New Eye View

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Months had passed since the group washed up on the shores of the amazon woman island. As things began to quiet down for the most part, the guys had continued their attempts to create a raft or something to help them escape the island. Meanwhile, Izuku was fortunate enough to have the 'time of his life' as Kaminari and Mineta would say, being the champion of the women and obtaining the chance to make children. Speaking of children, fairly recently, Izuku was able to meet his firstborn. Due to Miruko's quirk making her body similar to that of a rabbit's, her pregnancy cycle was also similar, being 9 weeks. She was able to give birth to a small white haired girl that they named Eri. Just like her mother, the small infant had blood red eyes but did have an abnormal horn sticking out of the side of her head to almost resemble a horn of an Oni. The small child seemed to adore her father, sparking Izuku's paternal side. This inane instinct to keep her safe no matter what. Ironically, the same could be said with Hoots. When Eri was born, the large owl would perch atop her crib when she'd sleep and puff up like a giant cotton ball when someone other than Izuku, Miruko or Inko would come and disturb Eri when she was sleeping.

Returning to Izuku, we find him sleeping in his normal spot in the center of a bed surrounded by more women than before with more than over a baker's dozen full of the mothers to be. He was stirred awake when he felt one of them move over his lower half in a rather seductive way to sit up. "Who's doing tha-" He looked up to see Yuu in the bed half asleep with a smile on her face.

"Mnnn. Morning already?" One by one, the girls began to wake up with Momo taking note of how many people are actually in the bed right now.

"I'm amazed this bed hasn't broken yet from the amount of people on top of it-" On cue, the sound of wood cracking was heard with the bed immediately collapsing due to the excess weight on it. The sudden destruction of the bed startled everyone awake who wasn't already.

"Ow...That kinda hurt." Mina holds her back in pain from landing wrong.

"You had to say something."

"I was just stating the obvious." Momo and Midnight began arguing a bit before Izuku began to stand up and look at the damage done.

"Chances are, this bed is shot. We're gonna have to start making a new one."

"Aww man. And I liked this bed." A gurgle was heard for Toru to stand up and immediately run out the house with the sound of her vomiting outside being heard. Avoiding the sound, Kyoka continued. "Alright then. I think we'll need to talk to Mei then. Her group handles the bigger stuff like this."

"Poor Toru, she has the worst of the morning sickness out of all of us." Ochako sighs as she gets up to go help her friend.

"Ok, then let's go and get something to eat before heading over. Maybe she can make a stronger bed." Itsuka got up, with the blanket sliding off of her. Her bosom was revealed for the world to see only for Izuku to gain a nosebleed. "You've done it with a crazy amount of women, got them pregnant, and yet you still have an issue seeing my breasts?"

"To be fair, he has that issue with everyone here on the island. I think he is just keeping his personal integrity and not looking at us like that lecherous midget." The orange haired girl understood but grew a cheeky smirk on her face thinking of something.

"Well if he's flustered merely looking at them I wonder how much more he can be when I do this?" Itsuka grins madly as she slides down Izuku's waist and envelopes his dick in her massive breasts.

"Now isn't the time for that Itsuka, you can do that later." With Ibara's words stopping this from turning into more of a porno fanfic than it already was, the group all start getting up to heading to the communal eating area for the tribe.

On the way, Izuku noticed a shadow coming from above. "What the hell?" The girls move out of the way with a single step to the side as Mineta crash lands face first into the stump of a tree almost falling it on impact. Shortly after, the larger form of the young dragon Sparks flies over and lands on top of Izuku causing him to fall over and laugh as the dragon licks him like an over affectionate dog. "C'mon Sparks. That tickles."

"That stupid dragon threw me into the air this morning! Treating me like some god damn chew toy! Can you control that stupid lizard Midori-" Sparks unhinged his jaw as he yawned before belching out a torrent of green fire, this engulfed the tree as well as Mineta, causing the grape flavored chew toy to roll around on the dirt trying to put himself out. "AHHHH!! SOMEBODY HELP ME!!"

The blaze was quickly put out by Ryukyu who transformed into her dragon form and merely flapped her wings, smothering the flames. "Seems Sparks is growing up rather nicely. He won't be full grown for a few decades though, he's still a baby. I don't think he can even talk yet and he won't be able to figure out magic for a few years." She transformed back into her human form before walking up to Sparks and rubbing the side of his head. "But you know, I think he's big enough to start riding though if you'd be interested. But if you're going to, he's going to need to be trained to handle the weight so you should probably start with something or someone small."

The group looked at Mineta who was smelling like cooking wine at the moment for some odd reason. "DON'T LOOK AT ME! I'M NOT GOING ANYWHERE NEAR THAT OVER FED FIRE BREATHING LIZARD!"

"*Hisssssss*" Sparks did not take to that insult all that well, letting out a viper's hiss before exposing nearly 6 inch long venomous fangs that leaked an intimidating purple liquid from his mouth causing smoke to come from where it landed on the ground as he hisses at Mineta.

"He is quite sassy and very intelligent."

"Of course he is, Dragons are extremely intelligent and prideful creatures. Easiest way to piss one off is to insult him. They also love shiny things."

"That explained the fact he keeps stealing my swords and armor. I know where you're hoarding them Sparks, you're not sneaky." Mei came walking over, pointing at the dragon. Sparks merely rolls his eyes and moves his jaw in a way to give the impression he is mocking her. "Don't ignore me! I made that saddle for your master! Show me at least the respect I deserve!"

"You already made a saddle for Sparks?"

Mei looked at the somewhat impressed group to explain. "He saw what I was making a while back and put a mannequin of you on himself to run around. He tore up the first saddle I made him, I don't know why though. He took one look at it and hissed before shredding the thing."

"What was it made of?"

"The leftover dragonskin."

"YOU CAN'T MAKE HIM WEAR A DRAGON SKIN SADDLE! THAT'S LIKE SKINNING A PERSON AND MAKING ANOTHER PERSON WEAR A HUMAN SKIN SHIRT!!! THAT'S FUCKED UP!!!" Ryukyu shouted this with Sparks pointing his tail at Ryukyu and nodding, emphasizing his distaste for the saddle.

"We make horses wear horse leather saddles. I didn't think there would be a difference." Ryukyu let out a long sigh hearing this.

"So what's the second made of?"

"That one was a bit hard since I needed to make as much leather as I could. Fortunately, I was able to make it and I finished it the other day. I was gonna talk to you about that today when I ran into you since Sparks keeps pushing for me to tell you while I'm hitting hot metal."

Izuku looked at the giant dragon before giving a small karate chop to his head. "Bad Sparks. Don't mess with Mei when she's forging." He held his head down before gaining a pet from izuku. "But thank you for taking the initiative."

"Don't be so hard on him. He's equivalent in age to Eri here." Mei points towards Miruko sitting on a bench breastfeeding the small girl while eating a carrot. "Also, he works as a great lighter when the smelder goes out and also as one himself when he's practicing with fire."

"That reminds me. The bed we sleep on broke and it's kinda beyond repair. Any chance you can make us a new one. Preferably something stronger since it's hosting a lot of women in it?"

The pink haired girl held her thumb up. "Not a problem. But I want something in return."


Mei walked up and grabbed Izuku's crotch while smiling. "This. I want you to come one night and show my group the best night we could have with this thing. Seeing it several times, I wanna know just how good this thing is."

There was a silence before Setsuna answered for everyone. "Deal. But any chance you can make us a bed that's made of iron or something. I wanna see what him going all out can do to me." She started drooling a bit to scare Izuku a little for his safety.

"You all still use rod iron? I know a couple things that can strengthen it if you'd like. Before I became a teacher, I was a metal worker through college so I know a thing or two about alloys and steels." Aizawa says walking over to the group. "Morning Midoriya, I came over to see what your first born looks like."

"She's with her mom at the moment, her name is Eri." Eri pulled herself out of her meal to burping loud enough for everyone to hear before returning back to eating.

"What are they feeding her? Even I can't do that that loud." The girls felt a little grossed out by the scrafty looking teacher's comment.

"Hey Mei....any chance you can....let go of me?" She let go, not even realising she had actually been accidentally giving him a hand job as she 'examined' his size. She then went over to Kyoka to give a finalized detail of what the bed would look like. 'Why do I always live like someone in the playboy mansion?'

"Hatsume, when you begin, instead of merely heating the metal to make it malleable, melt it down. Then add in bone powder to add carbon to the iron. This will turn it into a rudimentary version of steel which is an iron alloy with high amounts of carbon added to it. It's stronger, can be hardened when quenched in oil and water and will stay sharper for far longer."

Aizawa went off with Mei to begin explaining while Izuku sat down near Miruko and his daughter to hold her and enjoy some fatherly time with his first of many children. 'You may be probably one of my greatest treasures in this world Eri.'

Few hours later

Izuku sat on the saddle made for Sparks while looking down a cliff. "Uhh...Are you sure this is safe to be starting so high?"

"Positive. We've done test flights up here with a dummy."

" did that go?" There was a silence between Mei, Sparks and Izuku for it to scare the OFA user. "The dummy survived....right?"

"THESE SMALL MATTERS AREN'T IMPORTANT! TIME TO FLY SPARKS!" Mei shouted as she slapped Sparks' hind quarters causing him to immediately run back a bit with Izuku for him to try and stop this.

"Wait! I've got second thoughts now! Get me DOOOWWWWNNN!!!" Sparks ran and jumped off the cliff sending the two barreling down to Izuku's belief, to the forest below. "I 'M GONNA DIE! I'M TOO YOUNG FOR IT TO END LIKE THIS!" As they were about to hit the trees, Sparks opened his wings up to just barely graze the tops before flying into the air. Izuku opened his eyes to see they were unharmed and flying in the air. "I didn't die?.....I'M ALIVE!" Izuku smiled while looking around to see the island for what it was. "From up here, this island looks so much different. Not only that, but it's actually huge!"

"*roar*" Sparks gained Izuku's attention to get his attention to the front.

"It's the volcano! Also Lady Nana's temple, the mountain where we fought the Tengu, the forest....Looking up here, this island is beautiful. Even the corruption and the deadlands are gone." While on Sparks, Izuku noticed some spots that were new to him that he never saw from his point of view on the ground. He noticed some mountains with what looked like strange areas around them that resembled ruins, the shadow of what looked like a temple underwater near the ocean, even a small opening in a hill with something inside it. "Sparks, can you get a little closer to that opening in the mountain. I wanna see what's in it."

Sparks landed inside the cave for some light to come through a hole atop to show a pyramid looking as if it was the same as the altar they had the ceremonies on.

"Woah. I wonder what this one is here for." Izuku began walking towards it before Sparks held his wing out. "What's wrong?"

"*Hisssssss*" The green dragon seemed to be on edge for some reason with Izuku feeling a bit of worry.

"Do you sense something in there?" Sparks immediately flew away to leave Izuku in the mountain. "THANKS FOR LEAVING ME HERE WITH NO WAY OUT, YOU STUPID REPTILE!" Izuku looked back at the temple with his hair starting to stand on end. "I don't have any way out of here without falling off the side of a cliff. Maybe I should at least try and find out what this temple is for." He walked up with a creature inside the temple smelling his scent and smiling inside.

"So...he's come to visit. Perhaps I should give him the hospitality as a respectable host should." Torches were lit inside the temple to show a blond woman laying in a coffin smiling.

As Izuku got to the top, he glanced in to see a strange carving inside that was written in what seemed to be latin. "Hmm Som...nm inter...diu nocte...cibu? Sounds like it means something important, but I honestly don't know what it means." The letters in the wall altered to read something new now. "By day I sleep, By night I feed. Oh that sounds more ominous now." A cloud began to move over the sun to cover the only light to the cave and show a strange light directly under the inner altar. "What's here?" Izuku tried to pull the closing off with OFA to realize it was a secret passage with lit torches. He jumped down the hole and noticed he was in a long dark hallway.

"Hello?" Izuku spoke into the hall for an echo to be heard. "Helloooo? Is anyone here?" As he walked through, the area seemed almost deserted. However, something would've had to light the torches since it looked like fresh wood was used.

"Well hello." Izuku looked around before turning to see a girl with messy blond hair and red eyes stare at him with a rather creepy smile. "My name's Himiko Toga. What's yours?"

"Uhh...Izuku Midoriya."

"Oh! Can I call you Izuku!?"

"Umm. Sure." The girl began walking down the hall happily with the fact he wasn't alone scaring him more than feeling relieved. "So, what are you doing here?"

"I live here." Himiko spoke calmly before skipping through the corridor.

"Then can you tell me what this place is?"

"In due time. When we get to the end of this hall, you'll know just exactly what this place is." She began giggling to send Izuku now from uneasy, to completely creeped out.

'Just who is this girl?' He followed her with hopes to at least find an exit or at least a way to get out from where he entered without killing himself. Unfortunately for him, this was all a ploy that he'd soon learn to regret.

And that finishes this chapter. See how Izuku manages with Himiko Toga next time. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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