Battling the Great Beast

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Gaining altitude inside the murder of crows, Izuku spins the naginata in his hand to where he's using it as a spear. The crows move their way to sustain his footing as he rides on the crows. Gaining on the dragon, it turns and stares at the tengu faced warrior, an evil grin across its face and a large sickly scar across his right eye. Both stagnate in the air staring each other down, waiting for the other to make the first move.

"Foolish. Mortal." The dragon bellows staring at the green haired warrior floating above the murder of crows. "All who have faced me have perished. What a fool to come to face me. I am Fire. I am Death!"

At speeds unfathomable for something his size, the dragon bolts directly at Izuku, it's underbelly changing color and turning a deep orange. Seeing this as the warning before the flames, he commands the crows to bank a hard left away from the life of literal fire. The torrents of dragonfire spray from the maw of the beast singing a couple of the crows that were too slow to get out of the way of the beast. Like a flying snake, it slithers through the clouds, moving in such a manner that one would argue it was on the ground. This time, Izuku decides to make the attack, using gravity to his advantage, he drops from the crows causing the dragon to fall and chase him. Just before hitting the tree line, he shifts into another mass of birds and flies parallel to the trees, the dragon has no time to react to the change in direction and slams face first into the ground, leaving a crater and shockwave that flattens some of the trees in the area.

Meanwhile, the girls have successfully made it back to the village and are raising the alarm to the presence of the dragon on the island. Miruko quickly moves to get all her best warriors to go and assist Izuku but the elder stops them. Chiyo Shuneji quickly explains that only demonic weapons can scratch the hide of the dragon and that they would only be a liability in the crossfire of the two. The others' hearts sink into their stomachs learning of how powerless they are to assist in fighting the dragon. Momo however decides that her group can at least pose as a distraction to allow Izuku to land a few blows. Back with the fight, Izuku quickly lands in front of the dragon in the flattened area of trees. The size of the beast is something he hardly can comprehend. The size of a walking mountain with teeth the size of buildings, he shakes in his boots seeing the sheer scale of the creature. The beast smiles maliciously at the fear in Izuku's face.
"How pitiful. You truly are the best to face me? The Tengu must've lost its strength to be defeated by the likes of you." The dragon began to breathe in with its chest glowing orange again to symbolize it was ready to attack again.

"I guess I don't have a choice." Izuku changed his mask to that of the Oni and ran up to the beast taking a breath in. It shot it's fire at Izuku while Izuku did the same. Lung-wise, the Dragon had the advantage, but Izuku was able to evade the flames until it got under the monster's feet.

"I shall enjoy killing you boy!" The beast sent its tail at Izuku for him to jump up and run up to the back of the Dragon.

"You'll Die Trying!" He breathed in one last time with the Dragon sending flames at him again. Once more, the two were at a small impasse before Izuku went towards the wings. With his Naginata, he was able to slice the right wing off to ground the monster permanently. This angered the beast to try and bite Izuku off. There, he found that the monster's left eye was missing where it was supposed to be. He breathed in to shoot fire into the socket and cause extreme pain to come upon the Dragon.


Izuku jumped down to see the chest glow again. He was about to attack it before a storm of arrows came at the two for the OFA quirk user to use the Dragon as a shield. "HEY LIZARD BREATH!" Izuku looked over to see the six girls along with some others from the village with arrows ready to shoot at the Dragon. "IF YOU WANNA KILL IZUKU, YOU'RE GOING TO HAVE TO GO THROUGH US!" Momo shouted with the group shooting their arrows again.

"Adorable. They think they can hurt me." The Dragon breathed in yet again for Izuku to panic.

'I gotta stop him!' He ran up to the chest with the light almost to a point it's unable to be seen directly. In one slash, Izuku cut from the top of the chest downwards for the flames that were going to be shot out to leak out and directly where Izuku was for him to almost get covered in flames. "YOUR FIGHT IS WITH ME ASSHOLE! GOT IT!?"

The fact the Dragon's chest was sliced open did not sit well with the beast as he now could not hold the anger for Izuku back any longer. "You are a weak insect, you filthy mortal! HOW DARE YOU CUT ME!" Izuku ran as fast as he could near the entrance of the cave again with the Dragon hot on his tail. "WHERE DID THAT BRAVADO GO YOU WEAKLING!? DID THAT FADE AWAY WHEN YOU TRIED TO ATTACK MY EYELESS SOCKET!? OR WAS IT WHEN YOU TRIED TO CUT MY HEART OUT!?"

'Almost there!' Izuku got to the entrance with the giant stalactite above still where he saw it before. Now came the issue of getting up above to take it down.

"YOU'RE DEAD BOY!" The Dragon tries to eat Izuku in one bite for him to jump up and onto the beast's body. He uses his bruit strength to pull one of the spikes on the Dragon's spine off with OFA to twist and barely manage to rip the piece off. "I AM DONE PLAYING GAMES WITH YOU PUNY HUMAN!!!"

"So am I!" He used the spike to throw directly at the stalactite to break it enough where the weight came down directly at the Dragon's eyeless socket. This leveled the beast with Izuku rushing to the chest. He opened the flesh that was gaping to see the Dragon's still beating heart inside.

"YOU FILTHY MONGREL!" The Dragon came at Izuku with intent to rip him in two with Izuku thrusting his Naginata into the heart as quickly as he could. The Dragon was about to bite down and rip his upper body apart before stopping. The strike to the heart had made the beast unable to move and slowly lose it's life. Seeing the beast fall back, Izuku pulled the blade out of its heart and got covered in blood while doing so. He won, but just by milliseconds.

"IZUKU!" He came out of his brush with death seeing the girls come over and tackle him in a hug.

"Hey. I'm ok....I'm ok." Said between breaths. He couldn't move at the point in time feeling himself mentally exhausted from the fight with Hoots coming over to roost on the Dragon's horns.

"Hoot hoot(Congratulations on defeating a Plague Izuku)."

"What's Hoots saying?" Kyoka asked, confused.

"She's... Congratulating me. Nana I'm tired." Izuku replies trying and finally catching his breath.

"Guess you're alive. Not bad kid." Miruko walked into the cave laughing with Izuku, somewhat annoyed with the lack of help from them.


"Not even like we'd be able to help. The only person that actually could've done something to that thing is you. Only weapons that are demonic in nature can harm a dragon."

Izuku looked at Hoots for an answer for some truth for her to nod. "Sorry then." He fell back looking up at the top of the cave still unable to move for the time being.

"Hey guys, do dragons glow when they die?" Setsuna asked seeing the dragon glow green before the energy shot into Izuku to make his body glow green as well.

"This" Miruko had no words to say other than this as they witnessed Izuku begin to become less luminescent. "What was that?"

Izuku looked at his hands to not feel significantly different except for a little more energy inside him. "Not sure. Hoots. You have any ideas?" The bird shook no for them to just think this was some kind of fluke. "Well anyway, what do we do about the dragon?"

"My family knows a mean lizard stew I've been dying to try for a long time. The meat won't go to waste." Tomoko says this with a bit of drool coming off her mouth thinking of the feast at hand.

"Ok, the boars were one thing but seriously? This thing literally almost ate me in one bite and nearly destroyed the island. Can't we do something besides eating it?"

"THAT'S WHY I'M HERE!" Hatsume came over to feel the scales of the dragon and marvel at the firmness. "These scales will make armor worthy for our goddess if done correctly. AS THE HEAD OF SMITHING FOR THE TRIBE, I CALL DIBS ON THE SCALES AND TEETH!"

Miruko looked at Izuku with a smirk. "Any other arguments?"

He was about to open his mouth, but decided not to and just go back to the treasure trove they found before to see what was inside a little better. The girls followed along since they heard what they found from Kyoka. To say they were shocked by the items in the room was an understatement.


"This is so cool!"

"It's like a gallery of luxuries!"

"*ribbit* *ribbit*."

Izuku continued to look around before noticing something on a pedestal. "An egg?" Izuku was going to touch it before it started to crack. "GIRLS! WHAT COMES OUT OF HUGE EGGS HERE!?"

"What kind of egg is it!?"

"I DON'T KNOW!" They walked over to see the shell start to break open and reveal a small green head. The rest of the shell came off for it to reveal itself as a baby dragon.

"Aaahhmm." It came off the pedestal and began to climb up on Izuku's head and sprawl out.

"Aww. It thinks you're it's mother." The girls started to laugh as the small dragon made little effort to move.

"Well this is interesting. First I have an owl only I can hear, now I've got a dragon that thinks I'm it's mommy." The girls laughed a bit before the dragon sneezed fire out and nearly lit Izuku's hair on fire. "This'll be fun."

They decided to walk out to the rest of the amazons again to see them pulling the carcass of the dragon away in pieces with the skin being carved off. There, Ryukyu and Midnight had overseen the events with Miruko being allowed to return home to begin the preparations for the food coming as well as the new armor to be forged.

"Seems you've accomplished quite the feat today Izuku-" Ryukyu stopped when noticing the small reptile on the green haired boy's head. "Why do you have a lizard on your head?"

"Not a lizard. Dragon."

"Oh that makes things much better." She states this with sarcasm as Midnight sees some of the amazons take the stalactite as well.

"Why are they taking the rock too?" Ochako asked for Midnight to explain.

"Turns out, that stalactite has some strong minerals in it. We merge that with the dragon's blood and we'll have a major boost in strength. Nice job Izuku. This success really is worthwhile."

The OFA user started to blush a bit from the complement and laugh. "Thanks. It was nothing though." They walked out to return home and hopefully have some form of rest as the evening would be just as hectic as it was before.

Back at the tribe

Izuku walked through the gates to see the guys returning from their day on the beach trying to put together a raft. They saw the green haired boy with bakugou immediately going over pissed beyond pissed for some reason. "DEKU YOU BASTARD! WHERE THE FUCK WERE YOU TODAY!?" He looked up to see the small dragon looking him eye to eye. "What the fuck are you suppossed to be-AHHH!" The small beast bit Bakugou's nose to cause it to swell with everyone somewhat laughing at this.

"Next time, don't anger a dragon. Up top Sparks." Izuku held a finger up for the dragon to tap it with his front paw.

"Sparks?" Momo asked for Izuku to explain.

"Cause he sparks things with his fire."

"Whatever that thing is, keep it the fuck away from me." Bakugou said this with his nose covered to sound even more stupid than he normally would.

"Sparks, wanna show him why you've got that name?"

Sparks breathed in causing its chest to glow green before a green fireball was shot out at Bakugou to light his pants on fire. "IT BURNS! IT BURNS!"

"Not that I condone violence, but I like this dragon." Aizawa smirked as the little creature gave probably the closest thing to a thumbs up at the teacher.

And that finishes this chapter. So Izuku beat one of the Plagues and obtained for the tribe new armor and weapons to make, some riches and a good meal. He also obtained for himself a little dragon as a pet. See what happens next time. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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