Deserved Rest

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As the group began to calm down and reconnect towards the beast, Moe and Aiba were reminded of their two amazon sisters that were part of their group. Facing the realization that they are most likely gone as well as Mineta who Aizawa and Izuku were reminded of, they were prepared to start heading home to state the end to Miruko. Before Izuku could get off the False Hydra however, something began moving in it's stomach. "What the?" There were a set of motions done very peculiarly for the green haired boy to panic. "AIBA! GIVE ME SOMETHING TO CUT THIS THING OPEN!"

The small woman tossed one of her blades for Izuku to cut a gash large enough for a person to come through in the monster's stomach. As he did, three people came out. One was a woman with blue hair and a lighter blue skin pigment. The other was a light blue hair and a smaller frame. The second they hit the ground, they jumped up and shouted in triumph. "WE'RE ALIVE!" They stood in front of Izuku who immediately fainted. Turning to see what happened, everyone saw the two women both covered in mucus and blood while also naked with some burns on them.

"Hey! You're both alive!" Moe walked over somewhat relieved her fellow amazon sisters were still going strong.

"Sirius! Kaoruko! You're ok!" Aiba ran over for both women to smile.


"Yeah. We're lucky we weren't the first things this monster ate and something else came to stand on."

Everyone looked over from Sirius's comment to see Mineta on the ground naked with burns on him. "Worth it. I got to feel some sexy feet on me and see two hot babes naked. I can die happily."

"Easy there Mineta. Don't write yourself off yet. I'm still in charge of you." Aizawa tossed a rag for him to cover himself with while SIrius walked over to squat down and poke Izuku's cheek.

"So I'm guessing our saviour is this guy?" Looking down, the fish eared woman noticed Izuku's build as well as his baby face. 'He's so cute with this baby face. But then again, his body doesn't match it.'

"Yeah. Izuku was able to stop that thing by stabbing it's heart out." Moe went over to the monster's head to make sure it wasn't breathing anymore before having a strange light come off it. "What the hell?" The light went towards Izuku for him to glow before it dimmed down to nothing.

"Does this normally happen?" Aizawa asked for everyone to shrug their shoulders. "Figures."

"Well, our job here is done. Now we can go home and-" Moe stopped when a sharp pain of a memory came into her head. "What the!?" One by one, each of the amazons felt a similar pain and an image come into their minds of a man that held similarities to them.

"Who' god, no." Tears started to fall down Saiko's cheeks remembering something she didn't even realize she forgot. "Da...daddy."

"What's happening!? Is everyone alright!?" Aizawa asked for him to look over and see Minami shaking her head in denial. "What are you seeing!?"

Moe finally regained her composure a bit to speak. "Izuku *pant* Izuku wasn't the first man to be accepted on this island. Not by a long shot."

The next morning

Izuku started to wake up feeling very exhausted with a piece of cotton shoved up his nostril. "The heck just happened?"

"You blacked out after seeing my girls naked." Izuku turned to see Moe naked next to him lounging in the bed with nothing to cover herself. "Glad to see you're up and about."

"AH!" He jumped back before falling head first onto the floor.

"Sorry about that. I was only trying to explain what happened."

"Why are you naked!? In bed with me!? And why am I naked!?"

The green flame haired woman calmly answered in the order they were given. "I sleep in the buff. I wanted to make sure you were ok during the night since you still weren't a hundred percent. Your clothes were wet and dirty and I didn't want anything open to get infected or you to get sick. Also, nice spear between your legs if you know what I mean." Izuku covered himself after this was said, feeling a mix of embarrassment and concern he might have been violated in his sleep. "Relax, I didn't do anything....yet. Oh, and that reminds me." Moe got up and put on her garments of clothing. "Miruko wanted to talk to you when you're awake. Start hauling ass and maybe start putting on some pants." She mentions for Izuku to look down and see he had nothing on either. He covered himself immediately before going for his pants that were beside him on the floor.

"So what happened after I passed out?"

"Sirius and Kaoruko were found alive. We also found that the little freak of a man was still kicking too. I mean, seriously. The dude was like a cockroach how he survived."

"Yeah, always count on Mineta to find a way to live." Izuku finished putting his pants on before turning. "Ready."

"Alright. Let's get going." The two walked out of the house with Moe wearing a two piece that was the same color of green as her hair. As they walked, Izuku took note that a lot of the amazons seemed to be very uneasy for some reason. He was about to ask Moe about it, but she seemed on edge as well with no apparent reason in sight. "We got a lot to talk about with Miruko, so try to keep everything but the details plain and simple." The OFA wielder agreed for them to make their way to the rabbit amazon's home.

Once they entered, Miruko looked like she was having a difficult time comprehending something while also holding Eri as she was being fed. "Nice job on the False Hydra. It really....helped."

"Uh...thanks?" Izuku questioned as the amazon chief didn't seem as thrilled as she normally was. "Miruko, what's going on? Everyone seems really down and worried. Did something happen?"

"You can say that." Eri finished and was burped before being put down near Hoots. "To make things simple, the False Hydra gave all of us back memories that were completely forgotten. Some good. Others, not so much."

"Like what?"

The rabbit woman looked out of her home through a window towards some of the amazons struggling with finding out the truth. "You weren't the first man accepted on this island."

"Lady Nana's son was, right?"

"No. He wasn't. Apparently the monster you killed screwed with our brains more than you think. It was even able to mess with our goddess in her time of weakness from what Lady Nana told me. Not that long ago and this is roughly about 16 years ago, men had lived on this island and were kinda equal so to speak. This goes back before I was the chief, so I don't know complete details. But lady Nana told me that the powers of the Plagues showed themselves again prior with her being able to seal them away temporarily. Unfortunately, this led to several things happening as a backlash. Lady Nana lost much of her power, allowing the land to be corrupted as well as the last chief having her information from our goddess to be corrupted. The men were all devoured by the False Hydra and made us lose our memories which made the false information we had more believable. As such, we believed that lady Nana blessed us with children." Miruko gripped her fist in anger remembering some memories that are now haunting her mind. "To think we were this screwed up. It's infuriating."

Everyone looked down in shame before Izuku spoke up. "So what now?"

"As lady Nana explained to you before, where there is death and despair, there is also life and fertility. The souls of the men are free from the False Hydra now and are returned to the cycle. As such, they have been reborn one by one in the bodies of the children you have."

"So in short, we should start going pantless around the village to have him stick it in....I'm game for that." Moe commented before being hit in the head with a bone.

"You even strip in my home and I will kick you so hard your great grandchildren will feel it."

Getting back on topic, Izuku tried to calm himself from the ordeal he thought of. "So what should we do now then?"

"For now, lady Nana can push back the Plagues for about a month or two before requiring rest again. During that time, I'd like you to continue with the insemination of our amazons."

"So you're telling me not to go pantless, but also telling him to stick it in me? Make up your mind-OW! THAT WAS A BIG BONE!"

"SHUT UP! IT'S STILL SMALLER THAN HIS IN HIS PANTS!" Izuku went red herring this with Miruko continuing. "We won't have 'special ceremonies anymore like the ones you've done so far, but we'll stil have you cork several girls at once. Starting with Saiko's and Moe's groups."

"Dibs on him first." Moe claimed with Izuku facepalming himself.

"Look, I love having the privilege to sleep with several lovely women at once and having a different one every night, but can we please at least take it slow. And by slow, I mean have a nice date or something leading up to what you plan since it helps at least set a mood."

Both women looked at Izuku confused for a second. "And what's a date?"

"It's when two people do something very nice together like go out on a picnic, go swimming, see a movie."

"The heck's a movie?"

Izuku rolled his eyes knowing that he was needing to simplify everything. "Anyway, any chance that we could at least do something like that before a full on group sex thing again?"

"For now, the island's safe...or safer than it's been. Go right ahead. I'll tell Saiko this and have her tell her group. Also, can you put Ryuko in with Moe's group when you do this 'date' thing? Her power is something we need for the future and she might benefit from having a child."

"Yes ma'am. I also needed to make it up to her for her help with the Pit Fiend." Izuku walked out with Moe and Miruko waiting a moment until he was out of hearing range.

"So how bad are we looking for this?"

"Well right now the women are all emotionally distraught, so I'm guessing from a scale of 1-10...12."

"Alright. Making me a kid then with the little muscle boy."

Moe began walking out before Miruko stopped her to ask one last favor. "Grab Saiko and we'll go over this again with her for the two of you to pass this info onto your groups. You'll also have to tell this to Ryuko."

"Gotcha, chief."

With Izuku

Seeing as he had the ability to relax a little now, Izuku decided to go find Momo's and Ibara's groups to speak with them and see how they were doing. As he came to their home, Mineta was held over a fire in front of them with Mina and Itsuka turning the wheel to roast him alive. "SOMEBODY HELP ME!"

"THE HECK DID YOU DO TO MAKE THEM WANNA MAKE YOU INTO THEIR DINNER!?" Izuku shouted for the girls to stop and turn.

"IZUKU!" They tackled him in a hug happy to see the green haired boy while Mineta was facing the fire.


"We heard you took down another Plague! So awesome!" Ochako cheered with Kinoko holding her arms up for joy as well.

"It had to be like 'BAM' and then 'WAGAM'! Down you go!"

"So, you up for another orgy?" Setsuna smirked while moving her hand towards Izuku's crotch. He felt uncomfortable before feeling Mina push her chest on his back and whispering in his ear. "We're more than happy to oblige if you wanna try something like that." She nibbled his ear a bit before Kyoka, Momo, Itsuka and Ibara pulled Izuku away from the two.

"So what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be resting?" Kyoka asked.

"Well I kinda was free for a while and I wanted to make sure you girls are ok. Also, I was wondering if you all wanted to go on a date in the next few days."

All 13 girls looked at Izuku unsure what he meant. "What's that?" Izuku immediately explained what a date was to them for the group to smile while answering. "Sure."

"Great. I wanna at least try and get this started this week. Sorry if I'm troubling you."

"CAN SOMEONE PLEASE GET ME OFF THIS HELL ON A STICK!? I'M STARTING TO SMELL LIKE ROASTED BEEF!" Izuku stared at Mineta before holding his right hand up in a flicking position. He sent a bit of OFA to create a condensed air attack at the midget to send him flying into a tree and untie him in the process. "Owwww,"

"Alright. What did he do to make you all wanna kill him?"

"He peeked on us bathing!" Toru shouted in irritation.

"Toru. You're invisible and half of the women around here walk around topless all the time."

"I was ready to poke him full of holes for that!" Pony held her horns out in anger towards the small pervert.

"We might go around almost naked, but this freak was pantless too!" Looking over, Izuku noticed Mineta didn't have any pants on to have a shiver down his spine.

"Dude, you do know that every woman here is pregnant with my kid, right?"

"Still think they're hot and I wanted to use their titties to get off."

"....I'm right now regretting saving you from that False Hydra's stomach. That also doesn't mean I'm not going to retie you and I won't be kind enough to rotate you over the fire. You're going to be on fire." Mineta immediately got up and began running for his life before getting punted the other way towards the village by Pixiebob with Mandalay and Ragdoll behind her. "Nice kick."

"Thank you. So Izuku, word is that you're trying to get these 'date' things given to the women in the village. Mind if we join in. I mean, you did kinda drop a baby in the three of us."

Izuku went pale remembering the night he was injected with something from Himiko. "AHAHAHA! I felt like a pig stuffed silly after that!" Ragdoll laughed while Mandalay turned completely red.

"A-alright. I guess it won't be a problem." Izuku began walking in the direction of the village with screams of Mineta being heard. 'Mom. Please don't kill me for taking three women's first times and not remembering it.'

And that finishes this chapter. See what happens with Izuku going on dates with all the girls next time. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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