Author's Note (Next weekly) - The unexpected storm 🌀

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Author's POV:

The chandeliers and the lightings of the party hall shined brighter than usual.
Media kept clicking nonstop pictures such that camera flashes were brighter and the sound of clicks were louder than the live music and DJ playing. Everyone waited for one look and byte of the most talked about couple in town.

Mr Abhinandan Rajvansh was extremely happy and welcoming everyone with warmth and happiness after his one and only granddaughter is finally settling down.

It was a royal setup. After all the one and only Princess and the only heir of Rajvansh family had chosen her better half. The employees were given a bonus. The contract models and celebrities who worked for 'Morpankh' the biggest fashion studio in the country directly run by the Princess herself were sent special hampers and invites for the royal engagement ceremony.

After all Rajvanshi's were tying up with the Singhanias.

Abeer Singhania was a big name in the country. He was successful, charming and a gentleman. Above all he was Abhinandan's best friend Veerendra's grandson. Abeer's parents also wanted him to settle down from a long time and when Princess herself agreed for this proposal there were no second thoughts.

Abeer was always the tough nut to crack but he was wooed by the Princess swiftly and her charms. And he couldn't help but fall for her like it was all a planned stunt.

Dressed up in a black Armani suit and a gold watch embedded with diamonds he saw his watch ticking 8 pm and he was waiting for one look of the Princess who stole his heart.

And soon he saw her ascending the staircase. Simple yet elegant, she looked beautiful yet very different today.
Her dimple floral skirt with a peach top and a absolutely no jewellery look surprised him. A royal Princess not flaunting wealth at her own engagement ceremony.

Unique!!! Indeed she was...
Wasn't that the thing that attracted him towards her...She was sparkling more than a diamond tonight. He adored the charismatic beauty who was heading towards him.

She stopped for the media. Thanked them for joining the Rajvanshis on their big day. Abeer loved the fact that she was so poised.

Her beautiful smile was missing today which usually made his day. He smiled at her offering a hand and she forcefully curved her lips into a smile. He didn't think much though. Media clicked them non stop and kept praising for how they looked.

Abeer was 6.1 beardo however and she was 5.5. Their good looks were such that media already was describing on how good their babies would look in future!!!

After all Princess being one of the best fashion photographers of the country was photogenic too. Ofcourse media didn't acknowledge it before but since last few months her beauty, her nature, her good looks, her brains ...Every fashion magazine now only wanted to cover her!!! A photographer more photogenic and hyped up than her models!!! Indeed something changed recently!!!

She came across like a sudden storm and not just media even Abeer was hit by the storm real hard!!!

He found her interesting unlike other woman who tried wooing him!!!
He felt Princess was a magnet who attracted him!!! And he fell helplessly!
But now she somehow looked dull and sad.

Abhinandan noted his granddaughter's expressions closely. Soon the 'Tika ceremony' was performed and gifts were given to Abeer and Princess.

While feeding sweet to both Abhinandan slowly whispered in his granddaughter's ears...

'Gudiya...Are you not happy?'

While in answer she only looked at her worried grandfather and smiled ...

'No Dado...Why won't I be happy...Abeer is.... perfect!!! He's perfect!!! For any girl!!! '

'Is he perfect for you Gudiya?' he asked and she felt a pang in her chest. She felt her heart bleeding and she couldn't utter a word but she streched her lips and forced a big smile on her face saying...

'Ofcourse Dado...come on now feed me Rajbhog...I love it come on!!!'

Although the old soul could see the pain in his granddaughter's eyes he was still trying to play along for her sake however deep down he was aware that she had not forgotten HIM!!!

How could she!!!

He ..was her only friend after Vishakha. She never made any other friends. She was an introvert but the changes in her since he came in her life was not just evident to her family but also the world!!!

She who conquered projects now began conquering hearts!!!
But then one day HE LEFT!!!
Just left!!!
The reason his resignation said was...

'He got a better opportunity!!!'

He was a supermodel but 'Morpankh' wasn't a small one. It was the biggest fashion studio in country. He was signed as the calendar model and the show stopper for the biggest of India's designer's who worked for 'Morpankh'!!!
He was the face of 'Morpankh'!!!
Above all he was clicked by Princess herself.

Princess Bela Rajvansh!!! PBR!!! One of India's best fashion photographer!!!
Models begged and waited to be clicked by her but she was 'selective!!!' and this was the first time Bela's selection had called it 'QUITS!!!'

He quit everything overnight! Paid double the fine to breach the contract and left to London to work for another fashion studio!!!

She went berserk but didn't show it a bit!!! Suppressing her anger and frustration she only made it worse for her employees imposing more rules into contracts while signing a model!!! She decided to only consider models via agencies henceforth!!!

But in short she was BROKEN 💔

Why??? No one knew...

It was a secret bond she shared with him.
Her employees said she hated him as they fought like dogs!!!
He was a world renown 'Hands in Pants' who could sleep around with anything that was 'Female!!!' and she was annoyed with his this nature!!!

Her close colleagues said although they hated each other they had a fierce chemistry... Chemistry that could literally burn woods without fire, bring truth from mouths of a liar, burn cold bodies with desire!!!

And her friend Vishakha and Vishakha's boyfriend Rohit felt terrible for Bela as all they saw there was a broken heart 💔
They knew their friend was in love but she would never agree!!!
And they were helpless!!!

Soon Abeer and Princess Bela were asked to come over the stage and rings were given to them. Abeer happily took Bela's hand in his and slipped the ring into her finger. When she was given the ring she shivered !!!
Although she closed her eyes tightly she heard his voice...

'I promise you Bela... He will be yours!!!'

'Its never easy Mr!!!'

'You have no idea what are my charms baby doll!!! You will thank me when you will slip the ring into his finger!!!'

'Whatever!!! And if he won't?'

'If he won't...I'll not slip something into someone's something for...hmmmm a year!!!'

'Yukkk!!! You are cheap!!!'

'Oh believe me that Iammmm!!!'

Bela sipped her coffee and looked at his chocolate brown eyes asking...

'Hmmmn you are that confident you'll get him as mine is it!!!'

'Im not confident!!! I KNOW babydoll!!! I'll make him your w*ore!!' he said licking the jam off his thumb

'Ewwww.. don't do that!!!'

'Why does it turn you on?' he asked bending a little towards her face and she had seen his chocolate brown eyes melt into hers !!!

Oh those eyes!!! Are deceiving 🥺

Her eyes filled with tears of their memories and she opened her eyes!!! Anger and hatred filled in them...she at once slipped the ring into Abeer's ring finger and the hall echoed with claps!!!

Soon music began playing and Abeer asked her for a dance. Although she hesitated she agreed!!!

She felt Abeer's hands on her bare waist and she was uncomfortable but she continued swaying...

While the DJ stopped and live and began playing...

She heard guitar being played alone. And suddenly something hit her hard.

The strings... the tune...her throat filled up and she began shivering...

She sensed something strange...

And she turned around to see
HIM on the stage!!!

Tune mujhe pehchana nahi...

Jaana main koi Anjana nahi...

Aashiq hu main tere naam ka...

Deewana hoon main...

Deewana nahin...

And her world went upside down...

Vishakha came running near Bela fearing her outburst as she saw her hands clenching into a punching fist so tight that her nails were digging into her hands!!!

'What the F is he doing here' she muttered...

'I...I don't know Bela'

While Bela kept shivering in raging anger such that her head would burst he kept singing with a smile that annoyed her more!!!

Soon after the song finished and everyone clapped for him the first person to hug him was Abeer.

'Hey man welcome.. unexpected!!! I thought you quit Bela's studio'

To which he smirked looking at Bela and said...

'Its too early to judge a suspense novel and a Mahir Sehgal!!!'

And Bela shot fire from her eyes!!!

Soon someone called Abeer and he excused himself while Bela stood folding hands infront of her chest looking at once a 'friend' now a 'foe'!!!

'Why are you here?'

'To enjoy the party!!! You are getting engaged...I was invited and why won't I have a drink ... come on... that's not fair right? After all you must be thankful to me' he said while gulping a glass full of champagne!!!

'Wooow...well....Good...Eat...Drink and F off Mr Mahir Sehgal !!! I don't want you around Rajvansh Palace, Morpankh or me !!! Get that???'

Next minute he took a step closer and looked into her pitch black sea like eyes ...He was 5.9...Perfect height to dive into her eyes...He wasn't touching her but still she felt the havoc in her chest that she felt a thunderstorm rise from the depth of her chest and choking her now...Her lips began quivering!!!

'Im here for business!!! Nothing personal!!!'
he said stressing on 'personal' eying her lips and her heart was already beating like a drum!!!

Mahir Sehgal and his charms could make any girl go weak on her knees...Bela although the Royal Princess herself...was no exception!!!


Dearest Readers,

As promised...

I'm a reader's writer ❤️ Here is the next Romantic Hardcore ❤️

Here is your next weekly...

'Seal the Deal' beginning soon...

It's Royal Princess Bela and the supermodel Playboy  Mahir's uncalled for yet fierce chemistry...

Coming soon post 'Its a Compromise'

Hope you liked the Prologue Trailer❤️ do let me know...

I'm still writing next chapter of 'Its a compromise' will release it soon.

Love Love ❤️
Vpsisthename20 ❤️

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