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I leave the bathroom and text Namjoon where he and the others are at, he replies saying that they are at the main building. He gives me a lot more details as to where to find it, but I ignore it.

I felt tense with every step I took. Nearing my destination, I try to settle things in my head.

"I have to tell them, Jungkook is on my back and Jin-Hyung knows. It won't be long now before everyone knows without me telling them. I bet they'll be mad at me..."

I enter the large building and prepare what I'm going to say in my head. I take a large breath in and let it out.

"Taehyung! Over here!"

I turn to the voice and see Jungkook waving at me. I see Yoongi next to him and shyly smile.

"Hyung! Hyung!"

I look back and head towards Jungkook. When I sit down, he hugs my arm and squeals in excitement..?

"Hyung, I love you so much. I'm so happy Hyung. I missed you!"

"Um.. Jungkook are you alright?"

"No, I'm not! My heart is beating so much for you and you don't even know?! It's suffocating."

I'm shook, as he turn to me straight on with his face close to mine. I can feel his breath against my neck, I try to look elsewhere but it doesn't help with this 'tension' between us.

"So you know?"

I say in a defeated manner.

"Mhm! Jin-Hyung confirmed it."

"Do the others know?"

Jungkook shakes his head and I feel relieved.

I turn to Yoongi and start thinking.

I have another shot! Maybe Jimin and Yoongi aren't dating anymore.

Just when I started to be a bit happy, the school's Principal comes in and starts things off by welcoming us back and how proud he his of us.

Guilty, I try to make a plan to leave, but Jungkook's presence makes it impossible to leave smoothly.

"Hyung, please don't leave again."

I hear a soft whisper from Jungkook and eventually listened to him. He's young and needs attention, I should be different since I didn't take care of him properly before. I wonder how his parents reacted.

When the ceremony ended, there was a bunch of food and drinks all around. This was a time to get social with each other and remind them of their high school years.

I'm nervous and I don't know what to do. Jungkook must've been doing well without me seeming as he left me for a small group in the corner.

Namjoon is off somewhere and I can't find Jin-Hyung. I'm pretty sure Jimin is out of the question. I look for Hoseok and eventually see him with Yoongi.

My jealous nerves came on and I somehow controlled it. They were laughing, which means Yoongi was smiling. Oh, that lovely gummy smile of his.

I admired him from a distance, not wanting to ruin the mood.

He looks so soft and squishy. His height is also adorable for his age and his gummy smile is too much for me.

I continue to do my business until someone came up to me. I felt a hand on my shoulder and eventually their whole body was next to mine.

"I know right, isn't he a fine specimen of a man?"


I turn to my side and see Jimin. He had a cup of beer or some liquor I don't know of. He was also looking at Yoongi the same way. He turn to me and started to talk again.

"I mean, Yoongi is something, but I just wanted to ask you a few things. I wanna get to you Taehyung. Can I?"

The smile on his face made me think the other way.

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