Chapter 26: So Was I

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A few days later.

Sean and Lucia were doing some wedding planning together.

"We're getting close to the big day, my Dear," Sean smiled.

"I know," Lucia grinned. "I'm excited. Have you decided on a best man?"

"I have. Denny."

"Oh, that's wonderful," Lucia smiled.

"I thought maybe you'd be happy about that."

"I am. Thank you."

Sean kissed her cheek.

"So, we have the cake sampling in an hour, and we'll have to go from there to a couple different florists to get rough prices," Lucia nodded. "And we still have to decide on a location. I was thinking the butterfly garden would be beautiful. There's also a huge sunflower field nearby. Or, if you're thinking indoors, there's this gorgeous ballroom on Main Street. It's a little pricey, but my father knows the landlord, so I think we could get a discount."

Sean nodded.

"Which would you prefer?"

"I'll have to see them."

"Fair enough," Lucia smiled. "What colors did we decide on? Pale yellow and light blue?"

"Yeah. Nice complimentary colors."


Sean nodded. "I think it'll be very nice."

"Me too," Lucia grinned. "Oh, hey, do you want to see my dress?"

"You'll show me? Before the wedding?" Sean asked in surprise.

"Well, I know you've been wanting to see it," Lucia smiled. "However, some guys do choose to wait until their bride is walking down the aisle. It's entirely up to you."

"I'll wait."

"Okay," Lucia chuckled, kissing his cheek. "Do you want to go to the bakery now? Our appointment isn't for an hour, but the old lady who runs it is so sweet that she said if we wanted to, we could go in earlier."

"Yeah, let's go do that and we'll grab a bite to eat after."

"Something tells me we'll be too full," Lucia chuckled. "Their cake is really good."

Sean smiled and grabbed the keys to his car. "Come on."

Lucia kissed his cheek and they drove off.


Denny set his keys on the counter and gave a sigh. It was weird to not have anyone to hang with.

Sean and Lucia were busy planning the wedding, and Jonah was out to lunch with Monica. Who did that leave Denny? No one.

"I need more friends," he sighed.

As he went to make himself a sandwich, there was a knock on at the front door.

"Coming!" He called out before going to answer it. He opened the door to see Paisley standing in the hallway. "Paisley?"

Paisley grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and pressed a firm kiss to his lips. "I was wrong," she said once she pulled away. "I was wrong and I'm sorry. I do love you, Denny. I love you so much."

Denny blinked, taken a back by surprise. "Why?"

"Because you're amazing and perfect."

"I am not. You turned me down. That proves I'm not."

"No. It proves that I'm an idiot for letting you go," Paisley sighed. "Denny, please...just say you'll be my boyfriend again?"

Denny sighed and looked down, rubbing the back of his neck. "You hurt me pretty bad, Paisley. I...I still love you, but I don't want to be hurt again."

"I won't, I promise," Paisley nodded. "I know that I hurt you and I'm so so sorry, but I promise that I'll make it up to you."

Denny sighed again. "Come on in." He stepped aside. He was sure she meant everything she said, but he didn't know if he wanted to take the chance again.

"Denny," Paisley sighed, "I don't even know where to begin. I'm- I'm so sorry that I hurt you."

He nodded.

"Please, just believe me, okay? I have never felt about anyone the way I feel about you. I love you, Denny," Paisley said earnestly.

Denny nodded again and bit the inside of his cheek. "Listen, Paisley, I missed you too," he smiled.

Paisley embraced him tightly. "How about we go out to lunch?"


"Really," Paisley smiled, kissing him briefly. "Can we never break up again?"

"Up to you."

Paisley wrapped her arms around Denny's neck and pressed her forehead against his. "Never."

Denny sighed and whispered, "I want to believe you...really. I...I missed you, Paisley."

"I missed you more."

Denny sighed again.

"You're so amazing, Denny. I love you."

Denny nodded.

"Please believe me," Paisley whispered.

"I do. I love you too."

"Let's go have lunch. Wherever you want. My treat."

Denny smiled a little. "Let's go to that Mexican restaurant."

"Alright," Paisley smiled. "I'll drive?"


"Did I ever tell you that you're the best thing that's ever happened to me?"

"Yes. Thank you. You are too."

"Thanks," Paisley grinned.

The two went down to her car and got in.

"Paisley? I'm glad you came back, but...why did you?"

"Because I love you and I realized that I made a mistake."

"You were so busy. How did you make time to think of me?"

"I couldn't stop thinking about you, Denny. I didn't have to make time."

Denny gently took her hand. "You want to pick up where we left off?"

"Of course," Paisley smiled.

"We'll talk at lunch."

Paisley nodded and drove to the Mexican restaurant. "What are you going to get?"

"Maybe some enchiladas. What about you?"

"Spicy tacos," Paisley grinned.

"Good choice, if you don't want me to share," Denny chuckled.

"I've learned my lesson from the chicken pot pie on our fifth date," Paisley chuckled.

Denny smiled cheekily, his dimples peeking out. He knew that was a way to make her happy.

"You're so handsome," Paisley smiled, wrapping an arm around him as they waited in line.

Denny bit his lip and kissed her briefly.

"I missed you so much, Denny."

"I missed you too, Paisley. I'm sorry I don't...I have doubts."

"That's understandable," Paisley nodded. "I'm sorry I hurt you."

"We'll move on...we'll start a new chapter."

"I hope it's soon."

Denny looked down at her. "What do you mean?"

"The doubts you have...I hope you soon realize that I'm not leaving again."

Denny sighed quietly. "I know. I'm sorry."

"It's okay. You're allowed to feel like that," Paisley shrugged.

"I promise to be the best I can."

"Thank you," Paisley smiled.

Denny kissed her cheek.

"I love you. Have I mentioned that?" Paisley chuckled.

"Yes. Yes, you have."

"Well, good," Paisley grinned, kissing his cheek.

Denny smiled and they ordered their food. After they were handed their meal, they chose a table by the window.

"So, what have you been up to since I last saw you?" Paisley smiled.

"Um...nothing. Sean moved in with me."

"Oh, yeah. I remember you saying something about that," Paisley nodded. "Not much has happened on my end. A patient died."


"Yeah. He had an allergic reaction and they didn't get him to the hospital in time."

"Oh, no. Sounds like me."

"I'd like to think that if you were severely allergic to peanuts, you'd be smart enough to not eat a peanut butter cookie," Paisley chuckled.

Denny chuckled.

"It was sort of sad, though. The guy was only like thirty."

"That is really sad."

"Yeah. He was a bit of a jerk, though," Paisley shrugged. "Anyway, did you hear about the Coldplay concert tomorrow night?"

"I did. I wish I could go."

"Couldn't get tickets?"

"I didn't try very hard," Denny admitted.

Paisley pulled an envelope out of her pocket and slid it across the table.

Denny open it. "You got them?"

"One of my nurse friends got them but now she's being forced to work and can't go."

"Really? You'll have a good time," Denny smiled, not wanting to assume she'd take him.

"You're coming with me, silly," Paisley laughed.

Denny smiled. "Oh, Paisley."

"I know they're your favorite," she smiled.

"Thank you so much, Paisley," Denny smiled more, his dimples showing.

"You're welcome," Paisley chuckled.


"What cake do you like best?" Lucia smiled.

"I like them all. Maybe the chocolate with strawberries."

"What about the chocolate with the white frosting?"

"It's okay, but I do like the freshness of the strawberries against the chocolate cake.

"That is good," Lucia nodded. "Chocolate cake with strawberries, then?"

"If that's good with you," Sean smiled.

"Of course," Lucia grinned. "Can we get the white frosting?"

"Yes. I think that'll be delicious."

"Perfect. And can we get cupcakes now? I'm hungry."

"Sure. How about we wait to eat them and get actual food first?"

"Sounds good," Lucia nodded.

Sean smiled and they went to order their cupcakes to go. Lucia ordered a triple chocolate cupcake, and Sean got an apple cinnamon one.

"Mm. That looks good," Lucia grinned.

"I'll give you a bite after we eat lunch," Sean smiled.

"Where are we going to eat?"

"We could go to the Mexican restaurant we like."

"Perfect. Let's go."

They got in his car and drove off.

"Is it crazy if I get three tacos?"

"Not if you're that hungry," Sean chuckled.

"I am," Lucia nodded. "I really should be full from all that cake, but I'm not."

"And you told me we probably wouldn't need lunch."

"Yes, well, I was definitely wrong."

Sean smiled.

"I'm so happy that we're getting married."

"Me too, Dearest. I think it will work out well."

They soon arrived at the restaurant and waited in line.

"Hey, is that Denny and Paisley over there?" Lucia asked with a thoughtful frown.

Sean looked over. " looks like it."

"Do you think they're back together?"

"He looks happy. I don't know. I know what you like, so if you want to go say hi, you can.

"Thanks," Lucia smiled, kissing his cheek. She quickly went over to Denny and Paisley's table. "Hey, you two."

Paisley looked up. "Hi, Lucia."

"It's good to see you guys," Lucia nodded. "Is there something going on?"

"No, not really. We're just enjoying a nice lunch," Denny smiled.

"So, you're not back together?"

"We are," Denny smiled more, taking Paisley's hand. "We made up."

"That's wonderful!" Lucia smiled.

Denny smiled at his girlfriend.

"I'm so happy for you guys," Lucia grinned.

Denny kissed the back of Paisley's hand. "Me too."

"Do you and Sean want to join us?" Paisley offered.

"Oh, I don't want to interrupt your date," Lucia said kindly.

"You won't be interrupting." Denny shook his head. "Come join us."

"If you insist," Lucia shrugged, pulling up a chair. "Sean and I just got back from the bakery."

"Yeah? What for?" Paisley asked.

"Choosing our wedding cake."

"Wedding cake?"

"Yeah. We decided on chocolate cake with strawberries inside and white frosting."

Denny smiled. "She's getting married in two months."

"So soon?" Paisley smiled.

"Yeah," Lucia nodded. "We didn't want to wait longer than we had to."

"I'm so happy for you."

"Thank you."

Sean came over. "They'll call our number when our food's ready."

"Alright," Lucia smiled. "Guess who's back together."

"Hm...I don't know," Sean smiled, chuckling.

"Denny and I are boyfriend and girlfriend again," Paisley smiled.

Sean chuckled. "I got the idea."

Denny smiled at Paisley. "So, Do you guys know where you're having the ceremony?"

"We have to go preview two places today. The butterfly garden and a ballroom."

"And the sunflower field," Lucia added. "I think our food's ready."

Sean got up and went to retrieve the tray.

"Man, am I grateful for you," Denny said to his girlfriend.

Paisley leaned in and gently kissed him. "Not as grateful as I am for you."


Sean and Lucia were looking around the ballroom to look for their wedding. "Beautiful room, isn't it?"

"Yeah, it is," Lucia smiled. "Do you like it more than the sunflower field and butterfly garden?"

"I think it'd be nice."

"Awesome," Lucia smiled. "Let's book it."

Sean nodded and took her hand, spinning her around slowly.

"What are you doing?" Lucia chuckled.

"Dancing with you."

Lucia wrapped her arms around his neck. "You're so romantic."

Sean smiled. "I love you."

"I love you more."

"I love you most."

"Not possible."

Sean hummed and pulled her in closer.

"Whatcha thinking about?"

"Marrying you."

"Funny. So was I," Lucia smiled, kissing him tenderly.

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