Disease Brought to Life

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The evening came for the island with all that inhabit it doing what they needed to in hopes to rest up for the evening. As a final bit to try and get something to eat in the morning without having to hunt it, Moe's group began looking around the forest for anything that wouldn't go bad before they'd eat it in the morning. They were also somewhat looking for a nice sized pig or two to help their pregnant amazon sisters. "Here piggy piggy. Time to get caught so you can get in our bellies."

"I swear Moe, sometimes I think you say things just because." Sirius mentioned as her and Nejire tagged along for this hunt.

"Hey. You track your meat your way, and I'll track it mine."

"I should've stayed home like Minami said. Maybe I could learn about Izuku more and make some fond memories with him."

"You should've. Izuku's a really nice guy. He makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside being a bit of an airhead." Nejire smiled remembering this before getting a conk on the head by Moe.

"SHUT UP AND FOCUS, DAMMIT!" Moe shouted at them to bring their attention back towards their hunt. As they did, they came to a strange amount of dead plants in the middle of the forest. "Weird. Did something happen to them? It's almost unnatural."

Sirius looked at the plants to see they were almost the exact same as those found in the plagued lands. "This is impossible. I thought Izuku took out all of the plaged land before all this?"

"I guess he missed one or two."

"He didn't miss any." Nejire pointed this out for the two amazons to stare at her. "In there, there's a monster. I don't know what it is, but it looks menacing with its body like that.' On cue, the monster turned to show reddish orange eyes before inhaling in before exhaling out viscous purple smoke, killing everything it touched.

"CRAP! RUN!" The three women ran as fast as they could away from the creature and out of the area. Once they saw they weren't being followed, they stopped a moment to acknowledge what happened. "That thing must be one of the Plagues."

"We haven't seen one in three months, I almost forgot how dangerous they were." Nejire spoke through pants while Sirius kept watch to make sure they weren't followed. "So what now?"

"We tell Miruko and we make a plan that involves Izuku." Moe points this out for the three to head back and explain their findings.

"So serious question, does Izuku have like some kind of quirk that will let him in the gas or something?" Sirius asked not exactly certain how beating this thing would work.

"Hell if I know. All I know is he's responsible for cleaning out the Plagued land and all the dead that was covering the island. Outside of that, you've got me."

At the amazon camp

Upon arrival back, Moe, Sirius and Nejire immediately reported back to Miruko what they found and in hopes for her to make a plan for them. "So another one came, huh? That's a tricky one too."

"If I remember correctly, there are the hazmat suits that are still working." Aizawa who was present in Miruko's tent to explain a similar gas he found near the beaches was discovered earlier in the day by him and his students to place two and two together to realize this must be the root cause. "So what now, you going to send Midoriya in and kill that thing?"

"Do we have much of an option right now?" The amazon chief asked before hearing Eri cry for her mother to get up and walk towards the crib she was in to feed her. "The suits worked before with the Dead Lands, so we at least have some resistance to the gas for him."

"The problem is that Midoriya's facing a monster that can kill from a distance. We also don't know how strong this thing's gas is compared to the normal since they said it killed the stuff it did instantly with it taking time before to kill things. Not only that, but we don't know if this thing has more power than just the gas."

"So what do you want me to do? I'm short on amazons that can fight cause most have a bun in their ovens."

Aizawa thought for a minute before answering. "I'll go. I've fought one of these Plague things before with Midoriya, so I'm not exactly 'new' to fighting them. I can also help by fighting a distance away to avoid any dangers on my end."

Miruko somewhat was annoyed by this before agreeing. "I'm not fond of sending an outsider into this and I'm not exactly keen on Izuku doing this, but I'll accept this cause of the situation. Moe, get Izuku from Momo's group. He's been focusing on them a bit more cause of them getting close to their final months."


At the home of Momo's group

Izuku knelt down on the ground while holding his ear to Momo's stomach feeling the baby bump she had from being seven months pregnant. "Daddy seems to be very happy holding you."

"Yeah. Nothing makes me happier knowing I'm going to be a dad." Mina came over and wrapped her arms around Izuku to push her chest into his head.

"Aww. Don't make me lonely by giving only Momo attention. I want you to feel my belly too~"

"Mina! Don't hog Izuku and don't steal him from somebody else!" Kyoka shouted in irritation having a notably larger stomach than most to indicate she might be carrying more than one child in her.

"C'mon. It's not fair that he's been hugging Momo's belly only for the last ten minutes. At least have him hug mine and while he's at it." Mina pulled her top up and began squeezing her breasts to secrete milk. "Give me a bit of a milking."

"CAN YOU PUT THOSE AWAY, PLEASE!" Ochako shouted in anger while peeling an orange she had with Tsu beside her nodding off. "It's bad enough my feet are swelling right now, I don't need to see you try and stimulate Izuku and get him in a mood that you'd take advantage of,"

Mina looked over to Ochako not happy of the way she put it to cross her arms. "And when have I tried to take advantage of Izuku?"

"The other day when you tried to get him to make love with you in your butt."

"Hey. Toru pointed that out to me that it was a thing. If you have anyone to blame, blame her."

Toru looked at everyone as they unisonly stared at the invisible girl laying on the bed trying to relax. "What can I say, I found something like that in that Kaminari guy's room when I went to ask him a question and he told me about 'anal' as he called it."

"I'm going to give you arguably the best advice I can about those two. Don't try to listen to them. They've done some messed up things in the past that make any advice they give shotty at best." Izuku remembered a question he asked them for advice with a girl he had a crush on back home with them giving him advice that made him look like a complete idiot in front of her. Though he didn't intend for it, Izuku learned a valuable lesson to never trust the two perverts.

A knock came to the door with Nejire coming in to see everyone acting in lively spirits to her. "Hey everybody. I'm gonna need to borrow Izuku for a little bit. A new Plague just made itself known to us."

"Another Plague came?" Tsu asked waking up enough to comprehend what's happening now.

"Yeah. Me, Moe and Sirius went into the forest to do some hunting and we found what looked like a walking zombie thing with a mask over his face with weird glowing eyes breathing out deadly gas."

"Wait, you mean like the gas Izuku purified from the island?" Kyoka asked.

"Yeah, but this gas seemed to work faster than the other. Maybe this is the thing that made the gas from the areas infected with the Lich's power from the start?" Izuku began thinking of what the monster might be and how it would be wise to handle this before being pulled and dragged off by Nejire. "Anyway, Miruko wanted you to help out, so that's why I'm here. C'mon." The blue haired amazon dragged Izuku behind her with him still in a daze this happened.

"Great. Now how am I gonna get these milked?" Mina asked holding her chest with her top up again.

"IF I HELP YOU WITH THAT, WILL YOU STOP FLASHING US!" Ochako shouted in annoyance.


At Miruko's tent

Izuku stood in front of Miruko with his teacher Aizawa next to him. "To make things simple, I need you two to do this little mission alone. Unfortunately, you'll also be doing this alone for the most part due to lack of hands available at the moment."

"So we're for the most part going in blind?" Izuku asked.

"Not necessarily. I can help you out a little with perhaps a little information of the monster you're facing." Saiko came forward with what looked like a animal skin paper in her hands. "To make things simple, my group has been working on stronger weapons as well as ways to decipher what we have found from the ancient languages we've discovered across the island. With a little assistance from Himiko who had explained to us an ancient method her people used to read, we've been able to discover what the words Miruko's group had discovered as well as the ancient tombs of both the dragon you faced and the one Himiko was in."

"Personally didn't want you to go back into those things, but desperate times call for desperate measures." Miruko stated this as Saiko read off what her team had deciphered.

"From what I gathered, you're most likely dealing with the undead Ghoul. *ahem* 'Ancient and deadly. Those that inhale this child's gas will breathe a breath of life no longer. Those that linger in his domain shall live no longer. Deep under the lake we hide him steadily, so he grows not much stronger.' At least, that's what we could decipher from what we found on this thing."

Hearing this as a hint, Izuku began thinking of what was said in the small poem. "My best guess when it talks about a lake is the one near one of the shrines. That's arguably our best bet to find it."

"We were near the lake when we found it, so it's not the worst place to look." Sirius suggested with Miruko seeing this as a good starting point.

"Start there. If you can't stop it without causing harm to yourself, pull back. I'm not into sending someone to their grave just to stand a fight." Both nodded with Camie coming over holding two different suits.

"Mei like, so gave an upgrade to these things. It's now decked out in dragon hyde. Give that hater baiter a gnarly kick for me, studman." Both Izuku and Aizawa looked at each other before agreeing on one thing.

'I have no idea what she just said.'

Half an hour later

The two began walking towards the lake with the area starting to show death. Sparks had been following them and practicing shooting fire at the gas to make it disappear with sparks remaining. "Nice shot that round."

"So remind me why you brought the lizard and spears?" Aizawa asked for the large dragon to glare at him while Izuku held almost two dozen spears on his back.

"If this thing is able to breathe poisonous gas, then it most likely would be almost impossible to face it with fists. That's why I'm trying with spears and Sparks. If all else fails, he'll also double as an escape tactic." Sparks hit another cloud of poisonous gas to dispel it again and make the large dragon somewhat happy. Once they reached a large cloud of gas that was almost more a wall than anything, Izuku stopped moving to turn to his friend. "Sorry to do this, buddy. But we're gonna have to go alone from here."

'Raaahh!" Sparks didn't want to let this happen and was about ready to light the gas before Izuku stopped him.

"We want to avoid collateral damage. We also don't know how deep this gas goes. Tell you what, you keep doing what you were doing and keep the gas here from spreading out. Sound like a plan?" Sparks looked down a bit before nodding and walking off trying to find smaller puffs of gas to get rid of.

"I feel kinda bad he had to leave. He looked like he hated it."

"I'd rather him not get hurt or cause people to get hurt. I wanted him to come along, but I'm scared this might be too much for Sparks to handle at this point in time."

"Fair enough. Let's go." Izuku and Aizawa ventured into the gas with their hazmat suits on. To help with long range, Aizawa kept his assault rifle on him and prepared for any attacks. The two stopped however when they reached the lake to see it pitch black with dead fish inside it. It looked as if they were rotting away from something inside it to disgust both. "This I'm guessing is the toxic gas or whatever touching the fish. Try to avoid touching the water. It's most likely contaminated."

Glancing to the side, Izuku noticed what looked like a creature walking around. He got his teacher's attention to have them both hide. Once they did, they noticed a rotting, distorted boy that was no older than Izuku from the body features they could make out. It's head was wrapped up with gause with special lenses for eyes and what looked like a filtration system over it's nose and mouth. In one exhale, the monster released a toxic gas that rotted away what was left of the fish in the lake that touched it to shock both men. "So that's the Plague. Seems tricky."

"Tricky, but not unstoppable. If the body is deformed like that and it's head is wrapped up like that, then the best shot I could give is there." Aizawa aimed his weapon at the Plague before firing his shot. As it went towards the monster though, the bullet started to rust away and turn to dust before it could even touch the creature's head. "That's nuts. I can't even get close enough to it." Getting an idea, Aizawa turned to his student. "Our best option is traps. It hasn't found us yet, so we can collect items to make traps in it's home and force it's head to be damaged. Best luck, it's not immune to it's own toxin and is half the reason it's like that."


"Kiiiissssshhh." The creature looked at the bush they were at somewhat like it knew they were there.

"You think it sees us?" Izuku asked before seeing a breath of toxic gas come directly at them.

"That answers your question!?" Both split up and ran in two separate directions with the Plague seeing Izuku and charging at him. "Crap. It's going after Midoriya."

"I'll stall it! Get what you need for traps and I'll lead it in them!" Izuku shouted from the distance as he used Black Whip on a tree to escape a gas attack.

"Dammit. DON'T DIE, KID! I DON'T WANNA EXPLAIN TO YOUR MOM WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU!" Aizawa ran towards the camp in hopes to help Izuku before it was too late.

And that finishes this chapter. See how Izuku handles the Plague he is facing next time. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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