I Thought You Said No Fire!

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Peter sighed dramatically. "But fire makes everything better!"


"Fine," he responded, realizing that this Tony wouldn't have understood the reference anyway. Quill seemed to be freaking out in the background. Peter brushed past him.

Evie watched as a Peter who was now a head taller than her walked past and tapped Doctor Strange on the shoulder. Strange was doing... something, that's for sure.

"He looks like he's having a seizure."

"Strange? Yeah, I already know the plan, let's go." Doctor Strange looked at him strangely (HAHA I'M SO FUNNY). "Parker? Why are you..." his eyes widened, and he sighed. "Alright, fine, let's just get on with it."

Peter nodded. "Ok but first, Evie, your Peter is locked up in the closet in my room. He's probably unconscious still, I had to knock him out several times. He kept trying to stop me."

"Wait, you mean MJ was right? You do have someone in your closet?"

Peter laughed slightly. "Yup." He looked sadder at the mention of MJ's name, though. Evie guessed she had blipped too.

"Alright. Everyone get over here, Thanos will be arriving soon. Here's the plan."


Thanos portaled in and looked over at Strange, who appeared to be the only one there. The doctor spoke first. "You're much more of a Thanos."

"I take it the Maw is dead." Thanos wasn't asking. "This day extracts a heavy toll. Still, he accomplished his mission."

"You may regret that. He brought you face-to-face with the Master of the Mystic Arts."

"And where do you think he brought you?" Peter watched from the top of the structure where Strange was sitting. 

"Let me guess. Your home?"

He smiled reminiscently. "It was. And it was beautiful." Using the Reality Stone, Thanos made the planet appear to become what it was before. "Titan was like most planets. Too many mouths, and not enough to go around. And when we faced extinction, I offered a solution."

Strange kept a blank face. "Genocide."

"But at random, dispassionate, fair to rich and poor alike. They called me a madman. And what I predicted came to pass." The illusion faded. "Congratulations. You're a prophet." Strange said, sounding sarcastic. Evie smirked slightly.

"I'm a survivor." Peter checked his webshooters.

"Who wants to murder trillions." Quill tightened the hold on his gun.

"With all six stones, I could simply snap my fingers, and they would all cease to exist. I call that mercy." Tony quietly fired up his blasters.

"And then what?" Mantis watched excitedly and anxiously and Drax pulled out his swords.

"I finally rest... and watch the sun rise on a grateful universe. The hardest choices require the strongest wills." Evie tightened her laces and checked the retractable blades.

"I think you'll find our will," Strange made a shield, "equal to yours."

"Ours?" Thanos looked up in time to see a mass of wreckage coming down on him. He attempted to use the Power Stone to stop it but failed as it crashed into him.

"Piece of cake, Quill," Tony said, flying in.

"Yeah, if your goal was to p*ss him off."

The wreckage on top of Thanos erupted, the pieces glowing purple. He shouted as he used the Reality Stone to turn the pieces into bats and hurled them at Tony. 

Peter quickly webbed his eyes and swung in to kick him in the face, while Drax kicked him in the back of the knees. Strange summoned a blade and began fighting Thanos, Drax helping, but Thanos knocked him back and stopped Strange's blade with his hand as he tore the web from his eyes. 

He advanced on Strange and attempted to kick him just as Strange summoned a shield, absorbing the force of his blow though still knocking him back. Quill shot Thanos from behind as Thanos quickly used the Power Stone to shoot balls of energy at Quill while he advanced by the steps Strange was forming in the air, placing an electric mine on his back. 

Thanos turned to face Quill as he disengaged his helmet and dived backward into a portal, flipping him off. "Boom!"

He attempted to use the Space Stone to retrieve Quill, but the mine went off and knocked him down. Doctor Strange spoke to the cape. "Do not let him close his fist." The cape flew towards him and closed around Thanos' fist, keeping it open. 

Evie appeared on his right from a portal, punching him in the face. "Magic!"

Peter emerged from another one and pulled his head down, kicking him in the crotch. "More magic!"

Evie jumped through another and kicked him. "Magic with a kick!"

Peter s and swung through yet another one and aimed another punch. "Magic with a-"

Thanos grabbed him by the throat and slammed him down. "Insect." He threw him into Strange and ripped the cape off his hand. Just as he was about to snap, Tony shot missiles, blinding him, but he quickly sucked up the flames and shot them back at him, throwing him into a ship. 

"I thought you said no fire!" Peter yelled as he attached a web to Thanos, straining against it. He pulled Peter toward him and punched him, then looked up as a ship crashed into him, Nebula jumping out and punching him before pulling out an electric blade.

"Well, well." Thanos looked unsurprised.

"You should have killed me," Nebula told him furiously. 

"It would've been a waste of parts!"

Nebula ran at him, attacking him with her sword. "Where's Gamora!"

Thanos threw her back in response.

Strange wrapped magic ropes around the gauntlet and Drax ran out, kicking him in the back of the knees, holding his leg down. Quill shot another electric magnet onto the ground beside him, holding down his other hand.

Peter quickly wrapped a web around Thanos and held him back, using his Iron Spider arms as Evie froze it to make sure it stayed. Tony grabbed the arm Doctor Strange had been holding, and he hastily made a portal over Thanos, dropping Mantis onto his shoulders as she put her hands on his head.

Thanos yelled in agony as Mantis attempted to put him to sleep, the tips of her antennae glowing.

"Is he under? Don't let up," Tony said as he pulled on the gauntlet.

"Be quick," Mantis responded, strain evident in her voice. "He is very strong."

"Parker! Help!" Tony called, and both Evie and Peter ran over. "She can't hold him much longer. Let's go. We gotta open his fingers to get it off!"

Quill landed beside them, and Peter sighed exasperatedly. "I thought you'd be harder to catch. For the record, this was my plan. Not so strong now, huh? Where did you put Gamora?"

"My Gamora," Thanos growled. Quill narrowed his eyes. "Oh, bulls**t. I know you killed her. Where did you put her?"

Peter broke away and pulled Quill away. "This is EXACTLY how we lost last time. You lose your temper, start punching him, Mantis loses control, we all lose."

"Gamora is dead?" Nebula asked. "Yes," Peter responded. "And I understand how hard that is, but right now we need to focus on that." 

Evie and Tony finished pulling the glove off and they let it fall to the ground. 

"Alright. The only thing that can kill Thanos is Thor's ax, so Strange, can you make a portal to him? I think he's in Wakanda currently."

Strange nodded, and Thor appeared before them. When he saw Thanos, he smiled grimly. "Bug woman, I must ask you to move so I can slice off this monster's head."

Peter pulled off his mask. "She's keeping him still Thor. Can you avoid her, or does she have to move?"

Thor paused, then responded, "I think I can avoid her, as long as she jumps when I say so." 

"Get ready Mantis!" Drax commanded. She nodded, and Thor raised his ax, summoning lightning. "NOW!"

Mantis jumped, and as Thanos reawakened, Thor sliced off his head. Peter breathed a sigh of relief. "That's a much better ending than last time."

As all of them walked back through the portal towards Wakanda, they saw most of the other Avengers running towards them. Natasha hugged both of them, then stepped back abruptly and looked at Peter. "How-"

Peter sighed. "I'll explain in a minute. Or someone else can tell you all, but I'm too tired right now."

"Uh, who are these people?" Rhodey asked, walking towards them. "Holy sh- what happened to Peter?"

"He'll explain when we get inside," Evie answered. "And these are... what's your name again?"

"The Guardians of the Galaxy," Drax responded. 


After everyone's medical needs had been taken care of, attention turned towards Peter. The 20-year-old sighed again and began.

"So basically, I'm from the future. Five years ago in my timeline, after Quill discovered Thanos had killed Gamora, he began punching him, basically ruining our chance of winning. Thanos snapped, and everyone on Titan blipped except me, Nebula, and dad. We spent about a month in the ship before Captain Marvel found us and brought us back to the compound. We finally found Thanos, but he had already destroyed the stones, so Thor killed him. Fast forward five years later, Scott returns with the explanation that time travel is possible. So we go to get the stones, Natasha dies to get the Soul Stone, and we can finally bring everyone back. So we do that, past Thanos arrives, Evie is no longer my twin, Dad dies, and Cap goes to return the stones but doesn't come back because he stays in the past with his girlfriend. So I snuck in the past to fix everything. Anyway, I have to go now, so make sure to get past Peter, cause he's still locked in my closet. Ciao!" 

And with that, Peter disappeared, leaving the rest of the Avengers in shocked silence.

Willow broke it first. "Well, that escalated quickly."

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