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(Any and all Pictures, Videos, Songs and GIFs used in this story is not mine, they belong to their original owners and deserve the credit)

Mistral forest, 3rd POV

In the wide and huge forest landscape of Mistral, there are numerous villages and farms all around its lands. Mistral was known for its quiet atmosphere and lack of Grimm attacks then in the other Kingdoms, plus its the best place to buy fresh produce and livestock. And in addition to framing, Huntmen get steady pay in protection and transporting of the goods

Though while most farmers don't like them, as they tend to overcharge and leave when things get dicey, they do it to insure their product was safe. As it was pretty much their own source of income in Mistral, that or Huntsmen, but they prefer to live a more quiet life. So in the quiet village of Shion, we see a market commencing with the harvest of seeds and other items

We see people, both Human and Faunus, talking and laughing as they bought certain items. Potatoes, tomatoes and corn, the basics for some farmers and then there's the livestock's. Cows, chickens, pigs and horses to raise and hopefully breed and sell to other farmers or use for the annual rodeos they had in town. And lastly mechanics to help repair their equipment and such.

We then shift focus to a person walking through the aisle of the booths and sellers, passing them by as they moved to the livestock area. They were around 6'4, with tanned skin, wearing brown boots, blue jeans and a white shirt with a red flannel button up over it, with the sleeves rolled up. On their head was a black hat with no symbol on it and the facial features make it out to be a boy

But what really stood out was the bullhorns on his head. Though he carried something not many farmers do, that was a short sword and a massive revolver on his right thigh. The sword and revolver was colored obsidian, with red markings on them.

This was Benjamin Tarurus

He sighed as he walked to the horses pen and sees them running around, putting on a display for the buyers, the boy sighed as he didn't see what he was looking for. He walked to the booth and sees a man with a massive beard and a round belly, wearing boots, jeans and a blue long sleeve button up and a cowboy hat. He was talking to another person, but when he sees the boy he walked to him

"Ah young Ben nice to see ya," the man said

"Cut the shit Leonard," Ben said to him,"you promised me a Mustang, all I see are Quarter and Shires."

"I know Benny, but we had a little mishap. They are low on Mustangs in Vale and had to get them from Patch, it'll be a couple days. We've just been so busy to set up the festival and get everything situated here."

"*Sighs*, its fine, I should have guessed that you guys would be to busy with the rest. I apologize for my rudeness."

"Its fine Ben, besides I owe you for killing that nasty Ursa last week! So just give me a couple days and I'll have you a mighty fine Mustang!"

"Okay then," Ben said as they shook hands,"take care Leonard, see ya around."

The two left on good terms as Ben groaned a bit as he didn't get what he wanted, but he can wait a few days. He walked to a booth and spoke with the seller, speaking a bit as he grabbed a couple crates and walked to his truck, which was a Dodge Ram 1990, something he spend years on to fix and detail. He placed the crates in the tailgate and closed it, then walked to the driver seat

"Hey Benny," a voice said

Ben sighed more as he looked at a couple brats he had trouble with. It was a couple Heaven students that visit from time to time, morons to be exact, and they like to pick on him cause they find it funny how he was always alone and didn't have friends and such. And thew fact he was an orphan, guess others suffering gave people hard ons.

"What do you want Sun," he asked the Monkey Faunus

"Where you heading to," he asked with a cocky smirk,"back to your old rinky house?"

"Yeah bet the place is a junkyard," Neptune said as he laughed

"Yeah and it smells like a shithole cause of all the cows," Scarlet said

"Its a farm Scarlet, of course it would be smelly," Sage said as he sighed and rubbed his forehead

Ben sighed as he looked at the three and felt bad for Sage, having to deal with this three dumbasses. Sun was a thief, Neptune was a wannabe playboy and try to get chicks and Scarlet was a male diva and likes to pick on others for fun. Sage was the most responsible and reasonable person on the team and was actually better as team lead when Sun runs off with no warning

Ben thought he deserved to be leader, as he was more weary of things and actually works with his team, while Sun runs off and steal things, Neptunes uncontrollable flirting and Scarlets need to complain about anything. Ben shook his head as he looked at the three and crossed his arms, leaned on his truck.

"What do you want," he asked"cause if your just gonna waste my time like always and I end up kicking your asses."

"Last time was a fluke," Sun said,"we were..."

"Drunk out of your minds and were stupid, well more stupider then usual. Look either sod off or I will repeat what happened last time, my foot kicking your asses."

"Yeah right," Scarlet said,"we've gotten better, so we'll beat you this time!"

"Wow I'm so scared, I'm shaking in my boots."

"Don't mock us," Neptune yelled,"bedsides, I think us just showing up with smoking hot babes will make you feel like shit!"

"Yeah, cause having babe follow us shows we have class," Sun said, laughing it up with the the two

"Or show your complete man whores and disrespect women where ever you go," Ben said as he sighed and leaned up,"look, just suck it up, stop being dicks and leave me the hell alone. I haven't done shit to you, your just doing this for shits and giggles."

"Im sorry about this Ben," Sage said as he shook his head

"Its fine Sage," Ben said

Sun growled as he went to throw a punch, but Ben sidesteps, grabbed the back of his head ands then slammed his head on the hood of his truck multiple times. The other two went to hit him, but Ben pushed Sun into Neptune and then kicked Scarlet in the nuts and then slammed the hilt of his sword into his face, breaking his nose. Then he pulled his gun out and aimed it right at Neptunes right eye and pressed the end of the barrel in deep

"...Leave, and drag your dumbasses with you," Ben said,"and don't even ask Sage to help, you caused this mess, pick it up yourself."

Neptune growled as he picked the two morons up and dragged them to their rooms in the village, while Sage sighed and looked at Ben, who was wiping the blood off hid truck and looked at him. The two had a silent conversation and at the end, they nodded heads as Sage took off to follow his team, though hated it as he felt responsible for this

Ben sighed as he got in the truck and then drove off to his farm, which was a good distance from Shion. He lived about a couple miles along the Argus Limited, so he was use to the train noises, which he liked very much. He drove until he turned on to his drive way and made it to his house, which was a two story log house with red shingles on top to make the roof

He sighed as he got out and started unloading the crates he got and put them in the storage house he had to the side. He sighed as he walked to the massive tree he had in the middle, he liked to sit under the branches to feel the cool breeze. As he did, he suddenly felt something crawl on his shoulder and looked to see a Archane, a spider like Grimm, and soon more came down

"Hey guys, miss me that much," he asked them, with one rubbing against his cheek,"heheheh me too, had to get some seeds and food for the chickens. Where's your mom?"

Soon as he asked that, a massive Archane landed in front of him. He smiled as he walked to it and rubbed its head, it chirped a bit as he chuckled and looked into its blue eyes. Grimm normally have red eyes, but for some reason, these Grimm have blue eyes and are actually clam and collected then the normal ones, as they would just attack anything.

"Hey Zabuton, having a good time," he asked her

All she did was raise her right front leg and this made him chuckle a bit as he walked to the crops.

"I have to work, you do your usual thing and be safe," he said,"and I'll give you some extra potatoes for your hard work!"

Zabuton nodded her head, as did her kids, and he smiled and walked ahead to the crop fields he had. He made a few to grow multiple fields to grow different kinds of vegetables and such, his favorites were onions, garlic, potatoes and the assorted types of peppers he had. He also had an orchard to the side, apples, pears and oranges, they were his best sellers.

He sighed with a smile as he grabbed his gloves and went to work on taking the weeds out and plucking the fully finished grown produce. He harvested them and placed them in storage where it wouldn't be ruined for eating or to sell at the market. After he was finished, he walked to the reservoir he made, which took him a while to make since he with just himself and a kid named Oscar

He made it cause despite the fact he has a spring and running water, he made it to help water his crops and such. He grabbed a full bucket of water and walked to the horses pen, which he only had three, two females and a male. He hoped to get the Mustang to pair him up with one of the females, and hopefully ride one for the first time since he was a kid

He pulled out a Shire horse, it was a female he used to get around the land he had, which was around 20 acres, thus making it 871, 200 square foot of land he owned.

"Come on Nema, time for your bath," he said as he gently leads her to the pen

He pulled Nema, the Shire house, which was black with some white spots and hair on it, into the washing pen and then grabbed the brush, dipped it into the water and soap. And then he began washing her with the brush, it will take a while...but he didn't care

He loved do these things, it made his life happy!


"Hmm," Ben said as he chiseled a bit on the wood,"come on, almost got it just about right."

Ben took up old fashion woodcarving to pass the time when he didn't have to do chores or tend to the crops. He used a chisel and hammer like the old timers use to use, as he preferred it then to the nosy machines and such. Plus it helped with hand and eye coordination, build up stamina and muscles, put he mostly does it to have fun then anything else

"What do you think Kuro," he asked the Beowulf next to him

Kuro, a Alpha Beowulf, leaned his head up from his resting place and looked at the wooden model of him. It was detailed so good it was scary good, it showed his bone mask, body and even his little tail he had. Kuro barked a bit as he liked it and Ben chuckled at him as Yuki, the female Beowulf and Kuros mate, came in and barked at him

Ben narrowed his eyes as he walked out of shed and looked to see a storm cloud was forming the in distance. Ben frowned as there wasn't suppose to be any storms during this time of year, so it was unheard of in Mistral. Then he noticed one of Zabutons children fly to his mother and soon she was knocking on the wooden pallet he made her to warn him of anything coming


"4 knocks," he said,"so 4 people, are they fighting?"


"Hmm, not good. Okay, Kuro and Yuki, go ahead and scout them, if you sense any malice or anything from the bad ones, attack."

"BARK," the two barked and barked and ran off

Ben walked to his gun safe and pulled out a .270 bolt action rifle, his revolver and sword. He strapped his sword on his side and revolver on his thigh, and walked to his truck and loaded in, then stepped on the gas. He followed the road nearby and went to the direction of the storm, more importantly the eye of the storm which wasn't far anyhow.

He turned a corner where he stopped and got out as he looked to see a sight. Kuro was thrashing a kid with grey metallic grey hair and Yuki was protecting a girl with caramel colored hair and eyes, as she was growling at two girls, one with black hair and the other with mint hair. Ben grabbed his rifle and took aim down sights



Cinder POV

"What the hell is going on here," I asked myself

Like seriously, I was this close to stealing the Fall Maiden powers, something that is mine! But then this two Grimm came out of nowhere and stopped me, stopping me from my destiny! Mercury was getting thrashed around by the Alpha and now we were dealing with a very agitated female, how did I know, well we females have a sense of this things

"What is going on with these Beowulfs," Emerald asked me,"also my lady, look at their eyes."

"Hmm," I said and looked, she was right,"blue? But I thought they had red eyes?"

Soon Mercury was thrown to us as he groaned in pain from the Beowulf, who slowly growled at us and walked to the females side. They got in protective form to ported the Maiden, who was just as shocked as us. But no matter, we'll deal with them and then we'll proceed with the plan. As soon as I was about to tell them to attack...I got...shot!

I yelled as I looked to see a bullet hole in my knee!

I took a bullet to the knee!?!

I looked to where the bullet came and I see a truck with a person in the bed of a truck, aiming at us and was firing at us. They kept firing at us and we luckily dodged their fire and sadly, with the Grimm here and the sniper we won't be able to get the Maiden.

"Retreat, we won't get the Maiden like this," I said, then looked at the Maiden,"you won't escape me next time, I will have the powers that I deserve!"

Soon we ran away as the Grimm didn't pursue us...I will find out who that was and make them pay!


I got off the bed and drove to Kuro and Yuki, who were covering the girl I saw. She was crawling back from them, no doubt as people aren't use to nice and friendly Grimm, so I don't blame her for that. I stopped at the three, walked to Kuro and Yuki then rubbed their heads to thank them, guess they earned some deer tonight

Then I walked to the lady and dropped my rifle on the ground and kneeled in front of her. She looked at me as she held her leg, seems they managed to destroy her aura before I got here.

"Its okay ma'am I'm not here to hurt ya," I said,"I'm Ben, Benjamin Woods."

"A-Amber," she said, groaning in pain,"thanks for the help, but umm...can you help my leg?"

"Sure thing, Kuro, take Yuki back to the house and make sure those three clowns don't get close to the house."

"Bark," he barked and they ran off

"Umm did those Beowulfs help you? Why are their eyes are blue!? And how did..."

"Questions later, right now we need to help that leg or do you prefer amputation?"


Soon I helped load her into my truck and then drove to the house, where Kuro and the rest waited for us. I took Amber to my guest room and then laid here on the bed, the grabbed all my medical supplies and then came back.

"Okay I know this is gonna be uncomfortable, put I'm gonna have to take your pants off okay," I said, which she blushed

"O-Okay," she said

First I broke the arrow head off and then pulled the other half off fast as I could to ease the pain, man she must be in pain. I took her boots off and then her pants, respectively, and then saw the wound, luckily it looked like the arrow was made from Fire Dust, cauterizing the wound but not enough. I grabbed some Fire Dust and then light it up to make a small flame

"This is gonna hurt for an bit okay," I said, she nods her head

I pressed the flame into her wound and she screamed bloody murder, not blaming her. So after it was done, I grabbed some alcohol and rubbed it in, making her scream more. Then I grabbed some salve, which was soaked in a special remedy I made from herbs from my garden, and wrapped it around her wound. I sighed as I finished up and stood

"I'll get you some water and food," I said,"and clothes, so get some sleep."

"Thank you, how can I repay you," she asked me

"Nothing, but is there anyone you need me to call?"

"Ozpin, Ozpin in Beacon Academy. His my old professor, he knows how to handle this situation."

I rolled my tongue in my mouth and then sighed, then nodded

"Got it, I'll give them a call and see if he can help," I said,"for now rest and I'll have Zabuton bring you some food."

"Who's Zabuton," Amber asked


Amber looked to see Zabuton at the window and Zabuton waved at her. Making Amber scream in total fear and pass out from it, making me smile and laugh at this, man that never gets old. I walked to my room and grabbed my make shift phone that could reach to Beacon, something Ozpin gave me. I sat on the roof as I gave him a call

"Hello," he asked me

"Hey old man, hows it going," I asked him

"Ah Young Ben! Its so good to hear you again, its been a while since you've called, Glynda was about to broad a Bullhead and come visit you, along with Port and Obbleck."

"It would be nice, but maybe later. Also, the reason I called is cause a girl was attacked by three unknowns, she was wounded but I managed to heal her wounds. But I would advise a proper doctor to look at it."

"Oh dear, who was attacked?"

"Some girl named Amber."


"Woah! Geez don't make me deaf old man, but yeah she's fine. She just got an arrow in her leg and thats all, I took care of it and the attackers."

I hear Ozpin breathe a sigh of relief and talked to someone on the other side of the line, seems like they'll be coming soon. Hope they don't come and ruin everything.

"Very well, and Ben please," Ozpin said as he was practically begging now,"protect her with with all you have, she is vitally important to us here at Beacon."

"I'll do it, its the least I can do for you after all you've done for me," I said,"so I'll be her guardian for the time being."

"Thank you Benjamin, this means so much to me. It'll take us a while to be there, but I have an operative coming to you, he'll help you with her protection."


"Don't worry, he ain't like the rest, his certainly...unique. His also Yangs Unlce, so that should help."

"Alright then, I'll be waiting for him."

I hanged up and sighed as I laid on the roof, looking up at the stars as I hope this doesn't escalate into some stupid adventure or crazy stupid anime cliche shit. That doesn't happen to people like me....


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