Chapter 6: The Battle Trial (Part 2)

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     Katsuma had no idea how he was going to defeat Team I. While he is familiar with how his classmates' quirks work, he is still heavily lacking in the strength department compared to both Kokoro and Satsuki. Despite that, he still has his brains and speed to make up for it.

     He can't exactly say the same for Kanjo though, the Zainichi preferring to stay in the shadows and avoid direct confrontation. Kanjo was a strategist, someone who plans before acting. Quite the perfect contrast to himself, as he likes to act before thinking.

     Kanjo stood beside Katsuma with his rifle in hand and a serious expression on his face. Speaking of which, Katsuma has never seen his quirk in action. Could it possibly be related to the weapons he's been using during practice?


     "Huh?" Katsuma snapped out of his thoughts, turning his head over to look Kanjo in the eyes.

     "You spaced out there for a moment," Kanjo said as he adjusted his visor.

     Katsuma nervously rubbed the back of his head, "Sorry, I have the tendency to do that every once in a while."

     Kanjo nodded as he activated his visor to nocturnal mode, "It's fine. Hey, what exactly is your quirk?"

     "My quirk? It's Cell Activation," Katsuma responded, "Why do you ask?"

     "Just curious is all," Kanjo shrugged, "Say, by any chance do you know what Yumeiro-kun and Asui-chan's quirks are?"

     Katsuma thought back to a previous conversation he had with Satsuki yesterday.




     "My quirk?" Satsuki asked him. "You want to know about my quirk?"

     Katsuma nodded.

     "Alright, it's actually quite similar to my sisters..except for the whole tongue extension part (thank god I didn't inherit that). What differentiates our quirks is that I'm more agile and flexible than Tsu," Satsuki explained, "Hence why I was able to beat you in our climbing exercise back at the gym."

     "Wow, your quirk is so cool!" Katsuma exclaimed.

    Satsuki blushed, rubbing her fingers together nervously, "Thanks, your compliment means a lot to me. Most people would be rude and discriminate against me for being a mutant, but you and everyone else here have been nothing but nice. It's...weird.."

     "Yeah, I can get where you're coming from.

I used to get picked on pretty badly back on Nabu Island for wanting to become a hero. The only people who supported my dreams were my dad and my older sister, everyone else just belittled me for 'chasing after an impossible dream' and 'not having a quirk suitable for heroics'," Katsuma said as he pumped his fist up into the air, "But I'm going to prove them wrong! I'll prove to everyone that healing quirks are just as suitable for heroics as flashy ones!"

     Satsuki chuckled, "Well I wish you the best of luck on your dream, Shimano-kun."

     "Same here, Asui-chan."




     "I'm not sure on what Kokoro-kun's quirk is, but  I know Asui-chan's gives her frog-like abilities," Katsuma said as both he and Kanjo entered the building, "Why do you ask?"

     "Just seeing if it would be more appropriate to attack them from the shadows or go for a more direct approach," Kanjo responded, "But it seems I'm going to be providing support for this battle."

     "Alright, so you want me to lead one of them over towards you?" Katsuma asked him.

      Kanjo nodded as he loaded his rifle, "Mhm. Oh, don't worry about my rifle! It's actually a BB gun Ms. Hatsume designed for me (since using actual guns on my classmates isn't allowed)."

     Katsuma nervously laughed as he ran away from his teammate. Kanjo surely was one strange guy. He'd hate to get on the blackette's bad side.

     The battle had already begun. Katsuma hid nearby a staircase with a hand on the case of his dagger. He needed to find either Satsuki or Yumeiro-kun and detain them in order to win the match. He's already feeling slightly exhausted from using his quirk on both Eri and Tamashiro, but regardless he was still going to try his hardest to win this match.

     Kokoro carefully walked down the staircase, his bow in hand already loaded with an arrow. He was beyond nervous for this exercise. Sure he has experience with shooting targets but what he's lacking in is combat experience.

     How he, Eri, and James managed to take down LeMillion during the entrance exams without getting too badly injured still surprises Kokoro. All he did was provide bow support, Eri and James handled most of the direct combat. The only reason they won was because he managed to actually hit LeMillion while he was distracted with monologuing.

     If he had to actually engage in physical combat back there then he would've most likely failed the exam. Physical combat isn't his forte, he prefers to stay back and provide support from afar. Kokoro knows he's going to have to stray out of his comfort zone in the future, for now though he's going to stick to what he's comfortable with.

     But would that be enough to help him win this battle?

     Katsuma heard somebody walk down the staircase, his hands still clutching onto the case of his dagger. By the shape of the shadow illuminated from the glass window he assumes it's Satsuki's partner, Kokoro Yumeiro, holding some sort of loaded weapon in his hands.

     Withdrawing his knife, Katsuma quickly shot out from his hiding place and lunged at Kokoro. Kokoro shrieked, releasing his arrow as he dodged Katsuma's attack. The arrow hit Katsuma in the shoulder, making him stumble back a bit.

     Suddenly overwhelmed with fear, Katsuma's body started shaking as he slowly backed away from Kokoro. His mind was trying to process the scene right in front of him; he was going up against someone who has a LITERAL BOW AND ARROW as a weapon ready to attack him at any moment. How was he suppose to win this?

      Kokoro nervously shook as he loaded up another arrow, ready to fire at Katsuma just in case his quirk looses its effect. As Katsuma slowly began to gain back his bearings, Kokoro immediately fired another arrow at the brunette. Katsuma narrowly avoided it, watching as the arrow hit up against the wall and evaporated.

      'So his quirk is based around controlling ones emotions? This sure is going to be a challenging fight,' Katsuma thought as he gripped onto his knife tightly, 'I'll just have to make sure that he doesn't hit me with his arrows. That shouldn't be hard...right?'


Yumeiro Kokoro

Quirk: Mood Arrow

The user can take the emotions from others or himself and turn them into arrows, shooting his opponents to make them feel whatever emotion he desires them to feel.


Satsuki screamed as another bullet hit the wall right beside her, dodging and weaving any oncoming attacks while trying to locate where her opponent was. She had expected to go up against someone like Katsuma, who used mainly brute strength to fight his opponents, not a freaking trained sniper! How the heck was she going to land a hit on Kanjo if she doesn't even know where he's at?

     Kanjo reloaded his gun quickly, dashing over to a nearby pillar and firing another shot at Satsuki. The 'bullet' missed her, hitting a nearby pillar as the greenette continued running. As much as he preferred a challenge, Kanjo didn't want to injure his classmate in any way.

     He needed to immobilize Satsuki now before she finds out his location. Kanjo wasn't about to risk loosing this match and embarrassing himself in front of his whole class, he just couldn't.

     Reloading his gun, Kanjo looked through the lens of his rifle and watched his target move for a few seconds before firing. Satsuki gasped, tumbling over after a 'bullet' hit her in the side. Kanjo quickly fired more rounds at her, shooting her in the legs so that she wouldn't be able to effectively use her quirk.

     Satsuki yelped, rubbing her legs as the 'bullets' landed on the ground beside her.

     'He's using a BB gun on me? What the hell? This shit hurts!'

     Kanjo stopped firing for a few seconds, placing his rifle back in its holdster and grabbing the capturing tape.

     'It's now or never!'

     Dashing out from his hiding place, Kanjo lunged at Satsuki and quickly wrapped her in capturing tape. Satsuki tried to fight him off but couldn't due to the throbbing pain in her side and legs.

     Kanjo smiled as he finished tying up Satsuki, "You put up a good fight."

     Satsuki hesitantly smiled back, "You did too...THOSE BULLETS HURT LIKE A BITCH THOUGH! HOW ARE YOU SO GOOD AT SHOOTING?"

     Kanjo shrugged, "Just practice I guess.."

     "I wonder how Katsuma and Yumeiro-kun are doing?" Satsuki asked as she flinched at the sound of Kokoro screaming.

Kanjo looked up at the floor above him, "I guess we're about to find out."


     Kokoro screamed as Katsuma knocked his weapon out from his hands, sending a right-hook to his jaw with his fist. Kokoro hesitantly punched Katsuma back, slowly backing away as the brunette sent a kick his way. Ducking, Kokoro quickly made his way towards his bow in an attempt to gain an advantage. Katsuma noticed this, throwing his knife at Kokoro in an attempt to discourage him.

      The blade landed right in front of Kokoro, the bluenette screaming in horror as he activated his quirk to send an arrow towards Katsuma. Katsuma dodged, grabbing another knife from his holster and throwing it at Kokoro. Kokoro jumped out of the way, his body rolling on the ground for a few seconds before getting up.

Katsuma quickly rushed over towards him, engaging in hand-to-hand combat with the bluenette for a few seconds before sending a quick punch to his face. Kokoro quickly regained his bearings, sending a harsh punch to Katsuma's stomach before kicking the brunette away. Panting, Katsuma activated his quirk and quickly healed his wounds before charging at Kokoro and kicking him in the shin.


Shimano Katsuma

Quirk: Cell Activation

His quirk allows him to speed up the activity of cells in the body of anyone he touches. Katsuma can also use his quirk on himself as well. The Quirk can be used to heal a person's wounds as well as improve their physical performance. After prolonged usage, Katsuma can suffer from exhaustion.


Kokoro fell down, his hands clutching onto his shin as Katsuma quickly wrapped him up in capturing tape.

     "This matches' victory goes to Team J!"

     Katsuma smiled, raising his arm up in victory. He did it! Yes!

     Kanjo and a worn out Satsuki rushed up the steps, looking at the sight before them as they saw Katsuma celebrating his victory and Kokoro rolling around in pain.

     "Uhm..Katsuma...I think Yumeiro-kun needs medical attention," Satsuki pointed out.

     Katsuma gasped, quickly activating his quirk and healing Kokoro, "OH MY GOD, I'M SO SORRY!"

     Kokoro hesitantly chuckled, "It's fine."

     "You all put up quite a fight," Kanjo said as he looked over at Satsuki, "I haven't had a fight this exciting since my aunt challenged me to a duel."

     "How the hell did you even manage to shoot that thing anyways? It looks super complicated," Satsuki asked as she pointed to the rifle on Kanjo's back.

     "My aunt taught me how to shoot guns before she went rogue and got imprisoned. She and my mom wanted to make sure I could defend myself against criminals," Kanjo responded, "After all, quirkless people are easy targets."

     "'re quirkless?" Kokoro exclaimed, pointing a finger at Kanjo.

     Kanjo nodded as he walked over and helped Kokoro up, "Didn't you all notice my shoes? All quirkless people wear red sneakers, unless you're Mizu and wear boots made up of animal skin."

     "Sorry, I don't really pay attention to what people wear on their feet," Katsuma said, "Though I think it's cool that you're able to fight even without a quirk."

     "Thanks guys," Kanjo responded before looking over at Satsuki clutching her side in pain, "But I think we should get Satsuki to the med-robots. We don't want Shimano-kun to pass out from quirk exhaustion due to healing everyone."

"Yeah I think that sounds like a good idea," Katsuma said as he helped Satsuki walk, "A very good idea indeed.."


Kota was extremely pumped. It was now his turn to go up and show everyone what he's capable of. He especially wanted to show Tamashiro and Eri how to properly win a match. Grinning, Kota looked up at the building and started to formulate a plan. He was going to win this match for sure and shove it in both his classmates' faces.

     "You shouldn't get too overconfident," Tokabashi said as they stood beside Kota, "Or else your pride will overshadow your judgement."

     "I highly doubt that my pride will end up overclouding my judgement," Kota said in a reassuring tone as he shrugged off what Tokabashi previously said.

     Tokabashi heavily sighed as both they and Kota entered the building. How did they get stuck with such an arrogant asshole?

     "Just my luck", Tokabashi muttered under their breath.

     As the horn went off for the match to begin, a pair of hands shot up from the ground and immediately grabbed both Tokabashi and Kota's ankles. More hands began to sprung out from the arm, not stopping until both Kota and Tokabashi were trapped in a net.

Kaika walked out from behind a pillar, both arms crossed in an X-pattern as she used her quirk to tighten the net. Tokabashi groaned out in pain alongside Kota, both of them put in comfortable positions due to the tightness of the net.


Kaika Teashi

Quirk: Blossoming Limbs

This quirk gives the user the ability to sprout any part of their body onto any surface or person. This quirk can also be used both offensively and defensively. Any damage caused to the body part will be transferred back to the user.


"And the winner of this match goes to Team D!"

     "Well that was easy," Kaika said as she heard the horn go off, "Took me only five seconds to detain you both, not too shabby."

     "We're you waiting on us the whole time?" Kota asked her.

     Kaika chuckled, "Mhm. I figured you both would charge in headfirst, so I decided to ambush you both."

     "Could you please release us? This position isn't very comfortable," Tokabashi said as they groaned out in pain.

     Kaika nodded as she deactivated her quirk, "My bad: I hope you both won't hold this against me."

     Both Tokabashi and Kota slowly got up off the ground, cracking their backs as they do so. Kendrick quickly came running down the steps, looking at the scene in shock as Kaika gave him a thumbs up.

     "H-How?" Kendrick asked her.

     Kaika just simply smiled, "Magic."

     Kota rolled his eyes at her comment, "Yeah..'magic'."

     "Let's head back up to the observation tower," Tokabashi said as the others nodded.

"Yeah," Kota said in a defeated tone, "Let's."


"Hey Hanmo," Mizu said as she walked into the building alongside her teammate, "How exactly are we going to take the villains out?"

     Hanmo smiled as she dug into her pocket and pulled out a singular seed, "Oh it's quite simple dear Mizu, I'm going to incapacitate them."

     "But how?" Mizu asked her.

Hanmo threw the seed down onto the floor as the horn went off in the distance. Instantly large plants began to appear out from the seed, rapidly taking over the building and covering it in thick vines and roots.


Hanmo Shokubutsu

Quirk: Chlorokinesis

This quirk allows the user to mentally and/or physically summon, control and manipulate plants and vegetation.


Tsuno instantly noticed a vine coming directly towards him, quickly turning into his half Pachycephhlosaurus form and jumping out of the way. Kotsu quickly activated her quirk and made a portal leading to the lower level of the building, jumping through it and closing it behind her.

     "I'll go upstairs and secure the bomb," Mizu said as she pulled out her staff, "Keep an eye out for one of the villains!"

"Hai!" Hanmo responded as she watched her teammate hike up the vine.


Kotsu quickly ran down the hallway as plants started to grow out from the vines. One of her opponents had a powerful plant-related quirk; Shokubutsu-chan, was it? Regardless, her opponent needed to be quickly dealt with and what better way to do that than to launch a surprise attack?

Moving quickly on her feet, Kotsu opened up a portal directly in front of her and dived in, landing directly behind Hanmo Shokubutsu. Quickly reaching for her cuffs, Kotsu attempted to detain Hanmo only to get slapped on the chest with a vine.


Kotsu Kirai

Quirk: Portal

This user gives the ability to open portals to any desired location so long as they have an image in mind.


"Did you think I would be that stupid to let my guard down?" Hanmo said as she pulled back her vine, plants growing directly underneath where she stood.

     Kotsu tumbled back a bit from the impact, quickly getting up and getting into a battle stance, "Well it sure was worth a shot."

     Hanmo shrugged,"Hm, I suppose I'll give you some credit."

     Vines spouted out from beneath Hanmo, heading directly towards Kotsu's location. Kotsu quickly opened up a portal and dove straight in, appearing quickly behind Hanmo and attempted to jump her again. Hanmo quickly wrapped her in vines, gently placing Kotsu's body on the ground as the vines tightened up slightly.

     Hanmo gave Kotsu a look of pity, "At least you tried your hardest."

     Kotsu chuckled as she felt the restraints around her tightened, "Oh well..better luck next time."

     Hanmo chuckled, "Mhm!"

     "How are you so good at fighting anyways? Like isn't this type of restraint similar to what Deku uses to capture villains?" Kotsu asked her.

     Hanmo smiled, "Yeah it is."

     Kotsu nodded, "That's pretty cool. Is he your favorite pro hero?"

     "Yeah, he is," Hanmo said as she remembered the time he saved her from life out on the streets.



     A young Hanmo quickly fled down a nearby alleyway with a bag of food in her hand. She was so relieved that she wouldn't have to worry about starving for a while. Even if her quirk could grow plants it still wasn't enough to sustain her long term.

     Before she could make a turn, someone used their quirk to stop her in place.

     "What do you think you're doing with that stolen bag of goods?" A man asked her as Hanmo shakily turned around, "It isn't good to steal, you know."

     Hanmo was stunned. How could she have been so foolish to get caught by a pro hero, especially the number one hero Deku!

     "I-I'm sorry sir! I didn't mean to!"

     Deku knew that she didn't mean to steal that bag of food. Judging by her disheveled look he knew the young child was just doing what she could to survive out on the streets. Luckily enough for her, he knew just the place where she could go to get some warm food and a place to rest.

     Deactivating Black Whip, Deku slowly sat the child down on the ground and bent down to her level, "Hey, how about we return that bag of food and you come with me back to U.A. I promise you there will be lots of food there for you to eat and a nice warm bed to sleep in. How does that sound?"

     Hanmo's eyes widened. She could finally have a place to live and food to eat? No more abandoned buildings and stealing food to survive?

"S-Sure..." Hanmo responded as she smiled slightly, "I'd like that..."


"Kya!" Mizu screamed as Tsuno lunged at her in his half pachycephalosaurus form, instantly hitting the wall right behind her.


Tsuno Ikari

Quirk: Pachycephalosaurus

This quirk allows the user to transform into a pachycephalosaurus and give them the same abilities as one. They can also transform into a hybrid form.


She had finally made it to the top floor of the building after climbing up several tall vines, only to get ambushed by Tsuno as she entered the room where the bomb was located it. He was quick, fast, and agile while she was slow, nervous, and exhausted from climbing. How on earth was she going to win this fight?


     "Cotton!" Mizu shouted before Tsuno knocked her to the ground with his foot, a while cloud-like apparition appearing right above her.

     Quickly getting up and grabbing her staff, Mizu called upon Cotton's power as the apparation transformed itself into a thundercloud, hovering overtop Tsuno.

     "Lighting blast!"

     A surge of lightning instantly hit Tsuno's body, electrifying him for a few seconds before stopping. His body would collapse onto the floor, breathing heavily as he's covered in burn marks.

     "This matches' victory goes to Team E!"

    'Wait, we won?' Mizu looked around in shock, Cotton making its way back into her staff, 'Oh my god, I can't believe it!'

      After what seemed like a long and exhausting battle, Mizu and her teammate finally made it on top and passed the test. Now she can go back to her dorm and relax in her room.....

     "OH SHIT!" Mizu exclaimed as she slapped her hands on her cheeks, "WE'RE GOING TO NEED A MEDIC UP HERE!"

Well...maybe after school she could....


The final match ended with Team H taking on the victory after both Ikkaku and James were immobilized due to Uta's quirk. Kota and Katsuma had taken the rest of the afternoon off to visit their friend Eri in the hospital wing. As soon as they entered the room Eri immediately smiled at their presence.

     "So, I heard Kota lost his match?"

     Kota groaned in embarrassment, "Who told you that?"

     Tsuno's head perked up from his hospital bed and waved at the duo.

     Kota glared at him, "Rat."

     Eri snickered, "You'd be surprised at what being stuck here all day does to a person."

     Rozū rolled her eyes as Tamashiro chuckled.

     Tsuno laughed, "It was a great bonding experience."

     "When you don't get crushed by fucking rubble that is," Tamashiro added on as Rozū chuckled.

     "Or brutally beating your opponent up."

     Tsuno shook his head, "Noted."

     "Anyways, the nurse said that I should be discharged tomorrow afternoon. I don't know about everyone else here but I say we should all go out for some ice cream," Eri said in an excited tone, "You know to treat ourselves?"

     Katsuma smiled, "I'm down for that, what about you Kota?"

     Kota shrugged, "Anything to get away from the dorms. Being teased for going down so easily alongside James, Tokabashi, and Ikkaku is just...tiresome."

     "Don't worry, they'll forget about it by tomorrow," Rozū said in a reassuring tone, "Mind if I come? I haven't gotten the chance to properly tour the area before being sent here."

     "Sure!" Eri responded in a cheerful tone, "Anyone else?"

     "I'll pass," Tamashiro spoke up, "Not in the mood to put up with people right now."

     "Typical," Kota retorted.

     Tamashiro's eye twitched as Kota rolled his.

     "I think I'll stay back too," Tsuno said as he got up from his bed, "I need to train more if I'm going to even beat Mizu and her weird ass cloud thingy in combat."

     Eri nodded, "Alrighty! Oh hey guys, is it okay if James and Kokoro could come along?"

     Katsuma nodded, "Sure!"

     Kota shrugged, "Doesn't matter to me."

     "Alright, that sounds like a plan to me!" Rozū said before looking over at Tamashiro and smirking, "You sure you don't want to come?"

     Tamashiro raised an eyebrow at the mention of Kokoro possibly coming along, "Might as well."

     "What happened to you 'not being in the mood to deal with people'?" Kota asked as Tamashiro scowled at him.

     "I changed my mind, now are we going to do this tomorrow or not?"

     "We are," Eri responded in a cheerful tone, "And we're all going to have a fun time, I guarantee it!"

If only she knew what was about to come next...

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