Memories I'd Rather forget about

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I sigh as I wake up. Another day at school. I make my way up to the mountain. "Why good morning," Koro greets me. I just grumble out a greeting. "You seem in a great mood," Koro says. I make my way to my desk and put my head down. I just flip him off.

"Fuck off," I say. I then look up to him.

"Your memories seem to be slowly coming back," Koro says.

"And how would you know??" I ask.

"Y/n I was the one who saved you that night," Koro says. I roll my eyes. Like I hadn't figured that out.

"May I ask how much months I spent there?" I asked.

"Even I don't know that," He says. I then tap my legs and sigh.

"The government sure went through the trouble of making me forget everything," I say. "I can't tell for personal gain," I say look down. "Or because they want to see how long it takes a super human to remember," I say looking up.

"Y/n... How are your legs?" Koro says.

"Healing," I say. "It's the only thing that never heals quickly," I state calmly as I put my head back on the desk.

"Super human strengths always come with some kind of disadvantage," Koro says.

"Koro, you have told me before I was your student. I want to know how it was to work with," I take out my knife. "The infamous Reaper," I tell him darkly, with a stern glare.

"I would like it if you try to remember. What are your memories?" Koro asks.

"My memories are just dreams that come and go. Nothing more, nothing less," I say as I throw the knife at him. "They never come back though," I say.

"That wasn't a very clear with my question," He states.

"That wasn't very clear with my question," The same voice but different tones says.

"Learn some grammar," I say.

"Learn some fucking grammar old man," My voice says in a colder tone.

"Old man...," I add on.

"I'm only like 27!!" Koro said.

"Sure," I say.

"Hey!!" He says.  I decided to take a quick nap.

"It's funny how people decide to look up to parents," Itona says all of a sudden.

"Like how you believe they're this hero when in reality they're no hero?" I ask. We were in my room looking outside the window.

"Yeah. Father is one of those parents," Itona says as he looks up at the sky.

"What about mother?" I ask.

"You know what my thoughts are about mother," Itona says venomously.

"Right," I say quickly. "Sorry," I apologize.

"No I'm sorry I shouldn't have Used that tone on you in the first place. But mother is...." Itona sighs.

"Yeah I know. You don't have to say it," I say.

"Thanks," They mumble.

"When you're older don't you want to move away from this place?" I ask.

"Fuck yeah!" He says. "One of these days both of us are gonna travel to Denmark!" Itona says.

"Why Denmark?" I ask.

"Because I want to take you somewhere beautiful!" He says. I smile at my hug bother.

"Alright then! It's settled," I say.

2 years later

"I don't want to go to Denmark anymore," Itona suddenly says.

"That's alright," I say laying on my bed.

"I have to make sure you're safe here," He says.

"I can handle myself," I say.

"I know you can. But I'm scared," They say.

"I know you are. And that's ok," I say looking up at the ceiling. "I don't want to leave my room," I say. "Is that bad?" I ask.

"Y/n..." Itona says. "One of these days you're gonna have..." He cut himself off.

"Not today," I say raising my hand to the ceiling trying to grab I don't even know what.

"Well you at least talk to me about it?" Itona asks.

"I'll talk about it when I want," I snap.

"Right right," He says calmly. "do you want me to make you more food?" They ask.

"I don't want to eat," I say. "These are memories I'd rather forget," I say and then suddenly everything went black.

I then wake up. I rubbed my eyes. I hope it wasn't noticeable that what I just had was a complete and utter nightmare.

"Hi y/n!" Kayano says. I was zoned out so I didn't hear her for a moment and then put up a smile.

"Hey Kayano!" I smile.

"You looked like you were having a peaceful dream," She says.

"Yeah. I dreamt that the octopus was dead!" I smile softly.

"What would happen if you die suddenly?" I ask.

"Then you're on your own," Reaper said.

"But you're leaving your inheritance with me right!" I say.

"No that's mine!" The other guy said.

"No im the youngest!" I say.

"That isn't fair!" The other guy groaned as I laughed.

"Yeah," I mumble. Kayano was just talking about things. And then a normal day of school went by. I just stared off into a distance.

"Y/n!" Someone called out to me. I turn around and see Nagisa.

"Hiya!" I say. "Do you need something?" I ask.

"Oh I was just wondering what you're doing after school?" He says.

"Nothing much. I'm just expecting Itona to visit me soon!" I say. "I have a feeling he is," I smile.

"Really?" Nagisa asks.

"Yeah!" I smile.

"But didn't you tell me both of you got into a fight! Also he tried to hurt all of-" Nagisa was cut off. Without realizing I was giving him a cold stare as to say I realize that.

"You're overthinking this," I smile softly. "You're worrying for me too much," I say.

"Y/n...." He says.

"Hmm?" I ask.

"It's nothing," He smiles. We then walk out and continue to talk to. "Oh by the way, when you were asleep you mumbled something about Denmark," Nagisa said.

"Oh it's somewhere I've always wanted to go to," I say

"Don't you have the money for it?" He asks.

"I'm saving up for something else," I smile. We just walk in a peaceful silence. "This is where we part ways. See you tomorrow Nagisa," I say.

"See ya Y/n," He said.


Hello peoples. I'm running out of fucking ideas. Also i need ideas. Someone give me ideas. Please just give inspiration.

Anyways I hope you all are having a lovely day! I love you all. You are all valid.


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