Hahah fucking loser

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Your POV
I wake up and there's someone on top of me with a knife. "Make a sound and you're dead. Where's your money?" He asks. Oh it's a robber.

"Huh? I'm a high school student living an a apartment by myself. Do you fucking think I have money?" I asked.

"Uhhh..." They said.

"In the cabinet by your right," I say calmly. They check it.

"What the fuck there's about a thousand bucks(I'm American so I don't how money works over there)! How the fuck...?" He asks.

"Oh I'm an assassin and I love saving my money. I have about $10,000 more. But first," I say as I take out my knife. "You're trespassing," I smile.

"Please no wait I have a family I have-" It was too late.

*later that day*

I get changed and go to school. "What up mother fuckers! How are you all?" I asked.

"Somebody's in a good mood?" Akabane says.

"Damn fucking right!" I say. Then all of sudden my mood turns even better. I squeal. "It's the kid who tried to kill me 2 days ago!!" I say. I then point at Marcus.

"Why would you be so happy about that?" Most of the class asked.

"Oh hey Horribe!!" Marcus says as he runs to hug me. I do the same motion. And that's when we pull out our knives.

"Not in my classroom!! Maybe outside but not here," Koro Sensei said as he pulls us apart as we're about to stab each other.

"You're no fun," I complain.

"Ahh so you're Koro Sensei! Nice to meet you sir," Marcus says. Koro Sensei Eyes turn into stars.

"This my dears is a literal prince!! Look at his perfect black and white hair!! Look how at how tall he is!! And look at those gentle eyes!!" Koro Sensei fan girls. I decide to Join in.

"And look that smile!! Keep it in your pants ladies!!" I say. Koro Sensei And I continue to gush over him.

Then a bullet was fired towards Koro Sensei. "That's enough!" Karasuma told us. "You're creeping him out." Karasuma said.

"I don't mind really," Marcus said.

"And those manners!!" We both say at the same time.

"Both of you are losers," Karma said.

"Uh," That hurt us both. We then go sulk in the corner. "We're not losers," Koro Sensei said.

"Yeah we're really cool and stuff," I say.

"Shall I introduce myself?" Marcus asked. 

"Sorry I'm late. I forgot to wake up," Isogai said.

"Marcus!" I say. "This is our actual prince! Our beauty! Our pride and Joy!!" I say.

"Our precious angel!! Our proud Prince!!" Koro Sensei said.

"Yuma Isogai!" We both said. Isogai says nothing as he sits down.

"Stop that's pretty embarrassing," Isogai said. "We should let him introduce himself!" Isogai said.

"Hello my name is Marcus. Marcus Isogai," Marcus said with this new look in his eyes and a smirk on his face. His princely vibes soon turned into hot villain vibes.

"Wait Isogai?" Someone asked

"Like our Isogai? Or a different Isogai!?" Another student asked.

"What a turn of events," Karma said.

"So..Wait What?" Nagisa asked.

"Let me introduce him more properly!" I say.

"Ladies and gentlemen! Here come the general! The moment you've been waiting for!" Koro Sensei sang.

"Marcus Isogai! Professional assassin! One of the youngest assassins out there besides me of course! His sinister move is to slit his victims throat! He usually is not a sniper but when he is he's a good one! His assassin name would be the Jokester because he likes to leave jokes after killing his victims," I say.

"I'll have to keep my eye out of this one!" Koro Sensei laughs. "Now Mr. Isogai. The class well ask you some questions if you don't mind," He told him.

"How come you have such an American name?" Kayano asked.

"Oh. My mom heard it from some tv show!" He said.

"Are you actually Isogai's brother?" Nakamura asked Excitedly.

"We have the same father but not the same mother," Marcus smiles. "Oh I'm also Half American lol. That's what I meant by mom hearing it on tv," He says.

They continue asking some questions. "Ok that's all. Marcus you can go sit down next to (Y/n)," Koro Sensei said.

"Alright," He smiles. I noticed that Isogai has been so tense since he saw Marcus.

Lunch time. I decide to club a tree. And then I fall. "Hahah fucking loser," Nakumara and Karma say.


Sorry I haven't been updating. Have this dumb chapter instead. Anyways I've been busy with school. Work has been piling up. I hope all of you understand.

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