Chapter 6

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Randeep returned home smiling widely and replaying the moments spent with her again and again in his head. Her positivity and optimism had impacted him and had made him feel really good, for it had been ages since he felt such positive vibes from somebody other than Kashish! And this happiness could also be attributed to the fact that this was the first time in life he was befriending somebody! Yes, that's hard to believe that in these many years of his existence, he hadn't befriended somebody but strangely and unfortunately, it was true.

Friendship had been something that Randeep had craved for since small. He too wished he had his own group of friends or atleast one best friend to call his own, like his other classmates or the other people he saw. But then somehow none seemed to be interested to talk to him or include him! This led him to doubt himself and wonder what he had such that none wanted to hang out with him, but he never found the answer, because all kinds of people seemed to have friends. Be it the topper or the loser, be it the nerd or the artist, every other person had a friend or a group of friends. Everybody except him. So he started mingling and speaking with everyone, trying to ignore the fact that they dint value him or his presence even this bit! They would cut him when he's speaking or just ignore as if he hadn't spoken only. They would conviniently walk through him and talk to him only when they needed something. Yet he continued to be the good friend, helping them all out whenever they needed something.

The Randeep today wasn't the same years back when he was in 8th. He was chubby and obese and wasn't very good at sports, which surely made him a misfit among the boys because they all were thin and amazing in sports. And he had health issues as well which had aggravated even more because of his obesity, though in reality, his obesity was also due to the medicines he was taking.
Battling amidst these problems, he was a lone warrior. Surrounded by many but none to call his own.

This started influencing his behaviour as well and this is when his brother Mrinal stepped in. The visible change in Randeep had surely been noticed by Mrinal and he had then spoken with Randeep about it. This is when he had opened up and confided things in his brother who then motivated him telling

"Friends in life are important but not necessary Deep. And considering these people, they aren't the ones who could be your true friends because true friends always stand by you, care for you and will always be there irrespective of what or how you are. These people have already proved they aren't the ones who can be your friends. And to tell you the truth, it's not you who is undeserving of them but them who is undeserving of you!
Remember Deep, the moon in sky. It's all alone despite the stars surrounding it. But does it need the stars to justify or depict it's beauty? No right! Similarly, consider yourself the moon. You don't need them to lead your life or become successful right. Aim to become the moon Deep. Work hard to reduce weight. Our family is with you. And I'm not telling this because of them or I'm not asking you to do this for them. Do this for yourself! Work hard and achieve things. That'll provide a befitting reply to all those who have taunted or made fun of you! Okay?"

Mrinal's words had encouraged and motivated Randeep enough to work hard on reducing his weight and also looking after his health. And of course, the support from his family also motivated him to move ahead on this path. But deep down, those scars on his heart and emotions hadn't completely faded but just masked or maybe suppressed!

The thought of finally having a friend and that too like her, atleast from what he could perceive about her from their interaction, it made him content and it  fulfilled that crave which he had buried but not forgotten.

The wide smile on his face surely surprised Kashish as she had never seen him genuinely smile that way before. This surely made her wonder at what had caused this! And noticing that for the very first time, Randeep headed towards his room without enquiring about her conveying how lost he actually was, Kashish surely knew this wasn't some music company or stuff. It was something entirely different!

Though curious to know, she knew asking Randeep now wouldn't be proper. Waiting patiently and witnessing the metamorphosis of her son-like brother-in-law due to somebody (for she knew it was some person and most probably a she) would be much more better. She smiled wider when she recalled his bright smile which automatically was accompanied with tears in her eyes for she was seeing him smile genuinely because of somebody else for the first time after that day!

She sighed, trying to push back her tears and moved towards a particular photo frame. Gazing at it with tear filled eyes,

"Seeing Deep smile a genuine smile which reached his eyes after a long time has made me immensely happy. But I know, you would be happy too for your life resided in him. If only you were there here today. If only..." she said even as a lone tear rolled down her cheek.


The interactive event at the welfare camp went about quite successfully like each time, making Ashi extremely happy and satisfied. She felt blessed that she could do something for so many people and could bring smile on their faces and also get them good food. After whatever had happened with her, she understood the value of life even more and now her purpose was to serve as many lives as possible and inspire them to live with love and in peace. And she also knew how important it was to not loathe or hate yourself for being disabled for it would do no good but only harm. Over these years, she had also learnt that the saying "man ke haare haar hain, man ke jeete jeet" wasn't simply said but truly the reality. She had seen the changes in her own life when she started accepting her disability instead of loathing or feeling sad about it and how it became more better.

It's all in the mind. Just a few months back, she had seen a disabled woman with some issues in her legs, at the hospital. Though the doctor kept telling her that if she would give her best and follow the physiotherapy routine properly, they still had hope of her legs getting better, the woman kept refusing because it had sit tight in her mind that she can never walk! And once it sits in your mind, it's very difficult to get it off!

With all these thoughts came the visualisation of Randeep singing on stage. A smile lit up her face even as his words repeated in her ears yet again. She was glad he was friend now for she so wanted to meet this man who was so optimistic and who inspired her to become what she is today!

Her smile widened when she recalled the moments spent with him at the office. The way he helped her with the wheelchair, the way they conversed so freely, it was all so good. Infact, she was surprised at how she could speak with him so freely for she was always hesitant when had to meet new people and converse with them.

"Ashi" her mother's voice brought her out of her thoughts and she moved her wheelchair towards where Nandini was standing.

"How was the event baccha?" she asked caressing her hairs with affection.

"Wonderful as always Mumma!" she said with a wide smile.

"Good. Chalo, let's go now"

"Ya sure" Ashi said and propelled her wheelchair forward with Nandini following close behind.

"After ages, I'm seeing this smile on your face Ashi. I know these events make you genuinely happy but for the first time, your smile is indicating something different. And I know, it's surely because of some other reason. I pray that this smile of yours remains intact always" Nandini thought with a smile and tears in her eyes.


Hey all,

Do share your views on the part. Extremely sorry for delaying this update so much

This one's for KRV2020 Di❤️

Lots of love,
Pratyu and Priyal

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