, pink frilly outfits. The boys on the other hand were styling their hair with a tremendous amount of gel and getting dressed in designer clothing. A few of the Athena campers were even twerking to some music they had blasting.

Annabeth was at a new vanity in the cabin, helping a girl named Sybil Bishop do her makeup while they giggled about clothes and 'totes cute boys.' A few moments later, Piper came storming into the Athena cabin, a smirk on her face. Percy and Frank were at her side as usual.

"Listen up, slaves," Piper snapped. Everyone froze in the middle of what they were doing to stare at Piper.

"Yes, Mistress," They found themselves saying.

Piper smirked and continued. "You all hate to read and all that academic garbage, right?"

"Oh, of course," They all nodded vigorously, wrinkling their noses.

"Well then, destroy and rip apart everything in here that has to do with that. You hate it, can't stand it. You'd much rather make room for all your fashionable needs!" Piper said.

"Yes, Mistress," They said, immediately getting up to do as Piper told them to do. Annabeth grabbed some scissors and began scratching the screen and cutting the wires or their smart board. Sybil began ripping the pages out of all their books and notebooks. Malcom began ripping apart their math joke posters. Other campers did all sorts of different stuff, like throwing their bookshelves out the door and basically destroying everything.

"Perfect!" Piper said cheerfully. "Now you can remodel to make it a glittery haven for all your Aphrodite-like needs!"

She turned to Percy and Frank who stood there stiffly, arms crossed and not saying a word. "Let's go, boys," She said, spinning on her heel and walking out the door.

Meanwhile in the Iris cabin, Butch was painting the once colorful walls with black paint. Other Iris campers like a boy named Chandler Brite were gladly helping, wanting to get rid of all the hideous color.

In the Hermes cabin, triplets Adele, Marcel, and Danielle were sliding into their formal wear along with other campers. The boy Hermes campers like Travis, Connor, Cecil, and Marcel were putting so much gel in their hair it'd be hard as a rock and shiny as a... well, think of something super shiny and multiply it by ten thousand.

Meanwhile, girl Hermes campers like Julia, Alice, Adele, and Danielle, were putting on elegant makeup and doing their hair in fancy hairdos. When they were done with getting ready, they worked together to make the Hermes cabin as clean as possible. It wasn't easy, but they did it.

By now I think you get the point. Everyone was acting different and Piper was having the absolute best time making them act that way.

Piper had no forgiveness, no mercy, no chill. She was having fun torturing the campers at the moment, but eventually she would get bored of them. Isn't that just how villains work?

Cut back to Drew who was done puking and was now deep in thought. That's right, Drew was actually thinking. She may not have been a daughter or Athena, but she could still be a tiny bit smart when she wanted to be. Sometimes. Luckily for the plot, she was able to think right now.

A million thoughts raced through her head, matter of fact. She needed to stop Piper, though she didn't know how. Even if charmspeak worked on other charmspeakers (which it didn't), Piper was far more powerful then Drew, as much as she hated to admit it. She could always get a prophecy, that would help her defeat Piper, but Drew guessed that Piper knew that and had Rachel under her control.

Suddenly, a thought popped into her head. When Piper was charmspeaking the entire camp, Clarisse wasn't there. She was off cutting herself... and Piper has been so busy she probably forgot all about Clarisse. So she just had to find Clarisse, Clarisse could use her muscles to kidnap Rachel, and they could snap her back to her usual self! That was a lot harder then it sounded. And she still had no idea how she'd undo the effects of the charmspeak.

It was a long shot, but Drew at least at to try. For herself, for camp, for her family.

That's right, Drew is gonna be the hero! I'm a softie for hero Drew tbh. Hope you liked chapter five and thanks for reading!

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