This bitch

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I woke up for school. I do my usual routine. I go up the mountain and go to my desk. I greet Koro Sensei.

"Hehe it's so good to see you again," Koro Sensei laughed.

"Koro Sensei I would like to ask you something," I say. I had a serious expression.

"Alright what is it?" He asks.

"I would like to know about you're darkest secret," I say as I rest my chin on my now crossed fingers.

"You don't meant that?" Koro Sensei says.

"Yes. The secret you've been hiding," I say.

"Alright alright!!" He cries out. "I use to watch anime on kiss anime because I liked seeing the ads!!!" Koro Sensei admitted.

"Hahaha I got it on tape!! You're ruined," I say.

"No please!!" Koro Sensei says. "Don't show my kids!! I've already gained their respect and I don't want that to be ruined!!!" He cries.

I just laugh. After a few more hours of waiting more people show up. It turns out we're doing pe so we go out and change. Karasuma was observing all of us carefully.

I then sneak up on him just like a lion stalking its prey. He then throws me on the ground. "I'm fine," I say.

"Of course you are," He says still dodging everybody's attacks. Until Nagisa came. I felt it. It was just like a snake. A snake trying to violently choke a lion. That sent me chills as I accidentally hit him out of instinct just like Karasuma did.

"Oh shit! Are you ok!" I ask.

"Yeah. That punch was brutal," Nagisa said.

"Haha yeah sorry. I should make it up to you. How about we go to that little cafe down the street next week. My treat," I say keeping this between us. (I just noticed I've made this all about Karma and it's not all about him).

Nagisa smiles. "Yeah sure I'll like that," He says. I smile at him as I help him up. We continue trying to get Karasuma. Of course it was simple for me

And then this huge guy comes out of no where. He introduces himself to us. He says he'll be our new pe teacher. I didn't like him at all. He seemed familiar.

He's too nice. I just look at him. After a while I decided not to be there. I watched from a far. "Why aren't you gonna come and eat with us?" He asks.

"I don't want to eat," I replied. He was giving me the creeps. I decided to walk away and then he grabbed my wrist.

"Where do you think you're going?" He asks.

"Let go you're hurting me," I say as I fake my own pain.

"No I'm not stop lying," he says. I then grab him and flip him.

"Don't touch me," I say as I go inside. I decide to go to my desk and eat by myself. I also decide to read a book.

After some time I see that he's working my classmates to the bone. "What the fuck?" I say. It then hits me. He abuses whoever he coaches. I make my way to Karasuma's office. I open the door and see he's not there.

Before he can slap my classmate I grab his arm. i see it was kurahashi. "That's big no no. You see I can't have some abuse my little toys. I'm not done playing with them," I say as I kick him but he stops my kick by grabbing my leg. "What the-" He then flips me and I end up on the ground.

"Now sweetie you know daddy doesn't like to hit you kids!" He says smiling.

I cough In pain, as though all the air was taken away from me for a momentHe grabs me again and I try and kick him. Fear ran through my mind. "Let me go!!" I cried. PTSD came running through my mind.

"Stop you're hurting her!" I hear someone say. He then throws me harshly to the ground once again. I get up. I wipe the blood off my face .

"Why you little!" I yell but then am held back by Karasuma.

"Go back inside! You thing go take her," Karasuma said as he points to Koro.

"Alrighty," He says. He then takes me inside. He quickly tends to my injuries. "Are you alright?" He asks.

"Why the fuck aren't you doing anything about it!?" I ask.

"I am a teacher. And even though I don't like seeing my students I am not one to judge," He says.

"Fucking liar," I mutter.

"Stay here alright," He says seriously. He then leaves and heads out.

"Shit!" I say. "Shit shit shit!" I yell. I head outside. "What's going on?" I ask slightly limping.

"The dumb bastard chose Nagisa," Ms Jelavic said. "Hey are you ok?" She asks. "Your eyes are puffy," She says.

"I'm fine," I say. I then examine Nagisa. Huh this kid does have potential.

"Oh wait a second was I suppose to use the back of my knife?" Nagisa asks. I lightly giggle. I smile at my class mates.

"You think it's fun shaming your father figure huh!" He screams. What's a father? He continues to say shit. Nagisa says some encouraging shit.

"Thanks for trying but he's the class dad," Nagisa said. Huh? A father figure huh. Never had one. He goes in to hit Nagisa but Karasuma beats him. The principal comes in. I just smile at him and then I leave. I make a call.

"Yeah. Do you have a job for me? Yes or no?" I ask walking away.

"Actually we do," The woman said.

"Alright!" I say.

"Kill some man named Shoto Izu. That's it," She says as she hangs up. I then get up and go do my fucking job.


Alright so this may not be that cannon but still! Anyways I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! I will try to update more.

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