The Immortal Sister

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"Ok. So before we get into Eri, what did you mean by how I can 'save' the woman that literally tried to jump on my dingleberries to get a baby?"

"Uhh...." Nana was confused by the phrase before Izuku emphasized what he was meaning.

"Sorry. How do I save her."

"Before this, I'd like you to know how she became a Plague. This happened long ago. Back when I was alive and we began to settle on this island, Himiko was a member of my amazon tribe. She was a curious one that also never intended anyone harm. The evening prior to her turning, we found a corpse of a woman with long teeth mummified as if her body was meant to be preserved. We didn't know what the woman was specifically but, when the sun had shone on it, it turned the mummy to ash before we could even comprehend it. In her coffin however, the infernal words the Lich spoke showed themselves."

"What did they say?" Izuku asked Nana to present floating words.

'Tmy paflziulw wmas aly zmy easyr za talzrad zmy luqmz'

"When Himiko read it, the words came to something along the line of 'The mountains show one the power to control the night'. As such, Himiko remembered the mountain where we found the mummified corpse to walk up there. Hoping to find something to help us, she did as the coffin said and looked into the crypt. I do not believe greed or lust for power was involved in this. I think it was more curiosity and hopes to help our tribe that drove her to enter the lair of the vampire. As she entered, she was drawn to a specific destination. When she entered the lair itself, a strange stone began glowing as she went to inspect it. She had no idea what it was and picked up the object. The problem was, this was a trap set out specifically for her. As such, Himiko's body began to alter with her soul being trapped in this stone. In this moment, little Himi transformed into the new Plague of Chaos. In short, a new vampire."

"So she was turned into a vampire by means of being tricked."

"Sadly." Nana gave a sigh before continuing. "I don't know how, but I believe this stone helps keep her in check since Himiko wasn't originally a Plague."

Izuku thought about this before asking a serious question. "Where is the stone now?"

"Around Himi's neck as a necklace. She hides it between her breasts in order to prevent it from being shown."

"So if I destroy the stone, will that save Himiko?"

"Possibly. I'm not fond of someone killing her, but you may have to." Izuku felt guilty hearing this before the goddess changed the subject. "Back to the matter of Eri. Her quirk is rather...unique to say."

"In what regard?"

"If used, she can rewind someone back in time to a preexisting state. Because a quirk like this is made, the Lich will desire it and want it for himself. Be prepared to protect her at all costs."

The area started to alter and warp for a bright light to shine. "Wait! How do I stop Himiko if that doesn't work!?"

Back to reality

Izuku immediately woke up to sit up and notice he was sleeping with the girls in his and Ibara's group on top of him. Looking outside, he noticed it was dusk out. 'I guess I should get ready for a possible attack by Himiko.' The OFA user pulled his body out of the pile he was on before slowly heading outside. 'So how do I get the stone off of Himiko? Lady Nana said that it was between her brea-' Izuku stopped when he realized to get to the stone, he'd have to stick his hand between the vampire woman's chest. 'I CAN'T DO SOMETHING LIKE THAT! IT'S VIOLATING EVERYTHING I HAVE FOR RESPECT TOWARDS WOMEN!' Before panicking more, the green haired boy felt the need to use a tree. "I need to go to the bathroom first." Walking out, Izuku didn't notice the shadow behind him following and giggling.

Consciously listening to every foot step he makes trying to see if he is being followed, he slowly makes his way to a tree nearby. Meanwhile, his pursuer is merely floating above the ground in the darkness, however she sees through it as if it were the middle of the day. The anxiety and feeling of being watched slowly increases as he gets to his destination. "Ara Ara, Izuku. Why did you hide this from me?" Himiko giggles seeing him drop his trousers. She grabs him from behind to shove his head deep into her chest. "You made me so sad when you left~ Maybe we can have a little fun now that there's not nasty light to keep us from playing~"

'Crap! I didn't even hear her!' Moving his head, he felt the cold and smooth skin around his head along with an abnormally firm thing in the center of his forehead. 'That has to be the stone. If I can just get it off of her, maybe I can-'

"Why don't you just sit back and RELAX!" Himiko threw Izuku to a tree to make his head hit the trunk. "Now. Let's have a little fun~" Himiko dropped her clothing to stand completely bare in front of Izuku.

"W-wait. I-I need to pre-" Himiko grabbed his neck and bit him, but she didn't drink his blood. "AH!" She pulled away quickly and giggled. "What was tha-" Izuku struggled to stand up while using the tree as support.

"I just gave you a little bit of something to help you relax. You see, I can make the people I bite become very docile the second I lay my fangs into them." His vision began to get fuzzy for Izuku to panic. "Right now, you're probably having difficulty seeing. Soon after, you'll experience a problem with moving, followed by an extreme heat flash that if you don't have treated soon, will send you into a blind rage. But what that heat flash needs to quell it is one thing in particular." Izuku started to fall back before hitting the ground and having Himiko sit on his abdomen. "You must mate with someone. And when you do that with me, you'll finally be mine."

'I gotta find a way out of this. I just have to take the stone and destroy it. But I can't find it with my body the way it is. Fuck it, I'll just play along."

"Just let go Izuku. Let go and become mine~" Izuku grabbed Himiko's arms to push her down. "Oh my~ So forceful. I didn't think it would work that fast.~" He went down to Himiko's face and began violently making out with her.

'Just focus Izuku. She's paying attention to you right now, so she won't pay attention to the stone if I can take it and smash it.' He moved his hands to her chest and made the vampire believe he was getting into the mood of things. What he was really doing however, was trying to feel out for the stone. When he felt something firm, he knew it had to be what he was looking for. 'I gotta do this in one motion or else she'll catch on.'

When Izuku grabbed what he thought was a stone, she reacted in a way that he wasn't expecting. "Ahhhhn~" She moaned, him very confused as to what he grabbed since he isn't able to see all that well. "I'm losing the ability to wait~ I want you right here and now!" Himiko pushed Izuku onto his back and positioned herself in a way he could barely notice, but believed she had him ready to enter her.

'Dammit! Where's the stone!?' In the blurred image, Izuku saw something dark between the pale blob that was Himiko. 'This has to be it. I can't think of anything else it can be!' Using OFA, Izuku grabbed the stone to forcibly yank it off Himiko's neck.

"What the?" Getting thrown off and seeing Izuku running with the stone that was around her neck, the vampire woman immediately became enraged. "YOU DAMNED BASTARD!"

'I need to end this quickly!'


'Crap! I can't see something strong enough to break it and she's coming this way!' In fear, Izuku activated OFA in the hand that the stone was in. "Please let this work!" He struck Himiko in the chest, cracking the stone in his hands in the process before sending her back a distance. The vampire woman broke trees, rocks, and eventually fell into a stream before finally stopping. "Did...did it work?" Something started to glow on Izuku allowing him to begin seeing things rather abnormally. Unlike normal, he could see the outline of things as if it was in black and white and noticed an abnormal ball of light come out of the shattered stone on the ground and go towards where Himiko layed.

"RRRRRAAAAAAAA!!!!!!" A black essence came out of her wailing before she had woken up.

"Mmnn." When she opened her eyes, the blood red color she had before turned to golden yellow, her fangs that presented themselves slightly out of her mouth were back to normal, but more importantly, her skin color and body felt and looked as if it was that of a human being again. "I'm...alive again?"

"WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT!?" Miruko jumped over to see Izuku on the ground and Himiko standing up. "WHO THE HELL ARE YOU!?"

Himiko was so caught up in her own realization that she didn't acknowledge the amazon. 'I'm human again? But how?'

"I ASKED YOU A QUESTION!" Himiko was brought out by the rabbit woman grabbing her by her neck.

"Miruko...don't hurt her...Himiko's...human...a...gain." Izuku passed out shortly after for Miruko to glare at the blond.

"Who the fuck are you and what does he mean by 'human again'?"

"Be at ease Miruko. She is no longer a danger as Izuku has purged the evil from our fallen sister." Both amazons looked over to see Nana's spirit in front of them. "Hello Himi. It's been a while."

"B-big sis Nana?"

"You were always a troublemaker, but I'm sorry this happened to you." Himiko looked at the spirit of her former amazon sister to start tearing up.

"I....I...*Sniffle* I didn't want any of this to happen. I'm so sorry I did all those horrible things." Nana walked over to Himiko to rest her hand on her head.

"It's alright my dear. It's over now."

"But I hurt our sisters. For so long, I fed on them and..."

"If you feel like you've committed these sins then you may atone for them by mothering the next generation. Give back to the tribe what you have taken. Breathe back life into what you had helped try to kill."

Nana's power began to weaken for her to fade. "Lady Nana!"

"It is fine Miruko. My time to speak is just simply up. However my power continues to grow, that is 2 of the Plagues defeated. My last warning is of the next, the general of bator haunts my island. One of the many great fiends in the pit of the nine hells.." Her spirit faded with both amazons looking at one another.

"I guess this means you're part of the amazons I lead now. But you might wanna put on some pants or something so we don't freak this guy out when he wakes up." Miruko points at Izuku who is laying on the ground. "But why is he standing up?"

"...We might need to take care of that before he um....goes crazy. I kinda used some of the temptress ability as a vampire on him."

"So how do we take care of that?"

"Letting it run its course..." Miruko didn't know what she meant for Himiko to explain. "Let him let out all the excess energy he has and...*ahem* release his stress."

Now knowing what she meant, Miruko tosses Himiko a cloth to cover her important bits before lugging Izuku back on her shoulder with his pants still down. "While we're on the topic of fucking, you got some freaking huge knockers...Himiko was it?"

"Yes and to be honest, they were nowhere near this size when I was human before, so..." She started to fondle her chest a bit to kinda annoy Miruko.

'You couldn't wait till we were alone to play with yourself?' Izuku started to groan in pain. "Stop bellyaching kid. You'll get your balls drained in the morning." She smacked his butt while the three made their way back to the tribe.

And that finishes this chapter. See how Izuku handles his life next time with Himiko no longer being a Plague and now a human being again. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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