Izuku the red hood

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It was just normal day at school class 1-A were in there home room class just talking seen Aisawa Sensei didn't had nothing for them has then alarm is heard Aisawa quickly gets out of his sleeping bag

Kaminari:is that the alarm
Izuku:Are we being attacked

Has then miss midnight comes through the door

Aisawa:Midnight what's wrong
Midnight:League of villains attacking the city bear us and Nezu wants class-1A and B to go and help with us
Aisawa:Okay you heard her get you suits and get ready

Has they put on there suits they start to leave the school meeting up with class-1B has before they all leave Izuku sees Mirio and Eri so he approached them

Mirio:Mydoria what's going on
Izuku:Looks like league villains are attacking the city so they call all pro heroes and student of class one A and B
Eri:Please return safe Deku San

Has he puts his hand on her head petting it

Izuku:Don't worry Eri Chan I'll be fine that's a promise we'll I'll see you guys later
Mirio:Okay Good luck
Aisawa:Midorya lets go
Izuku:On my way

Has he went running to his group and wave at the two

On the battle

Has the league of villains send out minions with weapon quirks has they lay down fire and Darbi literally fires has he see and injured hero

Darbi:First death of the day

Has he was about to fire he was interrupted by another fire attack that look like a spear has Darbi look up

Endevor:I will stop you villain
Darbi:Bring it old man

Has there flames collided in another part of the battlefield Shigaraki just watched everything

Shigaraki:Where are they
Kurogiri:I'm sure the heroes and students will come we just need to be patient okay
Shigaraki:We have been here for like how long
Kurogiri:three hours
Shigaraki:three hours where the h^*^ are they

Has then a guts of wind that destroyed a rock that block the way to battle out come all the heroes of the school few pro heroes and the students of class 1A and B


Has on the battlefield

Izuku mind:One for all full cowling shoot style

Has he start attacking the villains knocking some of them that with force tosses them to walls has others like Todoroki freeze and burn its opponents(don't worry they didn't die by fire)has Bakugo blows them up others work on supporting others has the battle progress

Izuku:There so many
Ida:Yeah but we can't give up yet right

Has they both see a villain behind them


They quickly reacted has he was about to shoot Izuku lands a wave blast has Ida kicks him with Ricepro burst

Izuku:I'll go see if anyone else needs help
Ida:Okay be careful Midorya
Izuku:You too

Has he jumps away he goes with Aisawa and Todoroki has you see a villain was about to stab Todoroki has you kick her away

Todoroki:I had that
Aisawa:Don't lose focus kids this real not training
Izuku:We got it

Has he send a wave of wind with a kick blowing away the bullets


Has fires and ice attack at the group in another area Setsuna was using her quirk to see the battle see if something's off has she then see Shigaraki enter a cave in the battle she send her mouth to Aisawa

Setsuna:Aisawa Sensei
Aisawa:Yes what's wrong
Setsuna:One of the villains is going g in a cave maybe his trying to get away

Has both of the boys heir this they look around but they don't see the cave

Izuku:Setsuna where is it
Aisawa:Take them there

Has they follow the mouth has they take out all villains in there path and reach the cave

Izuku:Okay let's go

Has they both see Setsuna full body

Todoroki:Something wrong
Setsuna:I'm coming too
Izuku:Okay actually this might help if something off Setsuna can send a part of her to get others to help
Setsuna:Thanks for saying that Midorya
Todoroki:No time for this let's go

Has they though the cave they noticed that there were cameras has they continue Izuku then noticed something has he see rocks falling from above then the Cave was coming down Izuku saw that Todoroki and Setsuna were in the middle so he use his quirk to wind push them away


Has the rocks come down a giant wall of rocks is formed

Todoroki:Midorya Midorya are you okay
Izuku:Yes I'm fine I'm still here there's a tiny hole here

Has they noticed it Todoroki look to see Midorya on the other side

Todoroki:Can you use your quirk
Izuku:No if I do that you'll get hit and this rocks are bigger they will break your ice and the same will happen if you use your quirk
Setsuna:Stay there I'll go get someone

On Izuku side


Has a chill in Izuku felt has he look back to see nothing but he recognizes the voice to be Shigaraki

Izuku mind:He's calling me and everyone busy fighting out and Shigaraki most have a reason Wait all heroes in one spot one big hole massive

Has he goes back to see Todoroki and Setsuna

Izuku:Setsuna tell everyone to get out of here
Setsuna:Wait why
Izuku:I know why Shigaraki did this to get every enemy he has taken out by a big explosion I'm going to stop him
Todoroki:Wait but don't go alone there might be trap
Izuku:I know but I have to do this now go
Setsuna:We are not leaving you
Izuku:Just go before we all die

Setsuna appears tears but goes to tell the others but Todoroki stayed

Todoroki:I'm not leaving my friend behind
Izuku:Your not

Has midorya think what to do he knows there no escape and he knows Shigaraki could kill him but then something came to his mind if he dies one for all does with him but then he remembered All might words he said the quirk can be send to another but the user most choose them has he grab a piss of his hair and his hand trough the hole

Izuku:Todoroki take this
Todoroki:Your hair
Izuku:All might will know what it means now take it and run
Todoroki:I'm not
Izuku:And I don't want to lose all my friends

Has Todoroki wanted to say something else but grab the piss of hair and ran out off Izuku stand and started to to walk to where Shigaraki was has he got there he arrive to a medium size room

Shigaraki:You came
Shigaraki:So you solve the case good good yes I I'm trying to blow everyone Good detective
Izuku:I won't let you
Shigaraki:Sorry I was thinking I could just press the ten seconds but I think the league will do fine without me and with heroes and students taken out of the picture they might have easy street so ones I press this button you me and everyone of your friends will die

Has he was about to press but was stop by a black whip has he see Midorya extended his arm to catch his

Izuku:I won't let you

Has he powered up and kick Shigaraki across the room to the wall has he got back up quick

Shigaraki:hahahahaha the battle between the apprentice of the number one hero vs the most power villains pupil
Izuku:I will stop you
Shigaraki:You'll die trying remember five fingers and your dead

Has he charge at the villain back at the battlefield Todoroki and Setsuna get out they head straight to Aisawa who was with Bakugo and Kendo fighting off some villains has the teacher noticed them but didn't see Midorya

Aisawa:Where's Midorya
Setsuna:He's in that cave fighting of the villain called Shigaraki
Todoroki:There are rocks blocking the way we couldn't break trough without making more but we need to live now
Bakugo:Why the F^+% do we have to leave and why is the nerd battling creepy hands
Setsuna:Therr plan was to kill everyone here with booms and there right below us

Has they acted quick and told there other heroes has they all start to leave the villains noticed

Twice:Yeah run cowards
Darbi:Twice they know
Twice:Oh right s^+% what now
Tough:Yeah should we wait for Shigi
Darbi:With the things happening I don't think he knows that they left
Twice:Then should we go help
Darbi:Nah lets leave grab Kuragiri,hands and spinner and tell them we are leaving let the other burn

Has they got the others they were teleported ways by Kurogiri who understood the situation back on the cave Izuku was still fighting Shigaraki he being the one getting the victory has he dodges Shigaraki attacks and with black whip it helps

Shigaraki:Can you just stand still for just a second
Izuku:Do you think you can win
Shigaraki:Yes and here's why

Has then grey stuff appears and out came two strong looking Nomu

Shigaraki:Take Care of him

Has the two charge at Izuku has both throw a punch Izuku dodges them and kicks the one on the right with both legs pushing him back has the one on the left throws another punch Izuku blocks but gets toss to the wall Shigaraki just smiles

The Nomu push back stands up and the one who punch Izuku send him a barrage of fist has he left in a defensive pose has he is cornered but then not gonna take it all

Izuku mind:One for all fifty percent-aaahhh

Has he unleashed even more power which pushed the Nomu back by the wind wave has then in the blink of and I Izuku appears at the Nomu and punched him hard that send him to the Nomu that charge has both crash

Shigaraki:Well that was something

Has he was gonna try and press it again but was stop again by black whip

Shigaraki:Oh come on
Izuku:I said I will stop you-mind:Naybe with the act he'll think there still there I just hope they liten and go out of the blast zone

Has the two Nomu get up and get to charge at Izuku he toss Shigaraki to them but they just catch him

Shigaraki:See that's loyalty

Has they continued to battle back on the surface

Mineta:Wait aren't we missing someone
Mina:Yeah where's Midorya
Uraraka:Yeah wasn't he fighting too
Ida:Sensei Aisawa where Midorya

He stays silent

Bakugo:Red eyes where's Deku
Aisawa:He's still there
All of them:What!!

Has Class 1b noticed they approached the group

Kendo:Something wrong guys
Sero:Is midorya his still in there fighting
All of them:What
Tetsutesutesu:Us he still in the hole
Setsuna:No his in a cave
Yui:Setsuna what do you mean
Todoroki:What she means is that Midorya fighting the leader of the league all on his own

Back with him he was pin down to the ground by the Nomu

Shigaraki:Looks like is time to say good bye hero to not just yourself but everyone you love

Has he just looks at him with a smile

Shigaraki:Why are you smiling
Izuku:Why can't smile in my last moments of live
Shigaraki:Weird but respected well the end has come the villains have won
Izuku mind:I'm sorry Eri,Mirio and everyone I'm sorry but it seems this the end for me

Back on the surface some of the heroes were holding the students

Kirishama:Let is trough Midorya needs us
Bakugo:Why did you do this you damn nerd

Has then big explosion happens has it was wave the group Todoroki quickly block the shockwave by making a big ice wall to cover everyone

All of them A and B:Midorya!!!!

Has the explosion ended the students and teacher quickly go in to find Izuku they move all the rocks that lead to the cave has they reach the big area we're the ones explosion was more hit has they find two burn and dead Nomu and also a dead Shigaraki has they keep digging and what they see is there worse nightmare.Back the school All might was with Mirio and Eri walking around the school has they then see the students and teachers coming but what caught there eyes made Eri cry and All might and Mirio horrified has they see Aisawa carrying Izuku in his arms has he place him in front of them

All might:Please tell me this a joke
Mirio:I'm going to get Recovery girl

Has All might hold the crying girl the other students all cry seeing there friend like that has then recovery girl cane she began to check him but then when she check his pulse she look at everyone with sadden eyes

Recovery Girl:I'm sorry but it's too late his gone

Has out the crowd cane Bakugo kneel down to him

Bakugo:Wake up

No response

Bakugo:Wake up Deku wake up don't make your mom cry

Still no response

Bakugo:Come you Damm nerd wake up

Has he was screaming then was hug by Ochako and Kirishima

Bakugo:Wake up

(Time skip)

After the funeral they had for him the day after they next day All might was in his office

All might:If only I had my power I could have stop this and save you young Midorya

Has then a knock on his door

All might:Come in

Has Todoroki came in

All might:Young Todoroki what brings you here
Todoroki:Before Midorya went to battle Shigaraki he gave me this

Has he shows All might the piece of Izuku hair

All might:This is
Todoroki:I piece of his hair I was confused at why he gave it to me but he says you'll know
All might mind:He knew that he would die and if he died one for all is gone then that would mean he wanted
Todoroki:All might
All might:Well you see Young Todoroki the quirk Midorya had was special you see he calls it strength boost but it's real name is one for all which is my quirk
Todoroki:Then you Gabe him your quirk
All might:Yes you see one for all can pass on to other people but the user who passes it most choose that person and it seems
Todoroki:He choose me but why
All might:He knew that he wasn't gonna make it out alive so he gave it to do person he trust
Todoroki:But I don't even know how to use it
All might:I can teach you and even ask some friend to help with training and time you can master one for all
Todoroki:Do you really think so
All might:Young Midorya wouldn't have given you this gift if he didn't have faith in you he knows you can do
Todoroki:then I accept so how do I transfer the power
All might:Eat it

Has Todoroki pull a confused face but he eat it

All might:Now tomorrow we will begging you training
Todoroki:cough cough did Midorya experiences the same think
All might:Yes and it seems all user have the same reaction
Todoroki:and what number I'm I
All might:Has of right now you are the tenth user of this quirk

After the talk Todoroki went to his class has he go in his class he sites in his chair beside momo

Momo:Todoroki San whay took you
Todoroki:Just needed to see someone that's all
Momo:Who would this someone be
Todoroki:All might

Has everyone heard this they all approached him

Momo:Why exactly

Has he tells about what happened before midoria went to battle and what All might told him

Bakugo:So the damn nerd gave you his quirk
Jirou:Wait doesn't that mean your also gonna break yourself
Todoroki:Kinda forgot about that part
Kirishima:Don't worry man if Midorya trust you with this we do to
Shoji:If you need any help just tell us
Uraraka:Yes Deku Kun would also want this
Todoroki:Thanos guys

Has he smiles at them

Todoroki mind:Don't worry Midorya I will continue what you started I will become the number one hero I will finish what you began and make it

Has the rest of the day went normal

(Za Warudo)

1 year after the event
It been after that day the day the world lost the hero in the making his mother was sadden very she would get visits mostly every day from her friends to comfort her,Todoroki did his training at first he did break his body but then after the training of grand torino he didn't break even his father help at first Todoroki thought it was just about that he wanted to be number one but Endeavor help him because he is his father it shock him but he accepted the help he even went to visit his mother with him at first it was awkward but he snd his mother made up and began to catch up with one for all Todoroki became much more stronger his not just able to trough ice and fire but gust off wind has increased strength and speed has his quirk also grew stronger too his ice was more colder and he could create glaziers that reach the highest buildings and his fire could melt mostly anything.he also started a relationship with momo.Bakugo well he was still in rage but then after Izuku death he began to be well a little nicer and even started his on love live with Uraraka others like Kaminari and Jirou,Kirishima and Mina,finally Ojiro and Hagakure began there own relationships in class 1b everything was the normal all but one being Setsuna she felt a bit guilty seen she was the one who pointed the direction to where Shigaraki went she had her friends cheer her up but she still felt sad to be far before the events of that day she felt feelings for the boy Izuku Midorya she was nervous to tell him what's worse the day she plan to tell him was the day he died it she promise she would do well has a hero for him.Eri well she held out the pain of losing some one she called brother or family Aisawa and the big 3 would comfort her.Has two heroes has then and explosion of fire cane the two heroes head to action has the see Darbi making chaos

Darbi:Let is all burn
Heroes 1:Stop this nonsense

Has he fires at the two but the one who spoke made a energy shield

Heroe 2:Im calling back up

In UA has Todoroki was with momo holding hands has they walk around but then Ida came to them

Todoroki:Whats wrong
Ida:That man with blue flames cane again teachers Snipe and cementaus went to action but principal Nezu send me to get you,Bakugo and Yayorosu
Todoroki:Okay will gear up

Has they go there costume they meet up with Bakugo who was already outside

Bakugo:What took you two so long
Momo:Just getting geared up let's go

Has they head to the battle the see Snipe shot his gun but Darbi either dodge or or burn the pullets and some time later other villains cane has the they get here

Cementaus:Your here
Momo:How can we help
Cementaus:Todoroki do you think you are able to handle blue over there
Cementaus:Goid the rest of you go help those two

Looking at the hero that makes shields and the one who can fire blast of energy through his hand

Has the split Todoroki goes to snipe has Darbi was about to fire and ice wall appears in front him has he look left to see a Todoroki has gets punch by Todoroki smash launch away to the wall

Darbi:It seem your getting to used to that quirk
Todoroki:This the quirk of the friend you people took from my and my friends
Darbi:Then let me send you to him

Has they collided there flames but Todoroki use his right hands to do a wind slash has the flames fade away he fires his ice Darbi moves out of the away and fires his flames has Todoroki dodges the attack and charge at him on the other side Momo and Bakugo took care of the villains has Bakugo was fighting a strong one with a quirk that absorb shockwave and explosions that can increase his strength has Momo help the three heroes battle the villains has she gets pushed by one of them

Villain 1:Maybe I should take you with us girly what do you think boys do you think she'll give a goid time like blood girl
Villain:The body fine she'll do great
Momo:a leave me alone you perverts

Has she brings out a cannon and fires at it has three were pushed away the first one stood there the quirk he had is that he his skin very durable

Villain 1:Has I said again you can't hurt me now your mine

Todoroki saw this and was about to help but Darbi was in his way but then something cane at extreme speed

???:You can't get hurt uh well let's put that to the test

Has the mysterious figure punches the villain and well broke his neck has the big guy falls

???:Are you okay
???:I'll deal with you later first

Has he look at the other villains

Villain 3:Get him

Has he then appears his two guns has he charge at them he began to shoot all the villains his shoot hit either head or heart of the villains has Bakugo seed this

Bakugo mind:He give Gun guy a challenge
???:So who's left

Has all the villains were dead on the ground he see Darbi still fighting Todoroki he aim his gun at the villain and fired but was stop by shield

Hero 1:Don't you know anti hero business illegal
???:Are you dumb you focus on me but the real villain is there
Hero 2:Who said we can't take both

Has both heroes charge at him but he just toss one of his smoke grenade making the two blinded vision has the smoke left

???: It was fun fighting be side you heroes let's do it again

Has he was nowhere to be seen has they then bring there attention to Darbi who was surrounded by the heroes

Darbi:Well looks like I did enough chaos Kurogiri

Has a purple and black portal appears has Darbi disappeared

Snipe:Well looks like that's that
Todoroki:Yaoyorosu are you okay
Momo:Don't worry I'm fine just some scratches
Cementaus:That's Good to heir now then students let us go back
Hero 1:Thank you for your help
Todoroki:Not a problem
Hero 2:I will say I'm very impressed with you you didn't just use ice and fire but something else what's up with that
Todoroki:It's a gift you could say from a friend
Hero 2:Than that had to be one heck of a friend
Bakugo:He was the best

But little did the know the mysterious anti hero watches them and heirs them has a smile behind the helmet he was smiling has he then began to float has then turn invisible and leaves back with the students they arrive at U.A has they got to there room

Sero:Guys there back

Has they get approached by there friends

Tsu:So how it go
Momo:Everything went well we were able to stop the villain
Uraraka:So who were the other two heroes that help you except are teachers
Todoroki:They look like American heroes one was able to create force fields will the other could shoot energy blast from his hand and well
Kirishima:Something wrong
Todoroki:We has outside help
Bakugo:Basically Anti hero
Tokoyami:Anti Hero? At this time
Momo:We were shock too but he took out all the villains the first one he literally broke his neck and the others were all shoot either in the head or heart
Kaminari:It seems that could even give mister snipe I challenge
Bakugo:I thought that too

Has then Aisawa came in

Aisawa:Oh you three are back Good and in your hero suits even better okay everyone get your gear on we are doing some hero work
All of them yes Aisawa Sensei

Has they meet up in the USJ(the one they trained in not the one they nearly died)has they all go to there spots to train

Aisawa:Yaoyorosu can I ask you something
Momo:Yes what do you need to ask Sensei Aisawa
Aisawa:Anti Hero what he look like
Momo:How do you

Has he gave her a look of who do you think I I'm

Momo:He has a red helmet,red bat symbols on his chest and brown light jacket and had two dual hand guns
Aisawa:mhmm was there anything else
Momo:Well other that he can disappear in the blink of and eye,his very fast almost Todoroki speed and that his very strong that he break a mans neck with a quirk that basically makes his skin very durable
Aisawa:Okay that is all you may all continue with your work I need to go to Nezu office

Has he leave he go to Principal Nezu office has he got in

Nezu:So is it him again
Aisawa:Yes first he attack small bases and now in the open his changing his tactics
Nezu:Do you think we should get him for questions or beat him up to let the cops handle him
Aisawa:Do you really think the cops can take him down with what my student told me he's very skilled both combat and long range
Nezu:Then should we handle this or do you wish to handle it
Aisawa:I'll handle things tell Tochi his substitution
Nezu:Alright good luck out there but do you know how to find him
Aisawa:I may have something

Has the night cane in a warehouse there were villains there guarding it some look like normal people with guns others were either strength quirk user or gun quirk user has the mysterious Fire is in the bushes with his sniper putting at the area

???:Come on can you just leave I don't want to play among us all day

Has he was literally playing among us and impostor has he gets victory


Has he looks back at the scope he see Darbi coming out with Kurogiri has they teleported away

???:Okay time to start

Has he takes aim at the ones outside there were size four on the balcony and two strong ones guarding the door


Has he takes aim and fire at one and kills then the others and the other one and the last one has then brought his attention to the big boys he hooks his sniper and goes to the action has he then start to appears red lightning around him

???:One for all ten percent

Has he charged at them

Villain 1:Hey
Villain 2:Yeah
Villain:You ever

He gets uppercut by the mysterious figure has then he grabs the big man with his black things and grabs his arms has he boost himself a goes through his chest and destroys the Hearst killing him has he land the on the ground dead the other ones go to check but then see the bomb has it exploded in his face has open them again he see the gun and the guy has the mysterious fires at his head killing him and tosses him through the door has all villains look at there dead comrade and then the mysterious figure comes in

???:Anyone know of this is the club
Villain 3:Kill him

Has he takes out his guns the battle begins he shoots at every one of them some miss shoots but others were kills has then he was surrounded he also reloads his gun

Villain 4:Reloading ya this moment boy your about to die
???:Oh I have already died before I'm not gonna die a second time
Villain 4:Let's see about that aim

Has he prepared himself to fire

Villain 4:Ready

Has they all aim at him

Villain 4:Fire

Has then out nowhere came Aisawa out of the window has he look at all of them

Villain 5:What the

Has the villain them gets a bullet in his head Aisawa comes to him and kick the gun away

Aisawa:Cops coming no killing clear

Has they both go to battle position has the battle begins both the mysterious guy and Aisawa start taking down the villains has then finish of all the villains has the mystery man gets his gun and put it in his handle

???:So how you knew I be here
Aisawa:Your not the only one trying to bring down Darbi

Has they both go to the computer there has the mysterious figure start to download all information

???:You know I can tell your red trying to see if I use my quirk to take you down but I only battle villains not heroes so drop it also you said do kill them so I'll listen this time but don't expect me to stop
Aisawa:So then why are you even and anti hero
???:Things happen in the past that made me like thus discovering more about this world is alight killing villains it does just make you like them but it's not ever about the killing is why you been doing it
Aisawa:So then what's your reason

Has then the download finish and he grabs it and puts in his pocket

???:Sorry but next time

Has he begins to leave until Aisawa scarf grabs his right arm

Aisawa:Sorry but I need to keep you to know who you are
???:I can't give you my name not yet but I can give you my code name is Red Hood
Aisawa:Funny your more of a Red helmet
Red Hood:Thought the same but I said screw it still fits also take this

Has he trows a flash bang afte Aisawa could see again the police care but he disappeared to then see the scarf was cut

Aisawa:Cut the thing well that's new

With Red Hood he was running throw buildings until he got to his apartment has he got in he put his guns,knife and four grenade in the table and took of the jacket and then took of the helmet after that he go to the bathroom has he watch his face to then look at the mirror revealing Izuku Mydoria with his green hair but with a bit of white in the front

Izuku:Well lets take a look at what his doing

Has he get the drive on put it in his computer he looks at some of the fills until he see the last one

Izuku:Shigaraki revenge

Has he look at the lance that show that there bombs in the sports festival and that Darbi coming with all out team to take all the innocent,students and teachers 

Izuku:Well looks like he's taken the leader ship role a bit to far

Has then look at his calendar that show the sports festival is in four days he look at the place a bit more and saw that he's putting snipers in two buildings has he smiles and goes to his armory with all the guns his collected has he looks throw until he finds his heavy sniper has he picks it up

Izuku:You'll do just fine

Has the next day comes we are now taken to Setsuna who was walking school with her friend Kendo

Kendo:Thinking of him again
Setsuna:Yes I love him to much I can't get him of my head
Kendo:But you still know he want you to live better than this
Setsuna:I know but what would you do if it was Tetsu

Has she was remind silent

Kendo:I can see your point but just don't forget that he want you to move on live better okay

Has they arrive at school they go to there class has they enter they go site with there friends

Ibara:Good morning to you two
Setsuna:Morning Ibara
Pony:Hey you two

Has they sit they continue to talk has then there teacher Flat comes in

Flat:I'll everyone listen up the sports festival is just right around the corner so better get your training g set seen last years only two made it and I would like if at least some go to vs matches understood
All of them:Yes sir
Flat:Good now open your notebooks

Has they all take them out they begin there studies

Setsuna mind:For Midorya I'll do my best in this tournament and see if I can make it to semi finals

Has the day went normal now with Izuku he was in his bed has he grab his phone to then see the image he took with Setsuna and they wherein there heroes costumes thus was after the A vs B(arc)

Izuku:If only at least told you how I felt Tokage San

Has got of bed and puts on his suit has he grab his jacket he see a green clothes

Izuku:For another time

Has he put on his helmet he go invisible and heads to the roof has he sits in there he start to remember something

Flash back 1 year ago

Has it was in Izuku grab has the dead boy then we are taken to the one for all world

Izuku:Where I'm I
???:In your mind where else you dumbass

Has he looks at front to see two people

Izuku:Wait your the one for all user with black whip
Daigoro and your Nana Shimura All might teacher
Nana:Indeed you are and has we know you are Izuku Midorya
Izuku:So why I'm here I thought you died
Daigoro:Or your dead has bricks right now but that can change hey you two come out here

Has then two other one for all users appear the fifth and the fourth(Also I don't know there quirks but I'll think of ones)

Izuku:And you are
Fifth:For now just refer to us has the fourth and fifth users
Nana:You see Midoria each of us did have quirks and now those quirks are with you you have already have the understanding of Daigoro quirk Black whip but now you most master ours
Izuku:But I'm dead how I'm I going to use them
Fourth:By using my quirk Revival
Izuku:And how do you use it and can you explain how it is
Nana:This kid nice and very nice looking
Fifth:Calm down Shimura
Fourth:Basically right now you should come back to live this quirk can also heal your injuries but it comes with a catch the limit of coming back to live is three so after three years this quirk will help you
Izuku:Cool and what are yours quirks
Nana:Mine is float and has you can guess you can fly and move around in the air
Fifth:And mine is lightning burst
Izuku:Well I can see why is a lightning quirk

Has he looks at the scar

Daigoro:Told you anyone would assume is a lightning quirk
Fifth:Shut up has you can guess combining this quirk with one for all is great seen it will increase your speed and at a bit of lightning to your attacks special that when a storm happens you can summon lightning
Izuku:Sound great so how does revival activate
Digits:Like this

Has he snap his fingers nothing happens

Izuku:Still here
Fourth:Dang it I time it wrong
Nana:I'll try no

Has Nana snaps her fingers and Izuku wakes up

Izuku:😧I'm back

Has look around to see he was in a grave

Izuku:Oh right I died we'll wait I think I have and Idea

Has use his quirk to push the top side of things off has he gets out

Izuku:Okay now I need to get to U.A
???:Not yet young Midorya
Izuku:Are you guys in my head
All four:Yes
Izuku:But why can't I go home
Fifth:The villains think that you are dead so they not be expecting you
Izuku:Okay so we're too
Fourth:My apartment
Izuku:Okay one for all full cowling ten percent

Has he go running if the graveyard

Flash back end

Nana:What you thinking about
Izuku:Oh right forgot you guys still talk to me like this now so how you guys been doing
Daigoro:Good and your successor is doin doing fine
Izuku:I know Todoroki had it in him and Fifth doubted but even so those he know about you guys
Nana:Not yet
Izuku:Your gonna do what you did in the last sport festival aren't you
Fourth :If the time and moment is well appear to him
Fifth:What he says so what plan do you have this time
Izuku:Sport festival is only in a three days I'll take down two of Darbi bases one is lead by Twice so I'll take him out the other ones by hand mans
Fourth:You mean the guy with the quirk to seal things in some blue spheres

Has he look around town until he spotted Eri and Mirio

Izuku:Sorry Eri
Nana:Don't worry to much Midorya one day you'll go back to her just not right now
Izuku:That kinda made more sad than happy

Has he then turn invisible and flies away Eri looks to we're he was Mirio noticed

Mirio:Something wrong Eri
Eri:I thought I felt someone I know over there in that roof

Has she points at the roof
Mirio:Might have been nothing now come on let's go to my old agency I go

Has they go in Mirio see a familiar face

Mirio:Hey Bubble girl

Has the blue skin girl turns to see the two

BG:Oh Mirio and hello to you Eri Chan
BG:So what brings you here
Mirio:What can't I visit my mentors agency and say hi to friend
BG:Yes is good to see you here

Has they catch up we are back with Izuku(who will be called Red hood when he has the hood)

Red Hood(Izuku):Okay I'm here let's take a look inside

Has he activated one of the abilities the helmet has has he see the hole area of the base is just one crook with guns

Re Hood(Izuku):Do you guys think we should at more or blow it all up
All four:Blow it up
Red Hood(Izuku):Okay okay you guys ruin the fun
All four:Midorya!!
Red Hood(Izuku):Okay okay dang if you guys keep talking like that I think I might die again but brain dead hope revival can fix brains and memories
Fourth:You make and interesting theory but just take them
Izuku:Go it


Twice:Alright let's get things set Shigaraki revenge plan is soon so let's get moving-or we all die in shame-or finally win for ones
Villain 1:Boss where do you want this two snipers
Twice:Does go in the car now take the first shipment and go

Has they put some if the guns in the two trucks and put two snipers snd basuca in the car has those vehicles drive away has then pebbles fell


Has Red hood breaks through the roof takes out his machine gun and fires at all the villains and kills them except twice who was dodging

Red Hood(Izuku):Sometimes I ask myself how has Darbi not killed you yet after being this annoying
Twice:Hey I may be annoying you little s^^* but I least don't hide my face in a bucket

Has he start firing his gun at him Twoce just jokes around dodging the attack

Twice:Haha you can't catch me
Red Hood(Izuku):Wanna bet

Has he use one for all 5 percent with a little lightning burst has he grab Twice face slams it to the wall

Twice:This was a very quick boss battle
Red Hood(Izuku):Whos the boss
Twice:Me of course-or it could be you

Has he grab his gun and shoot twice in the head has he falls

Red Hood(Izuku):Please don't be a clone

Has nothing happen

Red Hood(Izuku):Okay good

Has he turn to see a hero called black void


Izuku was gonna smoke bomb before Black void use his quirk and send him to the void a.k.a his pocket dimension which was all black

Izuku:Where the F%*% I'm I
Daigoro:This darker than black whip
Izuku:Do any of you recognize that hero
Nana:I know who he is that was Black void the worm hole hero he can basically create a worm hole and put something or someo a in it his power increase here
Izuku:Yeah but my next question why are we falling
Fifth:Better question for how long

Has Black void appears in the interrogation room with Nezu,Aisawa,Mt.Lady,Endevor and Midnight there

Aisawa:Do you have him
Black void:Yes
Nezu:Bring him in

Has the worm hole was created and Red hood comes out

Red Hood(Izuku):I have been falling for fifty minutes

Has he gets up he see the heroes

Red Hood(Izuku):I'm I in trouble
Nezu:Not has you expect but if you cooperate with us Midnight won't have to knock you out
Midnight:I could knock him out in another way if you want
Aisawa:Midnight not right now
Midnight:Sorty but you know how I I'm
Mt.Lady:You know U would do the same that's why I'm not judging
Endevor can we go back to the anti hero infront of us

Has they all look at him

Red Hood(Izuku):Before I ask black void did you blew up the guns
Black void:Yea
Red Hood(Izuku):Good now what do you want
Nezu:Simple my young man tell us all about yourself starting with tacking of your helmet
Red Hood(Izuku): And if I refuse

Then he see midnight hold up part of her clothes

Red Hood(Izuku):You di know my helmet protects me from stuff like that

Has they all look dumb founded

Nezu:Well we should have brought cementaus
Red Hood(Izuku):Dint worry I don't attack heroes only when they start attacking me but why do you want to know who I I'm that badly
My.Lady:Because Nezu being all nice here seen it's either we give you a chance or we can bring you in seen you anti heroes are illegal
Red Hood(Izuku):Who said I need my quirk to beat you
Aisawa:I'm already red eye
Red Hood(Izuku):Well I'm Red Hood and also bye

Has he turn invisible has Endevor try to grab him but there was nothing there seen he back flip he burst through the door only to see some of the teachers,class 1A and B has he look up to see Sero drop but RH front flips dodging the attempt but he slam into the wall which made the invisible go away has Todoroki launches at him with one for all to freeze him but he spark red and boost him self out of the way by using the wind

Todoroki mind:One for all but that's impossible

Has he see Red Hood running Ida speeded forward to catch him only for him to miss has he summons Black whip swing away has he goes trough a window but close behind was Todoroki and Bakugo has you start to use float

Bakugo:Hey red face get back here
Red Hood(Izuku):Sorry but not the time

Has he goes for another boost Todoroki recognize the hand sing has Red hood push himself away and blew them away

Red Hood(Izuku):Sorry but is not yet time for you to see me Todoroki and Kach

Has they couldn't heir the last part has they go back the group

Bakugo:He got away
Setsuna:Not yet
Nezu:What do you mean miss Tokage
Setsuna:I was able to put my little finger in his pocket I can trace we're he is and come back with the info
Flat:Okay go

Has she runs off later on she arrives at the place has she looks at the apartment

Setsuna:I can see how he lay low for awhile well let's see which floor

Has she goes in she goes to the top floor has she stands on the door here finger comes

Setsuna:Okay your back but I gotta make sure

But before she could react she was pushed aside has she looks to see Red Hood

Red Hood(Izuku):Weird that I felt something touching my butt

She gets up quick and goes into fighting positionhas those he but then noticed that her left hands gone but before he could react he got hit out of nowhere and then gets upper cut by Setsuna has he fell to the ground with his helmet of a little

Setsuna:Few good thing I plan for that mhmm

Has she see the helmet almost

Setsuna:Curiosity never killed no one right

Has she behind to take it of but when she fully takes it off what she shocks her

Setsuna:But how I most go back

Has she began to run to leave but before she could hit the corner she was grab has she look back to see Midorya using black whip

Izuku:I can't let you tell them yet Tokage San
Setsuna:Then tell me everything and so may reconsider
Izuku:Fine reptile girl

Has he let her go she comes to him has he brought her inside

Izuku:Look I know you have a lot of questions but

Has he could not finish the sentence has he was being hit by her he was hesitant but he hug back they stood there for a little until breaking it up

Setsuna:Whats with the white hair part
Izuku:Affects of one of my quirks
Setsuna:Oh so are youu I gonna tell me something or what

Has he told her everything how he cans back what's his been up too and explaining some of the quirks

Setsuna:You know everyone still misses you
Izuku:I know but there a reason that haven't come back if Darbi knew who I was he won't hesitated to the same thing J did yo him he won't stop killing the ones I care and love
Setsuna:Maje seense

Has and awkward silence appears

Izuku mind:Now your chance dummy
The users:Do it do it
Izuku mind:You guts are not helping my confidence
Setsuna mind:I should tell him

Has they both look shock and with red cheeks

Setsuna:You first
Izuku:No no ladies first
Setsuna:Alright here it goes

Has she took deeps breath and then got up and approached him

Izuku:Tokage San what are you

Has she then collided her lips with his has she brought him to deep kiss Izuku was hesitant but then embraced the kiss has he kiss back they had a little tongue war has one was fighting for dominance they kiss for a few minutes until they break it up

Setsuna:Izuku Midorya I love you do you love me
Izuku:Yes Setsuna Togake I love you
Setsuna:Good because right now we are boyfriend and girlfriend
Izuku:Little to fast there
Setsuna:Just shit up and kiss me a little more I have been waiting for this for awhile
Izuku:Yes mam but let's do it quick before they think something bad happen

Has they continued to kiss a few more minutes to then breaking it up later they were invisible floating back to U.A

Red Hood(Izuku):Okay I'll drop you off in the bushes you look unconscious and then tell them
Setsuna:I know love I know now is there anything else
Red Hood(Izuku):yes

Has he tells her about the sports festival

Setsuna:There really gonna go that crazy
Red Hood(Izuku):Yea but don't worry I got a plan okay here we are

Has they see a group of the students has they land there Izuku takes of the helmet and kisses her in the lips

Izuku:See you tomorrow
Setsuna:Yes now go

Has they did one part kiss and left and well then plan work the student help a fake injured Setsuna she tells what happened which was that he knew she was coming and that he knock her out in and Alleyway so everything went has plan but then she was approached by Todoroki

Todoroki:When you fought him did you see anything familiar
Setsuna:No he only battle with his combat skill no quirk no weapons
Todoroki:Okay thanks
Setsuna mind:We'll I'll see you tomorrow Izuku because you owe me a lot for disappearing

Has the day comes to and end and the next comes has we go back with are anti hero who was cleaning his guns

Nana:So are you prepared
Izuku:For what
Fourth:It's been one year seen you seen her and also that you haven't talk to her and now your a couple somethings gonna happen
Izuku:What do the other two think
Daigoro:Yeah something gonna happen
Fifth:Is majority vote
Izuku:Sometimes I hate you guys but I also love you guys like family
Izuku:Well seen it's free day for them I shoul settle things here
Nana:Do you think she might ask about your guns
The boys:Yes
Izuku:Well if something those happen can you guys keep quiet for that moment
Daigoro:One condition
Fifth:You reveal yourself after the tournament
Izuku:Fine but my ways won't change
Fourth :I'll say you'll change but not complete
Izuku:You know what this feels like Piccolo from Dragon ball z abridged when he has Nail and Kami in his head

He spend the rest of the day either going for food or getting geared up for tomorrow has he checked his amo until he heard a knock has he open the door he see Setsuna

Izuku:You came
Setsuna:Did you really think I leave you alone after this long
Izuku:Nope but I expected you early
Setsuna:Girls wanted to train a little before tomorrow
Izuku:Okay come in

Has she comes in he closes the door

Setsuna:So there something I might need you for
Izuku:And what would that be
Setsuna:Well you see seen we are now a couple and you have been missing for years I think you owe me big time
Izuku:Fare point is there something specific you want me to do
Setsuna:One thing
Izuku:What would that one thing be
Setsuna:I want you to have sex with me
Izuku:Oh okay wait what!

Has his face turn red quickly

Setsuna:Is there something wrong
Izuku:No no I'm just shocked I mean I know it took us this much to reveal are love but are you sure

Has she then pushes him to the bed and gets on top of him

Setsuna:I have been waiting for you for years I'm going all out with you
Izuku:Then shall we
Setsuna:when did you get wild
Izuku:Seen I became a badass Anti Hero

Has she grins at him has they begin to kiss

(Warning warning lemon scene warning)
Has they continued there kiss Setsuna was slowly pulls down his pants has she reveals his dick and start to stroke it which stop the kissing

Setsuna:How those it feel
Izuku:I..t feels grea..t keep going
Setsuna:Oh have I found the great and mighty Red Hood weakens

Has she continues to stroke it and even then began to do it harder has then

Izuku:I'm cumming

Has he came the semen landed on her hand but is was still hard

Setsuna:Okay it seems that is now time fir you to owe me

Has she reveals her holes A.K.A Vagina to the guy


Has she then place it in and then a moaning sound is heard from her

Setsuna:Oh God is so big
Izuku:In your inside is so tight

Has she then began to love and down close to him has then played with her tits has his left plays with the right tit he licks and sucks it

Setsuna:Yes keep going keep drinking me make me live what we should have live before

Has they continued to that they move around his apartment doing it in different parts has they cum like 6 times now the 7 one right now they were in the bath

Izuku:Setsuna I'm coming
Setsuna:Yes cum inside my fill me up with your seeds

Has they reach the climax after that they stayed in the bath his dick was hard but it remain inside her vagina

Izuku:So just asking how long those it take you to get us a kid
Setsuna:Oh don't worry baby you see the birth time would be in two years so basically after we are I'm done in U.A we can be heroes and parents
Izuku:I like the sound of that but I don't even know if I'm going back at least I will reveal myself after the tournament so next day after I take care of the chaos
Setsuna:Sounds food now ready for round eight
Izuku:Sure I'm
(Lemon scene end)

Has they spent few more time together but Setsuna left back to her house the next day came has he put on his Red Hood suit

Izuku:So ready for some action
Fourth:Let's hope this plan is stupid I mean he did call it Shigaraki revenge so be ready

Has he puts on his helmet

Red Hood(Izuku):Let the show begin

(So yeah forgot to turn that off oh well it okay)

Has Red Hood go to the building we're the second sniper was seen he killed the other one has he quickly kills the one in the right

Villain 1:Hey Tim can you pass me my ships

Has he look to see his dead body

Villain 1:What the F

Has he was stop by being stab in the chest has Red Hood looks at the sniper they use

Red Hood(Izuku):Pathetic

Has he kick the sniper aside and brought out his heavy sniper

Red Hood(Izuku):Okay now where are you Darbi J guess while I watch I can see the sports festival see how babe doing

Has he close in the scope looking that it seems Bakugo have a speech and it look like people clap

Red Hood(Izuku):Looks like someone has matured

On the stadium after Bakugo speech which seem to be better than last years has then Midnight speaks

Midnight:Alright everyone time to begin the first event which will be

Has the screen shuffled and then stop showing the event

Midnight:Are first event will be predators and runners the basic part is that you will be sign two teams team predators and team runners the predators have to hunt down the runners all you need to do is take of the red headbands and has for the runners you must survive until times runs out so be quick and find a good hiding spot okay now everyone split into two sides with equal people on each other

Has the students split Setsuna was in the left side with Ibara and Pony

Midnight:Alright the right side of the group will be the runners left side will be the predators ready okay now Runners grab you headbands and head to the forest to hide

Has they do that the predators wait at the starting line

Setsuna:Good luck your two
Ibara:Yes May you do well both of you
Pony:Alright let's get them

Has they all ran Setsuna was searching the forest

Setsuna mind:Maybe J should use my quirk why my thinking things to slow well to be far yesterday was very pleasures now

Has she send out her eye and looks around has then spotted Hagakure,Mina,Jirou has she send out both of her hands and lays low has the hands got close to the three the left giant got Hagakure and Mina headband has the right grabs Jirou

Jirou:Where did that come from J didn't even heir anything
Setsuna:hey girls

Has they see Setsuna

Hagakure:WOW Setsuna you got us good
Jirou:Yeah I'll say
Setsuna:Thanks guys we'll see you around I'm gonna go get others

Has she tans of in the building Red Hood see everything

Red Hood(Izuku):Thats my girl
Nana:I wonder what took her so long to start using her quirk
Red Hood(Izuku):Probably thinking about what happened yesterday
Fifth :Well you did do it a lot and I mean a lot
Red Hood(Izuku):Well things seem normal but I have a feeling that might change

Has he look at the people in the stadium and the noticed Ericwas there and on the other side of the stadium was someone he knows

Red Hood(Izuku):Mom?
Daigoro:Something wrong
Red Hood(Izuku):My mother she's there I most keep her safe at all cost like everyone else here
Fourth:That the spirit

(Za Warudo)

Has the tournament progressed Setsuna did perfect in the first game she got second place has then the next game was have balance which is basically all the student stand on something and see who last the most has she go fourth place in that game and with the points she has she was one of the lucky students to to one v one the others were:Bakugo,Todoroki, Kendo,Tetsutetsutetsu,Kirishima,Ibara,Ida,Ojiro,Yui,Tokoyami,Shoji,Kamakiri and Shinsou has Setsuna first battle was against Ojiro he only attack with his tail will she fought everything he gets some good hits but at the end and then battle Ida has she defeated him by thinking of a trap to send him pass her body seen she split and dodges the attack has her next battle was against against Tokoyami who defeated her but to give her comfort Izuku call her even told which building has she the throw attention at the the real battle Todoroki and Bakugo which was very destructive but at the end Todoroki was victories has it was time for ceremony until Red Hood see trucks has he quickly took aim

Red Hood(Izuku):About time

Has in the stadium has Endevor approaches the the three winners has then and explosion was heard

Endevor:What the
Darbi:Ladies and gentlemen we are the bad guys and we are here for many things

Has the villains all surrounded the stadium and aim at the heroes and civilians plus the students some wanted to save but got shot has Darbi comes to the battlefield

Todoroki:What do you even want
Darbi:A few things but if you really want to go hero like your friend I can kill you like Shigaraki did him
Todoroki:Why you

Has he was stop by Endevor

Endevor:What are your demands
Endevor:I I'm not gonna lose you or anyone here Shoto
Darbi:Well just a few

Has we go back to Red Hood who heirs this

Red Hood(Izuku):Okay now where's the

Has he see something in his hand has he then prepares to launch himself there and takes aim

Red Hood(Izuku):Fifth I'm ready

(Alsi before a bring this badass moment if I miss the number that the scar user which I say is fifth I'm sorry if The mispronunciation is wrong because I'm a bit confused on who was first scar man of edgy boy tell me in the comments but for now the scar guy is the fith and the edgy boy is the fourth okay okay)

Darbi:Now mak.!

Has his hand where the trigger was is destroyed and he has a hole in his hand has look to see where the shot came from has in the distance he see Red hood

Darbi:Kill them!!

Has Red takes aim and shots at the villains with the sniper

Red Hood(Izuku):Don't just stand there Heroes now is the time to attack
Aisawa:You heard him take them down and save the people

Has he puts the sniper behind and takes out the guns  he start laying fire has some of the heroes and students save the civilians has All might look closely at the Anti Hero

Red Hood(Izuku):Wonder why his looking
Daigoro:Don't lose focus kid keep fighting
Red Hood(Izuku):Right

Has he keeps shooting until he see Eri and his mom in danger has he see his mom covering the girl he charge up his one for all combining it with lightning burst has he launch at the villain kicking him to the wall

Red Hood(Izuku):Close your eyes

Has Eri was shock but Inko knew what he meant so she close Eri eyes and hers has Red shoots the villain

Red Hood(Izuku):Okay you can open them

Has they open them inko stands up and helps Eri up

Red Hood(Izuku):Are you okay
Inko:Ues thank you so much mister
Red Hood(Izuku):Red Hood

Has he then kneel down to the girl

Red Hood(Izuku):And you are you okay
Eri:Yes I I'm
Red Hood(Izuku):Goid now go on out of here okay I'll handle this

Has he petted the girl and black whip out of there little did he knew All might was paying close attention to what was happening

All Might:One for all

On the battle Todoroki and Endevor are fighting Darbi has Red lands on the battle

Red Hood(Izuku):So Darbi do you have a back up plan or is there another trigger
Darbi:Sadly the trigger gone so I'll have to just kill you myself all three of you
Endevor:You are injured you can't do much
Darbi:Well not alone

Has purple and Black portals appear and out of them cake to Nomu

Darbi:Take on the fire family I'll handle the bucket

Has the two charge at them

Darbi:Why don't you just for ctyong out load
Red Hood(Izuku):Sorry but I'm not making that mistake again but I'll beat you not with my guns but with my fist also look up

Has he puts his gun in there handles and than it began to rain

Darbi:Raining that won't stop me
Red Hood(Izuku):The water won't but this will

Has he raise his hand and began to Spark red

Darbi:Does sparks just like his

Has he looks at Todoroki who was fighting the Nomu

Darbi:Then you are bit your dead
Red Hood(Izuku): I'm not gonna die yet not until everyone in the world is safe and they can all smile now face the wrath thunder strike

Has lightning comes down and hits Darbi


Has he ended he fell to the ground

Darbi:Well played

Has he was approaching him until a Nomu punch him the helmet making a hole sending him flying off has Endevor then burns that one has Red stand up and walk towards the almost dead Darbi

Darbi:Kurogiri start plan b

Has Red go to him

Red Hood(Izuku):I feel like you could have been more than this
Darbi:Just shut up and end me
Red Hood(Izuku):Has you wish

Has he aim the but then he noticed that his left side was shown and people could see his face has he was about to fire


Has he turn to see Todoroki and Endevor

Todoroki:It's you right Midorya

He just look at him in shock he didn't want them to see him like this ready to fire a gun at a villain has he then see the cameras see him has literally everyone knows outside his friends look shocked

Eri:Deku San
Inko:His Alive

Back inside has All might comes towards him

All might:Young Midorya put the gun Down
All the user:Well this reversal
Red Hood(Izuku):Sorry All might but I can't let him live

Has he takes and fires killing him in front them

Todoroki:What happen to you
Red Hood(Izuku):Many things but I'll come tomorrow to school and I'll tell you everything
All might:Why not come home now
Red Hood(Izuku): Because I feel like I'll strutter a lot

Has he smiles at them and then look at the camera has he float away later after all was said and done

Inko:All might was that really him was that my baby
All might:Yes miss Midorya that is your son
Inko:Then please go find him
Todoroki:Don't worry miss Midorya he said he come tomorrow but we don't know when
Inko:Okay but please don't do nothing bad to him I don't know why his and anti hero but please give him a chance

Has she leaves now and unknown area has Kurogiri press some buttons has the lights turn on revealing a bigger Nomu has he press the red button the Nomu wakes up

???:where I'm I
Kurogiri:Good the experiment work
???:Kurogiri where I'm I
Kurogiri:In the last lab of the league villains tell me what do you remember
???:Midorya and the explosion Wait I died
Kurogiri:Yes but we have brought you back and better than ever Shigaraki

(now imagine it to be a little more bigger and grey)

Shigaraki:I'm I a Nomu
Kurogiri:Yes and we have added your own quirk plus two more burst charge which allows you to be bullet from a tank and Physical Adaptation which allows you to increase your strength and speed to any opponent
Shigaraki:I see and is the kid dead too
Kurogiri:It seems you did kill him but somehow he came back
Shigaraki:I can still smell him is this the Nomu that fought him
Shigaraki:Then they should have the sent I'll get him and finish this

With Izuku

Izuku:Wonder what H should tell them now that this Red Hood persona of mine might not even happen no more
???:Red Hood has a nice ring to it

Has he quickly pointed at the thing behind him but only to get grab in the neck

???:Not just any Nomu Midorya
Izuku:This voice your but how Shigaraki
Shigaraki:I was brought to this body and now I have come to finish this first you and tomorrow U.A
Izuku:I won't
Shigaraki:Sadly you won't be there good bye Red Hood

Has he breaks his neck and leaves him dead on the ground has the sun began to rise

Shigaraki:The end is near

Has in U.A has the students of class 1A and B are in the entrance with there hero suits and the teachers there too has they wait for Midorya to come but out in the distance they see a figure

Kirishima:Guys look I think that's him

Has they all look at what's coming has it began to take shape has he began to shine purple

Aisawa:Everyone move

Has the creature comes crashing at the school has then destroyed everything on the way inside

Shigaraki:U.A I have come here to destroy all of you

Has he then gets hit in the back has he turn to see Bakugo

Shigaraki:Oh good a volunteer

Has he kick Bakugo sending him flying back has he gets catches by the Kirishima and Tetsu

Kirishima:Bakubro are you okay

Has then Shigaraki appears to them and smack away both snored heroes has a battle began the students and heroes fought him there was no back up because Kurogiri lead the little squad he had of the left league of villain members has they do two crimes back rob and car chase to distract the heroes so they don't interfere with Shigaraki has with him he almost took down every one there heroes and Students yes and even Setsuna was out has the only ones still standing were Bakugo,Todoroki and Nejira(Don't ask why she's there she's just there)

Shigaraki:Two boys and one girl or I should say

Has he slams her to the ground

(Now is just those two and of your asking where's Shinsou of his was already taken out)

Shigaraki:Just two boys
Bakugo:You bastards

Has he launched himself to him unleashing one of his Gauntlets


Has he let go of the pin doing it point blank but has the dust settled the only he got was burn arm Todoroki fires his ice at him but he just use burst charge but he moss the attack

Shigaraki:Maybe I should have keep him alive so I can show him how I destroy all of you
Todoroki:Kill who did you kill before you came here
Shigaraki:Oh why Midorya

Has with that both students gave the monster a death glare has Todoroki than started to activate the full power of Ice and fire and Bakugo Lauch at him
has both fire a full blast of Fire and Explosion but then out the smoke he came out just more burn than ever but he didn't care has he slam both to the ground has he grab there necks

Shigaraki:And now you'll die by him

But then out of nowhere


Has he gets send away has both could see who it was


Has Shigaraki gets up and sees this

Shigaraki:That's impossible your suppose to be dead why aren't you dead Red Hood
???:Right now I'm not a Red Hood but now I I'm Deku and you did kill me I only used my quirk revival to come back

Has he look around to see his friend on the ground unconscious but then he gets even more piss when he see Setsuna

Deku:Yoy two okay
Bakugo:I'm fine and what took you so Damm long
Deku:Just needed to get something that's all
Todoroki:So got any ideas
Deku:Yes Todoroki how much of One for all can you use are you able to go hundred percent
Todoroki:I could try
Deku:And Bakugo

Has he just puts his hand in his shoulder then Bakugo felt something and then remember the battle against nine

Shigaraki:Can you just

Has he charge at them but got Smash by Midorya sending back later has he got back up he saw the three coming to him but they look different

(Oh but imagine Midorya with the new suit but like that)

Shigaraki:What type of game is this
Todoroki:Well if this a game
Deku:Then it seems this is
Bakugo:Game over for
Shigaraki:Bring it

Has he charge at them only to get stop by Deku and Bakugo

Todoroki:On it

Has Lauches and ice attack on him dragging him across the hall has then he sees his right and left has Midorya fires his wind attack which send him to Bakugo who double kick him by boosting himself with the explosion has they both chance there opponent and Todoroki boosting himself with the ice got to them has he shoots his flames landing the hit has then Deku and Bakugo hammer kick him sending him back to the ground of the school has they all land

Deku:I know is against you guys to kill except Kachann but with that much power he won't stop
Todoroki:Don't worry we understand he can't be kept alive
Bakugo:Whats your plan nerd
Deku:I'll use this

Bakugo:Whats that
Deku:This is the third users quirk All blades I'll cut him down to size and you two burn him
Todoroki:That's a bit overkill
Bakugo:No F^*%^ that let's do this

Has he gets back up

Shigaraki:You will never kill me
Deku:That's what you think has he summons 50 versions of the swords
Shigaraki:Well I'm Fuck aren't I

Has at incredible speed he begins to cut every part of him either moving the swords or grab one and cut and with the speed of One for all and Lightning burst plus Float and Black whip he makes good work of him

Todoroki:This of over
Bakugo:Now Die!!!!

Has they both fire there attacks burning him after nothing was left has they power down Deku grabs the torch he gave of one for all to Bakugo and back to him has they go help the others after a short while the police and medics came

Deku:I know should have told you the first time but I will say I did like are team up

Then All of Class 1A and B grab Midorya and brought him into a big hug

All of them:Midorya

Has he was a bit embarrassed at first but got adjusted to it

Setsuna:See was that so hard
Deku:Well either that or you all would have been targets
Kendo:Wait Setsuna you knew
Setsuna:Yes but he told me to keep it a secret and a promise because

Has she kisses him in the lips

Setsuna:What kind of Girl friend would I be if I break my promise with him
All of them:What his your boyfriend
Deku:Yeah also Sero what was your plan to jump on me
Sero:Yeah thought it could work
Nezu:Well is good to have you back mister Midorya but just gonna say please don't do that again
Deku:Well I'm sure if I'm completely back
Ida:What do you mean
Deku:I'm still Red Hood I just decided to be Deku ones in awhile but who's knows maybe I'll come back has Red Hood to school
Nezu:Well yes but why do you say you don't want to return
Deku:I don't want to sound wise and that but I just feel that with the things I have done the killing and know I did it for good cause but I don't deserve to be a hero

Has he began to leave

Deku:But is you want

Has he toss a card

Deku:Call me when you need help protecting the school in the shadows and see ya later Setsuna
Setsuna:Okay see ya

Has he jump away after the day ended the next cane has he stand at what was ones his home in his red hood suit with Setsuna near by has he took of the helmet

Izuku:You know maybe I should
Setsuna:No no no you are talking to your mom and that little one right now or I'll be killing you myself
Izuku:Okay okay

Has he knock on the door

???:On my way

Has the door open revealing Inko

Inko:Oh welcome how can I

Has she look at who it was and began to cry

Izuku:Hey mom
Inko:Izuku is that really you
Izuku:Yes I'm home

Has they hug his mom kept crying has after a few more seconds of the hug

Inko:Whi night his be
Setsuna:Hello miss Midorya I I'm your son Girlfriend Setsuna Tokage
Inko:My baby growing up so fast
Izuku:Hey mom is Eri here
Inko:Yes come in we have a lot to talk about special about this new look of yours

Has she points at the white spot the one birds giggle has they head inside

Inko:Eri someone here to see you
Eri:Really wh

Has she couldn't finish her sentence has she see Izuku she quickly ran up to him has they hug

Izuku:Hey Eri chan
Eri:Your Alive
Izuku:Yes and this time I'm not going anywhere

Has he spend the rest of the day catching up with them telling his story about how and what his done has the anti hero know has the Red Hood

The End

(I hope you all enjoyed that now let's see how I'll do the next one)

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