Chapter 3

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Your P.O.V

"You. Taiga Okajima," I said. He pointed with a finger and mouthed me. I just nod.

"Are you single?" He asked.

Most of the girls just face palm. "Sadly I am single," I said. "And no I would not want to go out with you," I said. Some girls and guys snicker. "Meg Kataoka," I said.

"Oh ummm......Oh I got it. What's your favorite subject for school?" She asked.

"Oh that's an easy one. It's (F/s). I just love it," I told her.

Then after a few minutes we strayed class. I got bored. "Psst Horribe," I heard Akabane say.

"What the fuck do you want?" I asked with a smile.

"Stop smiling. It makes you look like you enjoy this subject," he said. I just roll my eyes.

"Sorry that's not gonna happen for a while," I state.

Smiling all the time has it's ups and downs. My cheeks always hurt. But I have to smile when I'm in public.

"Why though? Why do you need to smile? Why do you have to smile?" He asked.

"Because I want to. Anyways why do you have to know everything?" I asked.

"No talking please," Koro Sensei said.

"Whatever," I said with a smile and left the classroom.

"Hey back here!!" Koro Sensei said.

But I ignored him and went to the little woods. I stopped smiling. "Ugh that little son of a..." I said. But then I smiled again. "You can come out now. I'm not gonna hurt ya," I said with a insane smile.

"Good to know," Koro Sensei said.

"What do you want octopus?" I asked with no smile.

"I thought you always smile," He said.

"Will not right now. The only time I don't smile in public is when I want to hurt something or kill something," I stated.

"But I thought you said you wouldn't hurt me," he said.

"I say alot of things," I stated. "But I do want to say thank you," I said. He looked confused.

"Thank me for what?" He asked. "For the moon. You made it look like it's smiling," I said with a smile.

"I have to ask a question. Why do you always smile? I know it's not for people to think you're a easy target. So why?" He asked.

"That is none of your business," I say. "So tell everyone in that class to stop asking. Because I don't want to hear any questions about that," I tell him.

And then turn to leave. "Oh but it was good to see you again Mr. Reaper," I say. And then I leave.

"WAIT COME BACK HERE!!" He said. But I was already to far away. I started to laugh. But continued to go to my house.

But I was stopped. "What do you want?" I asked the man wearing all white.

"How was your first day of school?" He asked calmly.

"Why do you want to know?" I ask with a serious expression on.

"I don't but you brother does," He stated.

"Then why doesn't he come face to face to ask me that?" I asked.

"He's busy," He said.

"Doing what?" I asked.

"Your filled with questions today. But if you need to know he's training," He said.

"Great," I said sarcasticly.

"Move out of my way. I want to go to my house," I said. He moved and I was on my way. When I got home I grabbed my keys opened the door locked it again and went to sleep.

Time skip

After a few hours I woke up. "Time to eat," I said to myself. I ate ramen. After that I watched some t.v. then went to Netflix to watch Ouran Host Club. "KISS KISS FALL IN LOVE!!!" I sang/screamed.

"Why am I so weird?" I asked myself. Then after that I heard a knock. I paused my anime and went to go answer it.

"Hey (Y/n)!!" Kayano said. Or should I say Akrari. "Sup Akrari ," I say .

"Is it that obvious?" She asked while scratching the back of her head. I just nod my head no.

"No but you know me," I say. She just nods. I let her come in he talk and watch some animes. We ate some sweets.

We fooled around alittle like old times. After a few hours she left. So I went back to sleep. In the morning I got up early. I got a text that said I had to kill some guy. So I left took a shower changed and went to go kill this guy. .

Time skip because I'm fucking lazy

I was now at the school. Walking up the moutain. "Hey (Y/n)," I hear Shiota say.

"Hey Shiota," I say with a smile.

"I know that Koro Sensei said not to ask you any more but please!! Why do you always smile?" He asked. I stopped which made him stop. I turn to him and our faces were really close. His face was alittle red buy I ignored it.

"You'll find out in the future," I said and walked a head.

Nagisa's P.O.V

"You'll find out in the future," they said as they walked a head of me. I was Frozen in place. 'Should I just let it go (See what I did there? No? I'm just leave *leaves*). Or should I keep asking these questions?' I thought to myself.

Not long after I decided I should just let it go. I then catch up to (Y/n).

"So you decided to drop it?" They asked.

"Yeah I guess," I say scratching the back of my head. "Hey can I ask you a question? Besides the one I just asked," They said.

I just nod. "Why don't you stand up for your self to your mom?" they easked.

"Hehe I mean ummm....I don't know," I say.

"I'm so sorry if I made you uncomfortable!!" they said. But with a smile.

"So do you smile all the time?" I ask.

"Umm yeah only in public though. If I'm really good friends with someone I wouldn't smile that much. I would feel comfortable with them. Or I would guenily smile," they.stated. I nod. I take out my little notebook and wrote that down.

"What are you doing?" they asked me.

"Oh well I write alot in this. I write down some things about Koro Sensei or things I'm interested in," I stated. they just nods. We then make it to the old building. They takes their seat while they takes something out. I walk to were they is. "What do you got there?" I asked.

"Oh this is my sketch book. I drew some things I see in my dreams. Or I just draw random people," They said.

I see her drawing. I feel my face heat up a little as they draws me. They're pretty good at it. After a while other people came. They asked them if they can draw them. They said they well. They started to draw Kataoka. They gave me the drawing of my self

"Wow she did a really good job," Karma said as he looked at the drawing. I nod in agreement.

The day went normal as usual. We tried to kill Koro Sensei but as always we failed. But today gave me some time to think.

'Do I have a crush a (Y/n)?' I asked myself for the rest of the day.

Karma's P.O.V

I saw that Nagisa has a crush on (Y/n). That was quick. I mean they're cute but not really my type. I mean give it time I might get use to them but a crush this soon? Nah. I think he might like they because the author forgot and just got lazy and wanted to show a love interest already. Seems accurate enough.

I kept thinking of the reason why they smiles so much. Does they have a traumatic back story because they probably the main character? Hmm that could be it. Or maybe they're the best friend and someone else is the main character? But I know for a fact they've had trauma.

"Something bothering you Akabane?" They asked.

"Oh boy you can read minds as well," I said sarcasticly as i roll my eyes. They then giggled again. All the boys faces went read fast. I tired to hold in my laugh. But then the octopus came.

"Ok class settle down. Today we will be learning about....." I heard him say but then trailed off. I started to stare at (Y/n) trying analyze. I then saw a note on my desk.

'Hello there' they wrote
'Staring at my beauty I see' they
'Or that horrible eye liner' I reply
'I look amazing and I know it' I roll my eyes

We had then passed each other notes and made sure not to get caught. It became normal for us to just pass notes and give sly remarks

Ok so this is it. Sorry it sorta sucks. I didn't have a lot of ideas. Hope you guys liked it though. That's it.

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