Wistful Sorrows

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 Devin watched the window, her tears finally drying, she wanted, No needed an escape. Devin sighed, turning away, not long ago she had gotten a..a tragic phone call.

The last time she had spoken to her mother, there had been a wrangle, and now...well she wasn't coming home. Once those dark heavy thoughts hit, Devin could feel herself stiffen up. What would happen to her now?

Suddenly a loud banging noise surrounded her. Devin slowly stood, walking numbly towards the door,"Hello..?" she asked, her voice didn't even sound like hers.

"Are you Devin Vencie?" The man's voice boomed out in response.

All she could do was nod. The police officer stood there in silence, Devin stared at him, waiting for the unspoken, and horrible truth.

"Your mother's death was no accident," the officer muttered grimly, getting straight to the point.

Devin could hear the strange mournful sobbing noise again, was it her? She didn't even feel sane anymore, as the tears fell like streams, wanting to slam the door in his face, but she knew that was childish. If she could make one single wish...it would be to wake up from her horrible nightmare-reality.

It had been a week since her mother had fought the battle of faith, life or death, all that wonderfully tearing inside jazz. Devin walked down the dark alley, wanting to crawl into a dark and lonely closet, hide from all humans, maybe even herself. She leaned against a building, all these thoughts were getting her nowhere.

"We know who did it," their voice sounded gruff, almost as if they had salt rubbed into a wound, but she wouldn't put it past the guy anyway, always acting so tough.

"Oh really ?" Devin questioned, while she tried to sound intimidating, but her voice fell through, sounding to crackly, heck it wouldn't even scare a mouse.

"Yes of course, we got what you needed, now give us what we want," The man demanded

Devin eyed him, was this really her child-hood friend...Noah?

"I will once you tell me, who did it," Devin grumbled, as Noah looked around, she understood what he was doing, not wanting to rat someone out.

"Jayski Ravenwood,"Noah mumbled, running his fingers through his dark brown hair.

Why would Jaski do this? Devin questioned silently, although she already knew the answer.

Devin assed the slip to Noah, and thanked him, as he slipped away like the shadow he was. She slid down the wall, pulling her knees up to her chest, crying out of fear for the unknown.

It had been a couple of days since the alleyway hangout, Devin thought, as she sat at a library commuter, you could call it, stalking the man, or his social media anyway, she wanted to make him pay.

"Hello," The dark and unsettling voice whispered.

Although it sounded so familiar, it was cold, like ice. Devin froze, he wouldn't attack her...right?

"What are you doing here, Jaski?" she whispered, turning to face her quote on quote, mother's killer.

"Settling the scores, my dear," he whispered evenly.

Devin flinched as he lightly lifted her chin, making her meet his gaze.

"I did this..for us," Jaski whispered. Clearly, it seemed he was a psychopath.

"There is No 'Us'," she whispered, violently shaking his hand away. Devin watched his facial shape, hoping she hadn't angered the man. Jaski looked defeated," After all I did for you, and this- this is how you repay me?!" he tone getting heavy.
Devin snapped her gaze to the nearest door, seeing Noah approaching, thank the saints, she thought.

"Tsk Tsk, Jaski don't play with our prey," he grumbled, clicking his tongue.

Devin watched in confusion. What was really going on?

Jaski turned, a scowl on his dark features

Noah stood in front of her, brushing her dark curls away, "Don't act shy now," he snickered.

Devin felt expressionless. Although shock was starting to hit her like a wave, her own best friend had metaphorically stabbed her, then she felt like she was choking.

Jaski watched the scene fearfully.

Devin felt bad for the boy, getting the blame. Suddenly she knew, she would have to fend for herself in this situation. The library was usually teeming with people, but not to day, of course.

Noah had a look of blasé as he stared down Jaski, as if pushing him to do something, anything.

"Why'd you do it?" Devin whispered

Noah sighed, as if it was obvious,"Devyy," he started out, but only got interrupted

"Don't call me that!" she shouted, only to be hushed by a librarian

"Don't be like this," Noah whispered shouted

How could she not be like this? The two had killed her mother.

"Why did you do it?" Devin spat, turning the tables as she stood.

Noah held such a grin , it could kill,"We're giving you the great escape."

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