7. Complications

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Beginning the chapter by thanking my voters, commenters and viewers. Love you loads!

"Words in double quotes" - Talking

'Words in single quotes' - Thoughts

Chapter 7 - Complications

Pragya, Bulbul and Kriti stared at the notice board ahead of them in disbelief. It read -

Notice :
All the classes have been cancelled till the College Fest to allow the students full time to practice for their performances. No student should perform to entertain. Perform to win!

"Unbelievable! The Principal is cancelling all classes just for practice? What the heck!?" exclaimed Kriti.

"I don't get it. Mr. Mehra is already one of the richest business man in Delhi. Why is he so desperate to get those 20 Lakhs?" Pragya asked curiously.

"You know what people say Di. Money can never be enough for greedy people." Bulbul remarked.

"True. But that ain't the real cause." came a voice from behind them. They turned to find Karan standing there with some charts.

"What do you mean Karan?"

"The College that wins the prize money would also get the title of being the best college in Delhi and not to mention international acclaim. That's why Mr. Mehra wants his College win no matter what."

"So that's why he is concentrating on it that much." Pragya noted.

Karan nodded "You and Bulbul should leave for the auditorium. All the performers have already arrived." Karan pointed towards the Common Room. "But first, go and sign in the log book. You all don't want your internal assessment marks to be deducted, do you?"

"Oh my! Lets go girls." Bulbul rushed ahead, followed by Pragya.

Kriti however, remained where she was, watching Karan go and throw the charts in the dumpster. She noticed he looked distressed and angry. 'Wow. He always seems so calm. What could have screwed his brain cells?'

"Um... I know you might even not want to talk to me since I'm just some unpopular, random person and not someone like you. But is there something wrong?"

Karan looked at her pointedly. When he didn't answer, Kriti thought it would be best to leave. However, she heard him speak.

"Its our project." He spoke "Me and Abhi had been planning it for weeks. However, his father wants Abhi to supervise the rest of the participants for the inter college science-competition. Now all these charts are useless as we won't be able to present the project!" He kicked the dumpster in anger.

"Well, can't you take a different partner? There must be some programmer friend of yours who could help you with it, right?"

"There are a few friends. But they have already partnered up with someone for the competition. And as for the rest ones, I would rather not participate than take them as partners and embarrass myself because of their worthlessness."

Kriti bit her lip 'Should I tell him to take me as his partner in the competition? Or should I just shut up and leave? I....I think I should leave. He is just gonna laugh at me. I mean, why would he chose someone like me?' Kriti turned to leave. She heard Karan's depressed voice.

"Guess I'll have to skip this year's competition." Karan sighed in defeat.

"I could help you!" Kriti couldn't hold back and blurted out.

"You? Really?" Karan looked at her in bewilderment.

"Forget it. I shouldn't have said anything. I should have known that you would only look down up on me."

She turned to leave. However, before she could move further, Karan caught her wrist. "How good are you at hack programs?"

"In my opinion, I think I'm better than the average students, although I've never tried much complicated programs."

Karan smirked. "Maybe you could be my partner. But first, I'll have to test your skills. If you qualify, you'll be my partner."

Kriti looked at him open-mouthed "You are agreeing to take me as your partner? For...for real?!" 😲

Karan shrugged "Desperate situations call for desperate measures. Go put your signature in the log book and then come to the computer lab. Don't forget the charts!" saying that, he walked forward.

Kriti looked on with wide eyes. 'Did...did he just....did he just accept me as his partner?!' Kriti jumped up in joy, but soon composed herself 'Calm down Kriti! You still have to pass his test, remember? Lets not keep him waiting. Better get going.'

She turned to bring the charts, which she noticed, were in the dumpster "Ugh! He could have got them out himself!"

#With Pragya and Bulbul#

They both put their signatures in the log book and rushed off to the auditorium. However, Bulbul collided into someone on the way and fell down. It was Purab.

"I'm so sorry! Are you alright?"

"Yes, I'm fin-ow!" Bulbul exclaimed, as she felt the bruise on her knee sting.

"I'm so sorry! Come with me please. We need to get you some first-aid."

"No need Purab. I can go with her. You can leave" said Pragya.

"No Pragya, you should leave for the auditorium. Shabbir doesn't like delay in his work. I'll go with Bulbul."

Pragya wanted to argue, but Bulbul's voice stopped her "Go Di. You're getting to sing with Shabbir Mehra. You can't take any chances of losing this opportunity."

"I don't care Bul-"

"You should! Go Di!" Pragya sighed and nodded in defeat.


Pragya looked around the auditorium, searching for Shabbir among the huge body of students there. She found Aliyah standing towards the last, with a frown on her face.

'Should I go and ask her where he is? But she hates Shabbir.' Pragya looked around again 'However, its not like I know anyone else here. Guess I have to go and ask Aliyah.'

"Hi there."

Aliyah turned to find Pragya approaching her. "Pragya? I thought you had refused to participate."

"Looooong story. 😅 Anyways, why the sad face?"

Aliyah's mood became more gloom "Father chose me to perform the duet with that black sheep. How disgusting! I would rather opt out of the competition than work with him!"

"No way. You can't opt out! I've heard everyone say that you're such a good singer. Besides, I've replaced you in the duet." Pragya said with a smile.

On Aliyah's confused look, she explained "Aliyah, Purab has convinced your father to let me sing in place of you. Now, you can perform solo. You don't need to partner up with your brother."

Allah's eyes widened and she broke out into a smile "This is probably the best news I've heard all day. Thank you Pragya." 🙂

Pragya nodded and was about to ask the whereabouts of Shabbir, when she saw him sitting at the last rows of the auditorium.

"See you later, Aliyah."

"Bye Pragya." Aliyah waved at her 'Maybe Pragya isn't so bad.'

Pragya reached Shabbir and looked at him strangely. "When all are practicing either at the stage or near it, what are you doing here?"

"I like to practice in peace." He handed her a piece of paper "Memorize the lyrics. That will be our first song."

Pragya looked at the words on the paper "Meh...no need to memorize. I already know this song by heart. Lets sing!"

Shabbir nodded and began to play the guitar. Soon, they both lost themselves in the song and sang with all their heart and soul.

#With Bulbul and Purab#

After tending to Bulbul's injury, they were now heading towards the auditorium side by side.

'I think I would need to highlight this day in my dairy with big heart stickers. ❤ It's probably the best day of my life. Although it would be more awesome if she talked to me instead of just walking on ahead.' thought Purab, sneaking a glance at Bulbul.


Purab stopped in his tracks 'Wow! God listened to my prayers. She's talking to me! Its so-' he saw her looking at him strangely 'Answer her damnit! Or else she'll probably think of you as some weirdo.'

"Yes. I'm listening."

"Yesterday I...I was kind of rude to you, although it was Shabbir who was at fault. I got angry at you for no reason. So for that, I'm sorry." Bulbul said hesitantly.

"Oh. That's ok. I can understand why you were so angry. She is your sister after all. And to be honest, I know that Shabbir was being quite unfair."

"Exactly! He was being so unprofessional and a hypocrite. I may be his fan, but I wanted to break his face and-" Bulbul's eyes widened in horror as she realized she said that in front of Shabbir's best friend. 😨

Purab took one look at her face and burst out laughing. He spoke once he recovered "Hahaha...don't worry. I won't complain to him. Besides, he may be my best friend, but I know how irritating he can be sometimes."

Bulbul just nodded, still embarrassed from speaking out without thinking.

She looked at her watch "We should be going. The rest must be waiting for us in the auditorium."

"Yes. Lets go." Purab moved forward along with her 'Although, I wish we could just spend the time talking all day.'

#With Shabbir and Pragya#

Shabbir and Pragya were practicing their song and were about to end it.

"🎶 Piya O Re Piya...
Piya Re Piya Re Piya..
Piya O Re Piya...
Piya Re Piya Re Piya..🎶 " (~Shabbir)

"🎶Main Wari Jawan
Main Wari Jawan
Sathhoya Ki Ho ya Sur Re...
Rab Di Marzi hai
Apna yeh Milna
Barsa hai Hum pe Uska Noor...🎶" ~(Pragya)

(Both) ~ "🎶 Piya O Re Piya...
Piya Re Piya Re Piya..
Piya O Re Piya...
Piya Re Piya Re Piya...
Piya Re...
Piya Re...
Piya Re Piya ...🎶 "

They both ended the song and smiled at each other, previous enmity forgotten. They felt so content singing the song in perfect sync, that they forgot that they were supposed to hate each other.

"You aren't so bad at singing." commented Shabbir. 😏

"Are you kidding me?! I was amazing! And as for you, you were quite good too."

"You're judging me? The great rockstar, Shabbir Mehra?" He asked with a smirk.

Pragya rolled her eyes "Whatever. Give me the next song."

"It's a song I have written myself. Let me give you the lyrics for you to memorize." As he took out the paper from his pocket, his purse fell out. Pragya thought of helping him and crouched to pick it up. However, she found a family photo in Shabbir's purse. One where he, his Dadi,his Maa and Baba, Aliyah and Abhi- all were smiling at the camera. Shabbir had an arm slung over Abhi's shoulder, while Abhi was smiling widely. Before she could look closely, Shabbir snatched his purse from her.

"You really look like a nice family."

"Don't interfere in matters that does not concern you" spoke Shabbir in a cold tone.

"Eh? Why are you being so rude. I just commented because you all looked so happy. You and Abhi look like how brothers are supposed to act. Like best friends and not like 'arch enemies', as you two are now."

Shabbir abruptly stood up, with guitar in hand "That's enough for now. We will practice after lunch."

"What do you mean after lunch? We only practiced one song! Are you stopping because of my question? So what if I pointed out the fact that you two cared for each other once. Its-"

"Shut up! Some things are better left undisclosed. Don't try to act like you know my family. The family which I despise!"

"You claim to hate them, yet you carry a picture of them? Why so? And that picture looks like it has been kept with utmost care. Why would you do that if you don't even care about them!?"

"Don't forget your place! You and I are working together for our own reasons. We are just partners for this duet, after which, we go back to being enemies. So stop trying to understand me and my reasons and stop trying to become my friend!" saying that, he stormed out of there.

Pragya looked at him go in anger and confusion. 'What is wrong with this guy? One minute he is talking nicely, and the next moment he talks to me like I'm dirt! It's like I committed a great sin by asking about his family.'

Pragya stood up and moved out of there 'Fine! I was just trying to understand him better, thinking that we can at least be civil to each other. But I guess he wants to remain enemies forever. So be it!'

"Wow! Who pissed you off Di?" asked Kriti, as she found Pragya walking out of the auditorium.

"Nothing Kriti. Just a stuck-up jerk, that's all. Where are you off to with this big battery?" Pragya said, noticing the book-sized battery in her hands.

"I passed Karan' test and now we are working together for a project in the computer lab. That's where I'm taking this."

"Karan? As in General Secretary Karan?" Pragya asked in disbelief. 😨

"Yes. And if you two are done chatting, we need to take the battery to the lab" spoke Karan, as he approached them.

"What do mean we? I'm the one doing the carrying. You're just walking leisurely, making a girl work while you relax. Some man you are!" 😒

"You yourself agreed to help me Kriti, remember? Besides, I'm doing the most important job. The job of managing you and giving instructions. Now come on, we haven't got all day" he said, as he strolled forward.

"Ugh! This guy is unbelievable! One of these days I will..." Kriti kept speaking on and cursing Karan while walking behind him towards the computer lab, while Pragya just looked at them go.

"What....just....happened?" Pragya asked dumb-founded, to no one in particular.'Kriti and Karan, working together huh? I guess you see a new thing everyday.'

Pragya looked around, wondering what to do. She finally decided to visit the indoor pool at the college.

#With Bulbul and Purab#

Bulbul laughed at something which Purab said. While walking to the auditorium, they both chatted and found that there were quite a few things that they shared in common. Purab also had a good sense of humor and quick wit.

When they reached the auditorium, Bulbul felt disappointed as their time together had come to an end.

"So, I guess you will be joining those dancers over there, while I go to the singers." spoke Bulbul.

"Bulbul, you're singing solo, right?" asked Purab.

"Well there is Ria with whom I will be singing a duet, and there are two songs I'll sing solo. Why'd you ask?"

"Well, I was thinking of doing something different in this Fest. I was thinking we both could perform together. I would dance, while you sing live. You could also dance on some steps with me while you sing."

"Wow! That's an amazing idea! But...but I don't know how to dance."

"Don't worry. I'll help you with the dance steps." He smiled "So, I guess you are ready to try it out?"

Bulbul nodded. They both smiled at each other and parted ways.

Unknown to them, someone had heard them talk and was fuming in anger. 'How dare this Bulbul try to make advances on him? He is mine! I won't admit defeat this easily. He will be mine Bulbul. Watch me as I beat you to his heart!' she thought, smirking.

"Aliyah?" She turned to find her brother Abhi standing there.

"Yes bhai?"

"Do you know where that new student Vivek is? I need to know who his partner is for the science competition."

"Eh? But that wasn't you duty, was it?"

Abhi sighed "Father wants me to supervise all the participants. He wants no one to mess up and hence I'm being kept as their guard dog" he spoke in spite.

"I see. And as for Vivek, that guy would either be in class or running behind Kriti, or in the pool. Since classes were cancelled, I guess he should be by the pool."

"Thanks. See ya."

#Indoor Pool#

Pragya went near the pool. She touched the water and looked at her reflection in it.


"Aaa!" screamed out Pragya, as someone emerged from the water and shocked her to the core.

Her shock soon turned into anger and she hit him on the arm. "Vivek! How could you?! I could have fallen in the pool!"

"Hahaha... you should have seen your face. And what's wrong with the pool? The water is great. Don't tell me you don't know how to swim."

"I really don't Vivek. So don't play such a joke on me again, okay?"

Vivek looked at her in realization and nodded.

"Well, I'm done. I'll be back after I change my clothes." spoke Vivek, as he got out of the water and headed towards the changing rooms.

Pragya sat at the edge of the pool and put her feet in the water "Ah! This feels so relaxing."

"Pragya?" she turned around when she heard someone call from behind her.


"Hey there. What are you doing here? By the way, have you seen Vivek?"

"Yes, he went to change. And as for me, I just came here to relax. Your brother pissed me off!"

Abhi came and sat beside her "If you hate him so much, just don't go near him."

"I partnered up with him for the duet. Staying away won't be possible. And don't ask why we partnered up. Loooong story." 😩

Abhi chuckled 😁 "Okay okay. I won't."

"I just don't get that guy! I didn't even do anything. I just commented that you and he looked happy in the family picture he had with him and-" 😣

"He had a picture of our family with him?" Abhi looked at her shocked.

"Yes. You find that strange too, don't you? I asked him, but he just stormed off!"

Abhi sighed "No one has been able to understand him, no matter how much they want to." Pragya looked at him and noticed his sad look.

"You....you want to understand him too, don't you?"

Abhi nodded "We... we weren't always like this Pragya. We used to be the best friends, shared every thought with each other, never hid anything from the other. But then..then suddenly he started becoming distant. He started to hide things, got irritated easily and finally...finally he left after an argument with father, without so much as a glance towards me!"

He turned to Pragya "Everyone believes that I hate him because I blame him for my grandmother leaving India. But the truth is that...that me and Aliyah hate him because he left us without a thought! Shabbir was our idol, our elder brother. When...when were little, he would joke around that he hung the moon on the sky to chase away the ghosts for us. And we would believe him. Because for us, there was nothing that he couldn't do, nothing that he couldn't achieve. But that day, he just left. Without thinking about me or Aliyah. It was as if we never mattered to him, like we were something to be discarded without a care!" He was close to tears.

Pragya was about to put her hand on his shoulder, but he stood up abruptly "I...I should go find Vivek" he spoke, trying to change the subject and hide his pain. She watched him go towards the changing rooms with sad eyes.

She looked towards the water, thinking about both brothers. Suddenly, she felt like someone was behind her. 😦

However, before she could turn around, someone pushed her into the water.

To be continued...

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