Chapter 22

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Sonic POV

I had a weird time with Torino. For the next few days, all we've been doing is sparring and i managed to increase my use of OFA to 60% but that took me 2 days to do. After we spar though, he just lies around eating that fish desert. 

Torino came up to me all of sudden and say we'll be going to Hosu at night. I was wierded out by this since this is just came out of nowhere but i changed into my costume and went to the train station, even though i could get there way faster. 

Torino: So you might be wondering why were going to Hosu at night now?

Sonic: Yes

Torino: We are going to Hosu to fight villains! It's a chance for you to test out your new partial mastery of your quirk. Plus it gives experience on many different fighting styles. And night time is when criminals go out more frequently.

Sonic: That makes se-

An explosion just happen in front of my face.I was shocked to find more Menou. What are they doing here? It must be Shigaraki! Doesn't matter now, all that matters is that i take them down.

I quickly use 35% of OFA and launch a powerful punch to one of it head. I also did very fast homing attacks so the other one can't do more damage. 

Torino: Wow! That was fast! I'll make a call to the police so they can arrest these things. You will go searching to see if there's more and if you see trouble take care of it. Now GO!

Sonic: See yeah!

I ran through most of Hosu but didn't found any more Menou. I guess my job here is done. Now then let's-

???: HERO KILLER!!!!!

What the heck was that? Hero Killer? and was that Iida's voice just now? Is he seriously trying to get vengeance? That idiot! I need to get there fast! But I need to let the others know of my location and status.


Now where was I? O Yeah! The Hero Killer!

A/N: PLAY THIS MUSIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! if you want too..... BUT IT GOES GREAT WITH THIS!!!!!!

I blasted through the ally ways and I finally found Iida, but he was on the floor and he was about to be killed by a sword through his head. That's graphic. But i won't let that happen.

 I quickly charge up my spindash and managed to attack the hero Killer Stain before he could kill Iida.

Sonic: I won't let you kill him!

Stain was set back a few feet while gaining ground.

Stain: another one to get in the way eh? So, who are you? Wait, i've recognize you. Your Sonic, the winner of the sports festival. I gotta say, your fast, and you are pretty strong as well. But I have a job to do, so stand aside!

Iida: Idiot! He's mine! I came here to avenge my brother! I should take him down!

Sonic: Please give me a moment , i got something to say.

I walk towards Iida and gave him a nice punch in his head.

Sonic: BAKA!!!!! It's you that is the idiot! A hero doesn't go for vengeance!  Hero he comes in to help others even when they are not asking for it! You are not acting like a hero at all! You are just acting like a child crying over spilled milk!! Now shut up and watch me beat this guy so i can Karate chop your neck later!

Stain: You seem to be worthy of the title hero. But i've got a job to do

Stain pulled out a dagger and launch it at my direction, but i dodged it. 

I managed to go under him, and i jump in the air so i could leave his feild of vision. I use my homing attack on him which was effective. 

Just as I landed down though i felt a stinging pain through my arm.

'Dang, he must've cut me when i did the homing attack,'  

Stain: That was an amazing attack, i'll give you that. But fortunately, i managed to get a cut in. Checkmate.

He was licking something out of that small dagger. 

I tried to go and attack him, but what the? I can't move? What happened to me? Wait a minute, when he licked something off that blade! That must've been my blood! His quirk must have been a blood paralysis quirk! Dang it! I need to move!

Stain: Your attacks are pretty impressive. You are definately someone worth keeping the title 'Hero' but it's to finish what i came here to do..

Stain is going to kill them. I can't let him do this. But my body can't move! 

Sonic: STOOOP!!!!!

I suddenly felt a wave of heat all of the sudden. where's it coming from?

A wave a fire just appeared out of nowhere which made Stain Bakc away.

Stain: Another one shows up to join the battle eh? Who is it? Endeaver? Heat Man?

???: Nope, just a guy who was called here by a speedy blue hero

Sonic: Todoroki!!!! You just made it in time!

Todoroki: Thanks for giving me a very deatil explanation and your location Sonic. Now let me take care of this guy.

Todoroki is using his fire. He finally accepted his power as his own. 

Sonic: Todoroki! Don't let him cut you! He'll paralyze if you do that!

Todoroki: So he can paralyze people if he drinks blood. This is going to get complicat-

Stain threw a dagger and it managed to cut Todorki. He then jump towards Todoroki to livk his blood. Todoroki activated his fire so Stain could'nt lick it.

I need to go help him but this wuirk won't allow m- wait. I can move now? It has a time limit! Now i can go assist Todoroki. I charge up my spindash and manage to tackle Stain to the wall.

'He must be type O' Stain thought as he backs up away from them.

Iida: How did you get out first?

Sonic: His quirk has a time limit. I think it has to do with a person's blood type.

Stain: Impressive. Your exactly right.

Stain threw more daggers at me but i manage to dodge them.

I need him out quick. Maybe if made him clash down in the floor, i can make him go unconcious,

Sonic: Todoroki! Keep him busy! Got to charge up a bit here!

Todoroki: Ok, but be quick!

Sonic: WHo do you think your talking too?

I wall jump to the top of the buildings. I used OFA 60% to give me a good jump in the air. Once i was in the air, i charge up my spindash and launched down where Stain is.

Stain: I wonder what that blue one is doing?

Todoroki: Maybe you should look up

Stain: HM?!

I manage to punch him in the face very hard once when i was close enough.

Stain's whole body smashed agaisnt the floor that created a crater.

Sonic: Ok! That's done! Lets tie this guy! Send him to the police and karate chop Iida for being stupid!

Todoroki: Your pretty straightfoward you know that?

Sonic: Yup!

Iida and Native started to get up from Stain's paralysis, and fortunatley there was rope so we can tie him up. 

I went to Iida to have a proper conversation

Sonic: Iida

Iida: Sonic

I karate chop his head and he squinted in pain. That's how i like to start a proper conversation to people who did something stupid.


Iida: You are... absoultely right Sonic. I didn't act like a hero. I didn't think of how others feel if anything bad. I have no right to call myself a hero. 

Sonic: EXACTLY!!!!!!! But you do have another chance to earn the word hero. Learn from your mistakes and move on. Were all human, were all imperfect. That's a fact. Now, lets go to the hospital.

Iida was tearing up after what I've said. I guess my words pierced through him.

We managed to get out of the allyway and meet up with some heroes. We turn stain over as Iida was being scolded for what he did. The police and ambulaunce arrived. Before Stain was put away he regained concious and managed to say something to me.

Stain: Sonic, you are a hero. Become the hero that will put an end to the League Of Villains. Be the new symbol of peace that will keep people safe. Become the Hero. I'll see you soon, Sonic.

The Hero Killer just encouraged me to become a hero? I don't what's u with this guy but at least he's not crazy. But i will grant his request despite how odd it is coming from him.

Sonic: Heh. I will Stain. I will.

I gave him a thumbs up when he gets in the police truck. He smiled as the doors closed up on him.

Sonic: What a strange guy......

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