Chapter 4

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Randeep found himself at a place he had never ever visited in his life. His life revolved around his pregnant Bhabhima, his music and his art. He never had time or more rightly said would be, he never made some time to visit such welfare camps, orphanages etc. But this one girl he had met, sorry seen and heard, had compelled him to be here.

He stepped in and looked around the place. Though he had come here for her, the positive aura and serenity of the place, despite it being a simple welfare set-up for disabled people, had him completely captivated.

He looked around and walking, he soon reached the backside of the place, which was kind of a garden. He saw many blind people, some crippled people on their wheelchairs, some normal looking people dressed in green, whom he guessed were workers of the place, sitting in an organized manner and right in the front, he could see her, with a wide smile on her face. He couldn't take his eyes off her beautiful face. He had just seen her from the side and that too partially. But looking at her from the front, his heart literally skipped a beat! It was not just her elegant and expressive eyes, her cute button nose, her soft-looking pink lips, her beautiful smile and her plump cheeks. It was her confidence, her positivity, her inner beauty which made her enchanting.

He walked a bit forward and sat on the bench, his entire attention on that one girl, whose name he was yet to know, but whose mere words had impacted him to this level. He had learnt she was coming here the next day at 9am and here he was, convincing his Bhabhima he was going for a music recording!


After she disappeared into the room, he couldn't help but feel disappointed. He went back to filling the form half-heartedly when he heard the nurse she had just spoken to converse with another nurse.

Nurse 1: That girl is surely very different! I have never, in 15 years of my experience, come across a disabled girl who has no resentment with her disability!

Nurse 2: You don't know her but she is a regular patient of Dr. Rawat. I know her from the past 2 years and she is extremely optimistic and brave! That child has suffered so much yet she is so strong. Really, hats off to her! And not only that, this talented girl goes to this welfare camp kind of thing for disabled people where she motivates them through her words, each Saturday!

Nurse 1: Really?? Which camp does she go to?

Nurse 2: She goes to "Aashayein" at 9 every Saturday!

Nurse 1: Really, God Bless that child!

Nurse 2: Yes truly!

Randeep ( in mind): What is this girl?? Who is like this in today's world? I have to go to the camp tomorrow at any cost. I need to know her!!!

He himself dint know why but he was extremely restless to know her. He completed the formalities and went to his Bhabhima.

Flashback ends

" Namaste to all! We all know why we are gathered here, don't we? So let me begin by saying,

We can and we will! So what if we aren't completely complete, we have the same heart as any one else and hence, we too are capable of determination, hope, passion and self- love.

This body of ours is not a piece of cloth, which we can change however we wish. How our body is by birth, you can never change it. So when you know you cannot, why to waste your energy in cribbing and complaining about it? Learn to accept and love yourself first. The day you love yourself, despite your disabilities and/or imperfections, that day you will find true happiness even in the smallest of things and there, you may find a way for a better health maybe!

Don't identify yourself as disabled or handicapped or stuff like that. Don't limit yourselves, blaming it on your disabilities. You can still accomplish many things, provided you have the passion and zeal for it and also have perseverance and determination.

Where there is a will, there's a way! There are so many people who are handicapped yet have mastered and succeeded in different fields.

You all have knowledge about the Paralympics right? They are the idols you should derive inspiration from. I'm not telling you have to become famous. Even in the regular life, you can succeed at personal levels.

Remember, everything depends on your perspective of things. A glass of water can be viewed as either half-filled or half-empty. Its upto you which way you perceive your disabilities and life.

And with a few more words, she ends her motivational talk. All this while, she has been observing, a young man, sitting on the bench, his entire attention on her words. Their eyes met for a brief second, which got interrupted by his phone. He broke out of that trance and moved a bit far to attend it.
She wondered who he was as she had never seen him here before. He looked normal as she saw him walk. He could see as well. He could talk as well and hear also, else how would he communicate over the phone. Maybe she should ask him when he gets back.

Hey guys!
This is it for now. Sorry for being so late. As I have told, my update schedule is really going to get unpredictable for some weeks, due to my health and exams as well.
Do comment your views on this

Pratyu and Priyal

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