Chapter one

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Why is he sooooooo adorable!!!!!!!! Even with that face!!!!! What is this?!?!?m?!?!?!?!

Copyright. I do not own any characters ext.

All I own is the plot. Nothing else.

-MARI pov-

Dear diary,

I woke up today......late to school as always....but that's what happens when you're out patrolling the city all night. Me and Chat We are kind of on edge as there has been no Akumas lately . Which means Hawkmoth must be planning something. Something big. The latest Akuma was Volpina, that Akuma attack was my fault.........I was I acted without using my head.........I guess me and Chat are even now we both caused an akuma................ because we were Jelous. Chat told me about what happened and how he caused Copycat. .........Well I have to go patrol.

Love, Marinette.

I finished writing my diary entry for today. Put it in the protective box .

" I'm still not sure about you writing everything in your diary, Marionette "

" It's fine, Tikki. Remember you can only open the box with the key and I have the only key."

" Okay..........I'm still uneasy about it though."

" It'll be fine Tikki. Trust me now ready to transform?"

" Yup."

" Okay! ..............Tikki, Spots on!!!!!!!! Ha!!!!!!!"

- Chat pov-

I was waiting on M'lady one a building close to Marionette's house. I decided to watch her. I don't know exactly why but hey. you know?

Marionette was writing in her diary. she stood up and put it in a box, while a red little Kwaimii started floating around her. ...........Wait! What?!?! A - a red...... Kwaimii. Maybe I'm just imagineing it. I should call my lady. I turned around. I started running towards the Eiffel tower so if Marionette looks out her window she don't think I was watching her. Which I was. But she don't need to know going to head to the Eiffel tower, and Tell ladybug to meet me there. I need to talk to her.

- Ladybug pov-

I saw Chat zoom off. Was he watching me?? I don't think he was it looked as if he was just passing by. Oh well " Tikki Spots on!!"

' ring ring'

Hey that's my communicater

" Chat!!! what's up ??? There an akuma????"

" Ummm no........not that I see"

" Ah. Okay. Where are you??"

" Eiffel tower."

" I'll meet you there in ten, kitty."

" Alright bugaboo."

He hung up...,.........wait. He hung up on me wow. Usually I hang up on him.
What happened?

- Chat pov-

I hung up on Ladybug.......I needed sometime to think about what to do.
To think about Marionette.Why didn't I fall for her? Could it be that I never considered her because of my love of Ladybug? More importantly should she fall for me as Chat, Or me as Adrien? Chat is the real me. ...........let's see how she will Cope with me as Chat coming to visit her. Yeah I'll go visit her after I talk to Ladybug

I saw ladybug coming. She sat next to me with a nervous face .

"Why so nervous M'lady?"

" I - I mom.....she almost caught me when I tr-transformed."

" O-kay......."

" What did you want to talk about?"

"Oh! I-I ummmmmm ......"how do I approach this? aha! I know., " You know the girl you sent me to protect a while ago? When Evillustrator attacked?"

" Yes. Marinette."

" Well, I've been thinking....that maybe I could vist her? I mean, I don't think it will be too much of a chance that she could get hurt. Or that she could find out my identity.......I just want someone to talk to. You know? Somebody to laugh with, cry with be concerned for, and them be concerned for you. A friend. A real friend. ,"

" But......but I'm your friend............ aren't I ?." she looked away and I heard a slight sniffle.
W-wait I made her cry! What did I say wrong ?! M'lady never Crys!!

" You are m'lady, but -" she shook her head

" I understand. I will see you later Chat Noir. I hope that your happy."
I shivered her voice was so cold. Colder than ice. Colder then my father.

" Bugaboo wait!! I didn't get to explain"

" No need to . ......and I'm NOT your bugaboo." harder then steel. Until the end when her voice cracked. Showing how much it really hurts.. I-I hurt M'lady.... and she was getting up about to leave... I need to stop her.

" There is a need to! You need to understand!"she stopped so I continued." You never let me talk to you! As soon as we are done fighting the akuma you always run. Even when we are hunting it down you never let me talk. I understand that we need to get the akuma asap. Before it causes to much damage. I understand. But on patrol, even then we don't talk much! M'lady I know you are business. Always get it done. But... is that the real you? Is that who you always are ? Or are you different? Are you someone who cares what goes on besides What happens when an akuma is around or when one might show ? I fell in love with the Ladybug that talked to Hawkmoth and was passionate.The Ladybug that cares. The one who helps people who get Akumitized. The way you were. Why are you acting so different.You use to talk to me , you used to be fun and amazing. So tell me what happened. Tell me why you were so warm and all of a sudden your freezing. Hard as steel. All the time! What happened b
Ladybug?!?! What happened to my bugaboo?? Hm?. So? What happened?!"
She was silent is that good or bad? Did I say something wrong? My thoughts were cut off. "What happened? What happened?! What happened was i didn't choose to stay. I didnt want to stay. But I have to . To protect the city. I got jealous!! I caused an Akuma!!!!!! And then.....then I couldn't even fix it!!!!! .........I couldn't fix it.......She could get Akumitized all over again because I was jealous the first time around.All because of....of...a boy........"

"A boy? Who is this boy M'lady?"

"Huh? Oh. You probably will know about him but I'm not sure you know him. Get it?"

"Yeah. But who is it ?"

"....uh.....Adrien. .......... Adrien Agrest ."

she likes me....... O-m-gosh!!!!!! Yes!!!!!!!! She likes me!!!!! She likes me!!!! She likes me!!!!! Hooray!!!!!!! O-m-gosh!!!!! She likes me !!!!! She likes me she likes me. Shelikesmeshelikesmeshelikesmeshelikesmeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My thoughts were. Cut off By M'lady giving me a hug.

" I'm so sorry Chat. But- you're just-It's just- it's been hard. I was the cause of Volpina. I've just had to think a lot about a lot of things. I've been trying to stay positive, trying to be okay. To convince myself that I - I ........Oh Chat I'm so so sorry I didn't realize that I was so cold. I have friends in my alter egos life...but I can't talk to them I have to keep it inside. Bottled up!! Some days I just want to stop being Ladybug. Others I want to live as Ladybug. Most days I feel as if I told someone I was Ladybug I could keep away from insanity. I could be myself, I could be who ever I wanted to be. With or without the Mask. Do you ever feel like that Chat? Do ever feel as if your coped up in a bottle unable to get out,and when you scream they don't hear you? When they look the don't see YOU? They only see your shadow? Only see the image of you? Not what's in side, not what you are like deep down inside? That everyone loves you but only for one side of you? That people claim they love you, but only love the shell? Only love what you have? That they would only Ever want to see the quiet side of you? The side that is not you? Only a mere face? A fraction of who you really are? I always have to Put up a face with or without this Mask. You are the only one who has seen the real side of me chaton. Only because .....Because I lo- care! Because I deeply care about you Chat. I wish.....I wish ......I wish I could show you who I am, I mean in regular life. would only complicate things. Our kwamiis they told us not to reveal our identities to anyone for a reason . A reason I wish we could find and destroy. ........" she looked away to the moon that was almost in the middle of the sky. " I have to go home Chat. I'll see you tomorrow."
with that she gave me another hug and left. Leaveing a lonesome and confused Kitty behind her.

Mood swing much Ladybug??? Mind swing much?????

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