Chapter 2: The Beginning

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Eri quickly woke up to the sound of her dad calling out her name. Eri's cat, Noraneko, quickly hopped off her bed and raced out of Eri's room, clearly spooked at the events that had just occurred over the span of a few seconds.

"Eri, you better hurry up and get dressed. You're running behind this morning." Aizawa's voice wafted as he walked out the door, "Oh, and don't forget to fill up Noranekos' food bowl. We don't want a starving cat on our hands, now do we?"

"Don't worry, dad, I'll make sure to feed them before I head out," Eri replied as she got up out of her bed, quickly throwing on the uniform she had laid out on her desk the night before.

Eri looked over at her alarm clock, the time  reading 7:40. Well maybe she had been running a bit late this morning, but that will not stop her from arriving to school on time. Perfect attendance is necessary in order to become a hero!

Eri's dream job was to become a pro hero like her dad, Mirio, and Deku, and to help those in need of saving. If Eri couldn't become a hero, then she could always enroll in a different program at U.A and become a nurse. Regardless of which path she chooses to follow, Eri wants to pick a career that would allow her to be able to save people...though she could always turn to vigilantism as a side job.

Walking into the kitchen, Eri noticed that her dad had already left for work and Noraneko was about to take a bite out of her eggs! Eri quickly grabbed her plate, immediately taking a bite out of the egg with her fork, "Nope, Noraneko, you're not eating my breakfast."

Noraneko pout only lasted a couple of seconds before going back to playing with their ball of yarn, right on the kitchen table! However, that wasn't her total concern as she quickly finished up her breakfast and grabbed her Lemillion backpack, filling up Noraneko's food and water bowl before heading out the door to school.

The school year was about to come to a close, and that meant Eri has all summer to prepare for the U.A entrance exams (which then again it wasn't like she has been training with her dad, Deku, and Mirio for almost a decade). Eri was excited to go back to U.A and become a student there, though Eri wasn't for sure on what type of hero she would decide to become. She supposed that will be up for debate in the future, but for now she'll just stick to being herself.

For now, Eri just wants to live a normal life until the day she takes her entrance exam. Finally, almost a decade's worth of training will come into some use (other than rewinding some bad injuries her friends and brotherly figures sustain once in a while). Eri was excited and looking forwards to the future, beaming as she thought about the many possibilities becoming a hero could open up for her.




"Eri, you're dazing off again!" Kota said as he tapped on his childhood friend's shoulder.

Blinking, Eri turned around and looked her friend in the eyes. This was a normal occurrence for the two of them, dating back from primary school to now; Eri would be daydreaming about becoming a hero and Kota has to snap her out of it. Occasionally Eri's thoughts would be interrupted by an outside force, but most of the time it's Kota and his stern demeanor.

"Sorry, I'm just so excited that this school years finally ending!" Eri smiled as she begun to pack up her things.

"You're applying to U.A, right?" Kota asked her.

Eri nodded, "Yep! Going for the heroics course?"

Kota grinned, "You know it! Oh, and don't forget I'm coming over to your place after school to train with Mr. Aizawa."

Eri smiled, "Mhm! You know I won't! Race you to the cafeteria?"

Kota chuckled as he began to sprint out the classroom, "You're on!"

Rolling her eyes, Eri quickly placed her backpack on her left shoulder and immediately ran after Kota. She was determined not to lose for a third time this week.

Before she could make a sharp turn down the hallway, Eri accidentally ran into her childhood rival Tamashiro. Tamashiro and Eri never really gotten along throughout school, especially since the incident revolving around her quirk accidentally activating on him. No matter how many times she apologized to him, Tamashiro always seemed to go out of his way to either avoid or get slightly hostile with her.

Tamashiro stumbled down on the ground as soon as he felt the impact of Eri's body colliding into his own, the girl landing nearby him rubbing her head.

"Sorry!" Eri immediately apologized as she quickly got up.

"Watch where you're going!" Tamashiro responded as he managed to get up from the ground, "Running in the halls is against school rules, Aizawa!"

Eri nodded, "I know, I'll be more careful next time."

Tamashiro rolled his eyes. 

Grabbing her bag off the ground, Eri rushed off towards the cafeteria and managed to make it there before the bell rung. Despite the major setback she somehow got there before Kota could. Finally, she can boast about-

Eri's eyes widened as she saw Kota sit at their usual table with a grin on his face. She lost? How?

"I win yet again," Kota said as he tossed an apple towards Eri.

Catching the apple, Eri huffed in annoyance as she set her bag beside Kotas. Make that four times this week she has lost to him, "Are you excited for the upcoming U.A Entrance Exam?"

Kota nodded, "We got two weeks to prepare for it. I plan on going in and saving as many Ectoplasm clones as I can, what about you?"

Eri shrugged, "I haven't really thought that far."

Taking a bite out of his food and swallowing it, Kota looked at Eri with an unamused look on his face, "Well everyone in our school is going to be applying for a spot, so you better come up with a plan soon. I'd hate to not be in the same school as you."

Eri smiled, "Don't worry, I'll come up with a plan soon. Who knows I might outrank you on the leaderboard."

Kota snickered, "Still not tired of losing?"

"Never," Eri responded before looking down at Kotas lunch tray, "So... what's for lunch?"

At long last, after an extremely long and uneventful couple of months, it was time for Eri to take the U.A Entrance Exam. Eri has been waiting for this day for quite a while now, she knows she has a lot of potential to pass the exam, but she also knew the many challenges she would have to succumb in order to get into her dream school: U.A.

When she wasn't doing her schoolwork, chores, or getting into yet another friendly competition with Kota, Eri had been training with her father and his former student (who ironically enough is the teacher of the class she's trying to get into), Shinsou Hitoshi. Eri has mastered her quirk to the extent where she wouldn't accidentally rewind someone to the point where they never even existed in the first place. Now she could rewind a person back to before they even had their quirk in the first place, but without de-aging them.

Asides from all the extensive training she's been through, Eri still hasn't come up with a plan as to how she's going to ace the practical portion of the Entrance Exams. On one hand, she could always go and take out the big bad villain hiding somewhere in the Danger Zone, but on the other she could just take out a bunch of robots and rack up points like that.

To Eri, none of them plans would work out well for her. She's not extremely reckless like most test takers on nor does she want the glory in taking out the big bad. Sure taking out the villains and their henchmen are great plans, but Eri wants to do something nobody else would think about doing.

Wait...that actually gives her an idea... Eri has an extensive background in the medical field, being trained by Recovery Girl herself to treat and care for injuries of any kind. She also has some basic first aid and CPR training under her belt, both of which would be extremely useful in heroics.

Eri grinned. The overseers will never know what hit them.

Eri quickly made her way downstairs to the kitchen and made herself some toast for breakfast. She had already packed a bag that contained her exercise clothes, knowing that later on during the day she would have to take the practical exam. The written portion of the entrance exam didn't really worry Eri much, since she had studied for most of yesterday afternoon.

Regardless of all her preparation and 'master' plan, Eri was quite nervous. Would she pass the U.A Entrance Exam? Is she going to have to ditch her longtime dream of attending U.A and having to aim for a different school? The possibilities are endless.

For now, Eri was focused on her present task, or tasks, at hand; Eating breakfast, arriving at U.A, taking the written portion of the exams, and rack up enough points in the practical to get into the hero course. To Eri, that seemed like a good plan, though she was definitely going to end up doing a lot of improvising during the exam.

Regardless, it's time for Eri to prove herself worthy of having a spot in U.A's Hero Course. She's made it this far, she can't fail now!

After all, this is the beginning of her journey.

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