7. Oracle-Napping

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"Okay," Drew said, turning to Clarisse, "Do you happen to know how to get out of here?"

"Obviously. We play capture the flag here all the time," Clarisse scoffed.

"Oh, I always ditch," Drew said, studying her nails. Clarisse just rolled her eyes.

"Typical," Clarisse grumbled.

"What was that?" Drew raised her eyebrows.

"Nothing," Clarisse said grumpily, turning around and beginning to lead the way out of the woods.

Only a few minutes later, they had exited the woods. Drew had explained her plan with many plot holes to Clarisse, and the daughter of war was silent the entire time.

"So let me get this straight," Clarisse said, stepping out of the woods and into the daylight, "We're just going to charge right into the Big House where you think Rachel is just because Piper is there, kidnap Rachel who will definitely not cooperate, then you think you can undo the effects of the charm, and when that all done, you think a prophecy will help defeat Piper? Am I correct?"

Drew beamed and nodded, causing Clarisse to scoff and roll her eyes. "You know, I should be shocked enough that a dimwit daughter of Aphrodite like yourself even knows how to think," She mumbled.

"I can hear you," Drew snapped.

"I know," Clarisse said smugly, smirking.

Drew just groaned. "Look, I can tell you don't like me and I don't like you for sure - your aura is so messed up - but can we at least try to get along?"

"Since when are you concerned about 'getting along?'" Clarisse smirked.

"Since Piper put the entire camp under her control," Drew said coldly, a dead serious expression on her face.

Clarisse seemed to shrink down a bit which seemed impossible for the fierce girl to do, putting on an apologetic expression for once in her life. "You're.. I right," Clarisse sighed, "Let's at least try. For everyone else's sake."

Drew simply nodded.

"We should probably kidnap Rachel at night when everyone's asleep," Clarisse said thoughtfully.

"Can we stop calling it kidnapping?" Drew said, tucking a piece of her hair behind her ear.

"What would you like to call it? Oracle-napping?" Clarisse snorted.

"No," Drew said rather quickly, "We're saving her. Not oracle-na - I mean kidnapping."

Clarisse grinned. "Ay, it's catching on!" She said proudly.

"Oh shut up," Drew rolled her eyes, but she couldn't help the small smile spread across her face. "So where should we hide?"

Clarisse smirked, a somewhat evil look in her eyes. Oh no, Drew thought. "Uh... Clarisse? What are you thinking? Or do I even want to know?"

Clarisse's smirk just widened. "We hide from the inside," Clarisse said, "In the Big House."

For some reason, Drew was slightly offended by what Clarisse just said. It was just that ridiculous. In the Big House? Where Piper literally is right now? "That's a horrible idea!" Drew said, throwing her hands up.

"And you have a better one?" Clarisse snapped.

"We could hide in the woods," Drew suggested.

"And when it's dark out it's not gonna exactly be easy to find our ways out of there," Clarisse retorted.

"Well we could-"

"Face it," Clarisse cut her off, "My idea is the best."


"Drew," Clarisse said in a warning tone.

"Fine," Drew groaned, exasperated. "Let's go to the Big House."

"Yes!" Clarisse said, pumping her fist in the air.

Sorry it was kind of short, but here's chapter seven! Hope you enjoyed!

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