Chapter 14.

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Sabrina's POV.

I was having a great nap until Trevor called me up. I was about to scold him but his voice was shaky and he was sobbing. Trevor was soft but acted tough, he only cried in front of me.

"Trev? What's wrong?" I jerked up from the bed.

"Scarlett...she had an accident.." He sobbed again.

"Is she okay? Are you okay?" I worriedly asked.

"I-I don't know...can you come over?"

"Of course, I'll be right over there." I assured him.

I changed into a blue knitted sweater and black jeans. I rushed down and grabbed my car keys before closing the door behind me.

I reached at Trevor's in 15 minutes. I took the key from one of the shrubs and opened the door. I closed the door behind me, before I was softly hit by a bat.

"Dammit!" I shrieked, rubbing my head.

"Why didn't you just use the doorbell?" The voice asked.

"Well.." I looked up and saw Vincent standing there. My heart stopped beating and somehow lost my breath. He was the definition of perfect.

1 year ago...

The music filled my ears as I tried to make my way to Trevor. I was hosting a party tonight and the whole school was invited. Everyone was littering my house but I was tired stopping them.

My body crashed into a muscular body. I looked up to apologise and saw him, Vincent. He had hazel coloured eyes and kind of curly hair, he looked annoyed but I didn't mind, because he was perfect.

"Look where you are going kid." He snapped.

I am a tough girl and usually would punch him by now, but since he was good-looking, I let this one slide and used my sarcastic tone instead.

"Don't order me in my own house Vincey." I fluttered my eyes.

Vincent hates to be called that because his last girlfriend called him that and apparently she left him for someone else.

"Don't call me that, we have got company." He eyed the girl standing next to him.

"Did I interrupt the make out session?" I made puppy eyes.

He asked the girl to leave and turned his body towards me and bent a bit close to my face. "You did and why don't you pay for what you just did!" He whispered in my ears, sending chills to my body. 

"In your dream." I sassed back.

I left the scene and continued my quest on finding Trevor. After bumping into about 10 people, I finally reached to Trevor.

He was busy smooching Clarissa. I mentally rolled my eyes and pulled Trevor.

"What is wr..."

"What is your brother doing here?" I cut him off.

"He was bored, so I invited him." He shrugged.

"This is not your party, you don't get to invite people." I fired back.

"What's up with you?" He asked.

"For starters, I am bored in my own party and your brother had to ruin everything." I said.

"Fine...sorry. Can I go back now?" He asked.

"Yeah..whatever!" I left.

I met with some of the jocks of our school who offered me some orange juice. I grabbed and chucked it in without thinking. The juice tasted different and I didn't like it. But I felt happier now. Crap, Alchohol.

I stumbled up the stairs and opened my room to see an astonished Vincent smirking, sitting on my bed. I smiled at him and attacked his lips. We had a good make out session, before I passed out.

After that day, Vincent pretended like it never happened and I felt really guilty. I also told Trevor what happened and he just patted my back. From that day onwards, I never let myself love anyone. Because, I loved Vincent.

Present time...

I was snapped back to reality by Vincent who was still standing in front of me, looking confused.

"Where is Trevor?" I asked.

"Upstairs, wouldn't open the room." He gestured me to come in.

I opened Trevor's door without hesitation and saw a depressed Trevor, crying.

I locked his door and sat right next to him.

"How you doin?" I asked him in Joey's tone.

He looked at me and hugged me tightly, crying on my shoulders and wetting my favourite sweater but I didn't mind because it wasn't the priority.

After a good 30 minutes cry session, he went into the washroom to wash his face, he had to go for his shift. I exited his bedroom and made my way to the kitchen.

I saw Vincent eating some ice cream and giggled, "I thought you did not like ice cream!"

He almost dropped the bowl and replied, "You weren't suppose to find it out."

I just took the bowl from his hand, grabbed another spoon and started eating. It was a chocolate ice cream with some sprinkles on it.

"How's my brother?" He said, taking a bite.

"Sad, depressed, scared? I don't know." I shrugged.

"He really likes the girl, doesn't he?" He seriously asked.

"What makes you say that?" I knitted my brows.

"I met the girl at the party or maybe their 'first date' and he got super protective. He never gets like that around Clarissa." He smirked.

"Ohh! Good observation!" I smiled. "Gotta go. See ya later."

"You can hang with me if you want to." He stopped me.

Hell yeah! Shut up subconscious!

"I dunno." I said.

"Cool." He fired.

I really wanted him to insist me more. But since he didn't, I had to find a way to stay without sounding desperate.

"You know that I remember the kiss we had a year ago." He followed me back.

"You do?" I lifted my brows up.

" was one of the bests." He winked.

That's when I knew that no matter what I had to let him know about my feelings.


Hello Angels!

Sorry for all the typos as I typed the whole chapter on my phone.

I am on a family trip and it is freezing here!!!

What did you think of Sabrina's POV?

Him and Vincent huh?

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