I Have a Plan

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A/N: The chapter you've all been waiting for.

Peter sat next to Ned. "I have a plan. Okay, first, I'm gonna sit next to MJ on the flight. Second, I'm gonna buy a dual-headphone adapter and watch movies with her the whole time."

"Okay," Ned nodded.

"Three, when we go to Venice Venice is famous for making stuff out of glass, right?"


"So I'm gonna buy her a black dahlia necklace because her favorite flower is the black dahlia because of, well-" 

"The murder." Ned shook his head, smiling slightly.

"The murder. Four, when we go to Paris, I'm gonna take her to the top of the Eiffel Tower, give her the necklace," Ned oohed, "Then, five, I'm gonna tell her how I feel. Then, six, hopefully, she tells me she feels the same way."

"Oh, don't forget step seven."

Peter pulled out a pencil and put it to his paper. "Step seven?" 

"Don't do any of that."

Peter gave him a look. "Why." 

"We're gonna be bachelors in Europe," he replied.


Ned looked at him seriously. "Look, I may not know much, but I do know this: Europeans love Americans."

Peter gave him a disbelieving look. "Really?" 

"More than half of them are women."

Peter shook his head. "Okay. Sure. But I really like MJ, man, okay? She's awesome, she's super funny in a kind of dark way."

Ned nodded. "I know. But you can ask her after the trip."

Peter shook his head. "Sometimes I catch her looking at me, I feel like I've stood up- she's coming don't say anything!"

MJ walked over. "What up dorks. Excited about the science trip?"

"Hey- uh- yeah- we're just talking about the trip." Peter stammered. Evie walked over as well and smirked at him.

"Yeah, and Peter's plan," Ned put in. 

"You have a plan?" his twin asked.

"I don't- I don't have a plan." He gave Evie a look.

"No, he's just gonna collect tiny spoons when we're traveling to other countries." Ned gave him a wink, obviously thinking he had saved it.

"What, like a grandmother?" MJ asked.

"I-I'm not collecting tiny spoons. He's collecting tiny spoons." 

"Sure." Evie rolled her eyes. 

"Oh, okay, well that was a real roller coaster," MJ responded. "By the way, travel tip: You should download a VPN on your phone, so the government can't track you while we're abroad." Both girls held out their phones to demonstrate.

"Smart," Peter nodded. "Will do." Evie pinched the bridge of her nose and she and MJ walked off. Ned breathed a sigh of relief. "Dude, I think that went really great."


Exasperating Evie

Paranoid Peter
At the apartment...

Doing the history homework...


Exasperating Evie

Paranoid Peter


Exasperating Evie


"Thank you once again for coming out to support F.E.A.S.T., and, of course, thanks to our very own Spider-Man and Frostbite!" Aunt May was on the stage, giving a speech for the food drive she ran. 

Peter waved as Evie stepped towards the mike and gestured Peter forward as well.

"Thank you, Miss Parker, for having us," Evie said cheerfully and smoothly.

"And thank you, you guys, for having us," Peter stuttered slightly, giving two thumbs-up. Everyone applauded as May stepped back towards the mike.

"And thank you, Spider-Man and Frostbite. They'll be right back out to take photos and videos. Thank you!"

The three went back behind the stage, and as May closed the curtains Evie put down her hood and Peter's mask came down.

"That was amazing," Peter said. "Awesome!" Evie chimed in. "That was greeeat!" Aunt May high-fived them both.

"That was so cool. I was so nervous!" Peter put his hands on his head. 

"Sorry I was a little stiff. I wasn't in the pocket," May told the twins.

"You did great," Evie assured her. May nodded. "You too honey." she looked at Peter. "I did actually think you were a little stiff.

"Y-yeah, I felt that too. I felt that too." Evie patted his shoulder. "It's alright fra."

May nodded. "It's fine it's fine it's fine," she spoke quickly. "Did you guys get your passport?" 


"Mini toothpaste?" 

"I got that, he forgot."

There was a clattering from behind and Peter's mask went up as Evie's hood also came up automatically (compliments of her Stark suit).

Happy came in through the doors, holding a giant cardboard sign. "Hey, sorry I'm late." Both twins' masks came down again.

"Happy, hey!" Peter exclaimed. Happy completely ignored him. "Oh, you look lovely," he said to May. Evie raised an eyebrow.

"Thanks, you too," she responded.

"Thank you. New dress?" 

"Yeah, yes, it is." Peter looked suspiciously at Aunt May. "It's a new beard!" 

Peter looked at Happy. "Yeah, I uh, I decided to try something new."

Happy looked at him, "Something new," he turned back to May.

"I've been planning recently to burn down Stark Tower," Evie said casually. The adults appeared not to hear her and she nodded, confirming what she had thought.

"I see. Yeah," May laughed instead, the dimples in her cheeks showing as she smiled.

"Uh- yeah- a-anyway the reason I'm late is because THIS was misplaced at the office." He showed them the check. "Can you believe it? Because it's enormous?" Happy was speaking like he had had one too many red bulls all of a sudden. "Not the amount, the size. The amount's nice too." He handed it to May. "Look at that!" she exclaimed.

"They're generous. Pepper Potts said, sorry she couldn't be here, and Tony too. 

"Yeah, thank you," Aunt May said again. "I think I'm gonna go change the Sterno under the vegan lasagna." The two wouldn't stop looking at each other. "Spider-Man, Frostbite, go shake hands."

"Will do," Peter responded, saluting slightly as she left. He whipped around to face Happy. "What just happened?" 

Happy looked at the two, then said, "heads up, Nick Fury's calling you."

"Who?" Evie asked.

"Peter probably." Evie sighed. "It's always Peter, yet I'm the more responsible one."

"Fury's gonna call me- us?" Peter asked. "Yeah."


"Why? He probably has hero stuff for you two to do. You're superheroes. He calls superheroes."

"I mean, if it was that important, he'd probably call someone else, not me." Evie shook her head and went out the curtain.

"Apparently not," Happy responded as Peter's phone went off. He pulled it out. "No caller ID. That's him." 

"I don't really wanna talk to Fury," Peter said, looking up at Happy.

"Answer the phone."


"If you don't talk to him, I have to, and I don't want to."

"Well, why don't you want to talk to him?" 

"Because I'm scared- just answer the phone."

Peter held the phone up for Happy to see and pressed decline.

Happy stared at him. "You sent Nick Fury to voicemail." 


"You don't send Fury to voicemail."

"Do you hear that? They're calling me," Peter interrupted, putting his phone away. "I gotta go. I gotta go."

"You gotta talk to him. And Evie better too!"

"I'm gonna call him! I promise you, I'm gonna call him." Peter's Iron Spider arms went up. "I will."

"You do not ghost Nick Fury!!"

"I promise you, I'll call him." He closed the curtains and breathed a sigh of relief. "After my trip. And I'm not telling Evie." His mask went up. "Hey!" 

Evie nodded at him and stepped out of the corner where people couldn't see her so she talk to them with Peter. Cameras flashed and reporters were talking over each other loudly. 

"ONE AT A TIME!" Evie yelled. Peter pointed at one. 

"Are you the head Avenger in the future?"

Peter stuttered. "Uh- I don't- I don't know."

Everyone started talking again and Evie pointed at another. "If the aliens come back what are you gonna do?"

"We'll gather the team and fight them again," Evie responded. Peter sighed. "Does anyone have any neighborhood questions?" He pointed at a man.

"Sean Winford, Queens Tribune. What was it like finding out that your future self had come? Did you try and tell anyone? Why did he hide you?"

"Um-" Peter couldn't speak. Evie looked over at him and, immediately realizing what was happening, spoke up. "We gotta go now, but thank you all so much for coming!" She waved at a little girl wearing a frostbite hood and her brother who was wearing a Spider-Man mask and motioned for Peter to web them out.

He did so, and they swung to the top of another building. He sat down as his mask came off, taking deep breaths with his eyes closed. Evie sat next to him, just waiting. His phone buzzed.

She reached to grab it, but he got there before she did and pressed the red button.


She nodded.


Darth Dork
This chat has been quiet for a while

I mean... yeah

Fighting Spider
We know who everyone is now...

Deaf Dork
Doesn't mean we can't still talk

Coffee Einstein

Punchable Bird
I'm still offended about the name

Deaf Dork
I'm literally calling you that the next time I'm at the Compound

Punchable Bird

Dang it

Queen of All Dorks

Deaf Dork
Gotta go Peter's telling me to pack >_>


Coffee Einstein 
Goodbye figlia

Deaf Dork

Did you just-



Peter's phone buzzed again as he packed and he dismissed it. He grabbed socks and, smelling them, tossed them in his suitcase. "Okay."

He turned around to look at the suit in his closet.

"Hungry?" Aunt May threw a banana at him, and just missed his face. 


Aunt May covered her mouth as she tried not to laugh. "So sorry. I thought you could sense that with your... Peter-tingle!"

Peter sighed. "Please do not start calling it my Peter-tingle."

"So what's up? You can dodge bullets but not bananas?"

"No, I just really need this vacation. I need a break," he laughed softly. May walked over and wrapped him in a hug. "You deserve it."

She looked up at him, smiling, and turned to walk out of the room before pausing. "You know what? You should pack your suit, just in case. I have a tingle about it." She walked out.

Peter scrunched up his face. "Please stop saying "tingle," May," he called after her. He looked at his suit in the closet before closing the doors. He glanced at the Iron Spider suit in its incubator and closed his suitcase.


"Hey, how's it going?" Evie tossed a couple of books into her suitcase. "Good." She considered it, then added two more.

"Good. Your brother seems off, so watch out for him, ok?" Evie nodded and hugged May. The two were the same height now, which meant Peter was taller than Evie (something she was not thrilled about).

"I will, don't worry." May nodded. "And also, pack your suit, just in case." 

Evie opened the hidden compartment to show her aunt the jumpsuit. "Already done."

May smiled and nodded. "That's my girl, always prepared. You want a banana? I'm trying to get rid of them."

Evie laughed, nodding. May hated bananas and only bought them for Peter and Evie. "Sure, I'll take one. Let me put my PJs in first."

"You got it," Aunt May answered, and walked out.


As they boarded the plane, Evie and MJ were annoyed to be split up. MJ ended up sitting next to Betty Brant, and Evie next to Tami Baker.

Peter looked out the window, freaking out just a bit. 

"Do you want the first shift or the second? I take either," Mr. Harrington asked.

"Give me the third shift," Mr. Dell responded. "I took an Ambien."

"I can't kids chaperone these kids alone!"

Flash was standing at the front of the aisle, holding a glass of alcohol in his hand.

Evie raised an eyebrow and turned to say something, but MJ put a hand on her arm. "Ma'am?" The flight attendant looked over at her. "He's 16, not 21, and we aren't in Europe yet."

The flight attendant nodded and took the glass from Flash's hand. "I'll take that."

"She-she's lying- I don't even know this girl!" Flash followed her, stammering. MJ smiled at Peter, then Evie before going to sit down.

"Classic MJ, right?" A tall, Mexican guy with floppy brown hair remarked as he walked past.

"Did you know Dave was coming?" Peter asked Ned. He shook his head. "Man, would I kill to be him." They watched as he helped MJ with her bags. "He's ripped, a jock, super-nice, and literally all the girls are after him."

"Well, not all the girls are after him," Peter laughed slightly, panicking. 

"No man, they're all after him."


MJ laughed at something Dave said, and Evie narrowed her eyes as she sat down.

"Tami, right?" The girl nodded. She had auburn hair that was pulled back into a braid that just reached past her shoulders. A stray lock of hair had escaped and hung down her face in front of her glasses, which were black with a gold rim. The gold of her glasses highlighted her large, almond-shaped green eyes that were edged with hazel. The few freckles across her cheek were scattered but fit in with the rest of her features perfectly.

"You're Evie, Peter's twin." She was wearing a silver charm bracelet and wearing a white sweater that said "Star Wars Nerd" in gold lettering.

"Yeah." Evie looked over at the sketchpad Tami was drawing on. "What are you making?"

"Oh... nothing," came the vague answer. Evie sighed and pulled out a book. Tami looked up. "What are you reading?"

"Oh... nothing."

The two girls stared at each other for a moment and then burst into laughter. "Fair enough," she responded and showed Evie the tablet with the drawing of a backpack on it. It looked familiar, but Evie couldn't think where she had seen it.

"I'm reading Emily of Blue Moon."

"Nice! I think I've heard of that. Is it good?" 

"So far, yeah."


"Anyway, on to more important things," Ned said, pulling out a laptop. "It's a nine-hour flight. We can play Beast Slayers the whole time."

Peter looked over at the African-American girl and turned back to Ned. "I need your help to sit next to MJ."

He sighed loudly. "Seriously?" 

"Yes, seriously."

"What about our plan? American bachelors in Europe!"

"That's your plan! It's a solo plan. Come on, this is my plan." Peter gave him puppy dog eyes. "Please?"

Ned sighed exasperatedly. "Fine." He walked over to MJ and Betty.

"Hey, guys, uh, there's an old lady in front of us wearing a crazy amount of perfume, and it's kind of setting off Peter's allergies," the girls looked at him disbelievingly, "Betty, if you could switch seats with him, that would be-"

"He's allergic to perfume?" the blonde asked.

"Yeah, yeah, because it-it makes his eyes water, and he can't really-" 

Mr. Harrington popped his head up. "You said Peter has a perfume allergy?"

"Oh- uh-" Ned stammered.

"From experience, perfume allergies are no joke." he stood up. "I can feel hives breaking out already. MJ, stand up."

Evie stood up instead. "Actually, Mr. Harrington, he's not allergic to perfume itself, it's probably just one of the ingredients in it, and as you can see, he's obviously not covered in hives, so if Betty just switches seats with him, everything will be fine."

Tami smiled slightly at this and continued sketching.

Mr. Harrington blinked and looked at Peter. "Well, seeing as you are twins, and you know him best, I suppose that would probably be fine," he responded. "But if there are any further problems, make sure to let me know. Your safety is my responsibility. And Mr. Dell's, but he's... I got it for now."

Peter sat next to MJ and grinned. As the plane took off, he gasped slightly and closed his eyes. He felt a hand on his and looked over to see MJ had grabbed it and had her eyes closed too.

He smiled slightly. As they rose into the air, he pulled out his dual headphone adapter. "You wanna watch a movie?"

She considered it. "Only if it's depressing. Or hilarious." 

Peter grinned again. "I know one that's both." She gave him a suspicious look. "If it's Star Wars I will hit you."

"It's not, I promise."


However, there may be some obstacles throughout our journey.
Tami belongs to The-Story-Weaver; sorry to everyone else, but she fit what I was looking for most (and there will be some interesting developments with her character)
Anywho, 2812 words...
That's a lot. Love y'all, and see you soon!


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