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"Hey Klaus, can you go get Luther?"

It's been a month after the six Hargreeves children return from the 1960s. Allison sighed on her seat, it's her fault that he's gone. Last night, she told him that she rumoured him to love her as lovers do. Though her siblings still talk to her, they still make sure Allison doesn't get the chance to be with just Luther.

Klaus nodded, standing up from his seat. Where should he start looking? Klaus opened Luther's room door, not there. Klaus opened Diego's room, it's empty. Klaus was about to head for Five's room just to see Five rushing around, followed by their puppy named Mr Pennycrumb (Klaus always grinned remembering the name). Five grew up to a thirty-year-old person after their encounter with past them, and Allison suggested that they get a puppy to obsess over something else other than the apocalypses.

"Klaus!" Five called. "Have you seen Luther?"

"I was just about to ask the same thing!" Klaus exclaimed.

"I don't think he's exactly in a safe place right now," Five said, rubbing their fingers together. "Just before I took Mr Pennycrumb on a walk, I heard him mutter 'just a few more'," Five recalled. "I know it can mean many things, but I don't think he's in a good place lately. I mean, the windows in his room wouldn't be metal if he is."

"Do you know what happened after Ben's death?" Klaus asked. "What happened to Luther?"

"I mean, it was written in Vanya's book that he took his death the worst-" Five shrugged. "Is it really that bad that he had to be forbidden from coming to missions?"

"Not only that, Mum also had to replace his glass windows with holed metal ones to prevent him breaking them and using the remnants to cut himself and Mum had to watch over him like a hawk for so long!" Klaus exclaimed. Five nodded, pressing their lips together.

"Have you searched for him in Vanya's room?" Klaus asked. "Ben's room, perhaps?"

"I've searched, along with 37 other empty rooms, the gym, the bathrooms, and Dad's study," Five confirmed. "He's not there."

"Try the roof?" Klaus suggests. Five opened their mouth to say something, but Klaus beats them to it. "I wouldn't skip that now." Five closed it again and nods.

Both Klaus and Five headed up to the ceiling. Klaus opened the latch and let down the ladder, letting Five climbs up first before him, both already in the attic. Five ran up the end and opened the door. Just right, a few metres from them both stands the biggest man there is, somehow looking more interested in the lack of roof in front of him than the existence of more footing behind him.

"Luther," Five slowly called, not wanting to startle him. Both of them can hear a small grunt from Luther. "Let's go back. Step down."

"No-" Luther shook his head, making no movement to allow him to have more footing. Klaus wanted to run up to him, but Five stops him from going further.

"Luther, please," Five begged. "I need you to step down the ledge."

"You don't need me!" Luther exclaimed. Five's heart breaks, hearing his voice cracking like that. It made him sound so distraught and tired (maybe he is). "None of you need me! It's better that I don't exist."

"No, it's not!"

"I killed Ben!" Luther sobbed. "What kind of a team leader kill their teammate, what kind of brother kills their own brother?!"

"You didn't kill Ben!" Klaus corrected him. Luther frowned, what does he mean? "I asked Ben how he died when we were 18, and Ben answered. Some gun manufacturers killed Ben, not you!"

"That's what-"

"Later," Klaus cuts Five. "You need to go home, Luther. We need you."

"Ben didn't blame me?" Luther asked. Klaus gave a small smile as Luther turned around to face him, the small smile disappearing the moment he saw Luther doesn't actually back down. No, he only turned around.

"Not at all-" Klaus shook his head. "He told me the story. He was very grateful that you were there, that you tried to save him. He hates seeing you on your lowest, how it broke his heart when you tried to chase him all those years ago. Ben regretted that you had to watch him die, but he didn't blame you and he was grateful that you were there."

"Y-you knew?" Luther asked. Klaus felt a prickly feeling on the edge of his eyes, hearing how broken Luther sounds. "What-why didn't you tell me?"

"Because I was a petty bastard, that's why," Klaus answered before he sighed, hugely disappointed in himself. Klaus pinched the bridge of his nose, Five looked up, a curious glint in their eyes. "Ben insisted that I tell you the truth, that he didn't blame you at all. But I was a petty bastard, I hate that you acted like our leader that when he died and you were in your lowest state, I saw it as an opportunity to torture you even more and didn't tell you, but I saved you the most out of Ben's pleas. It was never your fault and I'm very sorry for making you think so."

"That is so fucked up, Klaus!"

"Not now, Five!" Klaus said to Five. Luther pressed his lips together. "So will you step down? Please? You can ask me all about what Ben felt, I swear I'll answer all of them truthfully now."

"I don't deserve to live-" and Luther lets himself fall back to the empty space. In a flash of blue light, Five jumped to hug Luther and jumped again to inside the Academy after making sure they were really hugging Luther, right in front of the sofa.

"Luther, you-" Five hits his chest lightly, fear evident in their face. "Don't die. I can't stand watching you die a third time."

Luther didn't speak.

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