Spirit of the Forest

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 Izuku began groaning in his sleep as he woke up. When he did, he noticed he was in a bed with an unknown roof. Alongside this, he felt something moist wrapped around his lower body. "Alright. Should I expect this to just be a freak feeling or someone doing something to me." Izuku moved his body up to see Nejire on top of him moving her body up and down. "And it's date rape."

"What's date rape? The blue haired amazon turned to meet Izuku and showed she had nothing on to make him look away. "Does it have anything to do with coopulating while asleep?"

"It means you're sleeping with someone when they can't say anything for it to be against their will."

"Against your will?" Nejire didn't stop her movements as she thought of this and laughed it off. "Well, you're awake now. So we can call it normal baby making-"

"It's still against my consent since you did this before I could even say ye-NNGH!" He couldn't say anything as he felt a hand somewhere it shouldn't be massaging him.

"Oh please. Consider this our way of thanking you for everything you did." Looking to his side, Izuku noticed Ryukyu pushing his head into her bare chest. "Besides. You've already gone a round with myself and it was quite an impressive one at that."

"Can someone tell me why you two decided to do this in my sleep!?"

"I thought there was poison in your thingy. So as a responsible amazon, I was willing to offer my body as a storage for any poison you may have. But..." Nejire leaned back as she continued the discussion. "It didn't go down and I asked Ryukyu to help."

No longer wanting anymore small bits added, Izuku came out and asked a question to both amazons. "How many times did you try to 'release' the 'poison' from my body?"

"Hmmm. Eight times for me." Ryukyu smirked as she rested her head on her hand.

"*pant* Nine for me." Nejire let out a small shriek before falling on her back. "Make that ten now."

'For some strange reason, this is still not the worst way to wake up.'

Few hours later

After his strange and somewhat unwanted wake up call, Izuku was allowed to leave Ryukyu's home and head towards Miruko's tent to find out what happened after he passed out. From what she explained, Aizawa had carried Izuku to the village on his back with Ryukyu and Nejire allowing him to rest in the earlier's home as a way to thank him for what he's done. It was on Miruko's orders that they make sure he wasn't succumbing to any lingering toxins in his body to try and clean his body with oils that they use to avoid illnesses in the village. From what the two women said, everything matched up with them both also needing to help the openings in Izuku's body release anything that could tamper with his insides due to being contaminated with the poison from the Plague. As such, Izuku didn't feel as angry at Ryukyu and Nejire for finding out what they did, but was still annoyed they kept going regardless of the fact they were most likely done.

Upon leaving though, Izuku decided to head over towards where the guys stay to see his teacher taking aim at targets he put up. "Mr. Aizawa."

"Midoriya. *BANG* Good to see you're up." His teacher didn't bother looking up to keep his focus on what he's doing.

"I overheard from Miruko that you helped me. Thank you."

"*BANG* Just doing my job protecting my students. *BANG* Even though you're in the situation you're in, you're still my student. *BANG* That means it's my responsibility to keep you safe however I can." Aizawa kept shooting the targets he put up for Izuku to continue.

"Still. I appreciate it a lot."

"*BANG* Just keep in mind going forward that you have a lot of people that can support you and are counting on you. You don't have to go in and be the hero alone. At the end of the day, any one man is still that. One man. Don't ever assume you're in this alone or should take things on alone. There are things in this world that even one person can't fix no matter who they are. *BANG* And you're definitely someone that this place needs to keep, so don't squander the support you have right now and don't think going headfirst into every fight is the right thing to do. Sometimes stepping back and seeing things at a different angle is just as good." Aizawa gave one final shot before placing the safety back on his weapon and placing it on a nearby smooth rock.

"I will, sir. I promise."

"Good. Now go see your mother. She's just as worried about you."

"Right." Izuku ran towards the home his mother and Mitsuki were in to leave Aizawa alone. When he couldn't hear Izuku's footsteps anymore, his attention went towards the woods where what looked like a man with a plague mask was seen. The most notable thing about him though was the fact he held black wings similar to a fallen angel. Thinking he's seeing things, Aizawa shook his head a little to no longer see the man. 'Just what the heck was that?'

Later that evening

After being free from his mother's worries and constant hugs as a way to be happy he's ok, Izuku was able to head out and do a little hunting for the women that were carrying his children. While doing this, Izuku was able to relax a bit and take in the natural beauty of the island and the ecosystem. He came upon a boar that was rather big sleeping in tall grass to give a small sigh. "I know this is somewhat wrong to do since you are sleeping. But I'm trying to feed the women carrying my children, so sorry in advance." Izuku pulled his arrow back before a strange sound was heard in the distance.


The sound alerted the boar to stand up and run. "What was that?" Strange white flakes began to fall for Izuku to hold his hand out. Putting it in his hand, Izuku felt the small particles turn to water to be confused. "Snow? But we should still be in summer." Out of the corner of Izuku's eye, he found a creature that was monstrous in size. The limbs on it stretched probably as long as him with a humanoid look. The most notable thing that was shown had the creature's head was comprised of a deer skull and antlers with cold dead eyes on it that had only a small light to indicate as pupils in it. "...Is that what I think it is?" Before Izuku could do anything, the creature ran off going from tree to tree like it was nothing. 'No doubt about it. That thing is a wendigo. It's gotta die now before it hurts someone.' Izuku ran off using OFA as fast as he could to keep track with the Wendigo. However, the green haired boy soon found himself going farther and farther away with his way back to the village becoming more and more vague.

As this occurred, two other beings began looking at the village of amazons to smirk. "Wendigo is doing his part. Now it's time for phase two of our operation." The man Aizawa saw prior came out of the shadows as a creature holding several eyes of different colors with the large main being gray stood beside him. "Your job will be to attack near the edge of the village to allow me free passage. Once done, I'll grab the six we agreed upon."

"What if our ally cannot stop the boy?"

"It doesn't matter. As long as we claim the first six, we can send them into the pits of darkness and resurrect our fallen Plagues with their bodies." The man began smirking as he continued. "Those fools. They don't fully know just how we can be reborn and killing us means nothing. Let's get this going. Tonight's full moon is needed for the ritual." The eye creature opened one of it's eyes wide for a massive bolt of lightning to attack the edge of the village.

"THE HECK WAS THAT!?" Miruko ran out of her tent to see a fire happening. "PUT THE FIRE OUT!


"FORGET WATER! IBARA! RYUKO! SMOTHER IT WITH EARTH AND VINES!" Mass hysteria began happening in the village for several of the amazons to do what they could to stop the fire that was happening. On the other side of the set land, Momo's group began noticing the light to head out of their home and see the fire grow.

"We need to do something to help."

"Let's go." Kyoka spoke up for the six to start heading towards the scene. However, the group was stopped when the sound of a single voice made itself known.

"I wouldn't head out so quickly if I were you." The girls turned slowly to see the man with a plague mask and wings sitting on the top of their home. "I mean, you are sharing your bodies with children of that pest right now. It's better you don't overexert yourselves."

Knowing this being meant business the girls prepared to fight the being with the spears and weapons they had on hand. "Who are you and what are you doing here?"

"So rude. Guess your goddess doesn't tell you everything. My name is irrelevant. However, you can call me by one you already know. The plague of Manipulation. Also, I'll be taking you all with me. I have plans that require six women of your tribe that share a link with that boy."

"THEN YOU'RE GONNA HAVE TO FIGHT US IF YOU WANNA DO THA-" Toru's voice stopped for a second for everyone to look at her.

"You ok-" Tsu started to choke with each of the girls doing the same. They fell to their knees clenching their throats trying to get whatever air they could.

"I guess telling you of my powers is pointless now but the hell with it. So long as my magic touches you, I can have absolute dominion over someone. So if I wanted to end your life, all you'd have to do is touch my magic and have me wish for it." Small circles with shapes were seen on the girl's weapons glowing purple "Consider the seal my calling card. Now you six are my pawns. Unable to fight back. Now, sweet dreams. We'll talk more when you wake." The girls' vision began to get blurry as they collapsed onto the ground, unable to move. As this happened, all they could think was what horrors awaited them and why they were targeted specifically. They hoped Izuku was safe somewhere as the madness right now occurred.

With Izuku

As the attack on the village happened, Izuku continued to track down the Wendigo and attempt to corner it. When the beast came face to face with a cliff, Izuku held his fingers out in a flicking motion prepared to attack. "Don't move. Now you're going to tell me this right now.What are you?"

The creature started laughing before speaking in simple words that made nowhere near as much sense as they should. "You....will fail....girls are....ours."

"I will fail, girls are theirs? What is this thing talking about?"

"Trap. Sprung...you away from village....we win....you all...lose" The Wendigo kept speaking in strange choppy ways for it to not make much sense. However, Izuku began realizing what it meant when he saw smoke coming from the village.

"It was a trick!" Izuku ran to the village to help, but was kicked quickly by the Wendigo into a tree.

"Me...opponent....you....will fail..." The beast came at Izuku again for him to dodge it and try to incapacitate the creature by knocking off its head. Once he did, the beast slowed it's movements for a moment to make Izuku think he won.

"I need to go to the village now." He ran as fast as he could with a loud shriek from the Wendigo to alert him. When he turned, the monster came charging for him to attack with it's head reattached. "THE HELL JUST HAPPENED!?"

"You...Die here...."

'Guess I'm gonna have to deal with this thing before I head back. Dammit. Mr. Aizawa was right about having allies.'

And that finishes this chapter. See what happens next time with Izuku facing off against the Wendigo next time. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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