Chapter 18

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A/N: Play this song ( Thanks to @SuperStriker642 for telling me about this song)

Bakugou and Sonic immediately launch towards each other . They both threw their fists into each other's face at the exact same time. Their fist is still in contact with each other as they move their heads towards each other.

Bakugou: You've gotten stronger

Sonic: So did you. I'm glad i have someone like you as a rival.

Bakugou: Same thing here...... Sonic.

Sonic eyes widened in suprise. Bakugou calling him by Sonic instead of Deku? Perhaps Bakugou is now showing respect to his rival after all these years.

Sonic: heh. LETS GO BAKUGOU!!!!!

Sonic launched a punch to Bakugous gut which made him move back a few feet back. Bakugou quickly launched himself into the air using his explosions. Sonic jumps into the air as well.

Once they were both in the air, they started trading blows. Sonic took in every explosion while Bakugou tanks all of the punches. 

They are quickly getting back down to the ground, so Bakugou use his explosions to safelty land while Sonic spins into a ball to absorb the shock.

As they both landed, they were panting for air while looking at each other dead in the eye.

After they catch their breath, Sonic charges up his spindash. Bakugou quickly made his way there by using his explosions and was successful by ignititing an explosion to the unfinished spindash.

Sonic grunted in pain. He needs time so he ran in circles around Bakugou while taunting him.

Sonic: YOUR TOO SLOW!!!!!

This piss off Bakugou so in response, he launched himself in the air which makes Sonic question on what he's planning to do. 


Bakugou fly's down while igniting explosions in a circle to form a tornado. Sonic widens his eyes on what he's trying to. He can't dodge this, he has to take it head on. His last effort was to try that technique.

Sonic: I never wanted to use this move unless I'm fighting super dangerous criminals that kill me with a few attacks. Kaachan, you truly are strong rival. You cornered me, so the only thing i can do was counter attack.

Sonic runs to the  middle of the arena to charge up his attack. Bakugou is puzzled by this. He widened his eyes in realization that he's going to counter attack somehow, but that didn't matter to him. He smirked with energy that filled his eyes.


Sonic: LETS GOOOOO!!!!!!

Bakugou finally reach to sonic to unleash his strongest attack.

Bakugou: HOWITZER IMPACT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sonic: CHAOS BLAST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The two attacks collided. A massive red shockwave can be seen from Miles. Dust was all over the place. Nobody can't see anything.

The dust eventually settled and two of the contestants can be seen barely standing after that attack.

The two were both panting. Their bodies can barely move. Both of them can collapse at any time.

Bakugou:Sonic...*pants*...lets finish this....

Sonic: Yeah....*pants*..... Lets end this......

They both slowly walk towards each other. The tension in the atmosphere got even thicker. People are getting uneasy, even the pros are getting uneasy about.

When they finally reach other. They both cleched their fist, pull them back, and strike each others faces with all their might.

Their fists made contact with each others faces. Their heads were facing the other way. 

Silence takes over the both of them

Not a single movement was made from the both of them

After what seemed to be an eternity, Sonic and Bakugou finally spoke at the same time

Bakugou: You really are strong Sonic

Sonic: You really are strong Kaachan

They both look at each other with shock faces. They both laughed at their expense

But one of them stop laughing. That person collapse to the ground with a smile in their face since he knows that he fought that person with everything he has and the same can be siad to the one who is conscious.

Midnight walks towards to the collaspe individual to cheack if he's still alive.

Midnight: He's unconcious. Meaning that the winner of this Year's Sports Festival is.....


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