i dunno okay?

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Me, quake and ice were walking home, it was 7:30 in the evening and to tell you my dear reader we just finished our daily chores

(You just broke the fourth wall....
...?: don't care :D)
It was quite a lot i must say, anyway back to the point.
We were so tired that i think ice is seeing things. "Hey guys...did you here that?" Ice asked fear in his voice "it's probably nothing ice, don't mind it too much" Quake reassured him "i-if you say so" Ice said still afraid and didn't quite took quakes assurance "well it's probably a animal in the bushes, nothin' to be afraid of." I spoke up feeling quite irritated of my scared brother. "Y-y-yeah...o-okay l-let's go..." My brother seems more scared? Of who? Me? Was i too serious? "Hey hali that was a little to unrefined don't cha think?" Quake whispered to my ear "he's only 9!" He whisper/shout to me "yeah, yeah i know. I'm sorry okay?" I was quite furious. I did nothing wrong. Didn't i? "Say that to ice!" Sheesh leave it to quake to be a brother-mom "yeah,yeah..." I walked closer to ice, "hey ice..." He looked up and met my eyes. "I-i...." He tilted his head...in confusion? Probably wondering why i called him..."w-what i-is it?" Oh...i think he's still bothered by that weird sound in that bush or somethin' " 'm real sorry about...ya' know..." Ugh! Why can't i say it! "I know..." He hugged me..? "I-i know what you're gonna say...i forgive you...big bro..." "Thanks..." I was surprised...but i returned his hug...we parted not a second later "are we almost home?" He asks "ye-" "YUP! I SEE OUR HOUSE DOWN THE ALLEY!" Jfc quake! That's too flippin' loud! "Yay!" But ice was excited...well nevermind, i might as well inform the others...w-wait...where tf is my phone!? "Q-quake!!!" "Yes!?" "I think i left my phone somewhere!" Quake gave me a 'really?' Face... "Seriously! That thing is my whole life!" "Now you sound like solar pff- hahahah" Quake just laughs and laugh until i glared at him, slight lightnings forms around me...i could feel it.  "S-sorry hali...l-let's go find your phone..." I calmed down a little and nodded. "Big bro quake, where we going?" Ice asks. "We're just going on a detour." Quake said as he patted ice, As we were going back on the alley we just pass a moment ago...i noticed something...but i don't want to make ice scared again so i kinda shrugged it off. No big deal. "B-big bro...d-did you see that?" Oh shoot. He saw it too? "It's no-" I was about to say 'its nothing ya' big baby' but something- no someone  is standing in front of us.

hey pal. Don't you know
How to greet a new friend?”

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