Land of the Dead

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As the six returned down off the mountain, they continued their journey to the second to last waypoint. This one was one deep inside the forest that through a logical standpoint, shouldn't be as difficult. At least, that's what they all hoped. "AHHHH!! WHY AM I ALWAYS ATTACKED BY WILD ANIMALS HERE!?" Izuku found himself running away from a hoard of wild boar trying to kill him. From what the girls could understand, the wayshrine was beside a home of the tusked hogs who weren't exactly fond of others moving into their territory. "I'M LITERALLY NOT TRYING TO HURT YOU! I JUST CAME HERE TO DO SOMETHING TO HELP THIS ISLAND-" The green haired boy was cut off by Tsu's tongue pulling him into the trees almost instantly. Not sure where their enemy was, the boars began to head out across the area trying to find Izuku. While this happened, Izuku regained his breath in the trees with the girls.

"*pant* *pant* Thanks for the help Tsu." "Don't mention it." The girls began to find vines they could use to swing back down near the wayshrine before passing Izuku one. "Use this." Kyoka gave him a vine for the greenette to look at it. "I've never swung on a swing, there's no way I can swing on a vine." "Don't be a baby. Watch the professionals." Mina smirks before jumping off to swing down onto the ground. "See! It's easy!" One by one, the girls swung down to solid ground with Izuku being the last one. 'Hmm. So it's either wait here until I'm hungry enough where I'll try this and possibly face the boars again, or swing down and possibly fall onto solid ground with fear being in me.' "Izuku you have about five seconds to come down here or we fall the tree." "Crap baskets." "1, 2, 5!" Mine exclaims before spraying her acid at the base of the tree. "WHAT HAPPENED TO 3 AND 4!?" "Mina doesn't even know the number that comes after 3." Trying to avoid being hurt, Izuku used the vine to swing down. Unfortunately he didn't position himself right and went right into the base of another tree face first.

"You ok Izuku?" Toru came over to see the green haired boy with a notable red spot down the center of his face and body. Rather disoriented. "Did...did anyone see a fairy...or is that *thud*." "Good job Mina. You broke him." Ochako chastises before tapping him with her quirk and draping him across her back. "How was I supposed to know he'd actually jump." "It was either jump and risk a possible injury or stay and actually get hurt. To be honest, I'd choose the earlier option if I was him." Kyoka clarifies before they keep going to the wayshrine. Once back, Ochako puts Izuku on the ground for a small piglet to come out of the bushes. The green haired boy is woken up by it sniffing and licking his face to come face to face with the little thing. "Uh, hello." "*snort* *snort*" "Aww, you made a friend." The piglet looked up to the girls before squealing for some reason for a mother boar to come out of the bushes. The piglet then ran back towards it's mother to hide under her legs. In fear of it preparing to charge, the girls readied their arrows to shoot the mother. "Wait! She's protecting her baby!" Izuku got up to stand between both.

He then got over to the wayshrine to activate his quirk and finish their business there. As he did, clovers began to grow around the wayshrine for him to pick up some. He brought them near the mother and her youngling where she was very skeptical of him remaining in the attack position. Looking around, Izuku plucks a mango from one of the trees and breaks it in half before placing it and the picked clovers on the ground a few paces closer to the boar. It seems skeptical at first but relaxes it's guard due to the smells of the sweet fruit before walking over and munching on it. "Let's leave them be, we don't need to anger her anymore." Mina says motioning for them to leave the wayshrine. "Should we drop one of the others to bring back?" "I don't see why not. Boars don't mate for life and the fathers don't stay with the mother and piglets." As they spoke, they heard the small piglet squeal as if it was trying to say goodbye to them before it and the mother returned to the forest to continue their lives.

After skinning and gutting a male boar they had shot with an arrow, the party of six returned to the village to see if Momo had finished the hazmat suits. With the help of Aizawa and Inko she had managed to make 2 of them but was drained of all her lipids, the complex chains that make up the air filtration, plastics and silicon in the suit took a toll on her quirk to even make one. It would take time for her to make more and that was something they could spare for the moment. In the meantime, Izuku took to showing the amazons a new way to prepare the belly of a boar to create something he was sure they would love. Taking an obsidian knife to cut the belly off from the rest of the boar, he cuts off the layer of skin exposing the fat cap. From there he takes seasalt, molasses and sugar from the sugar canes to create a rub for the belly. After he helps create a wood fire with the wood from the fallen Mango tree, that Mina had melted and he dragged back, before creating a rack for the meat to smoke on. "This is something enjoyed the world over, I'm not sure how well it will turn out since this was a wild boar but, hopefully this will be just as good." He says as he sets out the straps of belly meat on the wooden rack he made over the smoke. "What are you making Izuku? Shouldn't you put it on the fire itself?" Rumi questions as she walks over with the amazons closest to her. "I'm making Bacon, it's smoked meat with the belly fat of a hog or pig rubbed with spices and sugars then after you cook it with a hot pan and eat it. Trust me you all will love this, everyone across the world does." He says with a smile as he stokes at the wood to make sure the fire isn't too hot as to burn the meat.

Eventually after several hours of smoking, a sizzle was heard coming from the cured bacon grilling in a cast iron pan, with the guys looking over to have some smile. "Alright! Bacon!" "It's been a while since I've had some food from back home. I don't care if it tastes horrible in comparison!" "HURRY IT UP NERD! I'M HUNGRY!" Everyone looked at Bakugou before Izuku spoke up. "Just because of that, Hoots getting your share." The giant owl roosted on the rock beside them for the amazons that weren't aware of what Hoots was to look at the others for explanation. "So who's the owl?" Miruko asked for Izuku to answer. "This is Hoots. A spirit animal lady Nana made for me. I understand her and she's helped us a lot to take on an Oni and a Tengu." Mina grabbed the masks to show her the items for the rabbit amazon to marvel. "Impressive. So were these things some of the plagues that lady Nana has told you of?" "Screech. (No.)" "Gah! She's really loud!" Yu shouted this while holding her ears. "Apparently they weren't. Kinda hoped they were though since that would've made my life ten times easier." Izuku said before finding some pieces of bacon were ready to set aside.

"Alright! BACON TIME!" Kaminari tried to grab a piece before Hoots swooped in to grab the piece to return to the rock she was perched on. "Guess you got outfoxed by an owl." The girls snorted a bit at this while Kaminari held some agitation. The piece he was eyeing was taken by an overgrown bird of prey. "It's fine Kaminari, we can make some more later. Here you can have this piece." Izuku offers him, Kaminari takes the piece and hides it from the owl that has the piece it stole clutched between her talons and is tearing a piece off before eating it. "Wow this is actually amazing." Rumi says grabbing a second piece to eat. "We use bacon in a lot of things back home, my mother loved to make her own and she even taught me how." Izuku explains handing some more pieces out to the others. "If you're going to cook like this all the time, I'm going to try to get Lady Nana to make you immortal." Nemuri comments biting into another piece of bacon. Izuku hears the goddess chuckle to herself hearing Nemuri's comment. "Holy crap dude, what did you use for this?" Kirishima asks as he almost inhales a piece whole. "Sugar, salt, molasses and some spices. I smoked it with mango wood." "Reminds me of the applewood smoked bacon from back home." Sato comments, taking a bite out of his piece. "Is there anything else we should know that you do?" Yuu asks with Izuku leading her over to where he and the girls cut up the boar. "These back straps here are the tenderloin, the most tender and best part of an animal. Pork and Beef tenderloin are staples of cooking back home." "What's beef?" Ochako asks. "You know those large horned ox that are on the island? Think one of those but a bit smaller and less harry. Those are cows and you get beef from them." Izuku explains while Ochako makes an Oh face in understanding. "Do you need more food Momo?" Nemuri asks, turning to the exhausted amazonian. "I need rest and food to use my quirk more. Sweet fruits and sugar cane." She says.

"I think Izuku and someone else should be the only ones to go to the dead lands shrine. More people will create more hazards. Especially if you have to deal with another Oni or Tengu. Or Nana forbid Both." Rumi reasons as she takes a seat on the stump of a tree. "*sigh* Well we're literally only needing to do that one in the Dead lands and it kinda seems like a waste to do all but that one. So is there any chance we can find someone that knows where I need to go?" "I can take you." Yu spoke up to explain what she knew. "Before it became the Dead lands it is today, my family used to have good records of the area and knows where exactly the wayshrine there is. If you want, I can lead you." "You mean it!? You're a lifesaver." Izuku smiled for Yu to be relatively embarrassed by this. "If that's the case, we'll take you towards the Dead lands. After, you're both on your own." Miruko said this before turning to the girls. "You six have done a good job today. Head back home and take some time to rest." "Yes mam."

Once the six girls said goodbye to Izuku, they left for the village with Miruko, Yu, and Midnight leading Izuku to the dead lands. As they walked, Yu and Izuku started to place the hazmat suits on for the blond amazon to be rather irritated with the feeling of her entire body being covered while only the bare minimum is normally done. Once the group got to a spot where the land began to die around them, the group stopped. "We're here. Up ahead is a land that has been turned into a horrid domain of death and calamity for generations. The closest we have is the map Yu has to understand the area. Aside from that, I can't tell you what you'll face inside." Izuku was nervous, but understood that he needed to do this if he wants to finish the task he was given. Aizawa who had tagged along wanted to make some things clear. "You have two hours from what I can tell before your suits stop working. You have until then to do what you need to and get out." "Shouldn't be that hard since the landscape says we should be able to reach the wayshrine in half an hour."

Izuku and Yu started placing the face covering of the hazmat suits before walking in. As they did, Izuku took note of how much of the area was dead and decaying. He even noticed some animals were trapped inside for it to be sorta depressing. "Ever since I was a little girl, my mother has told me of how this place was deemed a horrible place to go and is one where many amazon warriors who committed a crime punishable by death go in order to make amends for their acts. Coming here right now would be no different than saying we are committing a death wish." This comment scared the green haired boy as Yu continued "Pick up the pace please, I'd rather avoid being caught by whatever is inside here." "R-right." They continued walking with a strange grey fog covering their ability to see. It began to get so horrid that they couldn't see anything outside of 3 feet from their face. This decrepit landscape had turned an otherworldly purple, the fauna were all dry and had turned grey with purple leaves. Bones of once massive and majestic creatures litter the landscape for miles around them, despite their inability to see, the crunching of decayed bones and sloshing of decaying flesh beneath their feet was everpresent.

"How much longer is the trip?" "We should be there in a few minutes if we keep walking this pace." Yu stated as the duo found themselves walking a tad longer before a silhouette of the wayshrine was seen. Unlike the others where it was kept up and prominent to be an item of worship, this one was covered in dirt and some kind of black substance and with no evidence that it was cleaned for a very long time. "What is this stuff?" Izuku touched the black substance to see it was almost like some kind of tar or something similar. "I don't know and quite frankly, I don't care. All I care about is doing what we need to and leaving." The green haired boy didn't argue knowing they didn't actually have time to sit around and find out. As Izuku was beginning to activate his quirk, the sound of some kind of bird was heard above them. The two jumped before seeing the black birds and realizing they were ravens. "Damn birds." "Ravens huh? That can either be good or bad." "Why do you say that?" Yu asked for Izuku to clarify. "Ravens depending on what origin they have can either be a prominent thing or one that can be very dangerous. From what I've heard, when a large number of them are in the same place, it can mean there's a strong amount of energy around someone. Whether it's good or bad is up in the air though."

As Izuku went back to what he was doing, strange whispers were being heard for Yu to get somewhat scared. "Izuku, how long will it take for you to cleanse this shrine?" "Shouldn't take more than a minute." The blond woman saw something on the ground move to get her bow ready. "Can you hurry it up please. I don't think we're alone in this area." Izuku finally had his power able to present itself outside of his hazmat suit before cleaning off some of the grime off the wayshrine to start touching it. "GET DOWN!" Izuku ducked before seeing an arrow go right at what looked like a half decayed woman. "WHAT THE HELL IS THIS THING!?" "I don't know, but she's not alone." Izuku looked over to see an army of undead monstrosities rise up from where they were laying. "What's going on here?" The two heard the whisper to see some kind of black smoke or spirit move around the ground to a set of bones before restoring some of the flesh on it to become something similar to a zombie. "So these things are some kind of monster like the Tengu and Oni that you faced?" Yu pulled her bow back aiming at a zombie amazon's shoulder to strike it down. It only stopped her for a minute before the zombie pulled the arrow out of her shoulder to continue. "Worse. These things aren't even alive anymore and are mindless monsters. We're literally facing an army of the undead."

And that finishes this chapter. So Izuku and Yu are faced with an army of undead amazons and animals with no specific way out. See how they get past this next time. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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