Chapter 1

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"Imperfections of life

Seldom accepted

Majorly criticized

None are perfect

All are flawed

Yet some who are more imperfect

Often stand out

We are often criticized

Our disabilities and imperfections are made fun of

Why does this happen to us, I ask

Is it our fault that we are more flawed?

No living mortal on this earth is perfect. All have their own imperfections, disabilities and flaws. Yet how easily people make fun of a disabled person.

Just one accident changed my life completely. That one accident left me crippled for life. That one accident destroyed my dream of becoming a dancer. What was my fault?

How easily people laugh at other's disabilities but little do they know what those people actually face. Before laughing at someone else, do look at yourself in the mirror and do these two things- question yourself, 'am I perfect?' and secondly, thank god that all your body organs are working right.

You never know the value of the thing you have but we, we know what it is to not have some part of us and so we know the value.

Hope you all ponder over my words. Please stop putting someone down just because she or he is imperfect or disabled. Instead, try to lift them up with love and encouragement.

Thank you"

She stopped the recording and posted the video. Turning her wheel chair, she moved towards the kitchen.

"How was the recording beta?"

"Good ma"

"Come near the dining table. Hot food is ready"

"Thank you ma! I'm literally famished"

Nandini chuckled at her drama queen daughter.

"Drama queen!"

"That I am, mamma" she said and chuckled.

The mother-daughter duo have food together.

"Go to my room Ashi. Will keep all these inside and come"

"Okay mamma!"

She propelled her wheel chair forward and moved towards her mother's room.

Reaching there, she managed to pull herself from the wheel chair to the bed as the bed was at a lower level to make it comfortable for her. She settled on the bed and waited for her mother to come. Soon Nandini came and the mother-daughter duo slept cuddling each other.

This was Ashi's routine.

Ashi Singh lived with her mother in Mumbai.An aspiring dancer to be, all her dreams were shattered in a car accident where she lost the ability to walk. She was just 14 years then.That accident changed her life completely.

Presently, she has a youtube channel where she records videos and shares her thoughts with the world. She has become very popular online. She is now searching for a job, which can accommodate her due to her disability and conditions for work, as she cannot go very far. She has done masters in arts and is also a trained singer.

Pratyu and Priyal

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