Chapter 9

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     "52 seconds," Branch announced.

     "Barb, come on!" Poppy yelled down the stairs, as she paced nervously.
"Sorry. I had to pee!" Barb sassed, running into the room.
"You always have to pee."
"Well, it's either that or I explode."

     "45 seconds!" Branch yelled.

     "You know what to do?" Poppy asked Barb.
"We stand together, me on the left, you on the right," Barb said.
"And we chat with all the kids with great talents," Poppy continued. "You got it?"
"I'm good."

     "20 seconds!" Branch yelled, rushing to get his equipment ready for the very first iTrolly web show.

     "Here we go," Poppy said excitedly.
"Do I look good?" Barb asked.
"Perfect," Poppy said with a smile. "Me?"
"Well... you got something in your teeth."
"I do!? Get it out! Get it out!"

     Barb rushed to clean Poppy's teeth, as Branch walked towards the two girls with the camera.

     "In 5... 4... 3... 2..."

     Poppy and Barb quickly stood up straight, smiling at the camera.

     "Hey there, people of Earth!" Poppy said cheerfully. "I'm Poppy."
"And I'm Barb," Barb said with a small wave.
"And this is our very first webcast of a little show we call..."
"ITrolly!" both girls shouted together.

     "Demonstrate the thing!" Poppy urged.
"Yeah!" Barb agreed, pulling out a little remote control. "With this item, provided by our dorky friend Branch...."
"That's disrespectful!" Branch yelled. "And you better not hurt Gary!"

     Barb rolled her eyes, before smiling at the camera again.

     "As I was saying..." Barb continued. "With this remote, we can do this..." She pushed a button on the remote, lights beginning to flash around the room. "And this," she said, pushing another button. The sound of applause filled the room. "And this." She pushed one final button, another sound effect coming from the remote.

     "Ok," Poppy said. "Tonight, we're gonna show you some kids with super insane talents."
"Freak show!" Barb cheered.
"Stop it," Poppy chuckled, punching Barb's arm playfully. "Ok, this first kid we're gonna show you can take a glass of milk..."
"This is so deliciously gross..."
"Snort the milk up into his nose..."
"It's the best thing ever..."
"And then make the milk squirt out of his eyes!"
"I wanna marry this boy!"

     "Let's bring him out," Poppy said.
"Simon Kendal!" both girls announced simultaneously.

     "You're up, dude!" Barb said, as an orange troll came into the room.
"Ok, Simon," Poppy said. "You ready to blow people away with your freakish talent?"

     The orange troll nodded, taking a grass of milk, and putting it up his nose, so that the milk dripped out of his eyeballs.

     "Oh my gosh," Poppy said, both amazed and disgusted by the troll's 'talent'.
"The king of dairy!" Barb cheered.

     "You won't see that every day," Poppy said into the camera. "Give it up for Simon!"


     "Ok. This next guest is insane!" Poppy said.
"Tell the people your name," Barb said, gesturing to a green troll with purple hair.
"Brennan Yubberly," the troll answered.
"Yeah, Yubberly!" Barb and Poppy cheered, clapping their hands together enthusiastically.

     "Now listen to this," Poppy said into the camera. "Any word you say, Brennan can say backwards perfectly."
"He's a backwards talker!" Barb said in a goofy voice.

     "Check this out," Poppy said. "Ointment."
"Tnenmtnio," Brennan said.
"Yes!" Barb cheered. "Ok. Slippery watermelon."
"Yreppils nolemretaw," Brennan said.

     "Do you hear this!?" Poppy said excitedly.
"We love this boy!" Barb said.

     "Well can he say this..." Branch said from behind the camera. "I must be from planet Jupiter because there's no other way I could be saying all this backwards."

     Everyone looked to Brennan, waiting for him to speak.

     "Sdrawkcab siht lla gniyas eb dluoc I yaw rehto on s'ereht esuaceb retipuJ tenalp morf eb tsum I."

     "Did you hear that!?" Barb yelled into the camera.
"Insanity!" Poppy yelled.
"Ytinasni!" Brennan said with a smirk.
"That's enough, Brennan," Barb said, ushering the green troll away.

     Brennan took a bow, and then ran out of the room, waving at the camera.

     "Yeah!" Both girls cheered.
"Great job!" Barb praised.
"Wonderful!" Poppy said.


     "Looking at that goat made me hungry," Barb said, rubbing her stomach.
"Well, you can eat soon because the very first webcast of iTrolly is almost over," Poppy said.

     Barb pushed a button on Gary, an 'awwww!' sound coming out of him.

     "No, no. Don't be sad," Poppy said in a happy voice. "We've still got one more kid with a weird talent. But first... Here's some stuff you need to know."
"If you liked our show, tell your friends," Barb said.
"Your cousins, people you like."
"People you hate."
"All people of this planet!"
"That we're gonna be here, live, online every week at iTrolly. Com. In fact... next week, Poppy's gonna take my tonsils out right here!"
"She's lying," Poppy laughed.
"But how awesome would that be!?"

     "So, if there's anything you want to see us do," Poppy said.
"Or hear us talk about right here on the show," Barb added.
"No matter how crazy or weird."
"Or stupid."
"You can contact us by going to Click on the feedback button."
"Feedback button!"
"And if you wanna send us a video of you doing or saying anything cool."
"Telling a joke, eating a bug..."
"Just email the video clip to us."
"Poppy and me..."
"Me and Barb."
"At iTrolly. Com!" they both shouted simultaneously.

     "And if it's cool enough We'll show it right here on iTrolly," Poppy said.
"So send us up," Barb said.
"Talk back."
"But be nice."
"Cause if you're not.."
"We will find where you live... "

     "I think that's enough advertisement for now," Poppy laughed. "Anyways... our last freakishly talented kid's name is Taryn James."
"And she's about to play us out with her trumpet," Barb added.
"But with a little extra twist. Hit the button."

     Barb hit a button on the remote, lights beginning to flash around the studio, as the troll from the auditions ran into the room, beginning to jump up and down on her pogo stick, as she played the trumpet.

"Will you look at that!" Poppy said.
"It seems impossible," Barb said.
"That is so cool!"
"I wish I could do that!"

The girl continued playing her trumpet while hopping up and down, as Poppy and Barb looked back to the camera.

"Well, thanks for watching!" Poppy said, waving at the camera.
"Don't forget to tune in next time!" Barb said.
"Bye!" both girls yelled together, waving at the camera.

"And we're clear!" Branch announced, lowering the camera.
"Yes! We did it!"

Everyone jumped around the room, cheering about their success.

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