Chapter 4: First Day

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The day was finally here. It was Eri's first day at U.A! She has been waiting several years for this moment, she's now a student at her dream school! How exciting is that?

     Luckily enough Eri had packed up all her things in advance and placed them in her new dorm room. Soon after she did so Eri got a call from Kota, (finally) telling her that he also got into U.A. Why does he always have to wait until the last minute to do things?

     'Stupid Kota-kun,' Eri chuckled at the thought of her friend struggling to get his luggage through the door.

     Eri was currently standing at the gates right now with her school bag in hand,excited for what's about to come. She already knew her way around U.A so getting lost wasn't her main concern. What her main concern was is if a certain somebody would be her homeroom teacher? Ugh..that would be disasterous.

     Ignoring that thought, Eri thought of all the possible things she could do throughout her three years at U.A. Maybe she could make some new friends? Expand on her skills? Oh, maybe even fall in love with somebody!

     (Scratch that, she's not into romance. Falling in love is completely out of the question.)

     As Eri entered the building, she was greeted by the same kid with light brown hair that she had seen previously at the beginning of the exam asking for directions. Katsuma, was it? Eri, in an act of kindness, decided to approach him, "Hey, are you lost?"

     "Huh?" Katsuma turned around, his eyes widened at the sight of a familiar face, "Aizawa-chan?!? You go to U.A too?"

     Eri nodded, "Yep! I see you also got into U.A?"

     "Yeah I did...somehow..I barely made it into the hero course though," Katsuma responded as he nervously scratched the back of his head.

     "Well I'm glad that you passed! It's nice seeing a familiar face here...asides from that of my rather annoying friend," Eri said, mumbling the last part.

     Katsuma chuckled, "Tell me about it. Hey, do you by any chance know your way around here?"

     "Mhm, my dad used to work here, and I also used to live here when I was younger so I know my way around here pretty well," Eri responded, "I take it as you're also heading to Class 1-A?"

     Katsuma nodded, "Mhm! Could you please show me the way?"

     "Sure!" Eri smiled as she gestured for Katsuma to follow her. Well at least she now knows two people that are in her class...

     Walking down the hallway, Eri and Katsuma continued to chat about various topics until they arrived at a door that said '1-A.' As soon as Eri and Katsuma approached the door, they were greeted by the sight of Tamashiro and Kota arguing over something. Eri sighed heavily. Of course she would be put in the same class as Tamashiro.

     "Do you know those two, Eri?" Katsuma asked her, pointing at both Tamashiro and Kota as they entered the classroom.

     "Oh, the silver haired one is Tamashiro. We go way back...we're actually rivals (at least when it comes to getting the top score on schoolwork)," Eri responded, "He's not that bad to be around...if you can get past his brash nature..."

     Katsuma sat down at his assigned desk, which was ironically right beside Eri, "And the black haired one?"

     "That's my best friend Kota. We also go way back, been friends since primary school. He's quite competitive and arrogant, but I suppose we all can be like that sometimes," Eri said before quickly pointing at a familiar beanbag laying against the wall, "And that's our homeroom teacher."

     Katsuma's eyes widened, "Our teacher is a yellow caterpillar?!?"

     Eri chuckled, "You'll see soon.."

     A couple of minutes passed since Eri had made that statement. The bell had already rung and their classmates were already in their seats. Everyone was wondering where their teacher was at. Did he get lost?

     Unzipping his sleeping bag, Shinsou Hitoshi came out and ruffled his wavy purple hair, yawing as he grabbed a clipboard off of the podium and glared at his students. Katsuma's eyes shot open, he finally understood what Eri meant by 'you'll see soon.' Their teacher...their homeroom teacher was the fucking underground hero, Puppetmaster.

     Everyone was excitedly whispering about the  reveal (asides from a stunned Katsuma and a neutral-faced Eri). This truly was a shock to the entire class, as Puppetmaster wasn't exactly the 'social' type.

     "Alright everyone, settle down! I know you all are excited for your first day here at U.A, but that's no excuse for you all to slack off today," their teacher said as he clicked on his pen, "Time for roll call! Hanmo Shokubutsu?"


     "Satsuki Asui?"


     "Yumeiro Kokoro?"


     "Tokobashi Itzahaku?"


     "Eri Aizawa?"


     "James Blair?"


     "Shimano Katsuma?"


     "Rozū Gensui?"


     "Tamashiro Atanko?"


     "Izumi Kota?"


     "Mizu Sōsa?"


     "Kanjo Kontororu?"


      "Miyako Utonium?"


     "Kaika Teashi?"


     "Kotsu Kirai?"


     "Tsuno Ikari?"


     "Kaze Hokori?"


     "Shiren Uta?"


     "Ikkaku Sensa?"


      "Alright." Shinsou placed down a bunch of files onto the podium, "Welcome to the Hero Course. I am your teacher, Hitoshi Shinsou, or as many of you know me by my hero name; Puppet Master. I will also be your homeroom teacher this year."

     Eri already figured as much, he was her dads' former student. She remembered back when Shinsou had applied to become a teacher at U.A, he had told her that he wanted to make a safer environment for his future students and run a classroom without discrimination. It was a great goal, one Eri respects...

     "Today we will be taking a Quirk Apprehension Test. I will be judging each and every one of your quirks to see if you all are fit to be in my class. Call me a 'Mini-Eraserhead' if you'd like, but I would prefer to get a head start and know what types of quirks I'm going to have to deal with before making plans on how to improve them."

     But his method of doing so is quite....similar to that of her dads...

     A familiar guy with light blue hair and sickly yellow skin raised his hand up in the air, "Sensei, shouldn't we be going to the school assembly today instead of having a Quirk Apprehension Test?"

     "I'm sorry, Mr. Yumeiro, but we won't be going to the assembly today, besides you wouldn't be missing out on much anyways," Hitoshi responded to the boy's question.

     "I heard Deku, Ground Zero, and Shoto were suppose to be there. Such a shame we're going to be missing out on such a great opportunity to meet them in person," Eri heard a couple of the kids whisper around her.

     Hitoshi waited a few minutes before he decided to speak up, "Ahem! I'm sorry, students, but like I have previously said before; We won't be attending the school assembly. If any of you don't approve of the way I run my class, then the door is to your left. I'm sure there are other courses here at U.A that will welcome you all with open arms."

     Oddly enough, nobody had gotten up from their seats. Shinsou grinned at the sight, making Eri slightly flinch. She could already tell he was taking extreme pleasure in watching his students internally panic....quite similar methods to her dad indeed...

     "Well, I suppose I won't have to edit my attendance and classroom charts tonight. I apologize for that inconvenience. Welcome to class 1-A, students, where we will be training to the point where you all have sufficiently mastered your abilities and know your own personal limits. We will be going on field trips, doing internships with other pro heroes, having one-on-one spars, and a practical and written mid-term and end of the year exams," Shinsou explained, "Now, I want you all to go change into your proper gym uniforms that were assigned to you by the school. I will meet you all on the practice field in fifteen minutes. Oh, and I don't condone perverts in my classroom, so if any of you boys, girls, or anyone else with different labels look in on others changing, I will personally send you packing out the campus door, got it?"

     "Yes sir!" Everyone said at the same time as they headed out the door with their gym bags in hand.


     "Okay, class, we will begin the Quirk Apprehension Test with the 50-meter dash, then the Grip Strength Test, the Standing Long Jump, the Sustained Sideways Jump and the final test, the Pitch. Anyone who doesn't do well or barely puts in enough effort into the test will get expelled from my class. Do you all understand?" Shinsou asked his class as he prepared his clipboard and stop watch for the 50-meter dash.

     "Yes sir!" The entire class said all at once while preparing themselves both physically and mentally for the test.

     "Okay, first up is Hanmo Shokubutsu." Shinsou called out as a girl with olive toned skin and slightly dark brown hair stepped forward.

     The girl, who Eri presumed was Hanmo, started running on the 50-meter track, her time ending up at around 23.4 seconds. Next up was a guy with black hair and a not so muscular body, who ended up at 12.3 seconds, which impressed Eri quite a bit despite his lanky nature.

     Eventually it was Eri's turn to complete the 50-meter dash, and she was quite nervous to say the least. She didn't know if she could possibly beat her previous middle school record (of 23.7 seconds) or if she was going to end up falling behind in class and lose her place in the elite class 1-A. Eri put her fists into balls, determined to at least try and put all of her effort into finishing this exam and coming out on top.

      Eri put both of her feet at the beginning of the starting line, waiting for the whistle to blow. She heard the whistle go off. She was ready. She took off, and her time ended up at an impressive 10.30. Yes, a new personal best! She actually did it!

     The rest of the tests flew by, with Eri ranking number seventh in on the score board, right behind a guy named Kaze Hokori and in front of some girl named Rozū Gensui, who ranked in eighth. Kota ended up in tenth place and Katsuma (surprisingly) ended up in ninth place. Today has been quite the eventful day...


     "We have gathered intel from an anonymous source that a new villain group is quickly—"

     Clicking off the channel, a girl with mid-length off-red hair stretched as she leaned back on the sofa of her slummy apartment. It was about time her group had finally made the news. After years of meticulous planning and waiting, finally she would get to show the world what she is made of.

     It's been eleven years since the downfall and murder of her family, eleven years since she was last locked away and forgotten about in the depths of her family's laboratory, eleven years since she had last been to America...A lot has changed in those eleven years, she has changed as a person in those years..She had went from forgotten to the eventual future head of a (soon-to-be-known) organization centered around ridding the world of quirks, from homeless to getting-by, from innocent to murd-

     She wasn't about to finish that thought. Thinking about her deceased family wasn't worth the time nor her concern. She has much bigger goals to worry about after all...

     And they all center around Eri Aizawa.


Official results for the Quirk Apprehenshion Test:

1- Miyako Utonium
2- Hanmo Shokubutsu
3- Tamashiro Atanko
4- Satsuki Asui
5- Tokabashi Itzahaku
6- Kaze Hokori
7- Eri Aizawa
8- Rozū Gensui
9- Shimano Katsuma
10- Izumi Kota
11- Kotsu Kirai
12- James Blair
13- Yumeiro Kokoro
14- Tsuno Ikari
15- Mizu Sōsa
16- Kendrick Bradford
17- Yumeiro Kokoro
18- Kaika Teashi
19- Shiren Uta
20- Kanjo Kontororu

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