Chapter 3

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Bens Semblance

Counter Revenge: He can store up the damages he takes over time and fire it back 10x over, he can empower his any part of his body or whatever weapon he holds in his hands. He can also use the build up energy to power his aura, making it harder then a veteran Huntsmen aura, even his other senses to find targets

Benjamin Taurus

(Imagine he has the same Bullhorns as Adam)

Ozpins Tower, 3rd POV

"Ozpin, is this a good idea," James asked his friend,"I don't doubt Bens ability to handle them, but I do worry they might do something stupid."

"I know, thats why I placed Amber with him," he said, drinking his coco,"but Ben is more then capable of reigning them in. Ben might not show it much, but he is a capable fighter and a great teacher, he managed to teach Amber the basics of farming in a single day."

"Gotta admit, kids good at what he does," Qrow said, sipping from his flask,"plus he really knows when to keep his cool under pressure. Also Yang will help as much as she can, given shes the most sane."

"Yes, but do not let that fool you," Obbleck said as he sipped his coffee,"under that kind, stoic and collected boy, rests a demon in human form that will fight for his peace."

"True," Port said,"when we trained him in secret, he would always beat his opponents with skill, reason and some brutality."

"Hmm," Glynda said as she sipped her tea,"now I'm worried about his mental state, he was just in an accident that ended with him killing his own horse and being blamed by the others for no reason. Oum I wished he would never had experienced that."

"Best we can do is try and make his life easier," James said,"I've assigned some operatives to scout Mistral and others to make sure his fine. But the lands of Mistral is teeming with outlaws, bandits and thugs. He won't have it easy."

"Since when has anything in his life ever been easy," Ozpin asked them, getting no answers,"exactly, I wish I could help him more, but best I can do is give him land and some money to help his land."

"And he appreciates it Ozpin," Obbleck said as he patted his back,"but for now, we should discuss the new security measures added."

"Good idea," James said as he pulled a data pad,"we've updated the CCT towers protection software and hardware, so whatever virus Watts made won't breach it. And we put the faces of Ambers attackers all around the Kingdoms, they won't get 1 foot in the door if they show up."

"And your fleet," Qrow asked,"Ben did mentioned a full fleet will send the wrong message to the people."

"I had a small airfield constructed in the Dragon Continent, if they somehow manage to cause any invasion or so, the response force will come to defend Vale."

"Best we can do," Glynda said,"I also suggest we look into possible hideouts outside Vale. If the WF and these pawns of Salem are working together, they need a place to store all the Dust they stole."

"Mt. Glenn would be the best possible option," Winter said as she walked in,"sorry for intruding sirs, but I thought I should at least inform you."

"Please continue Snow Queen," Qrow said, smirking at her

"Drunkard, but I was thinking of how could they move those much Dust in little time. So I took a look at Vale's underground and saw the old train system from Mt. Glenn to here at Vale. They could strike us from the least place we would see, underneath Vale."

"Hmm if they cause explosions under the track along the way here, that could Grimm lead to Vale," Port said,"with the negative emotions from the WF attacks and robbiers, it would be a buffet for them."

"Hmm," Ozpin said as he leaned back in his chair,"increase security around the CCT tower when the dance commences, place Ace Ops at the top, they'll be the best defense against whoever tries to get in."

"Understood," James said,"also Ozpin...what about the Maidens? We have three within our knowledge, but the Spring Maiden is still unknown."

"Sips cup, I am working on it, with my Magic slowly returning, I can pinpoint the Spring Maidens energy source. But I also believe...Ben might be able to use the Old Magic like me."

"WHAT," they yelled

"But I thought you said all of the Old Magic was destroyed when the Brother Gods wiped out Humanity," Obbleck asked

"They did, but for some reason, Ben holds a great, and I mean great magical power within him," he said that with a serious tone,"its feels untapped, locked up by something. But I do believe...he will understand it soon."

'Cause it might help me find a way to kill Salem without dragging him in,' he thought,'the boy shouldn't be dragged in this war more then he already has. will need to grow stronger for whatever comes next...I can't lose a person I consider my grandson.'



I hammered the last nail into the frame for the bunk house for the Dumbass brigade from Beacon, sadly it was a slow progress with this fucking brace! I sighed as I put the hammer up in my holster for my tools, which was helpful for this. I climbed dow the ladder as I wobbled a bit as this brace made it hard to walk or do anything that was easy, suppose to get an update from the docs soon

I walked to the porch and sat down as I sighed and sipped a beer, hey I might be 16, but after the shit I went through, I think a beer or two won't hurt. I sighed as I leaned in my chair and placed my legs on the rail and closed my eyes, while the Beowulfs all huddled around me. I liked this days, just me, a good view of my land and a nice cold beer in my hand....

Sadly that is ruined when my scroll goes off.

"This is Benjamin Taurus," I asked as I still had my eyes closed

"Hey Ben," John Dutton said, with his usual gruff voice,"how ya been kid?"

"Good Mister Dutton, just trying to get this bunkhouse done for my vic- I mean farmhands to stay in."

"Do you really think a couple Huntsmen wannabes will be able to handle a farmer daily life?"


Jimmy use to be a no good criminal who did and sold drugs, but then he was taken in, or forced most likely, into the Dutton ranch. He stayed there a few months and soon he became a good ranch hand, even got his own cowboy hat. So safe to say if Jimmy can turn a new leaf working there, then I think I can show the Dumbass brigade how to farm a bit

"....Touché you little shit, hahaha."

"Hahahaha, so what can I do for the man who runs the biggest ranch in Mistral?"

"...I lost some cattle."

I opened my eyes, then stood up as I leaned on the support beam and clicked my tongue. John Dutton, a man who lived his whole life in his ranch, always took care of problems, even in ways that would make a man question his morals and never lost a single animal under his care. His raunch hands were the best and they never lost one cow or horse

So whoever did this, must be either skilled or down right stupid! No one, and I mean no one, stole from John Dutton and lived to tell the tale. Cause we all know...dead men don't tell no tales.

"How many," I asked

"10 cattle, 4 males and 6 females," Dutton said,"we noticed them missing this morning and looked around the land. We found tracks that show that someone rounded them up and took them west."

"To my land, clicks tongue, so you think they could be in the middle of our lands or just on my land?"

"I suspect they could on yours soon, so I called to ask if you could help. I would send Rip and the rest, but we're moving the cattle to a safer location before someone else decides to get any funny ideas."

"Understood, I'll find them, promise."

'Thank you, and as repayment, I'll send my guys to help with that bunkhouse, no doubt that knee is causing trouble?"

"Like a bitch, and if I have to uh....take care of the robbers...I'll take care of them."

"How so?"

"...Lets say I have very hungry pets."


I was riding Nema around the land as I had Kuro and Yuki, plus the pups, scout the lands to see if these livestock thief's were nearby. I stocked up on gear to handle them, cause I don't think just my sword and revolver will handle a couple cattle thiefs. I had a M-38 Designated Marksman rifle (DMR) with a holographic sight, a forearm grip and a suppressor.

Along with that I had two throwing axes, a knife and a vest for extra protection. I wore combat boots, black cargo pants, and fingerless gloves, got all these from the money I stored up over the years doing work. I would use the truck to get around, but it would alert the thief's and they run, might kill cattle to make sure no one gets them.

I rode to the border of where my and Duttons lands intersect, which wasn't far from where I live anyway. I pulled my binoculars out and looked around and suddenly see Aoi come running up and barked, meaning he found with the others. I rode to where he found them, where the others were scouting the thief's location and seeing what we're dealing with

"What we got boys," I asked as I looked

"Bark bark," Riley barked

"10 hostiles, armed with short rifles and pistols. Hmm, they wearing any identification markers?"

"Bark bark," Max barked

"Branwen tribe huh? Makes sense, some tribes take others cattle to sell for a quick buck to other ranch's or auction sales. Think I can handle them on my own?"

"Bark bark"

"Okay then, spread out and cover the area, if one gets yourself to a meal boys."

They nodded and ran off as I loaded my rifle and walked to their spot, after having Nema jog off to a safe location, and saw a fire up ahead. I hide behind a tree and then turned my cap with the bill facing front and sighed as I put a black bandanna around my lower face.

"Bravo 6...going dark," I said

'Always wanted to say that,' I thought

3rd POV

"Why the hell are we stealing cows," Stan asked Shay,"we should be raiding another village."

"After we literally raided one a week ago," Shay asked,"if we did, Atlas forces or hired Huntsmen would hunt us down faster then a Deathstalker going to stab you with its stinger."

"But why cows," Kyle asked,"they smell, shit and don't shut up!"

"Aww is the little bitch complaining," Cartman asked as he mocked Kyle

"Shut your fucking mouth Cartmen!"

"All of you shut up," Terry said,"Shay, why is the boss having us steal fucking cows?"

"Cows go for a good price at farmers markets, auctions and ranches," he said,"we get income from raids yeah, but Atlas is steeping up their game. So we stick to small shit like this until the heat dies down. Plus we can use the money to buy some provisions or intel for raid spots."

"Makes sense," Stan said

"I'll be back, going to the bathroom," Ryan said as he walked into the forest

"To do what," Cartman asked

"...To open the chamber of secrets, what do you think fatass!?"

He shook his head as he walked to the forest, looking for a spot to take a piss. He sighed as he found a spot and looked around to make sure No Grimm sneaks on on when his taking a leak, that would be embarrassing if they found out. He shook his head as he peed and suddenly looked to the side to see a pair of glowing blue eyes staring at him

He was about to pull his rifle out and yell to the others, but a black sword stabbed behind his neck, making him choke on his blood. It was pulled out as we see Ben walk up and wipe his sword.

"Dying while taking a piss....shame," he said and walked to the tree line

He walked to a tree as he took aim, centering at a bandits head and fired, taking her head clean off. This made the other bandits freak as they ran for cover, but Ben sniped them from a good angle and managed to take two more down before they got out of range. He groaned as he had to move, but a bandit got the drop on him, do he put his rifle to the side

He pulled his revolver out and double tapped their chest, making them fall lifeless on the floor, then another came as he pulled a throwing axe and threw it, landing deadshot on Terrys face, killing him. He sighed as he looked to see the rest in cover, he looked to see Aoi, Max and Riley ready to pounce

"We're gonna fucking kill you," Shay yelled

"You can try," Ben yelled as he reloaded,"listen, I'll give ya one chance, give yourselves up, and I promise their give ya. Fair trail."

"Yeah right like we listen to a fag," Cartman yelled

"Cartman shut the hell up,'' Kyle yelled

Ben shook his head as he sees one try to run for a better cover, but Ben saw this and aimed at the runner and fired, killing them as this made them gasp


"YOU BASTARD," Kyle yelled

"Surrender now or end up like your friend," Ben yelled,"I ain't asking twice!"

"Shut up, the Branwen tribe surrenders to no one," Shay yelled

"Suit yourself...get them boys."

They looked confused as they looked to see all four Beowulfs came running at them,(Aoi, Max, Ripely and Cerberus). The unlucky ones were mauled and chewed up, but Shay ran as fast as he could to avoid death. He ran and ran till he saw Ben standing there with the Grimm, eating his fellow tribesmen for supper, but he didn't care...

He wanted to live.

Ben shook his head as he ordered them to round the cattle up and whistled for Nema to come to him. After rounding the cattle up, he hustled them to the east as they were going to meet up with the Dutton boys. The Beowulf's kept them huddled as Ben covered the rear to make sure they don't stray off from the pack, which was easier with 10 cows.


We rode for an hour until I see John and Rip with the others, having their horses ready to lead them back.

"Good to see you get the job done," John said as the cows passed onto their land

"Always happy to help," I said,"so our agreement?"

"I'll have Rip and the rest show up and help finish."

I nodded as Rip rode to my side and looked at my brace, then at me with that look. He was....complicated sometimes, but dude was cool and very loyal to John and his ranch, hell he was marrying Beth, Johns daughter. But for some reason, Rip always checked up on me, didn't know why, but I liked him being around...guess he reminds me of my dad sometimes

"That leg gonna heal up," he asked

"Maybe, Aura hasn't healed it and docs are working on the data," I said, shrugging,"but I cans till work, so no problem there."

"Okay, but take easy ya hear? Don't want you losing that leg and having to be in a wheelchair, got it?"

"Yes dad."

That made the other laugh as Rip stayed stoic but grunted and rode off. I smiled as tomorrow will be fun.


Days later, I was sitting next to freshly made bunkhouse, all thanks to the other guys help and such, couldn't have done it without their help. I sighed as I walked to the porch and waited for the Dumbass Brigade to show up. I sipped a cola as I see them show up, what the hell one should be here, not two again. I sighed and walked to them.

"Ben," James said as we hugged,"your gonna hate us for this."

"Why the two Bullheads," I asked

He sighed and gestured to them, as I frowned as I see teams RWBY, JNPR, CRDL, and SSSN. I was surprised to see Sage with them, he didn't do shit and why is he here? Amber looked more pissed off...which was kinda she seemed ready to rip someone's head off. I looked at James and crossed my arms as I waited for an answer

"Besides RWB, Sun and Neptune, RDL tried to harass more Faunus students," he said,"Scarlet David was seen trying to steal girls phone numbers, and Sage Ayana volunteered, told him he didn't have to...but he said a team sticks together, so I couldn't say no."

"I am so sorry Ben," Yang said as she sighed and rubbed her nose

"Shit Sage," I whispered and looked at the others,"and the side characters there?"

"...They started a food fight cafeteria and utterly destroyed it, along with the prior complaints to Miss Valkyrie and her violent tendencies."

I groaned as I shook my head and decided to help myself to another drink later tonight.

"Okay then," I said,"I'll take them, but I'm gonna need more help."

"We're looking for some help Ben," James said,"it'll take time, but we'll find it. So do whatever you need to do, do it, we'll handle the paperwork if some parents start..."

"Being Karens? Wokevists?"

"Yes, so for now Ace Ops and I will escort them while you show them the bunkhouse."

I nodded my head as I looked at the 12, seeing my fresh victims, minus Sage, Cardin and Yang. I smiled as I showed them around, the crops, pens and such, I restricted my house and the shed cause of personal reasons. No doubt they'll somehow destroy my house and ruin all I worked, don't want that. So then I showed them the bunkhouse.

It was big, enough to fit 24 people here, a dining table and a small kitchen so they can cook. Two bathrooms, hey I ain't that much of an asshole okay, and a laundry mat. Their beds were like bunks, on both sides of the rooms.

"Okay, you'll be assigned you beds with your teams," I said,"two bathrooms, one for the females and males."

"What about changing rooms," Weiss asked

"Your standing in it."

"But...but they will see us naked," Pyrrha said as she and the others blushed

"And? That ain't my problem, you'll have to either find a way to fix that it get use to it, you'll be seeing naked people when you grow up."

"Your a perv, no doubt you put cameras to spy on us beautiful women," Blake said

I looked at her like Spock to Kirk on the Enterprise, like she was the dumbest cat girl in the fucking universe. I looked her and the rest over and shook my head

"To be and the rest here don't impress me," I said with a stoic face,"in fact I call you mediocre at best."

'Minus Yang,' I thought


"GAK," the females yelled as they felt anime arrows hit their heads

"HAHAHAHAHA," Yang laughed hard as she fell to the side


...Where hell did that voice come from? Eh whatever.

"So rules," I said,"no drinking, no fighting, no sex and lastly bullshit in here. The bunkhouse is your home for the next week, under this roof and on this land, you are all equal here."

"What the hell you talking about," Sky asked

"Meaning your not human, Faunus, male female or huntsman or White Fang. You're all gonna be held accountable for your actions and your teams, so no favoritism or special treatment."

"This is bullshit," Sun said,"we stopped a White Fang attack, destroyed a stolen Atlas Paladin and stop Torchwick! We should be treated as heros, not laborer workers."

"Oh so you should be treated as Heros...for destroying a highway, hurting dozens of innocent people and...permanently crippling 10 kids, who will never walk again thanks your dumbass as deeds?"

"You...your lying," Jaune said,"that can't be!"

"Oh what, you think things will turn out good cause your heros, Knights in shining armor and everyone will be fine? Life ain't a fairy tail noodle arms, plus you? Like you can save anyone will your lanky skinny bone ass."

"Hey you can't talk to him like that," Nora said

"Oh chill you hyper active overgrown child, you a spoiled ass girl by Emotionless twig here, that you think you can do whatever you want. Well sorry, your all gonna face the cold hard truth from now on. So shut up, look at your beds and be ready to get to work."

Ace Ops, James and I walked out as I see Amber rubbing Kuros head, as Harriet rubbed Yukis head, seems they're getting along. I sighed as I rubbed my brace and sat down and drank my beer

"Anything on your knee," James said as he sipped his

"....Looks like I'm going to have a permeant relationship with it," I said, sighing,"my muscles are so baldy damaged that surgery won't help. Aura will keep it going for as long as I live, but from on now, I'm stuck with it."

"I'm sorry Ben," Marrow said,"good kid like you shouldn't suffer like this."

"I'm use to having a shitty life. Besides I ain't the only one who suffered in this world, I was just lucky to have good people with me."

"That you do," Amber asked,"so now what?"

"Now....we work the Dumbass Brigade to the bone to show their actions have consequences."


"WHAT HAPPENED," a voice yelled as Shay was punched

He land on the floor of his tribes leader, with her right hand (wo)men beside her. He breathed heavy as he was bruised and beaten from the smack down after giving her the news of what happened to the other and the cows that stole

"Someone, someone very skilled, killed the others," Shay said,"they attacked us like a Demon! Hell they even had Grimm on their side!"

"Grimm, please thats bullshit," Vernal said,"no one can control Grimm."

"I swear, they whistled and soon 4 Beowulfs came out and killed the others!"

"And you ran," the leader said

"I know, it was cowardly and such, but this was...they were strong chief, stronger then any veteran Huntsmen!"

The leader stopped pacing as she looked at him through the mask she wore. This...intrigued her, someone stronger them vets and killed 9 of her men...she liked this person. Maybe if she played her cards right, she could recruit them

"Where was this," she asked

"Between the lands of Dutton and some person named Woods," Shay said,"they attacked from the east, so I say Woods is the best option!"

"Okay then, you'll live for now Shay, only cause you may have given us a new member of the tribe," Raven Branwen said and removed her mask,"casue he might prove useful to the Branwen tribe."

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