9. Clarisse Punches Piper

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"Okay, push open the door on three," Drew said.

She was about to start counting but Drew cut her off. "Why three? Why not just do it right now?"

Drew rolled her eyes. "Fine then. Just push it open," She said reluctantly. Clarisse was very stubborn and she knew she wouldn't give in that easily... or at all. Clarisse smiled triumphantly (which annoyed Drew) and turned the knob, slowly pushing the door open.

And what was inside you may ask? They couldn't tell... because it was pitch black. "Well this sucks," Clarisse said, crossing her arms.

"At least we have a little light from the moonlight shining through-"

"That teeny tiny window?" Clarisse said, finishing Drew's sentence. "Yeah, hardly any."

"OMG, you're such a downer!" Drew said, a bit angry. "You're always acting like a complete bitch and you're never positive! You're so hard to be around when we're trying our to save the world!" Drew said.

"Oh, you're one to talk," Clarisse scoffed. "You're the one who was just talking about how you didn't deserve a quest! And I disagreed at first, put maybe I'm starting to agree now!"

Drew was genuinely hurt by that. She clenched her fists and glared at Clarisse. "See what I mean?" Drew said. "You're a complete bitch in every way possible!"

"Well you're a complete bitch in more ways possible!" Clarisse retorted back, ever so cleverly. The two girls were so absorbed in their fight that they didn't even realize how loud they were being... which was not good.

So absorbed in fact that they didn't even notice Piper appear, leaning on the door frame. "Well, well, well!" Piper said, slow clapping. "Looks like two girls escaped m-"

Piper couldn't even finish her sentence. Why? Because Clarisse punched Piper, causing her to fall backwards down the stairs. Drew quickly slammed the door shut, locking it. "Huh," Clarisse said, "Who knew there was a lock on the door."

The two girls looked at each other, frowning and wondering who would apologize first. "I-Uh," Drew looked down. Apologizing wasn't exactly her strong suit - she didn't do it much. "Clarisse, I'm sorry. You're not a bitch and you were right about me. I really don't deserve a quest."

"Uh, yeah you do," Clarisse said, crossing her arms, "Even if everything you did before this was bad, you've definitely proved yourself in your time with me. And I'm the one that should be sorry, I started this fight. I guess I'll try to be more 'positive' or whatever, but we'll see."

Drew smiled softly. "So... want to look for Rachel in this very dim lighting?"

"Why not?" Clarisse said. The two began walking, even though they could barely see. Their eyes slowly began to adjust to the darkness though.

"Wait... what's that?" Drew said, stopping in her tracks.

"What's what?" Clarisse said.

Drew raised her manicured finger, pointing at a glowing green light behind a book case. "Uh... no clue," Clarisse said.

"Well let's investigate then," Drew said, trying to sound chirpy, though her voice wavered at the end.

"Okay," Clarisse said, not looking the tiniest bit scared. Figures, Drew thought.

They began to slowly walk towards the book case. They looked behind it and...

Haha, cliffhanger! I'm sure you probably know what the green light is... maybe... but cliffhanger!

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