So Many Changes That I'm Going Through

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A/N: You guys already know how sorry I am for the ridiculously late update. 

New York was absolutely amazing, I'm so grateful I got to go. I met George. :3

Warning: Mentions of sex. Let's be mature, people. 

Jeremy's POV

"So what did ya think of that?" Michael laughs, grabbing my hand as we turn the corner.

"The sustainable Doritos?" I ask, swinging our hands between us. I love moments like these. Just the little things, like the way Michael's fingers feel intertwined with mine.

"No, Silly," he replies, smiling. "The whole do-over date thing?"

"Oh! Yeah, it was great. Much better than our first one."

Michael's face quickly changes from happily relaxed to the look he gets when he's bursting to tell you something. Before he can say a word, I ask, "What is it?"

"You're not gonna believe this," he responds, with genuine seriousness.

"I swallowed a tic tac that almost took over the world. Try me, Michael. Try me," I challenge, checking both ways before crossing the street. We're going to my house to study and finish up some homework, and my dad took the car this morning, so we're walking.

"Okay, I'm not one hundred percent sure. . .actually I'm one million percent sure about this," my boyfriend says, tucking hair behind his ear with his free hand. "So, your dad, right?"

I'm one million percent sure I have no idea where this is going. "Uhuh?"

"Yeah. So, your dad had like, a gay lover in his past. Which is. . .weird to think about, but whatever."


"Sorry, it just is." I nod, prompting him to stay on topic. "Right. So your dad had a gay lover in his past, and suddenly we have this kind-of-hot-but-he's-old substitute who is talking all fondly about your dad. He pauses at the mention of your last name and looks at you all wistfully and he sent my gaydar off like crazy. And your dad and Mr. Kumar knew each other in the past! And your dad said he had a gay lover in his past! And Mr. Kumar is gay! And knew your dad in the past! So he was probably gay in the past! Gay when he knew your dad who was also gay in the past! Coincidence?" Michael grins as he catches his breath.

"Oh my god," I say, thinking out loud. "Oh my god."

"I know right!" Michael says, practically jumping with excitement. "It's crazy and it's really weird, but it makes sense. I mean, think about it!"

I bring a hand to my forehead. Strangely, Michael is right; the way Mr. Kumar had looked at me, the way he paused at my last name, and the weird compliment about how I had his eyes. "That's. . .ew. I. . .ew. I don't want to think about that," I say, shaking my head. It was weird enough before, but imagining Mr. Kumar with my dad was a whole new level of weird.

We approach my driveway, hands still linked. We walk up the familiar stone steps, and by the time we reach the top, my boyfriend has managed to entangle himself in my arms. "I love you," Michael says simply, and then spins out of my embrace. He races to the door, whipping out the keys from his pocket. When did he steal my keys? I laugh at his childlike manner and run with him.

"Last one to the basement is a rotten egg!" I shout, as my boyfriend rapidly unlocks the door. We both burst through, bodies colliding as we race pass the kitchen. We're almost at the top of the stairs when I pull ahead, practically jumping down the steps. Like usual, launch myself into the couch.

I crash seconds before Michael, who "accidentally" falls right on top of me. We're both awkwardly smashed into the couch cushions, my face pressed into a pillow, Michael's face pressed into my back.

Michael's POV

"Can't. . .breathe!" Jeremy musters, gently elbowing my stomach. Grinning, I ease off of him and sit by his feet. He flips over onto his back, placing his hands behind his head. He tries to seductively smile at me, but he looks more constipated than anything else.

I climb onto him, bringing our chests together. We're nose-to-nose, staring directly into each other's eyes. His breath smells like nacho cheese and peppermint, and while that's not the most attractive thing in the world, I'll take what I can get.

Jeremy lifts his chin up and kisses me softly, but the second he pulls away he finds himself coming back for more. I place my hands on his face, my elbows propped up on either side of him. He holds my torso as I straddle his hips. Remembering what I've seen online, I grind against him, causing Jeremy to let out a restrained sort of moan.

I just made Jeremy Heere moan. I look back at him and snicker playfully, and he bites his lip, embarrassed.

I lean back into him, connecting our lips once again.

So much for studying.

Time skip you pervs

"That was my first time," I admit, shifting my head to a more comfortable place on Jeremy's bare chest.

"Really?" He asks, trying to braid my hair. I cuddle up closer to him, squeezing my eyes shut and opening them again. We'd started on the couch, but had somehow made it up into Jeremy's room.

"Yeah. I've gotten really close before. But I always backed out. It never felt right." I pause, thinking back. "This time it did." I had always imagined that I'd lose my virginity here. That sounds gross, but it's true.

I know Jeremy's smiling when he says, "I'm really glad, Micha. That was great. And while we're admitting things?"


"My first time too. Christine and I we're both ready, but I was so scared I was gonna screw it all up. I needed it to be perfect for her."

I nod, understanding where he was coming from. "I think this was pretty great, just so you know. Not perfect. There was some weirdness, not gonna lie. But I'm happy."

"Me too. You make me happy."

I turn around and look at him, giving him a small kiss on the lips. Exhaling, my body relaxes into Jeremy's again. We sit in silence for a few minutes, before Jeremy wonders aloud, "What do people even do after sex?"

This makes me laugh. What do people do after sex? "Get ice cream?" I offer, which is the first thing that comes to mind.

"Okay," my boyfriend says after a moment. "Let's go."


"We're getting ice cream. C'mon."

"God, you're amazing," I mutter, half-sarcastic, half-telling the truth.

We both climb out of his bed, and Jeremy finds a clean pair of briefs from the closet. Hairy legged and in just his slightly off-white underwear, he turns around to pick up his clothes from the floor. I'm about to put on my shirt when I notice something funny about his appearance.

"Wait!" I yell, "Stop. You look exactly like your dad, holy crap."

He gives himself a once over and then looks me dead in the eye. No, he mouths, and shakes his head, a smile tugging at his lips. He quickly pulls on a pair of jeans and an old Super Mario Bros t-shirt. Ah, classic Jeremy.

"You wanna borrow some clothes?" He asks, as I put on the sweatpants he had taken off of me just a little while ago.

"Nah, I'm good. Besides, this shirt smells like you now." I pull it over my head. "Never gonna wash it."

"That's gross."

"No you!" I take a fistful of fabric and bring it to my nose. "Mmm, Axe Body Spray." I pretend to swoon, which makes Jeremy laugh.

"Ready to go?" He asks, his cheeks red.


Jeremy's POV

Michael and I bound down the stairs, hands connected.

I can't quite wrap my head around everything that just happened. I just had sex with my old best friend, now boyfriend. Who is still my best friend. And it was really awkward, let me tell you. Not bad awkward. Just the. . ."This is how this works, right?" Kind of awkward.

But it was amazing. And I can't imagine doing it with anyone else.

We reach the bottom of the stairs, and cross through the kitchen. My dad is sitting at the table, completing a sudoku puzzle. He has his reading glasses perched at the tip of his nose, and he's twirling a pencil in his right hand.

"Hey, Jeremy," he says dismissively, quickly glancing up. He looks mildly surprised when he sees the boy next to me, but he's used to us constantly being together. "Hey, Michael." He takes off his reading glasses and closes his puzzle book.

"Hey, Mr. Heere," Michael greets politely, the same way he always has. I notice it's not as cheerful as it used to be.

"How are you, young man?" My dad asks, still fidgeting with the pencil.

"I'm alright, Sir. How are you?"

My dad smiles. "Michael, I've known you since you were. . ." he pauses, thinking. Then he puts a hand out, a little lower than the table. ". . .this big. You can call me Paul."

"I'll remember that for next time," Michael replies, a bit blankly.

A moment goes by.

"Listen, I'm sorry," the man in front of me says. "What I did was cruel. My head was in a bad place. I'm sorry, I really am."

"I forgive you," Michael says after a short while, slightly caught off-guard.

"And for the record? You look great with eyeliner." This time, it's a genuine compliment.

My boyfriend grins. "Thanks, Mr. Heere," he says, his normal enthusiasm coming back a little. "Can I ask something though?"

My father nods, leaning forward ever so slightly.

"Why were you there that day, at the arcade?"

"Thank you for asking," he says excitedly, ready to tell a story. "About a month ago, before this all began, I was thinking about something Jeremy said to me. Something he said back before he had that squid thing. He had told me about how I should get a real job." He takes a breath, making short eye contact with me. "I took it to heart. So, I set out for work. I've always dreamed about working at a Subway. There's just something so fascinating about how that place smells." He closes his eyes, imagining that very specific scent of Subway bread. "Long story short, they. . .weren't even hiring."

He looks and Michael and me, waiting for a reaction. Unsure if it was a joke or not, Michael laughs uncomfortably.

"But if you'll remember," my father continues, "There's a little place across the street we all know well. I used to take you boys there all the time when you were younger, and the owner saw me and offered me a job. So, I've been working at the arcade for the past few weeks. It doesn't pay a lot, but it's work. And it's enough for the time being."

The surprisingly decent sum of money my mother had left me was paying most of the bills, and I'm okay with that. I'm really proud of my dad, actually. Even if this means I might have to pick up a job or two.

"That's awesome, Mr. Heere!" Michael says, smiling. My dad looks at him and returns a happy expression, and then he looks to me. His eyes are searching me for signs of approval.

"That's amazing, Dad. Good for you," I say sincerely, and we hold eye contact for a moment.

Michael nudges me in the side.

"What?" I ask him accusingly.

A furry coo mart, he mouths. What the hell?

"Avery Kumar," he whispers, leaning close.

Oh yeah.

"Hey dad, there's this new English teacher at school, who says he used to know you. Avery Kumar?"

His face changes immediately, breaking out into a mix of shock and elation. "Oh my god, Avery? How's he doing?"

"You know what?" Michael says. "Why don't you just drop in at school tomorrow? Catch up with him? I'm sure he'd love to see you."

"I'd love to see him! This is so exciting!"

I allow myself to smile. "Alright, Dad, sounds like a plan. Michael and I are headed out now. But, uh. . .yeah. Be back soon."

"Alright! You boys have fun."

"See you, Mr. Heere!" My boyfriend shouts as we make our way out of the kitchen.

"Just call me Paul!" My father calls back.

A/N: yayyyyyyyy

Thanks for reading uwu. Update coming sooner than it did this time. 

WhAt Do YoU tHiNk HaPpEnS nExT?

I need sleep, lol.

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