|| First Days'

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The day had come! The sky was pleasant, unlike their lives. Manik never wanted to get married. There were millions of girls who were crazily drooling over him but he showed them no interest in any lovable way. One of the good reasons for him opposing this marriage was his personal space being invaded by her or so he perceived. Nandini was hopeless about the whole marriage thing. She didn't want any men in her life but fate is fate right. Every girl dreams of this day. She had her wishes too but when she realised that they weren't meant to be happened, she threw them away.

The flowers in the temple wafted its fragrance. There was Amms asking the Pandit to start the veneration. Manik was already sitting in his royal white suit, looking perfect.

Nandini, in a beige coloured tranditional wear entered with Jeff.

Amms instructed her to sit beside him. There were the Groom, the bride, Amms, Jeff, Darsh, Cabir and no one else. Amms was happy while the couples seemed uninterested to even face each other and soon they got married. To say, Manik considered it as a deal and Nandini decided to try least on this relationship for Amms but she required time.

"Why should I leave? Can't I stay here with you Amms?" Though she was angry and hurt, Amms was her only family.

"Go beta. I'm sorry." Amms could not take the fact that Nandini wasn't happy with her life. She apologized as it wasn't Nandini who was leaving but herself. Jeff hugged her saying everything would be fine soon while Darsh stood their fuming in jealousy.

Manik already was settled in his favourite pearl white Mercedes Benz. After Nandini was seated, the driver drove off to his mansion.

The ride was uncomfortably silent for Nandini. Manik didn't spare a glance at her and so did Nandini. When they reached the destination, Manik went straight to his room as if it was just him. Nandini being baffled seeing his retreating figure, guessed that he was forced too. They were the married couple who hadn't seen their faces until here. She entered inside and was astonished by the beauty of the place. The floral designs over there and the marbled floor looked luxuriant. Hers was an ancient one with modern decors but his place was surely advanced. Querying the maid about his whereabouts, she headed upstairs as told by the maid.

Slowly opening the door, she stepped in only to see him sleeping soundly on his luxurious bed. That was the first time she looked at him. He was so hot in his black t-shirt which was making her to notice his features further. Her eyes landed on his mole above his lips and that's when it struck her that it was The Manik Malhotra and now she was Mrs.Manik Malhotra. She was shocked would be an understatement.

If Nandini knew one thing about him, it was that he was arrogant.

Why did he agree to this marriage if he was arrogant? She thought of asking him tomorrow and went inside his washroom, collecting her night dress. Coming out, she was puzzled as where to sleep. Would he mind if she slept on his bed? But he was the one who didn't even care to guide her to his room. So it wasn't her concern if he would mind or not.

Manik's first impression to Nandini was indeed bad and it made her sleep on his bed. She laid, creating a barrier between them. "Next morning will be so different," she mumbled, before slipping into the silencing darkness.

                                   —• ☘︎︎ •—

Lavender Fragrance.

Why was Manik thinking about Lavender then? Was something there as smelling as Lavender?

Frowning at his thoughts, Manik woke up.
Stretching his arms, he rubbed his eyes to endure the light but again he could smell a bewitching odour. Turning towards the other side, he witnessed the beauty who was his wife now. For a few minutes, he was enchanted by her beauty. She was sleeping so peacefully with her head turned to one side and hands in their places.

Manik quickly came out of the trance and was infuriated to see her sleeping on his bed.

"What the hell?" He howled being furious. He never allowed anyone other than some integral people of his life which is just Cabir, inside his room and this girl sleeping so peacefully and comfortably on his bed didn't settle well for him.

She woke up with a jerk hearing him and was startled seeing him so furious.

"Why the hell are you here on my bed? Don't you do dare step into my room." He warned her menacingly. But the thing here was Nandini wasn't any girl who wouldn't fight for herself. She was brave. Brave enough to fight him.

"Don't warn me. You could have told me simply. And where will I live then?" She asked him with a little high pitched tone, gulping her fears.

"God! What an awful morning!"

"Mr.Malhotra, I know you're forced too but for Amms we need to try on this relationship it's just that we need time."

"And how in the hell you think that this relationship will work?" His morning was so frustrating it seemed.

"Mister, I'm telling you dearly even after you shouting at me. You won't listen anything right? Then don't. I will go to other rooms. But you needn't raise your voice, don't dare to."

Their eyes bored into eachother, fuming and dislike for the other born in their hearts.

She rushed out, taking her luggage, discontented as hell.

How they gonna live under the same roof?

                                   —• ☘︎︎ •—

Nandini, dressed in Cliffon shirt and cropped pants, stomped her foot, coming out of the room that was a room away from his.

The morning had ruined her mood so badly. Muttering curses, she started walking, hooking her wrist watch.

She was so concentrated that she didn't see Manik coming her way.

"Ah God! Don't you have eyes or what?" Manik growled.

"Sorry. I didn't notice you coming here as I was hooking my wa—"

"Oh listen! I'm not here to hear you. Move."

"What do you think huh?! I apologized right? My god! Why did I even agree to this marriage?"

"Not like I asked you to agree. This morning can't get worse, thanks to you." He moved past her and went downstairs.

"God! What will I do with this idiotic monster now?" She murmured, going down.

"Shit, again!"

"Before you accuse me, let me tell you that it's again coincidence that you and I are taking the same chair. I'll go and sit on another."

"Can't you just stop talking and move quietly? Why are you so talkative?"

"Mr.Malhotra you don't have any rights to comment at me. What did I do to get tied up with you. My god. You are so damn rude and arrogant. I must be cursed to have—"
Before she could rant further, he palmed her mouth with his one hand and held her both hands behind with his other one.

"Are you like this always? Did I ask your opinions about me? Then why the fuck are you telling me all this?" He pulled her even more closer to show her how furious she had made him. She struggled and that only made him to tighten his hold on her hands behind. She lowered her eyes pointing towards her mouth and he left her with a jerk.

"Monster! Monster! See what you have done to my hands. Don't you dare touch me again." She yelled angrily, shooting daggers.

"As if I am dying to touch you." She rolled her eyes.

They parted ways driving off without eating breakfast as though they had enough already.

                                   —• ☘︎︎ •—

"Cabir! You know how she made my morning? She pissed the hell out of me. How can someone be this annoying?" he roared.

"Woah! Just the first day bro! Six months left."

"I don't think I have that much tolerance. That girl is getting on my nerves. My mornings were always calm but today it was all blare." He was still disturbed by the fact that she slept in his room.

"Chill bro. Ask her to stay away if she doesn't, then make her to do so," he suggested being cool.

                                   —• ☘︎︎ •—

"Jeff you know what? he is so damn arrogant, all those opinions on him were true. I've not seen someone who is as arrogant as him. Why did Amms even choose him? He is such a bloody Idiot."

"Babes babes! Chill. You're behaving like a tigress who is caged?"

"Seems funny to you, huh?!"

"You guys fought like school kids so of course I find it funny. But on a serious note, talk to him. He'll apologize when he realise his mistake. Be calm."

"Okay," she said softly smiling at her.

                                   —• ☘︎︎ •—

Knock! Knock! Knock!

"Mr.Malhotra I have something to talk to you. Open the door please."

Opening the door, he didn't let her walk in instead started yelling at her.

"Why? What do we have to talk? Do you think I'm your husband or what. No lady, we don't share anything as relationship and it is a damn forced marriage. Why don't you get that?"
He roared in her ears making her shut her eyes tightly.

"I am.. I was ab.. about to apol— "

"You won't listen right? Come." He dragged her downstairs, being exasperated.

"Mr.Malhotra leave my hand. It's hurting already." Not paying any heed to her, he pushed her out of his masion which shocked her to hell and before she could protest, he shut the door on her face.

"What the hell Mr.Malhotra! Open the effin' door now otherwise I don't know what I will do. How do you dare to do this? Open the door you idiotic monster! Mr.Malhotraaaa!!!" She banged on the door but she was tiny so every try of hers went in vain. Tears trickled down her eyes. By his this behaviour, she was reminded of someone whom she hated.

There he was, watching her from his room through the window, enraged by her shouts but the tears went unnoticed by him. His mobile rang with Amms call. Picking up the phone, he answered it.

"Haan Amms. How are you now? Is everything okay?" He asked being a little worried.

"No beta. I'm good. How you both doing?"

"I'm.. I mean we are good, Amms." He said, no lied, fixing his eyes on the girl who was tired of trying.

"Manik I couldn't talk to you that day. So can we now? Are you free?"

"Yeah yeah Amms."

"Manik I trust you and that is why I got you married to her. She is a delicate human, Manik. She trusts people easily. I know you will take care of her. If she does or speaks something wrong, please handle her with patience beta."

"Ha..haan Amms. I'll take care of her. Good night. Take Care Amms."

"Bye. Take care, beta."

Could he really leave her later when Amms trusted in him so much? The way Amms trusted him was concerning and it only made Manik feel worthless. But he was that way. He didn't want anyone in his life.

Perhaps, he could just let her be, neither hurting her nor caring her.

Sighing, he went to the main door. Nandini who was leaning on the door on her back, was startled when the door flicked open. She directly landed onto his arms and he held her shoulders to steady her. The cold wind blew and he could smell her aroma that was making him to hold on to her. He looked into those black eyes that had him captivated. The wind wafted through them making it all exquisite. His chocolatey brown orbs made her forget everything around. The windows rattled in the heavy wind, alarming them. He slowly made her stand and she composed herself.

Manik ruffled his hair, trying to grasp why his heart raced a bit and why it felt warm when she was in his arms.

Nandini cleared her throat, kind of distracted from what happened just now. But when she remembered the way he pushed her out, the way her father had, she had to fight back tears.

"You shouldn't have..." She looked him in the eyes, intense and hurt and angry before rushing into her room.

He frowned and the unfallen tears in her eyes would flash everytime his eyes blinked. And inevitably, though he neglected it, he felt bad.

He went to his room and dozed off, not able to chuck her thoughts away and nothing was different with Nandini. She slept, too, snuggling into her plush stuffed animal.

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