Chapter 1

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        "Ahhhh!", Liliana Borose screams as the snake jumps out at her. "You bitch! I hate you!" "Hey, I'm as bitchy as the next girl," I retort, smirking. "I am tired of you and your pranks!", Lili shrieks, riled up. My smirk grows from ear to ear. That's how I like my victims.

        "Darling, we all wake up at 5:30 and spend eight hours here, in this prison. One, we're all tired. Two, a girl's gotta do something fun to keep her alive." "I'd prefer it if you weren't alive," she growls, staring at me, but stopping her gaze at my nose. They're always too scared to look me in the eye. "And really, fake snake in the locker? Amateur move; I thought you could do better," Liliana spits at me.  I chuckle. "It's not fake." She faints.

        I sigh as I sit at the river's edge. I'm skipping sixth period, but I don't care. It's all useless anyway. My head suddenly snaps up. Footsteps. All of my senses are alert as I leap to my feet and prepare to run. "Relax, Jazzy. It's just me," my one and only friend, Beatriz Kim announces. "You scared the hell out of me," I snap.

         "Don't get your panties in a twist, girl," Bea answers sassily. "Or what, you gonna throw me on the barbie?", I quickly retort, mocking her Australian origin. She gives me the look. I sigh again. "Fine, I'm really sorry. It's just- well, it's been a rough day." "Liliana again?" Bea asks, a worried expression working it's way into her features. "Yep," I giggle, completely forgetting about my tough girl masquerade. People hide their true selves so much that they usually forget who they really are. Except for those few, precious moments where your personality shines through. Treasure them.

           We break out in laughter for a couple of minutes. "Never change Jasira Faro, never change." "I don't intend to," I wink at her. "Come on, the day's almost over. Let's get back to school before anyone notices we're gone."



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